millionman said:
GM, are you serious about 100 jelqs every hour for 10 hours? If you are, how in the world can you manage that?

I don't know but honestly the whole routine sounds a bit much, of course that's from someone who doesn't really like to go more than an hour sitting in one place. When I went hardcore, I had Red put together a routine, and I was so bruised and beat up that I could barely get into my jeans without screaming. There's a really fine line between Penis Enlargementing in a healthy way and being completely unhealthy. I say that a good routine utilizing a one-on-one off routine would look something like 1 1- minute set in pump, and then 1 ten minute set in clamp and repeat for another set, and on your 'off' day you could possibly do 200-300 wet jelqs. I believe that jelqing is a healing exercise that promotes proper blood flow and for me it really helps to clear fluid buildup quickly, while also promoting overall penile health. I think that's a much better approach to gaining in the long term. When it comes to off days I usually do take completely off, but I've been considering an ADS and jelq only day and seeing how that goes. We shall see.

If you do that, and then take a complete off day, you're basically doing the IPR. So one day, hardcore Penis Enlargement, then ADS/ADC, then rest.
Vaseline_Knight said:
You're still new at this, and your gains are newbie gains. Enjoy them as your penis will soon get conditioned to the applied stress, and your gains will hit a brick wall. Then, after a good while of trying every routine out there and not gaining, if your still Penis Enlargement'ing and havent given up, you might see a point in deconditioning.

I should also add, I HATE not Penis Enlargement'ing. I'm ADC/ANC'ing right now as the only form of Penis Enlargement and even so I feel like a junkie with no drugs. I truely see merit in the deconditioning theory and that's why I'm willing to torture myself with not Penis Enlargement'ing.

Hopefully, when you see a thread "Results of 3 Months of IPR by Vaseline_Knight", I'll have some solid gains to report :blush: .

If not, I'm gonna have to take Goldmember's Hand in marriage. <:(

Penis Enlargement is not only a psychological addiction, it's a physical addiction. I keep thinking about it all the time, feeling weak over my body, and other things, when I am not stretching my cock(hanging/ADS) or working it with my hands or a pump.

I don't know if I could honestly "quit" for a month, oh, the horror!
Vaseline_Knight said:
If you do that, and then take a complete off day, you're basically doing the IPR. So one day, hardcore Penis Enlargement, then ADS/ADC, then rest.
But only for two weeks? Then one month of ADC/ANC, then three to four months of complete rest?
VK - great thread. Your outline of your gain cycles may be the best evidence I've seen (across many web sites) of the merit of the IRP approach and importance of deconditioning - great job. Xeno would probably really enjoy your history....

A question for you - what differences do you feel in your dick as it deconditions? Does it become more elastic? Do you loose length or girth? Many seem to have a very tough and thick tunica after a year or so of Penis Enlargement. Does that dissipate? I'm interested in trying to figure out a way to measure deconditioning progress and when it should be complete.

Good luck with the next cycle - I look forward to your findings

kayaker said:
VK - great thread. Your outline of your gain cycles may be the best evidence I've seen (across many web sites) of the merit of the IRP approach and importance of deconditioning - great job. Xeno would probably really enjoy your history....

A question for you - what differences do you feel in your dick as it deconditions? Does it become more elastic? Do you loose length or girth? Many seem to have a very tough and thick tunica after a year or so of Penis Enlargement. Does that dissipate? I'm interested in trying to figure out a way to measure deconditioning progress and when it should be complete.

Good luck with the next cycle - I look forward to your findings


Yes, this is the main reason why I haven't entertained the idea of deconditioning, as I am afraid that I will loose a substantial amount of size. If we do lose size, what's the point of deconditioning? I could have been gaining and at least keeping my size instead of deconditioning. It's not like we'll get newbie gains again.
VK- Thank you for starting this thread!!!!! I've at p.e. for years and years, and have practically gained nothing.

What happens is, I could have a couple of weeks of successful p.e., then everything goes to shit. Poor erections, loss of size, loss of night erections, fatigue, pain. (Negative Physiologic Indicators; as explained by sparkyx at a thread over at �other PE site�)

The IPR protocol maybe the solution to my problems. At this point I have nothing to lose.
VK, that's correct but I'm looking at it a bit differently because so FAR I'm not having to take huge blocks of time off. I have in the past, but for me when I take a week off or two weeks off everything goes back to normal and I usually get a bit bigger than the last time I measured.

