Let me tell you some about reality man. If you're there its real... If you assume something may have happened or may not have happened, based on some imagined knowledge you have of the event that actually took place then it is you who has no grasp of reality. It's going to be next to impossible for you to know more about my arrest and charges than me since I've studied the police report and witness statements more than needed to know what I'm talking about so just read this.

Your question was "And just how will the fact of having an existing record cause you to return to jail?"
The answer in the way things SHOULD be is "There is no reason I should return to jail because of my record". The thing is, people like you who seem to have no experience in these issues are the ones who lack the real reality of how things happen in the REAL world. Not the TV shows 'Law and Order' or 'Cops'.

No doubt on the fact that being out is better than being in, hulk. It's just that you just remind me of someone who talks about being on a safari, seeing lions and hyenas, yet never left the seat of his couch, never mind been to Africa. The point is I was really there and I KNOW what happened and it was injustice due to , as I said, "a criminal record, cops doing a slack job" and the squeaky clean records of my so called victims. After reading all of the witness statements in jail dozens of times I could in fact point out that the police had too much information on their hands that didn't add up to me being the one in the wrong. The criminal record is what did it. If I was just walking down the street and I ran into the police that night would I be arrested for having a criminal record? No.

But to answer your question If I am outnumbered by people who wrote witness statements saying I just randomly began to "stab them for no reason" when it was them who attacked me and there is even third party witnesses who agree they went after me and the police cant conclude what happened, because this is the way the real world works, just listen... they will take a look at their computer in the squad car and see if I have a record and if it is 'more or less right' to arrest and charge me rather than doing a good job of the whole thing. Like I already said this doesn't happen every day but just remember things aren't what you see on TV. I have spent enough time on the streets and dealt with police officers enough(part of why my past lead to them assuming I was on the offense) to know... I mean absolutely KNOW how many police officers work.

What you say about having a record by itself is true. That alone will not get me sent to jail. It's not like they're just going to roll up on me and arrest me with some BS charge out of the blue... But If I were to cross these people's path again and all I did was defend myself... Since I hate to say that I'm not gonna wait the 5-10 minute response time for police to defend me and then the cops finally show up and I am and was completely acting in the law the whole time, however these clowns decide to team up on me and write 4 witness statements to out weigh those of the bystanders(if there's only a couple lets say) then they will look at my record and make a decision based on that. Especially if I have a history with them and if they are being lazy and just want to get it all over with quickly and feel that they did the right thing by putting another "bad guy away".

Unless your a street cop or a career criminal you have very little grounds to be arguing this with me. You'd still be wrong, but at least you'd have grounds. Judges and lawyers would have a little less credentials than a street cop in this argument, since they rarely see what actually goes on. So unless your one of the above please leave the keyboard alone and I can tell your not one of the above because you think that a person needs to be convicted to do jail time when in fact all they need is to be remanded. I never said its the sole reason but the fact is having one is a serious disadvantage in legal situations. Go ahead and check out the other reasons I stated in my second post and all this pile of info I've stated then go get some actual experience and tell me it's not easier to go back to jail with a criminal record.

Edit: If I wanted some advice on how to stay out of jail I'd talk to someone who's done some time and stayed out for a minimum of a few years since then. I wouldn't ask for help on a Penis Enlargement newbie forum. It's you who's lacking the understanding of the situation at hand. Since I wanted some Penis Enlargement advice I went here for it, not to get a flawed lecture from my elders about staying out of jail... nuff said.
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You need to change your life course, not enlarge your penis.

qwertyking;463522 said:
By the way that post was to slim222 for calling me a baby not you.
My life's good. I'm getting back into school. Talk to a priest every now and again. Go to church. Read books. Looking into a career that's legit. Just finished cutting off the last of my so called friends. I just can't come close to completely predict the outcome of future events and may end up back in the cooler because of these guys. Hell I think Penis Enlargement is cool and I want to continue it regardless of any situation I may come across.
everyday you make your own future just talk it one step at a time (and no judging you because I don't know you and that would be rude of me to do so) just stay away from the people who get you in trouble if you don't do anything wrong regardless of the people who want to put you back there fuck em just focus on your pe and grow that dick that you want keep yourself and you won't go back. Just being real with you bro Keep it moving son
going all out;463545 said:
everyday you make your own future just talk it one step at a time (and no judging you because I don't know you and that would be rude of me to do so) just stay away from the people who get you in trouble if you don't do anything wrong regardless of the people who want to put you back there fuck em just focus on your pe and grow that dick that you want keep yourself and you won't go back. Just being real with you bro Keep it moving son

Alright. Respect man.
qwertyking;463487 said:
I did answer the question and it relates to the Canadian judicial system. If I didn't have the record the police wouldn't have been as likely to charge me and would of looked into it more. They check their computers in their squad cars and it DOES decide what happens regardless of how things SHOULD work. If they assume I'm a career criminal they may decide it best to press a charge and lock me up regardless if its just to do so, just to clean up the streets. It was around the time of what is referred to as "spring clean up". The jails are packed with people around that time just to get their statistics up for politics.

