sasquatch said:
I once read a book on how to re-grow your hair, the author was bald. His advice had virtually no merrit, get it.

Haha, yeh I get that. I mean I get what your saying about these supposed gurus as you call them. But DLD doesnt have a 6 inch dick and preach about making your dick huge through excercises. He doesnt even have a 9 inch dick. His dick is mother fucking 11.5 inches. He has earned his right to preach in my book.

I mean, not only that: that is really just whats on the surface. DLD also has the right to do what he does, earned the right i should say, because he has proven himself to actually care about teaching and helping people. He is genuine in what he does and how good he is at it. He is a guru of sorts.
More Meat said:
Haha, yeh I get that. I mean I get what your saying about these supposed gurus as you call them. But DLD doesnt have a 6 inch dick and preach about making your dick huge through excercises. He doesnt even have a 9 inch dick. His dick is mother fucking 11.5 inches. He has earned his right to preach in my book.

I mean, not only that: that is really just whats on the surface. DLD also has the right to do what he does, earned the right i should say, because he has proven himself to actually care about teaching and helping people. He is genuine in what he does and how good he is at it. He is a guru of sorts.

Yeah just like them ABiT GURU BOARDS

True, Dld has shown what Penis Enlargement has done on himself and I give him credit for exposing himself. He may be removed from the list.
sasquatch said:
I've made gains, don't get me wrong. I'm not asking for advice on how to make my dick larger. I have a pretty strong understanding of what works and what does'nt. I've been around this game for a lot more than 2 years.

But all the Penis Enlargement sites (pay sites and forums, I've been a member of more than I can remember) just seem to be full of guy's with dreams of getting a huge dick being promised this by some guru who can't or will not back up his claims and advice. All the proof and development is being done by us, the thousands of neophytes and so called vets and after as many years as I have been at this I can consider myself a vet.

I once read a book on how to re-grow your hair, the author was bald. His advice had virtually no merrit, get it.

Well if you're such a seasoned vet and you consider someone like me a neophyte what was the point of this thread??:(
I think the point of thread was to say,

"Gurus should be putting easily available pics of their massie cocks on display if they wasnt us to buy into Penis Enlargement, what have they got to be afreaid of?"
Cool_as_fcuk said:
I think the point of thread was to say,

"Gurus should be putting easily available pics of their massie cocks on display if they wasnt us to buy into Penis Enlargement, what have they got to be afreaid of?"

All translates into one word: Doubter.
I dunno about that... if the info was free then it wouldn't matter. But if they are asking people to pay then they should provide proof of their 'product' to be more successful...

If somebody said to you, "look I have worked out a way of, for instance 'growing a 3rd arm', give me $1000 and I'll tell and show you how to do it"... you aint gonna pay until you've seen some pretty reliable proof that the guy actually has a 3rd arm...
Doesn't dld have a stickied thread in the picture proof forum?

Maybe they just aren't as comfortable as DLD to show a picture of their dicks on the net for all to see.
Cool_as_fcuk said:
I dunno about that... if the info was free then it wouldn't matter. But if they are asking people to pay then they should provide proof of their 'product' to be more successful...

If somebody said to you, "look I have worked out a way of, for instance 'growing a 3rd arm', give me $1000 and I'll tell and show you how to do it"... you aint gonna pay until you've seen some pretty reliable proof that the guy actually has a 3rd arm...

I've learned a hell of a lot from this forum in regards to pe and it didn't cost me a fucking dime. So thanks DLD and everybody I've learned from here. If any of you think pe's a scam and who the hell does people like DLD think they are trying to make money off this? Keep on doubting with your same ol' cock while me and the rest of the bunch get off our asses and get down to business. After all this forum and it's members have given the common man you still complain. Fuckin' typical.
Cool_as_fcuk said:
I think you guys are getting the wrong idea...
what he wants to see is pics of the guys' huge dicks to prove they have done what they claim. On the few Penis Enlargement sites I have browsed around at, there never seems to be easily available picture proof of the guy running the site.

No offence, but it's the same on MOS, I mean all I could find was a very small pic that made up the '1' of the 10 on the 10 Inch Penis page...