Today for instance is my third day with no Penis Enlargement and my dick feels bigger in my hand than it has every felt. There's absoutely no fluid buildup and it's fantastic. One of the primary concerns about losing gains is valid, but remember it's not going to happen in 2-3 days or even 2-3 months. I've read several threads where someone has taken 6+ months off and only lost .25" combined in girth and length. If you think about that over the whole time span it's not that much and it seems that once things calmed down enough he lost that in a short time frame and stabilized there. I know that with me on day 2 I show some rebound signs, meaning that after I've caused my penis size to shrink a bit because of healing it then rebounds to a slightly larger more full size.
10inchadvantage said:
Penis Enlargement is not only a psychological addiction, it's a physical addiction. I keep thinking about it all the time, feeling weak over my body, and other things, when I am not stretching my cock(hanging/ADS) or working it with my hands or a pump.

I don't know if I could honestly "quit" for a month, oh, the horror!

To me, all that seems like THE psychological aspect of Penis Enlargement. The only physical addiction is when you're hanging low and heavy and when you're not Penis Enlargement'ing... well, you're not that 'hung'... but ADC changes that:s
goldmember said:
But only for two weeks? Then one month of ADC/ANC, then three to four months of complete rest?

Well, that's the thing. Xeno picked the two weeks as 'optimal' because of his own physiology and he stressed that you should know your body well enough (through experimenting and SMART Penis Enlargement) to know when your gains come to a crawl and eventually, to a halt. It was consistent for him and several others that around the 12 day mark their gains slowed down. But I guess you have to know your own body. Here's a post by Sparky and one by Modestoman that I find are quite helpful, specially in addressing your question:

ModestoMan said:
By the way, I'm not really saying that I didn't gain, just that I didn't gain enough to make up for what I lost during the decon break that preceded this last round of Penis Enlargement. If I continue with strict IPR for one or two more iterations I could find the ruler moving in a favorable direction.

One point I wanted to make is that I based my decision to stop I-phase work on the concensus of members here that 2 weeks was adequate. Perhaps it wasn't. I think Xeno based his 2 week determination on actual measurements. He tried to find the point where his gains started to slow and decided to stop his I-phase work there.

I never did that. I never saw any gains during I-phase (at least, I don't think I did). Perhaps I should have kept going, or worked out more each day.

In other words, maybe the take-home message is that the same intensity and timing isn't optimal for everybody. We're all different and should adjust our routines accordingly.

I think IPR is a relatively sound basis for tissue generation, and I'm not ready to throw the protocol out the window yet.

The following is, in my opinion, is a very impressive response to ModestoMan by Sparkyx and should exactly answer what 10inchadvantage just said about not stopping Penis Enlargement'ing.

sparkyx said:

I think there are a few key missing points here that I would have loved Xeno to answer, but he felt like we all took to long to come around...

Anyway, I think the 2 weeks is about right growth before it dramatically slows, but the real question is...what is the starting point?

If you aren't GETTING growth, then the 2 week period is really a useless cutoff point.

He had first found the amount of wt and time that was working for him, THEN found the optimum progression of time and was able to chart when it dramatically slowed down.

So, the real trick is you have to FIRST find a force/time and mode that is getting progress for you, then you can begin to experiment with the IPR thing.

The other question I had for him (which he wouldn't answer, because I had asked too late) was, how do you determine when decon is completed?

That's pretty critical in my opinion, and I have yet to find a satisfactory answer.

I would also like to know how he determined the length of time for the P phase, and what are the objective signs.

I doubt he is ever going to come back and answer these questions, so we are left to our own resources...which aren't too bad.

We have had a bunch of our guys that achieved similar growth in comparable times. Monty is one of those...and his approach had many similar features. As a matter of fact most of those who had good gains had many similar features in their workouts. In distilling those common features, we can get some very good guidance.

One of the things I find interesting is most guys growth slows greatly or stops at about 2 inches length gains...some go past, but damn few. I think those that go beyond should be studied closely.

My conclusions are that the 2 week time frame is a reasonable one, and should only be extended if your growth is continuing at the same rate at the end of that period...but you should be ready to shut 'er down when it slows or stops.

I personally think that when you combine this approach (in its general form) with the PI approach, you have a pretty good blueprint for sustained gains, its just a matter of finding that initial growth starting point. I think that can be best achieved by starting at a very low force/time baseline, and slowly ramping up until gains start.

I think hardgainers should start ridiculously low force/time levels, and of course, PIs should be watched very carefully to make sure you aren't overtraining.

With this approach, it may take time to find the growth point, but you WILL find it.

I think a lot of guys get into way overtraining immediately, and then never "reset" their tissues with a decon break, so find it almost impossible to find the level that works for them.

I think that if you have been experimenting with high force levels, and nothing is working, its critical to take a month or two off, then start with very minimal levels and slowly ramp up while watching PIs.

If low force/time levels are what will work for you, yet you have caused major tissue toughening from high force/ could drop down to the optimum force/time levels and get no results because you tissues are still toughened from the high forces used previously.

