The tension and grip may be better with the PMP but it was too harsh on glands in my opinion and it was a nuisance I couldn't even get the little pump it came with to work I had to use a gage pump and tape the PMP hose to gage pump.

The pf is nice cause I can use my ointment and a small piece of cotton ball is cheap and can save you from blisters.
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truant;711633 said:
The tension and grip may be better but it was too harsh on glands in my opinion and it was a nuisance I couldn't even get the little pump it came with to work I had to use a gage pump and tape the PMP hose to gage pump.

The pf is nice cause I can use my ointment and a small piece of cotton ball is cheap and can save you from blisters.

You have both? Nice. so between the two you prefer the Phallosan?
doublelongdaddy;711629 said:
Why? Because it is an awesome modification. And if you were aware of the Brotherhood you would know that we give away a tool every month so even someone with no money can win. And in addition, I have helped many who just don't have the money get what they need. So it does not need to cost $700, it could be created for for $200 if he wins the Phallosan.

Exactly and besides the PMP website sells spare parts so someone can just pick up a penis master pro face plate. Although I'm not sure if you have to buy the entire penis master pro kit in order to buy spare parts from them.
2slow;711640 said:
Yes i use the 2 sleeves that slide over my sg rods. That way it ends up being the same thickness as the pmp rods. Otherwise if you dont because the sg rods are smaller when you walk or do something the stretcher moves and the rods end up popping out of the face plate..and the blisters you might be getting them from the ointment. When i had mine i noticed if it get moisture in the bell it will give you blisters or whay i call snake dick. (Chaffing on the glan) your supposed to keep it as dry as possible..i never get snake dick or blisters with the pmp. But if im stretching really hard i may bruise the bottom of my glan but goes away fairly fast. But i also hang a hour a day with lg hanger and when i use some heavier weight it also bruises the bottom of my glan. But i dont worry about it because it goes away pretty fast. So im gonna assume your using small bell and comdom? If so Have you tried using the medium bell with the small condom? The little extra room will help build the glan size also..between the lg hanger the pmp and pumping my glan got bigger to the point its bigger then my shaft and i barely can get it into the pmp. Im also gonna have to get another hanger because of the same reason. If your using the small condom you might wanna try that with the medium bell..

I thought you were talking about how the regular SG face plate would me longer than the PMP face plate. But your saying it just pops off. That's strange cause I wore it around my house under lose pants and it never poped off. The PMP face plate snaps on the SG bars pretty good and is similar to the regular plate in my opinion but it got me thinking if the regular SG plate is longer. Something I will have to test.

Yes the blisters are a problem but if I don't use tension I can wear the pf bell overnight very comfortably without blisters and I use ointment and lots of it those times. It only seems to happen with tension but I'm hoping time and conditioning and the dry cotton will protect against the possible moisture blisters.

That's a good routine I want to get the lg hanger now lol. And yes I use a soft white sleeve I bought separately and the small bell. The problem with the medium bell is it doesn't provide the grip for me. I'm amazed at how big the biggest bell is in the pf it's huge I don't know how guys use that. Maybe because I'm using the small bell I'm abl to get good suction and tension idk.
2slow;711645 said:
Yes i agree the pump with the pmp sucks!! But if you got the hose its stupid simple and super fast to put on..sorry you couldnt give me another pf. To many flaws with it..besides with the arms and pump on it it makes it long then you put that in a stretcher makes it longer and i said guess it all depends on the individual to what they like..

I'm not sure about the pf being longer. Like I said I would have to test that. If only the pf would make a custome SG face plate it would come out ahead of the PMP. :)
doublelongdaddy;711631 said:
Definitely a super modification but one that can be made eventually. I would purchase one piece at a time.[/QUOTE

Yes DLD, I believe size genetics and phallosan forte to be the superior modification over the PMP becauae you can put the pf on anywhere without carrying a hand pump that you use for a penis pump with you lol.
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doublelongdaddy;711629 said:
Why? Because it is an awesome modification. And if you were aware of the Brotherhood you would know that we give away a tool every month so even someone with no money can win. And in addition, I have helped many who just don't have the money get what they need. So it does not need to cost $700, it could be created for for $200 if he wins the Phallosan.

I thought uo couldn't win the phallosan from the monthly poster giveaway??
doublelongdaddy;711639 said:
You have both? Nice. so between the two you prefer the Phallosan?

Over the penis master pro or phallosan I would have to pick the phallosan.