I think he's saying that if these 'gurus' want people to join and pay for their site they should have lots of good quality pics of essentially, their 'product'... I mean surely they've gone to all the trouble of making a website, why not snap a few nice shots?
thats exacally what he meant. I dont know where the confusion was, he made that clear. also i agree with you 100 percent for the past 2 months i havent seen any gains and i feel like im wasting my time. Also i've read from alot of doctors, that say it is bad to Practice penis enlargment because all your doing is creating scar tissue to make it bigger, which will impair your erection quality big completly impotent eventually, along with other serious injury possibilities. It is an everyday gamble pullin and tuggin and bending our "super important cant live without" penises
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desiel_dick said:
thats exacally what he meant. I dont know where the confusion was, he made that clear. also i agree with you 100 percent for the past 2 months i havent seen any gains and i feel like im wasting my time. Also i've read from alot of doctors, that say it is bad to Practice penis enlargment because all your doing is creating scar tissue to make it bigger, which will impair your erection quality big completly impotent eventually, along with other serious injury possibilities. It is an everyday gamble pullin and tuggin and bending our "super important cant live without" penises

Uh ok, doesnt your sig. state that youve grown an inch in length and a bunch of girth since youve been doing Penis Enlargement? Also, my erections have only gotten better as Ive done Penis Enlargement. Personally, I dont think that doctors really know shit about Penis Enlargement as there has never been a large scale, serious study on the matter. So, We're it! And if I had to conclude anything from us its that Penis Enlargement works and that it doesnt have a negative effect on the penis, but in fact it has quite the opposite effect.
sasquatch said:
I've been jelqing, pumping, stretching, squeezing and hanging for years. True I have not been as dedicated as I should be but my results have never been that impressive especially considering the time I have spent on making it bigger.

What type of time and consistency have you dedicated? Penis Enlargement is much more than going through the motions it take belief and tenacity. Maybe your results were not enough to inspire you. I got excellent initial results and my belief was solid.

sasquatch said:
, there are quite a few "leaders" of the Penis Enlargement world that have lured us in with a multitude of exercises and techniques. No offense to any names mentioned here but we have yet to see any real proof from all the talk. Names such as Matt (CheekyCherry), Bib, Thunder, Big Al, Dld, and Brandon Reese all share something in common. They have not shown the results of these "remarkable exercises" or they have not gained any more than 99% of us followers.

The proof I have given is enough to satisfy myself and those who choose to believe. Most guys are apprehensive to post pictures and video, I never was but I have come to a time in my career that I choose not to post pictures as much as I used to. Just not necessary, men will join based on my credentials and if not they can get it all for free here on the forums.

sasquatch said:
Penis Enlargement works so well for these guys then show it. I have never seen anything even close to Mandigo or __________ come from the Penis Enlargement followers. Names such as Uli appear occasionally but once again NO PROOF other than ridicules photoshop pics to lure people into pay sites or for false bragging rights.

Whether or not you think pictures are Photoshop enhanced is your own business. I have had people go both ways on my video and pics I choose to ignore it. My pictures are there to show the work I have done, if it is unimpressive or unbelievable to someone is their own choice.

Competing with the likes of Shane and __________ is tough. These are two of the most massive men in �naked people movies� with allot of big dick advantage when it comes to their producers. I could not fuck with their work, they have a home court advantage.

sasquatch said:
am not a disbeliever in Penis Enlargement, I just want to believe that it can give results that would make me or someone else say "holy shit".

If you look through picture proof or any of the other forums that offer pictures you will see results. If you are looking for a 5 to a 12, good luck but you will see excellent progress from dedicated guys. Belief sometimes has got to be blind especially if you never know what you are looking at is real or fake.
If you pull on your dick for hours upon hours every week it will only get bigger. Penis Enlargement is simple and it works if you put dedication and effort into it. You have to be consistent.
AcesHigh said:
If you pull on your dick for hours upon hours every week it will only get bigger. Penis Enlargement is simple and it works if you put dedication and effort into it. You have to be consistent.

Simple and to the point!
doublelongdaddy said:
Simple and to the point!

No doubt!

