
Jan 10, 2005
I've been jelqing, pumping, stretching, squeezing and hanging for years. True I have not been as dedicated as I should be but my results have never been that impressive especially considering the time I have spent on making it bigger.

Now, there are quite a few "leaders" of the Penis Enlargement world that have lured us in with a multitude of exercises and techniques. No offense to any names mentioned here but we have yet to see any real proof from all the talk. Names such as Matt (CheekyCherry), Bib, Thunder, Big Al, Dld, and Brandon Reese all share something in common. They have not shown the results of these "remarkable exercises" or they have not gained any more than 99% of us followers.

If Penis Enlargement works so well for these guys then show it. I have never seen anything even close to Mandigo or __________ come from the Penis Enlargement followers. Names such as Uli appear occasionally but once again NO PROOF other than ridicules photoshop pics to lure people into pay sites or for false bragging rights.

I am not a disbeliever in Penis Enlargement, I just want to believe that it can give results that would make me or someone else say "holy shit".
Man, I saw a Penis Enlargement thread on a hip hop site a few years ago. Out of the 50 or so replies, probably about 35 of them just laughed, 2 or 3 said they kegeled and had good results, 1 guy mentioned jelqing and probably 10 people totally dismissed that it was possible to increase the size of a penis by exercising.

This is how I like it to be honest (I know DLD disagrees), but screw it, if they can't be bothered to be open minded and do a little research then they don't deserve a bigger penis.

I reckon most people look to Penis Enlargement if they are small, therefore gaining just a couple of inches (which is awesome) doesn't quite take them to the 'wow' factor. LMAO
I think I have seen enough proof in the picture forums and elsewhere to say there is a lot of evidence supporting Penis Enlargement. No one ever said everyone has the potential to be __________'s size. I'd say most people would be lucky to have the potential for a 2x1 gain. You admit you haven't followed a routine faithfully, so maybe you could first look there rather than play the skeptic to the pillars of the Penis Enlargement community. My progress log charts my gains (with pics) in their entireity. Not all of them are measured, but you can't pretend they're faked. I DID gain every inch I claim, and it doesn't hurt my one bit if you're skeptical. It's simply your loss, and your choice to make.

If you want to really gain from Penis Enlargement you cannot half ass it. Make an intense routine and stick to it. Right now, I clamp six sets of 10 min. each day, 6 days a week. This adds up to almost 2 hours of Penis Enlargement, including break time. When I hung, I'd hang 2 hours each day, or 3 hours including breaks. This isn't a hobby for those who lack discipline.
lol u want proof just google africa tribes and look at all the zulu's with dicks touching the floor who start to hang at early ages but for some of them there penis may not work no more now we dont want to do that do we so we want to do it the safe way and its takes more time:)

Then there is the whole septum thing maybe somebody should go over to where these tribes are and learn there methods:) join the tribe :)
Whoa, whoa everybody relax and don't take this as a personal jab. I said I believe in Penis Enlargement, I know it works. What I am saying is these masters of Penis Enlargement who have their websites and teach and preach what to do to grow your penis, don't put up the proof.

I know the results vary with dedication and the such but if these Penis Enlargement masters know enough to think they can teach then...

I would'nt put alot of faith in someone teaching me how to weld if they could'nt prove they knew how to do it, know what I'm getting at.

I agree that a gain of 1 inch in length or girth is great. But if I do a few sets of push ups and get my chest and triceps in shape does that qualify me teach people all about bodybuilding and fill them full of big dreams.
sasquatch said:
Whoa, whoa everybody relax and don't take this as a personal jab. I said I believe in Penis Enlargement, I know it works. What I am saying is these masters of Penis Enlargement who have their websites and teach and preach what to do to grow your penis, don't put up the proof.

I know the results vary with dedication and the such but if these Penis Enlargement masters know enough to think they can teach then...

I would'nt put alot of faith in someone teaching me how to weld if they could'nt prove they knew how to do it, know what I'm getting at.

I agree that a gain of 1 inch in length or girth is great. But if I do a few sets of push ups and get my chest and triceps in shape does that qualify me teach people all about bodybuilding and fill them full of big dreams.