To the last post: You can only do so much about your priorities in jail, you can only spend so much time talking to your lawyer and stuff and if I possibly can it would be a nice way of the time spent in there in whats called 'dead time'- meaning your still awaiting trial and haven't been proven innocent or guilty... remanded in other words. It would be nice to keep my gains weather or not it is a priority or not... just saying...

This thread is getting stupid and moving away from the point of the OP. So please if you have advice on an issue regarding Penis Enlargement and can instruct me on what a Dry Jelq is or an uli so I know I'd greatly appreciate it. I can imagine how to 'dry jelq' but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a little different than I imagined. Just grip the base and push the blood up with one single hand? Then do it all over with the same hand?.... how effective is this as opposed to wet jelqing?

Dude, you need to get your life together and not worry about Penis Enlargement.

Also, nobody and I mean nobody, believes an ex-cons "they all lied, cops harassed me " storyline. Stay away from scummy people and bad environments. Learn a trade, don't drink or do drugs. Hell, don't even smoke.

THEN start worrying about Penis Enlargement.
qwertyking;463518 said:
Let me tell you some about reality man. If you're there its real... If you assume something may have happened or may not have happened, based on some imagined knowledge you have of the event that actually took place then it is you who has no grasp of reality. It's going to be next to impossible for you to know more about my arrest and charges than me since I've studied the police report and witness statements more than needed to know what I'm talking about so just read this.

Your question was "And just how will the fact of having an existing record cause you to return to jail?"
The answer in the way things SHOULD be is "There is no reason I should return to jail because of my record". The thing is, people like you who seem to have no experience in these issues are the ones who lack the real reality of how things happen in the REAL world. Not the TV shows 'Law and Order' or 'Cops'.

No doubt on the fact that being out is better than being in, hulk. It's just that you just remind me of someone who talks about being on a safari, seeing lions and hyenas, yet never left the seat of his couch, never mind been to Africa. The point is I was really there and I KNOW what happened and it was injustice due to , as I said, "a criminal record, cops doing a slack job" and the squeaky clean records of my so called victims. After reading all of the witness statements in jail dozens of times I could in fact point out that the police had too much information on their hands that didn't add up to me being the one in the wrong. The criminal record is what did it. If I was just walking down the street and I ran into the police that night would I be arrested for having a criminal record? No.

But to answer your question If I am outnumbered by people who wrote witness statements saying I just randomly began to "stab them for no reason" when it was them who attacked me and there is even third party witnesses who agree they went after me and the police cant conclude what happened, because this is the way the real world works, just listen... they will take a look at their computer in the squad car and see if I have a record and if it is 'more or less right' to arrest and charge me rather than doing a good job of the whole thing. Like I already said this doesn't happen every day but just remember things aren't what you see on TV. I have spent enough time on the streets and dealt with police officers enough(part of why my past lead to them assuming I was on the offense) to know... I mean absolutely KNOW how many police officers work.

What you say about having a record by itself is true. That alone will not get me sent to jail. It's not like they're just going to roll up on me and arrest me with some BS charge out of the blue... But If I were to cross these people's path again and all I did was defend myself... Since I hate to say that I'm not gonna wait the 5-10 minute response time for police to defend me and then the cops finally show up and I am and was completely acting in the law the whole time, however these clowns decide to team up on me and write 4 witness statements to out weigh those of the bystanders(if there's only a couple lets say) then they will look at my record and make a decision based on that. Especially if I have a history with them and if they are being lazy and just want to get it all over with quickly and feel that they did the right thing by putting another "bad guy away".

Unless your a street cop or a career criminal you have very little grounds to be arguing this with me. You'd still be wrong, but at least you'd have grounds. Judges and lawyers would have a little less credentials than a street cop in this argument, since they rarely see what actually goes on. So unless your one of the above please leave the keyboard alone and I can tell your not one of the above because you think that a person needs to be convicted to do jail time when in fact all they need is to be remanded. I never said its the sole reason but the fact is having one is a serious disadvantage in legal situations. Go ahead and check out the other reasons I stated in my second post and all this pile of info I've stated then go get some actual experience and tell me it's not easier to go back to jail with a criminal record.

