doublelongdaddy;516103 said:
Welcome home my Brother! We will be carrying sleeves in a couple days (in addition to many other pop items) making it easier for everyone to find what the need.

Thanks DLD!

Had to order the sleeves somewhere else because I need them now but I got the Hydromax from your link.
There's going to be some changes with my research animal. His name is Ferris and this is his day off.

CJC with DAC 500mcg DAILY combined with Ipamorelin 100mcg 3x/day (already started)

Anecdotal evidence suggests this yields somewhere around 8-10iu GH continuous stream throughout the day which is anabolic dose much like a bodybuilder would use. This will test my theory that an anabolic dose of GH is needed to enhance growth as opposed to the fat burning dosage used by everyone else. We are not trying to burn fat here we are trying to grow. High doses of GH are known to cause ORGAN growth and I want my animal to have a big organ.

I can attest that it is anabolic because I'm already seeing muscle growth and fat is melting off, this is far more dramatic than CJC w/o DAC. His skin and hair are glowing which tells me this is having a very good effect on collagen turnover.

To speed recovery and enhance size he will also need BPC-157 administered daily. Perhaps it will enhance growth since it generates collagen and repairs nerve and connective tissue. Why not?

The other addition is hydrocortizone cream after a session, should help with skin irritation.

So I want 1/2 inch per month now, I feel I have the advanced materials and knowledge assembled to take a run at it.

I can't really start in earnest until I get pump sleeves and BPC 157 so until then I'll stick with manual stretching after the PGE1 session but it will be every day.

It's almost D-Day for Ferris, poor little prick.
Do you think that the CJC with DAC and Ipamorelin would cause Ferris' ligaments to toughen up due to the increased GH in his body?
MikeShlort;516545 said:
Do you think that the CJC with DAC and Ipamorelin would cause Ferris' ligaments to toughen up due to the increased GH in his body?

Good question, no idea really.
So the last couple days not much, work has been hell, got sick, have to work anyway.

I've been having Ferris do kegel holds as explained in newbie routine.

I didn't have much time so I tried out the new Hydromax today and did a 10 minute session.
Let me safe you alot of time,money and dissapointment.I spend couple years and more then 20.000 dollars on chemical penisenlargement.

length: negative
girth: a little.But no any significant difference when using only girth excersises.
10InchPriority can you ellaborate on what your ChemPenis Enlargement regime was and what exercises you were doing?
10InchPriority;516927 said:
Let me safe you alot of time,money and dissapointment.I spend couple years and more then 20.000 dollars on chemical penisenlargement.

length: negative
girth: a little.But no any significant difference when using only girth excersises.

That's too bad.

Well everybody I'm sorry this experiment has failed, nothing to see here folks.

Meanwhile back at the lab...
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I have to say I was really pissed off this morning trying to use the Hydromax.

I had the godamned comfort pad on sideways and my pubic hair had grown a lot. It wouldn't pump for shit.

Once I shaved and got the hang of it it worked much better, I think more powerful than the X-40. Nice that you can lock the top.
bigdex28;516948 said:
Hey peter have you started back taking the PGE1 injections again?

Still working up my nerve, maybe tonight.

I've been doing an easy 10-15 minute Bathmate session in the morning to kind of work back in while avoiding any skin irritation that would prevent evening injections.

I'd like to keep that going indefinitely because I think it hangs better throughout the day.
petersouth;517243 said:
Still working up my nerve, maybe tonight.

I've been doing an easy 10-15 minute Bathmate session in the morning to kind of work back in while avoiding any skin irritation that would prevent evening injections.

I'd like to keep that going indefinitely because I think it hangs better throughout the day.

I find that one days I work out or do anything for an hour that gets my heart rate up that injecting doesn't hurt nearly as much as it does on days that I have just worked but not gone to the gym or biked.
bigdex28;516932 said:
10InchPriority can you ellaborate on what your ChemPenis Enlargement regime was and what exercises you were doing?


The main things I used are Pge1,Igf-1,igf-lr3,mgf,hgh,DHT and probably other things that I cant remember.