To me this explains why a lot of guys can't seem to get any success. They usually end up increasing their forces to the point of injury, not aware that they long passed by their proper force/time levels.

If they drop down to the proper levels, it won't work either, until they take a long decon break to let their tissues reverse some of the toughening.

How many times have we heard stories of guys that end up with huge force/time levels...get hurt, then after finally recovered, start with a gentle newbie routine, start to get gains, then ramp it all up and everything comes to a shreeching halt! Or, get smarter and find they get much better results with much less.

Hope that helps.

[QUOTE goldmember]Don't act like you wouldn't like it.[/QUOTE]

I will deny everything.>:(
kayaker said:
VK - great thread. Your outline of your gain cycles may be the best evidence I've seen (across many web sites) of the merit of the IRP approach and importance of deconditioning - great job. Xeno would probably really enjoy your history....

A question for you - what differences do you feel in your dick as it deconditions? Does it become more elastic? Do you loose length or girth? Many seem to have a very tough and thick tunica after a year or so of Penis Enlargement. Does that dissipate? I'm interested in trying to figure out a way to measure deconditioning progress and when it should be complete.

Good luck with the next cycle - I look forward to your findings


Hydromaxm, well i honestly couldnt answer you that well because I dont remember how my dick felt when it wasnt conditioned. I mean, I never took note of it or was aware of it conditioning. I guess one thing that i noticed in this 5 week clamp routine was that I got alot more 'faux girth' temporary expansion than normal.. and I wouldnt get fatigued. But that's on a highy conditioned dick. I will definately make note of how I feel feel down the line and what differences I see.

I find your reply very interesting as I've been also thinking alot about the Decon break and its duration and what not, and specifically, IF we could find a way to accelerate Deconditioning.

If we could somehow find a way to make our dicks decondition in 2 weeks, then we could Penis Enlargement for 2 weeks, take 4 weeks proliferate and grow our dicks, then 2 week of rest, and back at it... :s :s :blush:
LilE said:
VK- Thank you for starting this thread!!!!! I've at p.e. for years and years, and have practically gained nothing.

What happens is, I could have a couple of weeks of successful p.e., then everything goes to shit. Poor erections, loss of size, loss of night erections, fatigue, pain. (Negative Physiologic Indicators; as explained by sparkyx at a thread over at �other PE site�)

The IPR protocol maybe the solution to my problems. At this point I have nothing to lose.

LilE, my appologies, I didn't see your post till now. Please refer to my previous post and read what I quoted from Sparkyx. You are along the MANYYYY people who fall victim to this. You overtrain easily. which means you can make GREAT gains, with minimal amounts of Penis Enlargement.
Vaseline_Knight said:
If we could somehow find a way to make our dicks decondition in 2 weeks, then we could Penis Enlargement for 2 weeks, take 4 weeks proliferate and grow our dicks, then 2 week of rest, and back at it... :s :s :blush:
I would look into relaxin cream, Potaba, DMSO, aloe vera gel, IGF-1, and other so-called "potentiators" to speed up the deconditioning. In theory, if you soften the tissue / make it more pliable, aren't you "deconditioning" in a sense? This could possibly be a way of extending the growth period from 12 days to much longer...
Vaseline_Knight said:
LilE, my appologies, I didn't see your post till now. Please refer to my previous post and read what I quoted from Sparkyx. You are along the MANYYYY people who fall victim to this. You overtrain easily. which means you can make GREAT gains, with minimal amounts of Penis Enlargement.

OMG. I'm such in idiot. I didn't re-read the threat and just added a post. I forgot you had already quoted Sparkyx. My apologies.

As for the over training, all this has GOT to be dead on. I can't tell you how many times my joint has literally shrunk, shrunk!! after a good period of p.e.

Again, Thank you for bringing this our attention (personally I haven't lurked over at �other PE site� in about a year, so i wouldve never known...) Perfect timing too, last week I got hit with every negative p.i. in the book, so I'm on a decon break right now.
millionman said:
VK, that's correct but I'm looking at it a bit differently because so FAR I'm not having to take huge blocks of time off. I have in the past, but for me when I take a week off or two weeks off everything goes back to normal and I usually get a bit bigger than the last time I measured.

Today for instance is my third day with no Penis Enlargement and my dick feels bigger in my hand than it has every felt. There's absoutely no fluid buildup and it's fantastic. One of the primary concerns about losing gains is valid, but remember it's not going to happen in 2-3 days or even 2-3 months. I've read several threads where someone has taken 6+ months off and only lost .25" combined in girth and length. If you think about that over the whole time span it's not that much and it seems that once things calmed down enough he lost that in a short time frame and stabilized there. I know that with me on day 2 I show some rebound signs, meaning that after I've caused my penis size to shrink a bit because of healing it then rebounds to a slightly larger more full size.