The problem with the PMP is you have to use those sex lubricants to get in the PMP and a big hand pump that you use with a penis pump.

Those lubes dry out your skin overtime especially for people with sensitive skin.

The regular creams and lotions will degrade the sluices on the PMP I seen it happen. The phallosan is nice hard plastic and can take a beating and the whole system is more outside of the house friendly.
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eugine8plz;711671 said:
I thought uo couldn't win the phallosan from the monthly poster giveaway??

Really? Wow, OK, let me redo the math. The Phallosan is $339, with the free condoms it is $239. So for $239 you can create the PhalloGenetics if you win a SizeGenetics.
2slow;711681 said: dont have to use the pump. YOU USE THE HOSE. and never got dry skin from the pmp..i only got snake skin from the pf..and its not more outside the house friendly. Lol..and the pf is made out of the cheapest plastic there is..and from the bell to the end of the pump and the long arms its def alot longer..i owned both of them and im sorry i dont think you have by the way you say stuff about it..i proved the arms or smalller in diameter then the pmp arms. And there is so much slop the face plate will fall say things that arent even true! Sorry but keeping it reall. And the pf cam take a beating? Give me a break..those plastic cheap arms are kown to break! And the pump is also known to go to shit..And besides you cant even Comment on the comfort any ways. You say you use it with out tesion. That means your not even using it..but your gonna comment on the confort of it? Lol..please dont because your giving bs info..ive had mine on for 8hrs in the rack and stretching hard and only took it off once to pee and never had a problem with it and if it wasnt comfortable i wouldnt be able to do that either. I doubt you own the pmp. And im doubting you have the pf also. Because of the things you said. The small i couldnt get my middle finger in it and thw large isnt large at all. And you def dont use lube with the pf. Because if the condom gets a little grease it will slip..

It really makes no difference to the Brotherhood financially as we are a partner with PMP as we are with Phallosan but you really seem to be trying to really tear apart the Phallosan, why so desperate in this? Are you affiliated with them in some way? I am confused on your attacks. The Phallosan would NOT be here if it were not a quality product. So saying they use cheap materials, which is simply not true, is only furthering my suspicion of your motives.
2slow;711681 said: dont have to use the pump. YOU USE THE HOSE. and never got dry skin from the pmp..i only got snake skin from the pf..and its not more outside the house friendly. Lol..and the pf is made out of the cheapest plastic there is..and from the bell to the end of the pump and the long arms its def alot longer..i owned both of them and im sorry i dont think you have by the way you say stuff about it..i proved the arms or smalller in diameter then the pmp arms. And there is so much slop the face plate will fall say things that arent even true! Sorry but keeping it reall. And the pf cam take a beating? Give me a break..those plastic cheap arms are kown to break! And the pump is also known to go to shit..And besides you cant even Comment on the comfort any ways. You say you use it with out tesion. That means your not even using it..but your gonna comment on the confort of it? Lol..please dont because your giving bs info..ive had mine on for 8hrs in the rack and stretching hard and only took it off once to pee and never had a problem with it and if it wasnt comfortable i wouldnt be able to do that either. I doubt you own the pmp. And im doubting you have the pf also. Because of the things you said. The small i couldnt get my middle finger in it and thw large isnt large at all. And you def dont use lube with the pf. Because if the condom gets a little grease it will slip..

Ok so you use the hose then what? You need suction for the hose and where do you get that?.. your lungs? I'm a healthy young man and even with tons of lube I cannot create near enough force to suck my glands into the penis master pro. What about people with disabilities how are they going to use all that force in there lungs to put the PMP on plus you have to carry a hose with you outside the house if you manage to do it.

I had the worst glands skin problems I ever had with the PMP with the types of lubricants you have to use with it. Ad least with the phallosan my glands stay healthy and encased in the ointment and not in some dry bell like the PMP with lubricant that's supposed to be washed off immediately. Both products have there flaws.

I believe the phallosan is easier to work with and modify to my personal liking. With the suction issues you can try using a longer sleeve or more firm but I use the soft white sleeves and have little probems. The PMP face plate with pf never came off for me or I would get those custom rods you speak of.

I'm wearing the phallosan bell right now for conditioning before I go in the SG and it's not perfect. It loses suction if you pull hard but that may be because of my sleeve. It seams if I lightly grip the sleeve just below the pf bell it will trap air and can be pulled hard. Some kind of clamping device would be nice. I tryed a black cock ring and I wasn't enough. And I tried a hose clamp but it wouldn't clamp far enough to trap the air under the sleeve.
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2slow;711725 said:
See you do loose suction and your not even strechting yet. And it doesnt take alot of sucking power to draw into the pmp. In fact i barley suck on it at all. Its stupid easy. And my glan isnt dry in the bell of the pmp either. You lube before going in. Im gonna leave this post alone because its not getting any were..PEACE!!

