Heres my measured picture for the record if anyone wants to see posted as stridge said he aint seen a measured on at 7 inches girth, not being funny just pointing this 2005 picture out .... yea Mike did also do the same.

__________ is over 7 inches girth, his cock looks bigger though because its WIDER but not as deep. Myn is deeper VS wider compared to Shane.
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Mike has posted his pics as well. He's a cool DUDE!! And he has been there to support many, many members. I think the problem is some guys approach their posts half-assed. They don't do the homework they should. And they don't read half of the threads or posts. They need to do more reading and less posting. (Of course, the opposite is also true. There are many members who should post and support their brothers in penis enhancement and they don't).

I guess people forget quickly, but I don't. I also know that Mike is a sensitive, bright guy--besides having a very big cock.

Don't leave, MIKE!! You have nothing to prove--and you've always shared honestly with us. Fuck the rest!!!

There will always be those who will question your size. They can't believe or don't want to believe that some of us are fuckin' huge in the girth and length department. Look at DLD!! That's just the way it is.


There are some women with small mouths who will go CRAZY to deep throat a big cock. I met two of them. They had learned to control the gag reflex. My Mrs. never could. Oh, well!! You can't have it all!!

goinfor11x7;280125 said:

There are some women with small mouths who will go CRAZY to deep throat a big cock. I met two of them.

Send the 2 to my crib...PLEASE!!!!
Don't let other people beat you man, just ignore them LMAO!! fuck them, your letting them win by giving in, that's what they want.
Originally posted by 8incHydromaxike
Thanks mate, this mean the World to me you know?

You are very welcome my friend.

Originally posted by 8incHydromaxike
i'm no kid, i'm 33 now and i don't need this kind of stress in my life.

I know what you mean, I'm 34 and you get to a point where you just want an easy life.

As you can see by all the positive posts Mike, it would be a shame for you to leave for good. What I suggest is that you have a break for a while and then come back to the forum - give yourself chance to clear you head.

All the best and speak to you again soon I hope.

Okay...First things first so here goes,

Phenom, i would like to say i'm really sorry to have totaly hijacked your thread here, it was a very pertinent question and a normal "doubt" to have especially because our sexuality is pretty much a key aspect in our lives and you should do whatever it takes to protect such a good thing.

I would like you not to worry about this kind of thing cause we do this for US and not for others. Meaning that if you forsee a bigger than functional girth in your future then you should bear in mind that you and you alone can control the kind of gains you would like to achieve through Penis Enlargement so stop whenever you DO find trouble of this kind.

I should say that i have had a very fullfilling sexlife so far and had the luck of having had many girlfriends in my time, lovers, friends with benefits and all kinds of relations with women ranging from one night stands to 6 year long ones in paralel with small "episodes" here and there.

Only a few have had trouble with the girth and i have started at 6.5 x 6.5 before Penis Enlargement. Those that found it "hard to swallow" were tight jawed and had litle experience to say the least. Time does play a factor here cause as they get more accostumed to the size they also find it easier to BJ it.

Visual fear also plays a part here simply cause they are NOT USED to it and it is strange uncharted territory for them and that is just plain normal, it's called the fight or flight reaction.

Other than this my wife does rub her teeth much more than i would like too but it is a low price to pay for such a great sensation in my humble opinion.

Hope you can find balance in Penis Enlargement and in life and enjoy your improovements whatever they may be.

twins172_up;280075 said:
Mike, dld has been called a fake, liar, and worse more times than i can count...i'm sure he has to go through that...everytime some new guy comes on the site and want to challenge peoples word...i say don't even give them the know what you have...and you know what you had to do to obtain it...if you don't want to repost your pics..i don't blame don't have to prove shit to noone...but don't disappear because someone with no history on this site challenges you...i totally understand about stepping away and dealing with other things in your life for a while...i hope you reconsider about leaving for good...but if not...good luck...and congrats on everything you accomplished so far

Mate let me just state right here how heart-warming all these positive comments on my behalf. I am in no way offended, intimidated or sad about all this, in fact, i always try to find good things in bad things, just my way of dealing with the many pit-falls in life.

I never intended my posted pics to be proof of anything to anyone, just pieces of a jigsaw-puzzle that combined make Penis Enlargement so much more powerfull. They are progress indicators and serve no other purpose.

I thank you very very much for your support. I never forget cool honest people and you are a very cool dawg in my book.

Keep going strong and count on me for anything buddy. This goes to all you dudes out there, friend OR foe. I get along with just about ANYONE, always have, always will.