Edit: If I wanted some advice on how to stay out of jail I'd talk to someone who's done some time and stayed out for a minimum of a few years since then. I wouldn't ask for help on a Penis Enlargement newbie forum. It's you who's lacking the understanding of the situation at hand. Since I wanted some Penis Enlargement advice I went here for it, not to get a flawed lecture from my elders about staying out of jail... nuff said.

Your own words are condemning you. Seriously, why should any person take the word of an ex-con over 4 people with clean records and a cop.
hey man I don't like to judge pplz at all even though I'm human and make mistakes just like everyone else, I just know this site can help you occupied your time and want not so you wouldn't have to go back plus I believe in karma so if you don't do anything nothing will happen to you in the sense of not doing wrong things mind you. But I know you'll be find as long as you keep your mind right which it seems you have been doing so already :)
qwertyking;463518 said:
Let me tell you some about reality man. If you're there its real... If you assume something may have happened or may not have happened, based on some imagined knowledge you have of the event that actually took place then it is you who has no grasp of reality. It's going to be next to impossible for you to know more about my arrest and charges than me since I've studied the police report and witness statements more than needed to know what I'm talking about so just read this.

Your question was "And just how will the fact of having an existing record cause you to return to jail?"
The answer in the way things SHOULD be is "There is no reason I should return to jail because of my record". The thing is, people like you who seem to have no experience in these issues are the ones who lack the real reality of how things happen in the REAL world. Not the TV shows 'Law and Order' or 'Cops'.

No doubt on the fact that being out is better than being in, hulk. It's just that you just remind me of someone who talks about being on a safari, seeing lions and hyenas, yet never left the seat of his couch, never mind been to Africa. The point is I was really there and I KNOW what happened and it was injustice due to , as I said, "a criminal record, cops doing a slack job" and the squeaky clean records of my so called victims. After reading all of the witness statements in jail dozens of times I could in fact point out that the police had too much information on their hands that didn't add up to me being the one in the wrong. The criminal record is what did it. If I was just walking down the street and I ran into the police that night would I be arrested for having a criminal record? No.

But to answer your question If I am outnumbered by people who wrote witness statements saying I just randomly began to "stab them for no reason" when it was them who attacked me and there is even third party witnesses who agree they went after me and the police cant conclude what happened, because this is the way the real world works, just listen... they will take a look at their computer in the squad car and see if I have a record and if it is 'more or less right' to arrest and charge me rather than doing a good job of the whole thing. Like I already said this doesn't happen every day but just remember things aren't what you see on TV. I have spent enough time on the streets and dealt with police officers enough(part of why my past lead to them assuming I was on the offense) to know... I mean absolutely KNOW how many police officers work.

What you say about having a record by itself is true. That alone will not get me sent to jail. It's not like they're just going to roll up on me and arrest me with some BS charge out of the blue... But If I were to cross these people's path again and all I did was defend myself... Since I hate to say that I'm not gonna wait the 5-10 minute response time for police to defend me and then the cops finally show up and I am and was completely acting in the law the whole time, however these clowns decide to team up on me and write 4 witness statements to out weigh those of the bystanders(if there's only a couple lets say) then they will look at my record and make a decision based on that. Especially if I have a history with them and if they are being lazy and just want to get it all over with quickly and feel that they did the right thing by putting another "bad guy away".

Unless your a street cop or a career criminal you have very little grounds to be arguing this with me. You'd still be wrong, but at least you'd have grounds. Judges and lawyers would have a little less credentials than a street cop in this argument, since they rarely see what actually goes on. So unless your one of the above please leave the keyboard alone and I can tell your not one of the above because you think that a person needs to be convicted to do jail time when in fact all they need is to be remanded. I never said its the sole reason but the fact is having one is a serious disadvantage in legal situations. Go ahead and check out the other reasons I stated in my second post and all this pile of info I've stated then go get some actual experience and tell me it's not easier to go back to jail with a criminal record.

Edit: If I wanted some advice on how to stay out of jail I'd talk to someone who's done some time and stayed out for a minimum of a few years since then. I wouldn't ask for help on a Penis Enlargement newbie forum. It's you who's lacking the understanding of the situation at hand. Since I wanted some Penis Enlargement advice I went here for it, not to get a flawed lecture from my elders about staying out of jail... nuff said.

Actually, if you want advice on how to stay out of jail talk to someone that's never been in jail.

