I don t know any one who has got ED from jelqing so can only give you my experience dude.
Good for you ...take it easy in the beginning the same you would if you started lifting weights at the gym.
what are your goals?
blueplasma;409120 said:
I'm giving it a try :)
blueplasma;408419 said:
I am a guy in his early 20s. My penis is size is I guess an average ranging from 6.6 to 7.1 Inches, depending on the arousal level.

I deeply believe that a larger penis would give me the confidence I am looking for, as average is never enough in any fields of my life.

Unfortunately, I am very skeptical about whether or not it is possible to enlarge one's penis naturally, without any devices and surgery. I want to as this question myself as it is hard to find the truth on the internet.
Did jelqing work for you guys? Please be honest, men.

blueplasma;408419 said:
I am a guy in his early 20s. My penis is size is I guess an average ranging from 6.6 to 7.1 Inches, depending on the arousal level.

I deeply believe that a larger penis would give me the confidence I am looking for, as average is never enough in any fields of my life.

Unfortunately, I am very skeptical about whether or not it is possible to enlarge one's penis naturally, without any devices and surgery. I want to as this question myself as it is hard to find the truth on the internet.
Did jelqing work for you guys? Please be honest, men.

Nothing wrong with not wanting to be average or ordinary. I like to excel and push myself in all areas of my life and can feel where your coming from. However you need to remove (Weed out) that negative thought surrounding penis enlargement, in that it may not be possible to enlarge the sexual organ via natural methods and hence referring to a device or surgery. KILL that thought before you start otherwise its a surefire way to just go down a dark long road ... talking from past experiences here, not just with Penis Enlargement either!

I'm an honest guy, sometimes too honest for my own good but its better to be direct and honest than lie to someone about matters so important such as health. Natural penis enlargement DOES WORK my friend, my god it works and I started the journey back in 2001 from JUST NATURAL methods alone which were mostly wet jelqs. I dont need to jot out reps and sets that I did, that is not important here ... what is important, that you maintain focus, determinations because you have to want this ... its not a quick fix and can take years to reach a goal. Have patience and you will see gains and growth like you never expected.

Jelqing helped start the foundations of what I have now. I can say confidently wet jelqs alone helped my size go from 6.6X5.4 to above 7 inches in length and on the 6 inch mark with girth. They are VERY EFFECTIVE indeed, its just many guys here have been doing it years and as such adopt more intenser ways to train the penis such as SSJ's that DLD created and they are beautiful but imho too intense for a guy wet behind the ears at this.

Something you will notice around the forums and dont take a back step from this. We at matters of size are really big addicts if you like at this genre ... we push the boundaries and many innovations have in fact been made via MOS first! such as clamping and bringing Manuel work into much more different areas than they ever were before on other sites. As such we like our toys! we really do, me especially hahaha I have MANY ... so many I dont use and gather dust underneath the bed from extenders, pumps, rings, ROPs, vibrating rings, power assists, hangers etc etc.

At the moment we are really digging the Size Genetics extender and the Bathmate hydropump. These are OPTIONAL tools, not necessary but OPTIONAL so dont feel like you must own one to gain because you do not. Sometimes people come here and assume we are peddling these devices when we are not. DLD the owner of the forums, the boss if you like has tried everything and anything ... these devices turned out to be shit hot and work so hence he brought them to the table cheaper and with each sale he pockets a profit to help his site and in his life ... this is his life! The guy is as honest as the day is long, I speak as someone knowing the man for nearly 10 years now ... one day I aspire to meet in person!

So essentially what I'm saying here is dont be put off by our toys ... we are not peddling them and they are optional. You will gain from natural penis enlargement with your hands alone, I DID. Wet Jelqs are a very good way to start.
blueplasma;408500 said:
Thanks for the replies guys.
Why do you guys think there is so many people saying that his thing doesnt work... I even read somewhere that all you guys on this forum are payed to write threads...

Its hard work and it takes commitment that is most likely why they say this plus its a topic not much spoken about, so hence a stigma is born from it. Guys are sensitive creatures at heart and we dont like to admit a weakness ... a smaller penis than ones mate isn't going to be stomached well by many and too than go further and start enlarging it in the open, with the lads knowing about it is never going to happen. This is why its said not to work and a load of shit.

Do you have the link or willing to mention the sites name that said we write threads here for cash? I ask out of curiosity more than anything because I should be rolling in it. I have over 13,000 posts under my wings.
Lastly regarding impotence. Yes its possible to inflict an injury to ones manhood with natural penis enlargement, no qualms about that one at all. You will see red spots from jelqing but they are normal and nothing to worry about. Check out our boo boo injury section for tips on avoiding injury and what to do etc. Now impotence is a scary word to me and one surrounding allot of bullshit from what I have read on the net with regards to Penis Enlargement.

I see it as mostly ABUSE of the art we teach & practice. New guys who go crazy with a top of the range sports car and wrap it round the nearest tree. Go easy at first and LEARN the feel, the sensations from the exercise. Your body will start to tell you and adapt to the stress placed on it. Obviously if you leapt into a 20 minute clamping session right now I would be gob smacked if you didn't suffer a nasty injury .... more advanced stuff takes time to condition into and the rush from 'some' that leads to injury on all my observations from reports anyhow.

When you stretch, try not to place the stress onto the dorsal nerve which if yanked so much could lead to impotence but this is a worse case scenario. Something as well that is noticed allot and often misdiagnosed for impotence is FATIGUE & OVER TRAINING .... guys who do so much thinking more is better than they cant sap the energy to even maintain wood anymore so alas they blame everyone and anyone for it = Impotence ... no it isn't, its over training and if they rested than returned sensibly it would level out.