Man, i gotta slow down here, my keyboard is HOT i tell you :D


10inchadvantage;280080 said:
Don't stress Mike. I've seen your pictures and you are a legit 7+ girth, no doubt. Having pics really lets you "brush them haters off."

Yes my good friend 10inch, you have made quite an impact here at MOS, you have given much more than you have taken...That is an A+ attitude right there mate. As for pics...oh well i posted lots of'em, all angles, with girlfriend, measured, un-measure, hell i even posted a few alongside a pack of cigs for comparison, with quarter dolar coins, with asorted everyday objects. I may be bringing in some new ones, some new ideas that have been brewing in my head ( the brain one you pervs :D )... we'll see how it goes. The 3 hander will surelly go up in here, that's for sure.

To sum it up mate. I'M BAAAAACK and i will stay for as long as it takes to help anyone in anyway necessary. I am making this a pledge here.

Thanks for the kind words mate.

stridge;280111 said:
Uh-Oh . . . Size verification drama!

Honestly, I never understand why when people are so terribly offended that somebody doesn't believe a huge stat, that they don't just post a clear and measured picture in the proof section - who could argue with that?

I myself would be curious to see it - never have I seen a measured 7+" midshaft girth. Apparently that freakish guy from the Bang Bros. website is only around 6.5" after pumping, nor is that __________ guy more than 7", and he's probably the thickest looking dude I've ever seen a picture of.

Don't be so offended if people want you to back up a really huge stat with a pic. It's a rare and interesting thing. Just like if this were a bodybuilding forum and you claimed to have 26" biceps or something - people are curious to see evidence of something so rare. One good picture stops the doubting permanently.

Thanks for your word mate but let me tell you this:

I was NEVER offended by either this or anything else, just downright abused after so many months of positive interaction. And yes, you are indeed right about pics, they tend to validate one's point in this kind of context but the thing is...i have posted pics out of the wazoo so it does get old. But do not worry, i am real, honest and not combative in the least so THEY WILL BE COMMING IN i promise you this, not for you, not for me but for MOS and all of us who are feeling inadequate and need the "push" to accept that thay can indeed get out of they're asses and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT and take the space in the World that belongs to them by the horns.

REDZULU2003;280115 said:
Stridge, I have also posted a measured picture of my mid-shaft girth well over one year ago and it clearly showed 7 inches in girth ... albeit not the best picture in the world, I proved it.

Mike, dont leave mate ... it doesnt matter what others think, ignore them and continue to help others on here ... dont be selfish and leave, you have much knowledge to share and you are keeping us all from learning this because of a small majority who think different.

Red my good buddy... I am at a loss for words with some many good dudes that still remember me and also feel that i make a difference here at MOS.

This has been "my spiritual home" ever since i joined and you were always one of my role models here along with a tight group that made this a better place. Thanks for that and for being there for me.

I will not leave, i have much to give, yes pics of 7+ girth too :D, advice, support, nudes for PANDORA :D, and many other cool stuff that is inside my small brain waiting to be unleashed and put to the test by my MOS brothers.

I will not ignore this dude, in fact i will welcome him to anything he may need to make his life easier, that's just who i am. Who knows, we may yet to be good friends in the future. I'm up for it, maybe he will too.

Now go do the work you do so well in here and grow that huge beast to gargantuan size if at all possible lol. Just try not to kill anyone ok?

Thanks a million Red, you trully are wise and knowledgable beyond your years.

Peace budddy.

goinfor11x7;280120 said:
Mike has posted his pics as well. He's a cool DUDE!! And he has been there to support many, many members. I think the problem is some guys approach their posts half-assed. They don't do the homework they should. And they don't read half of the threads or posts. They need to do more reading and less posting. (Of course, the opposite is also true. There are many members who should post and support their brothers in penis enhancement and they don't).

I guess people forget quickly, but I don't. I also know that Mike is a sensitive, bright guy--besides having a very big cock.

Don't leave, MIKE!! You have nothing to prove--and you've always shared honestly with us. Fuck the rest!!!

There will always be those who will question your size. They can't believe or don't want to believe that some of us are fuckin' huge in the girth and length department. Look at DLD!! That's just the way it is.


Damn, my good pal Goin', i can't even begin to tell you how cool it was reading your words mate... I have been following your contributions to the site and let me tell you...HUGE mind inside that head. You have grown in many ways, i did i, you are part of the original "band of brothers" in here and i'm proud to be a part of it. A mod you are, and a mod you should have been much earlier but good things to those who wait as shown by you.