No but to do anything you must be teach by somebody:) unless God teaches u.
with pe and with overall fitness u have to look at everything.If ur a smoker that can damper ur gains,if ur not getting enough sleep that can also effect ur gains.Alot of people either wack off or have alot of sex and expect see results--when in reality a level of sexual desire is needed for pe.If u get into it like anything u gotta study the main exercises and then some.In all my pe history the most gains i made truthly has been when my girl was pregant.I figure i got alot of gains because i wasnt gettin any pussy or head.For good results we all know u gotta have alot of blood flow--edgin and kegals are the most important parts of pe honestly.To get a bigger dick u gotta have ur head in the game--feel confident about the exercises--do it for the workout instead of results and in about 21 to 30 days you'll see a diffence.

like i posted before i went up and down with pe because or not stickin to it,listenin to my girl when she said it was gettin to big--but dedication my fellow dong stretchers will get u everywhere
sasquatch said:
Whoa, whoa everybody relax and don't take this as a personal jab. I said I believe in Penis Enlargement, I know it works. What I am saying is these masters of Penis Enlargement who have their websites and teach and preach what to do to grow your penis, don't put up the proof.

I know the results vary with dedication and the such but if these Penis Enlargement masters know enough to think they can teach then...

I would'nt put alot of faith in someone teaching me how to weld if they could'nt prove they knew how to do it, know what I'm getting at.

I agree that a gain of 1 inch in length or girth is great. But if I do a few sets of push ups and get my chest and triceps in shape does that qualify me teach people all about bodybuilding and fill them full of big dreams.

You say you believe in pe but you demand proof. Which is it? Either you believe in it or you don't. It's pretty simple really. On a personal level for me, nobody has to prove a damn thing. I've already proven it to myself. I've been in the game about two years now. The first year I worked both length and girth. This last year or so just mainly clamping for girth. I took a lot of breaks not because I wanted to, life just got in the way. I lost some uncemented gains. Even with all these setbacks, due to the time I was dedicated and hitting wth regular intensity, guess what? I've gained almost 1.5" in length and a little over 1" in girth. I feel more gains coming by summer's end too. Why? Because I fucking earned them. From your own post you admit that your dedication has been rather lacking. How does that give you room to question pe at all? Not trying to jump your shit man so please don't take it that way. I just don't think you are supporting your arguement/point whatsoever. I look at my own cock and say "holy shit".LMAO
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I think you guys are getting the wrong idea...

what he wants to see is pics of the guys' huge dicks to prove they have done what they claim. On the few Penis Enlargement sites I have browsed around at, there never seems to be easily available picture proof of the guy running the site.

No offence, but it's the same on MOS, I mean all I could find was a very small pic that made up the '1' of the 10 on the 10 Inch Penis page...

I think he's saying that if these 'gurus' want people to join and pay for their site they should have lots of good quality pics of essentially, their 'product'... I mean surely they've gone to all the trouble of making a website, why not snap a few nice shots?
All I can say is look for 'Goldmembers' thread in the 'Picture Proof' section......pretty impressive!! This should be proof enough that Penis Enlargement works in my opinion!

I'd forget about the "gurus," and focus on my own cock. There was a guy at �other forum� who charted, with clear measured pics, every quarter inch. His proof pics were really quite remarkable. No ten inch cock or anything like that, but he made remarkable progress.

In spite of my own progress during the first five months of P.E. when I was jelqing, stretching and edging two hours or more a day, the sceptic in me still questions whether there is a legitimate ten incher out there.

I think a two inch gain in length and an inch in girth, whatever your starting size, is doable.
I have a dvd from DLD that shows something pretty impressive...:O

BIB probably didn't want to be known in his hometown and so enjoyed internet anonymity.

Once a guy really establishes a presonal routine involving daily consistency and intensity he will see growth and results.

If you start flaking out and getting unfocused, gains will be hindered, stopped or will regress all together...and that's what happens to about 90% of us. And that's based on personal observation and personal experience.
Cool_as_fcuk said:
I think you guys are getting the wrong idea...

what he wants to see is pics of the guys' huge dicks to prove they have done what they claim. On the few Penis Enlargement sites I have browsed around at, there never seems to be easily available picture proof of the guy running the site.