But dont you think the one month of gradually ADSing your way from total stress to rest is enough to make sure you dont lose too much gains?
LilE said:
OMG. I'm such in idiot. I didn't re-read the threat and just added a post. I forgot you had already quoted Sparkyx. My apologies.

As for the over training, all this has GOT to be dead on. I can't tell you how many times my joint has literally shrunk, shrunk!! after a good period of p.e.

Again, Thank you for bringing this our attention (personally I haven't lurked over at �other PE site� in about a year, so i wouldve never known...) Perfect timing too, last week I got hit with every negative p.i. in the book, so I'm on a decon break right now.

np buddy. and don't appologize, I posted sparkx's after your post, but I never read your post to address you in my response.

Keep deconditioning, you'd be a great candidate to test the validity of this theory.
goldmember said:
I would look into relaxin cream, Potaba, DMSO, aloe vera gel, IGF-1, and other so-called "potentiators" to speed up the deconditioning. In theory, if you soften the tissue / make it more pliable, aren't you "deconditioning" in a sense? This could possibly be a way of extending the growth period from 12 days to much longer...

Umm no I'd think using those would delay Conditioning, but you'd still condition. So ya you're right you could extend the Penis Enlargement period to more than 12 days... but once ur gains come to halt, then how can you quicken the recovery and deconditioning phase?

and other than potaba, i know nothing of the effects of other things you mentioned. IGF-1 is a hormone and aloe vera is a moisturizer
Vaseline_Knight said:
To me, all that seems like THE psychological aspect of Penis Enlargement. The only physical addiction is when you're hanging low and heavy and when you're not Penis Enlargement'ing... well, you're not that 'hung'... but ADC changes that:s

I could never "ADC" for more than 45 minutes without my penis gasping for air. How are people supposed to keep it on for hours at a time comfortably?
10inchadvantage said:
I could never "ADC" for more than 45 minutes without my penis gasping for air. How are people supposed to keep it on for hours at a time comfortably?

well you dont do it with high constriction... key is very low constriction.
Another interesting post by another member Shiver, who came to the same conclusions before and independently from Xenolith. Interesting to see how different people are comming up with the same gains patterns.

Shiver said:
I wrote the above just before doing my routine. I seems like I gained a little again (I'm talking ~1mm here so not statistically significant) which is promising. The surprise though was BPenis EnlargementL has caught up another 1/8" since I last entered my Penis Enlargement data just 9 days ago. BPenis EnlargementL seems to trail in a variable fashion of between 1/2" and 11/16".

I've been playing around with the ideas in this protocol for a while now (ever since the thread "benefits of heat in Penis Enlargement"), and with that routine I came in completely deconditioned and made daily gains for for 9-10 days then it stalled completely so I stopped. Earlier this year I did the same thing but with IR and had lost some size before starting, but gained daily again and surpassed my previous best by just a little. Unfortunately gains stalled in the same way.

What I'm doing now is exactly the same thing except I'm not doing it daily, and seem so far to be making small incremental gains. Before, when I stalled I continued daily for 6 weeks and never made any progress whatsoever, which suggests that there is something about this routine in which the timing needs to be in sync with the Inflammation/Proliferation/Remodelling (IPR) cycle.

I know it was requested not to use speculation in this thread, but here it is anyway because something is becoming very clear to me:

Each day routines such as 2on/1off, 5on/2off etc need to be factored along with their intensity in order to work progressively with the above "IPR" cycle. If you do a workout it starts with the inflammation part which is normally between 1 and 3 days depending on degree of trauma. Overlapping the tail end of that is the proliferation stage which transforms into the remodelling stage which can be months or even years. Every time we do an exercise we are kicking off a new IPR cycle which is on top of the existing one. If remodelling is occuring and we change the tissues at ground zero to an inflammatory one, then the other stages will be compromised and progress cannot be made.

I'm not saying that this is *the* way, but I would say that it is the most simple way of finding your bodys rhytHydromax by removing the timing issue (since it varies depending on what the ruler says) and by keeping the overlap of IPR cycles to a minimum (since you're not doing significant damage in the first place). We are all posting progress and routines at various stages of our careers and wondering what is best. We're not getting any smarter about it because there is so much noise in the information.

I like this routine because it's simple, safe, time efficient and (so far) productive. Knowing what to do and whether it's too much or too little is easy because you're using a ruler as your guide and time as your gass pedal. I'm still looking to build the holy grail supplement or device, but in the meantime I'll continue doing what I'm doing as it has a nice reward almost every week, and if it isn't working the action is to do less!

I'm going on holiday the day after tomorrow so there'll be a gap in the routine, but I'll pick it up again when I return. I may do some stretches in the shower about mid week just to keep some consistancy.
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