I'm there for ya buddy, you have gone through some of the same crap with the haters and pushed through, as will i. Much thanks to all the good people here asking me not to leave and showing me that i still have something to offer. I hope i don't let anyone down but i will always do my very best.

Keep the outstanding work that you have been doing along with all the new mods, all good, informed and wisepeople, as well as with the senior mods that were always there for us when we first started here.

Keep in touch bro...

REDZULU2003;280122 said:
Heres my measured picture for the record if anyone wants to see posted as stridge said he aint seen a measured on at 7 inches girth, not being funny just pointing this 2005 picture out .... yea Mike did also do the same.

__________ is over 7 inches girth, his cock looks bigger though because its WIDER but not as deep. Myn is deeper VS wider compared to Shane.

Yes i have done the same buddy, thanks for remembering. I say lets put SHANE to SHAME and make HIM feel small :D Lookin'huge there buddy.


goinfor11x7;280124 said:
Mike has posted his pics as well. He's a cool DUDE!! And he has been there to support many, many members. I think the problem is some guys approach their posts half-assed. They don't do the homework they should. And they don't read half of the threads or posts. They need to do more reading and less posting. (Of course, the opposite is also true. There are many members who should post and support their brothers in penis enhancement and they don't).

I guess people forget quickly, but I don't. I also know that Mike is a sensitive, bright guy--besides having a very big cock.

Don't leave, MIKE!! You have nothing to prove--and you've always shared honestly with us. Fuck the rest!!!

There will always be those who will question your size. They can't believe or don't want to believe that some of us are fuckin' huge in the girth and length department. Look at DLD!! That's just the way it is.


I will give all i have mate, and i will make it count for something. All of us together can move the World and rock this place baby :cool:

doublelongdaddy;280140 said:
Send the 2 to my crib...PLEASE!!!!

Mike you really do need to get laid you know :D

I will send you a walky-talky so you can speak with them while you screw'em cause that is the only way you can really be in touch with each other during intercourse with that yard-stick of yours LMAO

Stay cool brother, go out of your crib and actually ENGAGE in conversation with the very first babe you see near you, lets just hope it's not the 70 yo cleaning lady from downstairs :D

Pandora;280143 said:
Don't let other people beat you man, just ignore them LMAO!! fuck them, your letting them win by giving in, that's what they want.

Pandora, my crazy friend, you are very much the comic-relief in here and so many times have made me burst in laughter by just about anything you say, well you AND ROBO-Monkey lol But what does he know? He's just a dumb-ass monkey right ? :p

You have helped me with many things and for a long time, i have always counted on you and still do. Bring it on mate, i will have the first beer, or 2 or even 10 eheheheh

A huge thanks mate...Cool as hell dawg

Manimal;280156 said:
You are very welcome my friend.

I know what you mean, I'm 34 and you get to a point where you just want an easy life.

As you can see by all the positive posts Mike, it would be a shame for you to leave for good. What I suggest is that you have a break for a while and then come back to the forum - give yourself chance to clear you head.

All the best and speak to you again soon I hope.


Manimal, you are a clear headed dude, i like your words mate as they are both wise as well as determined and show experience in life and with people.

We are almost the same age and that must count for something as i tend to think about things as clear headed as you seem to do.

Thanks and lets make this a better place and in return have better lives.

We are all family, including those who doubt me or call me out.

Thanks again, I am here for you all, just let me know what you need and if it is within my reach, it is within yours.

Peace&Respect to all my dawgs

I wasnt bashing Mike! I was technically "bashing" phenomic as i the question just seemed fake in its sincerity to me.

Yes i know mike is hung faaark relax girls.
8inchMike, what are your stats? Yours kinda looks like mine, but I think I am smaller not sure, last measured I was 7.5" X 6.25"....and I am just curious as I am hangin to get length and wanna know what other guys do cuz I think I am a hard gainer.
Hey Mike

Glad you cleared your head and decided to stay. And in response to this...

Originally quoted by 8incHydromaxike
I am here for you all, just let me know what you need and if it is within my reach, it is within yours.

Can you cut 2" off your cock and send it to me as I need it more than you. LMAO

lildude;280185 said:
omg essay >.<

He's just, well how can I say this ... displaying a RARE thing nowadays and takeing time out to thank those who have helped and been good to him on these forums.

Its not an essay but a thank you note for everyone here at MOS and that to me is nice and much appreciated ... I myself have been here from DAY ONE and its nice to have members who put back into the forums and Mike does this with his expertise and much threads on newer things ... we all work as a team to reach a goal .... help eachother and support eachother but also its nice to take the time to thank those before you.