On the days I was injecting pge-1 I had a couple of hours erection followed by another couple hours of lower erection , so basicly you can't do a lot of exercises with a erection.When the erection reduced enough I was doing the exercises that you can find on this site.

Also if you want my advice go do your own research as their are people on the internet who use pge-1 the wrong way and they litteraly fucked up their penis and need 100 time the average dose to get erect.Also Don't inject each day ( Its to bad and one of the reasons why it doesnt work very well) because it will lead that your penis tissue( pge1 receptors) become very insensitive to pge-1.Also injecting each day ( forget about injecting couple times a day) there is a bigger chance of getting a priapism, most likely because the next dose is cumulative.

Good luck.
10InchPriority;517662 said:

The main things I used are Pge1,Igf-1,igf-lr3,mgf,hgh,DHT and probably other things that I cant remember.

On the days I was injecting pge-1 I had a couple of hours erection followed by another couple hours of lower erection , so basicly you can't do a lot of exercises with a erection.When the erection reduced enough I was doing the exercises that you can find on this site.

Also if you want my advice go do your own research as their are people on the internet who use pge-1 the wrong way and they litteraly fucked up their penis and need 100 time the average dose to get erect.Also Don't inject each day ( Its to bad and one of the reasons why it doesnt work very well) because it will lead that your penis tissue( pge1 receptors) become very insensitive to pge-1.Also injecting each day ( forget about injecting couple times a day) there is a bigger chance of getting a priapism, most likely because the next dose is cumulative.

Good luck.

I think most of the stuff other than PGE1 is bunk. PGE1 definitely works, the only question is the best way to use it. I heard people say that injecting every day the results they got are much faster, some form of training every day is definitely the way to go.

OTOH the doctors in the patent were giving doses 3-5x per week. Honestly I was more than satisfied with my growth last time and I was barely doing it every other day 1/4 of an inch per month is pretty good.

One thought I had was to do PGE1 day 1 and DMSO/paba day 2 and alternate. Basically I would do the PGE1/Bathmate HC/Manual Stretches day 1 and day 2 would be DMSO/Paba/Newbie Routine. That would prevent developing too much of a tolerance quicky.

The key would be finding ways of keeping the dose low as long as possible, that could allow for more potential down the road.
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Since my last post on 11/11 I've been waking up every morning and doing standard Bathmate pumping sets 10-15 minutes.

This morning I did a set of manual stretches from the newbie routine then 10 minutes of pumping.

Ferris got his evening injection of 10mcg PGE1, 4 hours followed by 3 sets DLD Hardcore stretches.

An interesting development is that after 4 hours at a reduced dose and 3 sets of Bathmate stretches, the hamster is still standing at attention. I think this may have to do with all the PC exercises from the newbie routine I've been having him do while taking time off from Penis Enlargement. I never really did them before and I've noticed much harder erections.

One interesting twist: doing them with Myostatin inhibitors. Really brought the PC muscle up quick.

Expansion after pumping, 5 3/4. Not sure if I got there before.
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hepcat;517809 said:
You named your dick Ferris!LMAO

No Ferris is his lab ferret who is going to be ripped with a huge cock
hepcat;517809 said:
You named your dick Ferris!LMAO


Another injection

10mcg seems to be too much now, looks like my tolerance went back to square one.

Erection lasted almost 7 hours and I couldn't find any sudafed but I had some benadryl. Wasn't easy to get rid of, had to spend an hour exercising to get rid of it

After Bathmate stretches girth was up to 6.25. I credit removing the comfort pad from the Bathmate, stretches work better without the comfort pad.

I still use the X-40e, can't really get the hang of the new one.
Damn too bad you got the X40, from what I read penomet is the way to go. I even read that it reverses discoloration
petersouth;520503 said:
I still use the X-40e, can't really get the hang of the new one.

The valve is tricky to figure out but worth the time invested, once mastered it is much more powerful than the X-40. I spent a whole day studying and trying it out.
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