How can Penis Enlargement lack credibility when you have thousands of men on these forums, MOS, Cheek Cherry, Penis Enlargement forums, and Thundersplace.? Not all of us have posted measured shots yet, but you can really tell a difference in size by those of us who have been around for awhile and posted different pics of our dicks at different times in our Penis Enlargement adventure.
Thank's Dld for the responce. Out of all the Penis Enlargement sites of been on I've chosen this site as the best, reason being, I give you the most respect and credibilty amongst your peers (pe'ers). We use to post on �other PE site� together seems like at least 4 years ago. I've watched your compulsize obsession with Penis Enlargement and the dedication like nobody out there take you to the present. I apologize for putting you on that list <:(

But you seem to understand what my point was. Body building has its freak show, I would like to see more of that level in Penis Enlargement. If I would have dedicated as much time in the last 3 years to weightlifting as compared to Penis Enlargement (approx. 1100 hours or 45 days of straight Penis Enlargement'ing without a break) I would be one built motherfucker.
sasquatch said:
Thank's Dld for the responce. Out of all the Penis Enlargement sites of been on I've chosen this site as the best, reason being, I give you the most respect and credibilty amongst your peers (pe'ers). We use to post on �other PE site� together seems like at least 4 years ago. I've watched your compulsize obsession with Penis Enlargement and the dedication like nobody out there take you to the present. I apologize for putting you on that list <:(

But you seem to understand what my point was. Body building has its freak show, I would like to see more of that level in Penis Enlargement. If I would have dedicated as much time in the last 3 years to weightlifting as compared to Penis Enlargement (approx. 1100 hours or 45 days of straight Penis Enlargement'ing without a break) I would be one built motherfucker.

Thanks for the credit:) It is good to hear this when I get into a creative slump. I remember the nay-sayer's attacking my credibility when I set out to do MOS and I feel a similar presence in the ALPHA+BLADE project. Once anyone emerges as an authority in any job, sport or any other position in life, credibility is the first thing that will be attacked. If someone is reputable, they will get through this.

I have already learned what DLD represents to the public, good or bad but always predictable. Either it is "This guy is great and look at all the innovations he has made in Penis Enlargement" or "DLD is a liar, who is out for your money but look at all the innovations he has made in Penis Enlargement, so I guess it's OK" So fucking predictable but it never mattered that much to me. My position on any of the rumors was rarely heard among all the gossip so I gave up. The point is it is PREDICTABLE therefore it no longer means anything to me. Today the gosip is about ALPHA+BLADE, next week it may be my scrotum size....I never know. What I do know is my answer to anything that has ever been asked, I started Penis Enlargement at 6.5 x 4.75 inches, I gained to a respectable 10.5 x 6.5" or shall I say respectively:) During this time I did for Penis Enlargement what Einstein did for Physics, along with a few other men who made this possible. Today I am working on the project the will show people how to channel their minds with such focus that they too can drop weight as fast as I did...Along with 100's of other applications. And, already the rumors are flying, the scrutiny around my work has already been hammered in granite though no one has seen it? That is the name of the game. No matter what I do, ever, it will be against the grain and it will provoke drama and I would not have it any other way:)
sasquatch said:
But you seem to understand what my point was. Body building has its freak show, I would like to see more of that level in Penis Enlargement. If I would have dedicated as much time in the last 3 years to weightlifting as compared to Penis Enlargement (approx. 1100 hours or 45 days of straight Penis Enlargement'ing without a break) I would be one built motherfucker.
The reason body building has freak shows is because we have learned how to manipulate anabolic physiology. Until we understand what makes the penis grow in the adolescent, we will never be able to manipulate penis physiology. Some guys can become freaks from natural Penis Enlargement just as some guys can become freaks from weight lifting. But anyone can become a freak with modern-day anabolics...maybe some day the penis will have a physiological aid akin to steroids...but until then, the freaks will be rare, just as the pro bodybuilder physique was rare a century ago.
goldmember said:
The reason body building has freak shows is because we have learned how to manipulate anabolic physiology. Until we understand what makes the penis grow in the adolescent, we will never be able to manipulate penis physiology. Some guys can become freaks from natural Penis Enlargement just as some guys can become freaks from weight lifting. But anyone can become a freak with modern-day anabolics...maybe some day the penis will have a physiological aid akin to steroids...but until then, the freaks will be rare, just as the pro bodybuilder physique was rare a century ago.

So true, it is amazing how little research is done on the penis.
the best Penis Enlargement credibility you can get?

You should've heard my wife last BS. This stuff works and works damned good might I add.
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