kkevinj;331780 said:
If it is bullshit, im wondering where the NEW morning wood is coming from. it reads .884 volts. I have taken MANY testosterone shots in my day, and of course comes the morning wood while ur taking test.

Ive only had the rop for 2-3 weeks. I wear it almost allday, except jelqing and stretching, before i had major problems going soft while jelqing. This rop has REALLY helped me atleast stay semi erect and sometimes almost fully.

coincidence?? i think NOT lol

What's interesting about 0.884 volts is that a car battery is 12 volts and won't shock you because skin resistance is measured in meg-oHydromaxs. In fact up to 40 volts DC is considered by UL to be safe for the same reason. So how could .884 volts do anything other than tickle some nerves in the skin? Why would your prostrate or any other organ receive electrical current from something you're wearing on your dick? Electricity travels like everything else in nature, through a path of the least resistance. Traveling around your body instead of from point A to B would mean the ROP's electricity defies the universe itself. This should be further studied by people like Einstein and Hawkins.
MoreGains123;331790 said:
A to B would mean the ROP's electricity defies the universe itself. This should be further studied by people like Einstein and Hawkins.

LMAO, nice!

Penis Enlargement in a Nutshell
kkevinj;331781 said:
Alpha, you say megabiz is a BS site, have you ordered one and tried it?? If not, then you shouldnt add your input on the matter. i bet LOTS of people say Penis Enlargement is bullcrap that havnt tried it. Now if you ordered one and it didnt work, i will apologize!!!!! But for me, it is so far so good ;)

I am not saying it is a worthless tool. The product might be good, but the website is bullshit.
kkevinj;331780 said:
If it is bullshit, im wondering where the NEW morning wood is coming from. it reads .884 volts. I have taken MANY testosterone shots in my day, and of course comes the morning wood while ur taking test.

Ive only had the rop for 2-3 weeks. I wear it almost allday, except jelqing and stretching, before i had major problems going soft while jelqing. This rop has REALLY helped me atleast stay semi erect and sometimes almost fully.

coincidence?? i think NOT lol

Well I can guarantee you this "ring of power" does not increase testosterone. I'm pre-med majoring in Biology, no way in hell that contraption boosts T levels.

The product might still be a good one, but they shouldn't go around making up bullshit. If a product is sound, why the need to make shit up? Just plain old false advertising to increase sales.
Im not interested in the science behind this contraption LOL all i care about is getting harder erections and that is exactly what im getting from the ROP. 3rd day in a row with morning wood!!!! last nite it felt like i took cialis or something lol did i mention im taking ephedrine hcl also to lose weight, it majorly hurts erections!!!! and im blasting though

i thought this ROP was BS, but i have no access to any testosterone, my hook ups are gone, if i had the money, i would go have my test levels checked.

so far ive gotten: harder erections, more horny, less shrinkage after climax, in a better mood-less depressed, ready for round two MUCH faster, ALL from .884 volts LMAO it seemed like after 2 weeks or so is when i started seeing a difference. it appears that slowly but surely im getting exactly what the megabiz.net website said i would get.

i realize that common sense tells us that it should NOT work, but it surely is working for me so far, if anything changes, and it stops working, i will let u guys know
I guess the best way to see the effectiveness is to work with a doctor and get testosterone checked prior to the ROP use and after some time, have it checked again. I was trying to do this a few years back but I never got a second check on my T levels.
I think you'd get the same results if some hot chick was lightly stroking your balls all day long. In other words you may be seeing these effects because of the skin sensation the low voltage is causing.
Who knows, but id rather have the hot chick on my balls than this LOL

I will tell u guys more in a month or so how it goes
kkevinj;331988 said:
Who knows, but id rather have the hot chick on my balls than this LOL

I will tell u guys more in a month or so how it goes

Are you going to do comparison tests with an MD?
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