No offence, but it's the same on MOS, I mean all I could find was a very small pic that made up the '1' of the 10 on the 10 Inch Penis page...

I think he's saying that if these 'gurus' want people to join and pay for their site they should have lots of good quality pics of essentially, their 'product'... I mean surely they've gone to all the trouble of making a website, why not snap a few nice shots?

That tune has been sung a million times. I don't forsee anything changing, but I don't care, b/c I can see what Penis Enlargement does for me. What it does for anyone else only increases the overal size average and in reality if almost all of us created a new average we would be right back to square one on the competition side of things. Sure we would have more to play with but the playing field would be the same. Granted though Penis Enlargement isn't nearly mainstream enough. Even if everyone knew about the effects I know not everyone would do it. Its like exercising and lifting weights. Most people are too lazy for it.
Cool_as_fcuk said:
I think you guys are getting the wrong idea...

what he wants to see is pics of the guys' huge dicks to prove they have done what they claim. On the few Penis Enlargement sites I have browsed around at, there never seems to be easily available picture proof of the guy running the site.

No offence, but it's the same on MOS, I mean all I could find was a very small pic that made up the '1' of the 10 on the 10 Inch Penis page...

I think he's saying that if these 'gurus' want people to join and pay for their site they should have lots of good quality pics of essentially, their 'product'... I mean surely they've gone to all the trouble of making a website, why not snap a few nice shots?

Exactly what I meant. I was not saying that I want proof that Penis Enlargement works, and I was not trying to start shit with anyone. I'm not fucking stupid, and I did not call anyone here a bullshitter. I've seen your gains and progress and I applaud you for it. Awesome it's guys like you that make gains, have belief and a positive attitude that gives Penis Enlargement credibility and the fact that you have shown the results with some great pics. My point is if someone has acquired the reputation by self exploitation of being some form of Penis Enlargement guru, then I want to see a big, fat-ass trout between their legs.
Maybe I should have titled this thread "Penis Enlargement guru's lack credibility"
Im not really sure why your arguing what your trying to argue. Ill take DLD as one of your examples of a 'Penis Enlargement guru' who has no proof that he's gained what he says he has from Penis Enlargement. Frankly, I dont give a shit. The dude has created so many excercises that I have used myself and have seen very good results from. I believe him that he has also used these tecniques because I mean come on- he has a fucking 11 and a half inch dick. I don't know how much he has gained but Im sure its plenty- us scrawny white guys arent usually gifted with 12 inches of cockmeat in our trousers.

I know your not trying to be a dick, as I really am not- Im just trying to point out the fact that this thread was just a dumb one to start. It was obviously something that would just get everyone all worked up over and not help anything.

What you should have created a thread about was one trying to get help from us since you have been Penis Enlargementing for two years and not seen any real gains.
sasquatch said:
Exactly what I meant. I was not saying that I want proof that Penis Enlargement works, and I was not trying to start shit with anyone. I'm not fucking stupid, and I did not call anyone here a bullshitter. I've seen your gains and progress and I applaud you for it. Awesome it's guys like you that make gains, have belief and a positive attitude that gives Penis Enlargement credibility and the fact that you have shown the results with some great pics. My point is if someone has acquired the reputation by self exploitation of being some form of Penis Enlargement guru, then I want to see a big, fat-ass trout between their legs.

I dont get u here dude DLD's got a big fat ass trout between his legs dam i have seen the video's that was shown on channel 4 and pics here in the forum plus there is proof somewhere of some of his gains i have read at Thurders i think some pics there plus there's that strech mark he has that shows his gains.
I've made gains, don't get me wrong. I'm not asking for advice on how to make my dick larger. I have a pretty strong understanding of what works and what does'nt. I've been around this game for a lot more than 2 years.

But all the Penis Enlargement sites (pay sites and forums, I've been a member of more than I can remember) just seem to be full of guy's with dreams of getting a huge dick being promised this by some guru who can't or will not back up his claims and advice. All the proof and development is being done by us, the thousands of neophytes and so called vets and after as many years as I have been at this I can consider myself a vet.

I once read a book on how to re-grow your hair, the author was bald. His advice had virtually no merrit, get it.
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