doublelongdaddy;707616 said:
That is the game, some come bigger and some come smaller but we all have the same opportunity to grow with hard work and the guidance of the Brotherhood.

I'll still surpass most so im happy
iGrowSteady;708241 said:
@Big Schwanz Acht – Ha, yep, another way to put it!

@kyomoto – Oh no, that’s what I meant, like you said with some guys starting at 8” is where you want to end, same here! Actually I’d be happy around 7 ish:} As to your other comment, that you’ve surpassed others, definitely something to be happy and or crow about… At this moment I’m happy to defy conventional assumptions, but wouldn’t mind being even above that.

@DLD – Well said as always and it’s tough, so tough, for a variety of reasons, but when you see your work FINALLY pay off? One of the best things.

Yeah I'm content as of now length wise but I'm still going for more length as I know I can reach a my goals
kyomoto;708271 said:
Yeah I'm content as of now length wise but I'm still going for more length as I know I can reach a my goals

yep going to get bigger,besides theres a due dateLMAO:):cool:
iGrowSteady;708241 said:
@DLD – Well said as always and it’s tough, so tough, for a variety of reasons, but when you see your work FINALLY pay off? One of the best things.

Exactly. Many things in PE take time and practice to work. When we approach these things patience is a virtue.
iGrowSteady;708335 said:
@kyomoto - Yep, that you have goals helps, I figure I'll just keep going until I really surprise myself!

@DLD - Patience especially with PE! Speaking of, curious if it's really necessary to do manual stretches when one uses the PF so often? Did them for twenty minutes last night, and twenty JQing, but figure since I'm using the PF almost everyday for hours and hours, this all might be redundant.

EDIT: Also, should I start doing soft Jelqs as well or stay with the hard ones?

It#s important to stretch multiple angles, because there might be gains here or there.
An ADS only covers (bundled) straight up/down.

Munto;708974 said:
It#s important to stretch multiple angles, because there might be gains here or there.
An ADS only covers (bundled) straight up/down.


its just a theory ;(
kyomoto;708993 said:
its just a theory ;(

A theory? Not at all, this is LAW proven and written in stone. If this was theory would Brothers ever gain?
doublelongdaddy;709143 said:
A theory? Not at all, this is LAW proven and written in stone. If this was theory would Brothers ever gain?

You even discussed this last year saying its a theory o-o. Why isn't it given much importance then
kyomoto;709156 said:
You even discussed this last year saying its a theory o-o. Why isn't it given much importance then

Because it has been proven to work for every man who has filled these instructions. When everyone can gain with an exercise it is no longer theory, it is law.
doublelongdaddy;709347 said:
Because it has been proven to work for every man who has filled these instructions. When everyone can gain with an exercise it is no longer theory, it is law.

Make sure to change to law then :) scientists are picky
iGrowSteady;709372 said:
@DLD – N Friends \ Curious if y’all think it’s necessary to do stretches when using the PF? And if I’m not mistaken, Jelqs are for girth correct? If so is it better to do them hard or soft? Annnnnddddd finally, is it a good idea to incorporate SSJ’s for a minute each rep during a 30 minute Jelq routine?!?

As you can tell, doing what I can to shake shit up and so far so good, just want to be sure.

I think it is always wise to get in certain hand stretches even if you are using a ADS like the Phallosan or SizeGenetics. The stretches I suggest cover areas that the ads will not hit.

1. Bundled Stretches (3-5 minutes before a workout): Pre-stretch the Tunica allowing for much better elongation
2. Erect Stretches: (3-5 times a week for 5-10 minutes) These will help close the gap between BPFL and BPEL.
3. Expressive Stretches (3 sets of 30 seconds every workout) This will allow you access to internal penis.
4. Basic Stretches: These are the Newbie Stretches and they cover every angle so I suggest you do these every day.

SlowSquashJelq's will help speed up any girth routine. I would completely forego the basic jelq in favor off the SlowSquashJelq. Not sure if you have a BathMate but if you do I suggest the SRT Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) BathMate Routine.

It is always good to mix it up and I think with what I offered above will throw your penis into a growth spurt!
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iGrowSteady;712103 said:
@DLD N Friends - Okay so thanks for the info, took me long enough but have a routine put together... (More or less everday of the week with breaks of course.)

1 set of Erect Stretches for 5 minutes

1 set of Basic stretches for 5 minutes

Basic Jelqing for 5 minutes, then a SSJ for no longer than 5 minutes

Coupled with two sets of the X30 for twenty minutes each as well as using the Phallosan Forte as much as possible.


sounds good bro
iGrowSteady;712103 said:
@DLD N Friends - Okay so thanks for the info, took me long enough but have a routine put together... (More or less everday of the week with breaks of course.)

1 set of Erect Stretches for 5 minutes

1 set of Basic stretches for 5 minutes

Basic Jelqing for 5 minutes, then a SSJ for no longer than 5 minutes

Coupled with two sets of the X30 for twenty minutes each as well as using the Phallosan Forte as much as possible.


Looks good, I would watch over the BathMate sessions to be sure you are not taking in too much retention or causing discoloration. I always suggest the 5 x 5 x 3 as this is the safest method of pumping that brings the best results. So something to think about. Lastly I suggest you add in some Expressive stretches and Bundled stretches before both, lengths and girth routines. Other than that it looks great.
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iGrowSteady;721961 said:
@kyomoto - @DLD - etc - Always appreciate the feedback guys! As for discoloration, there is definitely a different hue of the shaft that wasn't there before, but it was gradual and not that bad at all. Related to the expressive and bundled stretches, at what point in my routine would include them again? I know you said both but I want to be sure.

Also another famous quick questions of mine... I'm wondering, whether I've plateaued or not, and the thinking is I have, would investing in a BM upgrade from the X30 make sense? I really haven't gotten above my best number, like ever. By no means do I fill it up girth wise but I'm a good bit above the ruler now, but obviously not touching the top. So I'm wondering if I upgrade will I see gains BM wise by using a bigger model?

Thanks guys!

I don't think you should upgrade now. You still have space to grow.
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