I'm not getting at you lildude, but saying what I think towards this 'essay'
REDZULU2003;280332 said:
we all work as a team to reach a goal .... help eachother and support eachother but also its nice to take the time to thank those before you.

Very well put, redzulu. Yup, we all need a bit more commoradery here between fellow MoSers :) .

Take care.
I'd like to thank all of you for the very encouraging kind words you portrayed towards me. I would like very much that we could unite and be a family here so we can go on to more practical things regarding Penis Enlargement.

Thanks RED you got my point and once again show that you are a wise and very good friend. All you other dudes too.

Next week i will be posting more often and droping some ideas so we can get our desired monsters eheheh.

Peace to all

Manimal;280211 said:
Hey Mike

Glad you cleared your head and decided to stay. And in response to this...

Can you cut 2" off your cock and send it to me as I need it more than you. LMAO


If i could, I WOULD mate, cause i'd just get them back as i seem to know enough to grow those 2" back in a year, year and a half tops :)

Peace mate, and thanks for being cool.


alwaystrying;280190 said:
8inchMike, what are your stats? Yours kinda looks like mine, but I think I am smaller not sure, last measured I was 7.5" X 6.25"....and I am just curious as I am hangin to get length and wanna know what other guys do cuz I think I am a hard gainer.

Stats last i measured were around the 8" BPenis EnlargementL x 7.2" EG at base, 7" MS.

Haven't measured in a long time but will soon and post the pics.

I leave you this quick cell phone crappy pic here unmeasured, a normal erection, pointing upwards, not fully hard and a fat pad of almost an inch. Note the thumb pressing against fatpad.

View attachment 18670

P.s. Head is 2 inches long :) i will measure it too in next posts.

Hanging is a very good way to get lenght when gains stop to a grinding halt.

Never done it yet but will.




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This is not a fake question, entirely serious. I am new here but I would not waste anyones time or my time.
phenomic;280729 said:
This is not a fake question, entirely serious. I am new here but I would not waste anyones time or my time.

That is exactly the way i see it too bro.

Peace mate

Hey phenomic

This is not a fake question, entirely serious. I am new here but I would not waste anyones time or my time.

I have a deodorant can with a size of 8" x 6", now to answer your query and in the name of science only I tried to give this thing a blow job (no I'm not gay LMAO) and I couldn't fit it in my mouth. My lips would go over it but not my teeth and I was trying as hard as I could.

Now as DLD has said not many cocks are perfectly cylindrical so I would image if the can was a real cock I could have got my mouth and teeth around it. But as to whether I could have performed fellatio for any length of time is very unlikely. My mouth would have been aching after a very short time and my teeth would definetly have rubbed the cock.

I'm not saying that every girl would have trouble with that sized cock because every mouth is different but I'm sure the vast majority would.

So in my opinion, for what it's worth, I wouldn't go for too much more girth if you're wanting blow jobs.

Oh and by the way, I'm very f*cking jealous of your size. LMAO

All the best.

Manimal;280750 said:
Hey phenomic

I have a deodorant can with a size of 8" x 6", now to answer your query and in the name of science only I tried to give this thing a blow job (no I'm not gay LMAO) and I couldn't fit it in my mouth. My lips would go over it but not my teeth and I was trying as hard as I could.

Now as DLD has said not many cocks are perfectly cylindrical so I would image if the can was a real cock I could have got my mouth and teeth around it. But as to whether I could have performed fellatio for any length of time is very unlikely. My mouth would have been aching after a very short time and my teeth would definetly have rubbed the cock.

I'm not saying that every girl would have trouble with that sized cock because every mouth is different but I'm sure the vast majority would.

So in my opinion, for what it's worth, I wouldn't go for too much more girth if you're wanting blow jobs.

Oh and by the way, I'm very f*cking jealous of your size. LMAO

All the best.


Yes Manimal, i see your point and i am glad you "took one" for the sake of science :D that is true dedication in my book lol

Also, try to picture a can but with more of an oval shape to it, the top part being closest to the bottom part of the circumference, that will make it more like an oval, the widdest part being the one that is towards the girl's cheeks. That makes it easier to suck on i would think cause the jaw is only limited in it's ability to open by the distance betwin top teeth and bottom teeth. My current girl developed the art in time and she is STILL trying to better herself.

Only goes to about a third of the way down and even that bring tears to her eyes so she mostly plays with the glans. I won't force her to go deeper so i am happy with that.


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