You seem to take no responsibility for your situation. In one post you say cops only have 8-10 months training and then you say only a cop or career criminal can judge you.
going all out;463545 said:
everyday you make your own future just take it one step at a time (and no judging you because I don't know you and that would be rude of me to do so) just stay away from the people who get you in trouble if you don't do anything wrong regardless of the people who want to put you back there fuck em just focus on your pe and grow that dick that you want keep yourself and you won't go back. Just being real with you bro Keep it moving son
damn it ,I messed up on this post right here damn I wish i can delete this one oh well skip over it pplz just a repeat
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We all hit a point in our lives when we say, "Man , I'm gettin' way too old for this shit." The trick is to hit that point when yer young and capable enough of actually effecting that change.
Sounds like you've just about hit that point; build from there.
And if you wanna here some about my "experience", lemme know; I got some stories.

qwertyking;463541 said:
My life's good. I'm getting back into school. Talk to a priest every now and again. Go to church. Read books. Looking into a career that's legit. Just finished cutting off the last of my so called friends. I just can't come close to completely predict the outcome of future events and may end up back in the cooler because of these guys. Hell I think Penis Enlargement is cool and I want to continue it regardless of any situation I may come across.
MAXAMEYES;463577 said:
We all hit a point in our lives when we say, "Man , I'm gettin' way too old for this shit." The trick is to hit that point when yer young and capable enough of actually effecting that change.
Sounds like you've just about hit that point; build from there.
And if you wanna here some about my "experience", lemme know; I got some stories.

Very true. It is what it is, we are where we are right now and as we get older it becomes more and more difficult to motivate ourselves. I try to keep a youthful spirit in everything I do, when I am in the right state of mind I can create like I did as a child.
I don't get why some of you guys are being so judgmental of this man who has done nothing more than come forward and share his honesty with us while seeking some simple answers about improving his penis. Believe me, your opinion on life will change as you age and as you gain experiences. This man does not deserve this condescending treatment, and especially from someone pretending they are somehow superior. Fucking get off your high horses and let's welcome this man into our forum and let's learn what he has too teach from his valuable life experiences. In return, we share what we know. To the man, EVERYONE has chinks in the armor that can surely be judged. Welcome to the forum brother.
Do any prisons allow internet use?
Ok, back on topic.

Guys, he may sound like Penis Enlargement is his main concern here, but it only seems like that because that is what he has come here to ask. He's here to ask for Penis Enlargement advice not law advice so of course thats all he's going to be talking about. Lets just give him the help that we normally give everyone who comes to MOS.

qwertyking, apart from finding the time and place to do Penis Enlargement, your main dilemma is going to be warming up. I would never jelq without warming up first, as it can cause injury. Unless of course you do it very softly and carefully. Dry jelqing is when you do not use lube. When I do it, my hands do not slide against the shaft, instead the dick skin and the dick flesh seem to bunch up against my grip. In order jelq right to the head, you may need to use the fingers on your other hand to help the foreskin roll over your glands just so they don't bunch up under the glands and cause pain and possible burst blood vessels. A uli is when you kegel and then (like giving an OK sign with your index and thumb) grip the very base of your dick really tight trapping in lots of blood. I often do about four keels then trap the blood in. I hold the uli for about 30 seconds. Uli's don't usually cause injury from my experience. You could do horse squeezes but they are bound to burst some vessels if you don't warm up.

I am no length expert but I can give you some advice that should be good for an environment with a cell mate. If you get a really strong erection in bed such as morning wood, then simply lie on your belly with your dick pointing down to your toes. You should feel a really hardcore stretch in the ligaments at the base of your dick. The discomfort may be almost unbearable. Hold this for as long as you want or until you lose the erection.
It's the only stretch I do and so far its worked well.
You can easily do a routine of basic stretching and SlowSquashJeqs. Neither exercise requires anything more than your hands. The exercises can be easily done under the covers if you do not have a private room. Lube is not necessary and warm ups can consist of some basic, deep massage. This is an easy routine and it will bring great gains with limited resources.
Meyer0331;463548 said:
Your own words are condemning you. Seriously, why should any person take the word of an ex-con over 4 people with clean records and a cop.

Because people with clean records and cops get caught lying every day?

Everyone in North America is a criminal that hasn't been busted yet.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse, just because you don't know you're guilty and you haven't been charged doesn't mean you are not a criminal.
petersouth;500872 said:
Everyone in North America is a criminal that hasn't been busted yet.

Except in Texas and Rhode Island, those guys are honest!
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