What lube did you use the PMP with? Cause that was an issue for me with the PMP. Ointments like eucerin degraded the latex sluices and diaphrams for me.

It's not stupid easy to use your lungs with the tube to pull your glands into the PMP bell. I hand to use a hand pump with a gage on it used for penis pumps. I remember others who had the PMP doing this too it was a veteran member who used a the pump with the handles and gage. This has been discussed that's why everyone is moving on to the phallosan and trying to make it work. I'm sorry you sold yours lol. :)
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The PMP does have good suction. Even if you were to get a fancy mini pocket sized pump for the PMP to attach to the tube and use outside.

The problem with the PMP is the latex sluices degrade when used with creams for people with sensetive skin.

2slow you don't read. I've tryed many times using the phallosan with my preferred method of using the phallosan with the penis master pro face plate and size genetics extender combo.

I use nice soft sleeves and ointment and pieces of cotton ball to protect my glands. When stretching in the SG it's exactly like the PMP except now I can use my precious ointments with the hard plastic of the phallosan bell.

The suction with the pf stays for hours when used with the SG and is easily taken off and put back on without using a tube like with the PMP.

If I can find some kind of good adjustable clamp which I'm sure I can the phallosan might be perfect.

About the SG rods and PMP face plate. Both faces plates are very similar to the regular SG face plate except the PMP plate snaps on.

It doesn't fall off the size genetics rods I never heard of such thing and it's never happened to me once when using the SG rods with PMP or pf.
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2slow;711737 said:
Since i ran out of the lube that came with it, the closet thing i could find wich works pretty good is ky jelly. The jelly not the waterbase stuff. And it seems to work pretty good. And it hasnt hurt my sluiths nor diaframes.The stuff that came with it id rather have but not gonna order it till i need more sluiths amd diaframs. Dont know why you had a problem using the hose. It takes me maybe 3sec to put on. And 1sec to take off..and the hose isnt a problem to bring with its a small hose. And like i said i wear mine between 8 and 10hrs a day. And take it off maybe 2 times a day. So not a big deal. You had to buy an expensive stretcher the pf to modify it to work with a stretcher. Makes alot of sense doesnt it. You must have money to burn. Lol. Can you post a pic of your stretcher and your pmp? Listen bro not gonna fight or argue with you, its not why im here bro. You like yours and i like probably like steak while i prefer chicken or fish.. glad your happy with yours..good luck with your journy bro. I really mean that..

That's what I'm saying I can't use those types of lubes. I'm not knocking the PMP, it's a good alternative that doesn't require a sleeve and it gives good suction but yeah I just can't use my lungs to put it on lol.

That's strange the PMP face plate slips off the SG rods for you. I see the picture but I've looked at the picture and wore the PMP and phallosan with the size genetics rods and it never slipped off.

Although one end may snap off depending on the way I sit so I just snap it back. The custom rods sounds like a good idea then. You never said where you got it done.
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truant;711742 said:
That's what I'm saying I can't use those types of lubes. I'm not knocking the PMP, it's a good alternative that doesn't require a sleeve and it gives good suction but yeah I just can't use my lungs to put it on lol.

That's strange the PMP face plate slips off the SG rods for you. I see the picture but I've looked at the picture and wore the PMP and phallosan with the size genetics rods and it never slipped off.

Although one end may snap off depending on the way I sit so I just snap it back. The custom rods sounds like a good idea then. You never said where you got it done.

So you finally decided on the PMP?
doublelongdaddy;711845 said:
So you finally decided on the PMP?

what other option is best in terms of money saving
kyomoto;711863 said:
what other option is best in terms of money saving

It really depends on what you want to do with it. The SizeGenetics is the least expensive and I think gives the most bang for your buck but there are some things that the SG lacks that the PMP and/or the Phallosan has. For instance the Phallosan can be worn through the night. The PMP gives you many options that are not available on the Phallosan or the SG. Intensity in the SG or PMP is strongest when compared to Phallosan. There are two ways to gain length with ADS devices, long less intense sessions or short more intense sessions, both bring gains in different ways. The best advice I can give is research progress threads and get a good spectrum of advice from many sources.
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