So I guess that means work out until my EQ decreases, then rest until EQ normalizes.
BvckWood;748054 said:
So I guess that means work out until my EQ decreases, then rest until EQ normalizes.

Kind of :) When EQ is poor there is no better time to stretch flaccid. When EQ is low it means the pelvic floor muscles are worn out. This means they can not withstand the stretch. Also, after orgasm you penis is in the same state of fatigue and this time also can be used to get flaccid stretches in.
I'll start utilizing stretching and jelqing into my routine since pumping alone does really do much, regardless of it being an hour long.
I plan on doing 50 5 second Jelqs within 10min intervals of pumping (60min total) along with beginner stretches pre workout.
The workout will take around 2 hours so I will see how much better I fare, and will be experiment with 1on/3off to determine if more rest is better than less.
I read about your take on rest days DLD. I am wondering. Should I aim to workout everyday and only do enough so that I won't have to take a rest day?
My main goal is girth right now and from what I've read, rest days are a must because the workout should be intense enough for expansion.
Girth does require more rest than length work but you still can go everyday. You would need to find the balance between fatigue and your sex life to be sure you can handle everyday. If not simply change your routine timing to something like 5 on 2 off or every other day.
I noticed after doing 1on/1off my mid shaft girth is up from 5 3/8" to 5 1/2" after my one day off.
It's so confusing what I should do because I don't know if my EQ recovered, or if I actually made a gain. Then again my midshaft was never 5 1/2" before.

Today I pumped up to 5 5/8" MEG and 6" BEG. I've never hit those numbers pumped up before.
Have you known pumping alone to bring about permanent gains? As in, is it possible to cement the size?
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congrats BvckWood! I can attest that your temporary girth gains do eventually become permanent, and then you keep building from those previous gains...and so on. PE is so incremental that it's important to have empirical data-points to make sure what you're doing is effective (and I'd say an eighth gain is extremely effective!)
doublelongdaddy;748229 said:
Girth does require more rest than length work but you still can go everyday.

Keep in mind that any girth gain affects the entire volume whereby if you gained the same amount in length, the volume isn't as affected (did that make any sense?)
I'm assuming you are saying the volume of a girth gain will be larger due the the whole shaft increasing in mass compared to length.

I guess the best thing i can do now is continue what ive been doing, and once i stall I'll add in some Jelqs or stretches.

How much time do you figure out it's time to add on to your routine once you stop gaining?
I guess what I'm asking is, how do you know when you've stopped gaining.
BvckWood;748293 said:
How much time do you figure out it's time to add on to your routine once you stop gaining?
I guess what I'm asking is, how do you know when you've stopped gaining.

It's not so much as time, as it is intensity or a complete change in routine/equipment. For me, I have to always do something a little different every 90 days or so cuz my body seems to adapt and then resist once it 'knows' what's coming. I'll do all my warm-ups 'bundled' for a few weeks, then I'll use The BM as a warm-up at 50%, then do BTC's w/my LM, then hang, then...

My mainstay is The BM and any variation of 8X2X3 or 5X1X3 or...I think you get the gist
Big Schwanz Acht;748295 said:
It's not so much as time, as it is intensity or a complete change in routine/equipment. For me, I have to always do something a little different every 90 days or so cuz my body seems to adapt and then resist once it 'knows' what's coming. I'll do all my warm-ups 'bundled' for a few weeks, then I'll use The BM as a warm-up at 50%, then do BTC's w/my LM, then hang, then...

My mainstay is The BM and any variation of 8X2X3 or 5X1X3 or...I think you get the gist

Great advice. Everybody has a different end point, some find the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) as too much and there are others who think it is not enough and will go with 7x7x3 or a variant of such. It is most important to find what is best for you, not so much what is best for others. This is found through patient experimentation.
I guess 1on/1off 1hour pumping works best for me. It's just the right intensity to require a rest day so I'll be ready to go after.
During my rest day I can tell I'm fatigued because my size is down, what I notice is that although my size seems smaller, it's the size I started at before I was pumping.
It turns out I gained 1/8" in length and girth and I've only been doing this for a week.
BvckWood;748378 said:
I guess 1on/1off 1hour pumping works best for me. It's just the right intensity to require a rest day so I'll be ready to go after.
During my rest day I can tell I'm fatigued because my size is down, what I notice is that although my size seems smaller, it's the size I started at before I was pumping.
It turns out I gained 1/8" in length and girth and I've only been doing this for a week.

1/8 gain in a week is pretty damn impressive BW. I would say keep doing what you are doing:)
Lookn4girth;748379 said:
1/8 gain in a week is pretty damn impressive BW. I would say keep doing what you are doing:)

That would be an insanely quick gain but it happens to many new guys.
I've actually been training for a little over two years now. This is my fourth month after my last decon break. I started at 7x5 before PE. I stalled at 7 5/8" x 5 3/8" since my decon break and was stuck at 7 1/4" x 5 1/4" before that.
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It seems like when gaining size with the bathmate, my post pump doesn't get as big. I'm not sure if the size is slowly being cemented or not since I don't get fluid build up.
It's like I need to add more time but my PI's show that I need that rest day since my tissues are fatigued and adding more time might do more harm than good.
BvckWood;748480 said:
It seems like when gaining size with the bathmate, my post pump doesn't get as big. I'm not sure if the size is slowly being cemented or not since I don't get fluid build up.
It's like I need to add more time but my PI's show that I need that rest day since my tissues are fatigued and adding more time might do more harm than good.

Are you using an Extreme or have you added a wine-vac to your BathMate? If not, do so and you will see those master temp. gains come in.
i can get up to a 1 inch temp gain with the 5x5x3 soem times i only get .5 depends on the day

I get bigger temporary expansion whenever I pump with the bathmate and warm water. Another reason for that bigger expansion with the bathmate is because, the bathmate doesn't have a gauge therefore, you are pumping at extreme pressures most times.

Now that I'm pumping dry with the MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System, I don't go pass the 5hg mark on the pump and I get half inch of expansion after my session and no fluid retention at all.
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