doublelongdaddy;746595 said:
When I was 6.5" women would say I was 9"! Every relationship I had the same would be said until we broke up, then my penis was closer to 4" :)

uh...non sequitur alert!
Big Schwanz Acht;746847 said:
uh...non sequitur alert!

TRUTH! Women in love will give you two inches over your real size, women in hate will delete 2 inches off your real size. It is a proven law of physics :)
Read this thread and the first post... the size of a forearm is not that big, especially for a small girl. You're talking 8-8.5X5.5-6 depending. I say "not that big" meaning you'd think a hooker would claim 10+'inches. But of course 8.5X6 in still big, I'd just expect bigger.
Big Schwanz Acht;746923 said:
...sociological phenomenon


Sociology is the scientific study of society, including patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and culture. It is a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about social order, acceptance, and change. Many sociologists aim to conduct research that may be applied directly to social policy and welfare, while others focus primarily on refining the theoretical understanding of social processes.
...which reminds me of a quote:

'those who can, do
those who can't, teach
those who can't teach, teach teachers'

The true Masters can do all three (this is my take-away and add-on)
They have their own condos these days, LOL

I remember the days you would drive to certain streets and pick them up. Now they are mostly indoor in nice places. It's crazy how times have changed. I recently saw a girl from here: OhMy and she had a beautiful home. I was shocked. I clearly work in the wrong industry LOL

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I think they should be safe in places like legal brothels. Never liked the thought of anyone, let alone a woman having to walk the streets like that ... some of the clients are horrible bastards as well.
I think they should be safe in places like legal brothels. Never liked the thought of anyone, let alone a woman having to walk the streets like that ... some of the clients are horrible bastards as well.
Legal prostitution would solve so many of society's problems, not least of which would be human trafficking.

Same goes for drugs. If drugs were legal the cartels would have nothing to sell (besides avocados or whatever) and if more resources were put into treatment centers and mental health clinics then addicts would have a much greater chance of staying clean and a greater quality of life overall. It would affect everything in our society on a macro level, and all of it would be positive.

This is how they've done it in several other countries and their crime and disease statistics all reflect that it works.

One more big issue we seem to never have the balls to solve is fucking guns. Once again, many other countries have adopted common sense gun laws or banned them outright and they don't have mass shootings like we do here on an almost daily basis.

All three of these big issues could be solved by changing the laws but the right-wing religious nut jobs will forever drag their feet to make sure that never happens, regardless of how much sense it makes.

New Zealand for example see gun ownership as a privilege, unlike the States, who see it as a right.

No expert on the US, but maybe the crime rate is so high, they [public] feel safer having guns? versus NZ which has low crime anyway.
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Seriously, by chance I came across the following interview with a sex worker from Australia, however the interview is covered by a English newspaper.

She confirmed what I knew, that sex workers are not these damaged, or abused women, just using what they got to make money.

Good on her, so long they keep safe, don't have some scummy pimp.

Also touches on penis size ... In her view over 6 inches is big, yes that's correct, AND she refused sex from a huge man, not to mention confirming what most of us know, in that these massive men never get a solid erection.


Acromegaly pumping master wonder bout his gains ?I dropped my bathmate today hope is not fucking broken(loudlycrying)?
N yeah visiting Canada n Amsterdam would be ideal...
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I used to worry about it all the time. I thought that once again, I would not be able to seduce a girl.
I miss Lightning so much and when I see threads like this it just brings his memory right back to me. I miss him so much and I’m so happy right now that I know Jaz and Biz are in heaven with him God.
I used to worry about it all the time. I thought that once again, I would not be able to seduce a girl. Now I realize that there's nothing I can do about it. Before, I had only slept with girls who were taller than me. And that was my biggest mistake. After the next time I realized that I could not satisfy a girl, I decided to turn to an escort service. I found a girl on the forum Female escorts | female escort service | USA who is not interested in size. She immediately told me that I was not so bad. It turns out that not everyone is even has the same size as me.
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