Let us see what this study is really telling us...so according to this study women prefer penises that are bigger (BPEL), then the avarage penis size in the world. Both in hocking up/one night stands (~ 6.5") scenarios, and in a long term relationship (~ 6.3“). So a woman want a penis that is 2.42" longer then the average man's penis size. This is hard truth if you go after what the results of this study are saying.

Total avarage in the world: 13,58 cm/5.35" (BPEL).
Here is my reference:
🔗 worlddata.info (outside of MOS).
I have checked the link with a URL checker so It should be safe.
Really interesting data I would say. But their data is incorrect at one point.
But I would say that their data, is only a average since they can't measure every mans penis in the entire world.

Here is a quote from the website (top of the page):
The longest one is 17.61 cm long and carried by men in Ecuador.

17,61 cm, is equal to: 6.93"
Not really true 😂

And also, if every woman prefer a bigger penis then the average penis size. Then every man should befit from penis enlargement.

I don't care what anyone else thinks about me, I'm doing PE only for me. I feel better about myself, with a bigger...and bigger penis.
I have realized that I feel more confident in myself now (had not bad confidence before). And this without the need of my big muscles. I lost 2,7 kg skeletal muscle mass since I joined MOS.

I feel better, feel healthier and I feel happier. My penis is also healthier, and it wants always to stick out and be erected.

I know women want big penis. They can't take their looks away from my bulge in my pants. My goal is to have a big bulge permanent (without the penis elongation wrap).
My bulge without the wrap is substantially bigger even now. So can't imagine what it will be when I reach 8"x6".

A side note:
I know a women that became disappointed when she discovered her man's penis was "normal" size (arranged marriage).
Don't ask me how I know this, you can say I got inside information. And woman are good to spread information.

The propaganda is false...women want big penis, at least bigger then the average. If you are avarage size, you are good enough...but if you can have a bigger penis, why not just make it bigger?
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:) LOL
This was interesting. They have dumped and refused sex due to the man's penis size. I'm for sure are not going to experience this, I'm not going to risk it.
Just remember that a woman that would leave a relationship based on your penis size is not a quality individual. My wife enjoys being with me for me, not my Johnson. She enjoyed sex before PE and after PE. Does she like it more that I'm bigger? Yeah, but she enjoyed it before too. I can say she absolutely cares way more about how I perform than what I perform with. She understands that PE is more for me than for her and we're honest with each other about that.
Just remember that a woman that would leave a relationship based on your penis size is not a quality individual. My wife enjoys being with me for me, not my Johnson. She enjoyed sex before PE and after PE. Does she like it more that I'm bigger? Yeah, but she enjoyed it before too. I can say she absolutely cares way more about how I perform than what I perform with. She understands that PE is more for me than for her and we're honest with each other about that.
Awesome that you can be so open about PE with your wife.
Just remember that a woman that would leave a relationship based on your penis size is not a quality individual. My wife enjoys being with me for me, not my Johnson. She enjoyed sex before PE and after PE. Does she like it more that I'm bigger? Yeah, but she enjoyed it before too. I can say she absolutely cares way more about how I perform than what I perform with. She understands that PE is more for me than for her and we're honest with each other about that.

Women who have been with guys with big penis, find it hard to settle with a guy who has a small penis. This is what I've noticed in my country.

Let's say, she dated someone with an 8.5 inches length and 6.2 inches girth and they dated for two years and breakup. She went on to date another guy with a 9 inches penis and 6 inches girth for another 1 year and then break up.

If she meet a guy with a 6.5 inches length and 4.75 inches girth, it's going to be tough for such a woman to adjust. I can't say she is not a quality individual for this reason.
I still think a woman who bases her relationships on the size of a man's penis (excluding extremes) has her priorities out of whack regardless what country they're from. So a woman has a great time with you, the sex is great, you're great together, but she can't deal with the fact your penis is a few inches shorter that what she may have had before? That's misaligned priorities. We all want to get bigger but a woman that makes that her deciding factor, no thanks.
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