You may see some fatigue from time to time as you progress and this is telling you to rest more and is like at the gym when your more tired lifting one day than doing that session lastime.
When guys lose eq the first thing they think is impotence or injury....both being very difficult to happen. Most times it is in their heads.
Wow amazing responses guys, I love how you all take the time to answer in complete sentences giving complete answers. I do not want the monster penis. I only wish to gain 0.5 - 1 inches in length and girth. Just want to be a solid 7.5x6 and that would make me perfectly happy. Starting at an average that is somewhat between 6.5x5.5 (weak arousal) to 7.1x5.5 (maximum arousal).
Don't care about the flaccid size.
Do you think my goals are realistic?
Extremely realistic! It has been done by thousands! Get yours!

1" gain in length and .5" gain in girth....A BREEZE!
I started the newb workout last week, and I already see a difference in my penis. It looks thicker, and it has increased in length.
Keeps me motivated, just give it a go dude! Just have fun with it!
blueplasma;409322 said:
Nice, I want to give it a serious 2 weeks try to see how my organ reacts on the newbie routine. What do you think? is it enough to see a centimeter gain?

You may see an inch, it really depends on how you train, the intensity, your bodies ability to grow and repair, many different factors.

QUOTE=emik;409323]I started the newb workout last week, and I already see a difference in my penis. It looks thicker, and it has increased in length.
Keeps me motivated, just give it a go dude! Just have fun with it![/QUOTE]

That is great news, it sounds like you are right on track.
If I'm honest, jelqing never worked for me, and I gained pretty much nothing from it. If on the other hand you're asking does Penis Enlargement on the whole work, then that's a big yes. But there are all manner of exercises, and it is a question of trial and error, finding what works for you. Jelqing has worked for a lot of people, most notably DLD, but not for me. What has worked for me is A-stretches, V-stretches, DLD blasters, ulis, horse 440s, clamping, and Bathmate. So, find what works best for you. Also, take a page out of DLD's book and try and come up with your own innovative ideas.

The best advice I can give from my personal experiences with Penis Enlargement is don't come looking for a quick fix. Make Penis Enlargement part of your lifestyle, rather than than a daily chore. Do stretches when using the bathroom or in the shower, do some while in bed. Use lazy ass stretches and do kegels while sitting. Don't feel under pressure to be a certain size by a certain time, but do be consistent and dedicated. Penis Enlargement may be likened to keeping fit and healthy by going to the gym; it's an ongoing beneficial activity. Obviously, start off intense to reach your goals, but there's no reason to just stop once you get to your desired size. There is still much to gain from maintaining a less intense routine; general sexual health, harder and longer lasting erections, Penis Enlargement is just something good to do.
Actually this is a thing I want to ask to everyone here. Was the integration of stretchings important in achieving your gains?
blueplasma;409406 said:
Actually this is a thing I want to ask to everyone here. Was the integration of stretchings important in achieving your gains?

If you want to gain length, yes.
Nice... I'm sorry if I'm sounding selfish as for now I can only ask question, I don't really have any information to contribute on the subject. I will try to compensate when I will become more experienced (promised).
I am also a fitness lover, I like to workout at least 4 days a week. I am on a high protein diet all the time. Do you think that my weight training routine could interfere with my Penis Enlargement training?
Welcome “blueplasma” I understand you skepticism with Penis Enlargement the internet is flooded with ads for “4 inches in a month” just buy these pills and you are on the way.

But hangout around here and judge for yourself I have been on MOS for about 4 years and have made some cool gains, I don’t jelq like crazy like I did in the beginning my foreskin grew like crazy. Haha so it forced me to work on my length and girth to fill out my new skin. But I will say it is a necessary step into the world of Penis Enlargement, as you introduce your member to a new type of stress so it will seem foreign in the beginning but hang in there cause you are learning or getting feedback from your Penis Enlargement workouts. You indicated you are into fitness so when you start a new workout program the layout or exercises may seem foreign in the beginning but you adapt as well as your body responds to the new stress placed upon your body. The human body reacts or adjust as needed to the daily demands we put it through.

And with impotence concerns I was more worried about that from my mountainbiking days even with the gel pad bike shorts and grooved seats I was more nervous about that main vein that passes from the area between your balls and anus. Many rides I would be very numb there and always a concern and I have heard stories about the long distance road cyclers having that issue.

And to the question of “what do the people who claim to get erectile dysfunction from jelping do wrong” unable to answer that without more information from the people who suffered that issue to comment one. I know my performance is not as good during sex if I was to have sex after one of my workouts due to the fatigue from my workouts. So I plan according to my time I plan to spend with my gf and performance has been great.

Your goals are realistic but will not happen overnight but work your plan and review the results of your plan then adjust accordingly. An old business or goals roadmap story is of a plan leaving San Francisco with a destination of Hawaii. Has to deal with weather conditions and adjust as needed to hit that island in the middle of the ocean. Its not a straight shot where they can take off and point the plane and have a cocktail, lol. So the pilot has to get feedback of what there actions are doing to the plane and are they getting closer or further away from there target and make adjustments to reach there goal. Sorry it is corny but makes the point.

So you will have to review your feedback of your Penis Enlargement workouts and make adjustment with new exercises more time/reps or different angle and intensity. Jelqing and stretching are some of the core exercises to Penis Enlargement, don’t rush through them learn the moves and review your feedback and adjust.

I weight train as well and the only thing I could think is your arm strength could be a problem if you worked arms in the gym and try to do your Penis Enlargement workout right afterwards, have to plan your real total body workouts to give a good effort to all areas.

Good luck
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