
Aug 1, 2011
Although I've suppressed all thought of this for many years, I had a minor nervous breakdown this weekend and after a painful period of introspection and finally decided to admit that I'm deeply ashamed of my penis size and that it has been the primary element preventing me from having a sexual relationship. I am 29 years old and have never shown my erect penis to anyone. I am now committed to doing anything that it takes to increase my penis - primarily I want erect girth but length would be very welcome too.

I will not slack off or get lazy with my routine. I may be deeply miserable at the moment but am capable of great commitment and dedication. Over the past few years I have transformed myself from an extremely scrawny nerd to a muscular, v-shaped 200lbs (6ft height). I can withstand a lot of pain when it is in the name of self-improvement.

Women are now drawn to me in clubs and bars and even on the streets expecting a sporty masculine, big-dicked individual but I'm utterly terrified of what they will think of my penis. <:(
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Good luck mate! Hope you do well.

Don't be miserable though you should enjoy the Penis Enlargement journey, Have fun~.
Thanks. Wish I had known this kind of thing was possible earlier. I will train day in day, out... fuck what nature (or possibly manmade endocrine disruptors) have bestowed me with, I want a large penis and I will do anything to achieve it.
Welcome on board my friend :)
Just so you know, even though some are reporting crazily fast gains, you might wanna prepare yourself for a long journey.

In the meantime, I don't think you should hide your dick, most probably it isn't as small as you think even though you didn't post any stats. Search for the Small dick contest or so here. This is a video with dudes that have it really really bad. Helps keep yourself in perspective.
There's also a small but still appreciated thread on �other PE site�, that might cheer you up.
Long journey is fine with me. I have been going to the gym day in, day out for years (barring the odd day in which events/travel etc physically prevented me from training). I have not and will never stop short of death or disability. The same will now be true for Penis Enlargement.
that's the right mindset.
I still suggest you start enjoying life now and don't wait forever.
Welcome to MOS; your first step on a journey that will probably lead you into directions you've never even considered.
Arm yourself first with the unbelievably vast amount and depth of knowledge in these pages and then apply it in a rational, but enthusiastic, fashion.

I always tell new guys pretty much the same thing; start off slow- research and experimentation are your greatest allies- AND, you can't train a broke dick.
In the Penis Enlargement "game" dedication and persistence will triumph over speed and eagerness everytime.

Get to know the forums, get to know the folks, get to know just how you respond to your Penis Enlargement efforts.

Good luck and welcome aboard again.
I will be buying a tape measure and ruler tomorrow. I will also take some 'before' photos. However, I do not intend to post the photos until I have a worthwhile 'after'

To be honest, I still have a part of my mind telling me that all this can't possibly be real, that it must be some shared delusion brought on by wishful thinking or something. Why isn't every man doing this?

Another question: do these exercises actually add mass to the penis or just spread out the existing mass? Where does the new material come from?

Third question: I am willing to devote 1.5 hours to this every day, if that's what it takes. Is it possible that i could add an inch or more of girth in 2 years or so?
Hey - good luck but first of all do yourself a favour and put things into perspective. Unless you are very small or very large, the reality is that a chick is not really going to care as such, its not all about how big you are ! Measure yourself and consider yourself against the averages and size distributions that are easily found here. I suspect you won't be as small as you believe yourself to be. Then read as much as you can, DLD newbie plan is great. You can make solid gains, without taking up huge amounts of time, as well as to improve the overall quality of your dick. There is alot of experience and knowledge here - use it for your advantage - use the support of all the guys here. The key is consistency and intensity - but learn the basics and understand your dick. Good luck
shavenasian;443828 said:
Hey - good luck but first of all do yourself a favour and put things into perspective. Unless you are very small or very large, the reality is that a chick is not really going to care as such, its not all about how big you are !

Isn't that just what women say in order to
a) not appear loose and promiscuous
b) not hurt the feelings of any small dicked men around?

I've always been under the impression that penis size is a major determining factor in a woman's mind when comparing similar males.

I will learn the basics, thanks.

One more question: what kind of men typically see the best results, 'showers' or 'growers'? I'd imagine it would be the showers, which unfortunately I am most definitely not.
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Not true in my experience - I think also that you are asking the wrong questions - measure yourself - get some perspective then if you want a bigger cock, train to achieve it - consistency and intensity is what you need.
you should go fort short skinny women, they have small hands and it is highly likely they wont see you as a small guy!
Still reading up on all the exercise details, don't want to damage myself or train ineffectively. Ordered the Bathmate as it seems to be getting a fair amount of praise re:girth. Did not get a chance to buy a ruler/tape measure today, too busy at work. Have searched the house for a ruler but don't seem to have one about the place.

Again though, why doesn't every man do this? (maybe they do and they just don't talk about it) and how does it actually work? Does it work by increasing the size of the blood vessels in the penis, or what? Does it cause damage which is then healed? If this actually works someone needs to write a paper and get it in some kind of medical journal.

Another idea I've had - I think it would be better to report gains in relative rather than absolute terms, as % of original volume or something like that, rather than inches gained in circumference or length. That to me would seem more impressive.
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Virgin_age_29;443907 said:
Again though, why doesn't every man do this? (maybe they do and they just don't talk about it) and how does it actually work? Does it work by increasing the size of the blood vessels in the penis, or what? Does it cause damage which is then healed? If this actually works someone needs to write a paper and get it in some kind of medical journal

Rarely anyone does this b/c it's damn hard and frustrating at times.
There have been reports, you need to look harder, read more and you will find a lot of stuff.
Could I do this and also try a medical mathod (have been reading about PMMA injection), or would that be unwise?
You will get gains man if you are consistent and willing in put in time in LONG haul.
There is no short easy way to getting a bigger dick ...thats why every man doesn't do it.
However once you do get ur first gains I guarantee you will be addicted like the rest of us and that keeps you going for the daily work of routines and trying different things to see what works for U. Bathmate is one of the best ways to gain girth and the inspiration you get from temporary expansion even in the first session will motivate you to keep going cause you will see what is possible!

Good luck and welcome
Virgin_age_29;443929 said:
Could I do this and also try a medical mathod (have been reading about PMMA injection), or would that be unwise?
Dickleaker;443936 said:
You will get gains man if you are consistent and willing in put in time in LONG haul.
There is no short easy way to getting a bigger dick ...thats why every man doesn't do it.
However once you do get ur first gains I guarantee you will be addicted like the rest of us and that keeps you going for the daily work of routines and trying different things to see what works for U. Bathmate is one of the best ways to gain girth and the inspiration you get from temporary expansion even in the first session will motivate you to keep going cause you will see what is possible!

Good luck and welcome

Excellent Advice!
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