Wow, J1L, those are some long hours you are logging in. Great job! I haven't gone past the 1.5h in one sitting yet. I'm worried there would be gland damage or something having it cold and purple so long. What are your thoughts?
looking forward to your measurement date....wanna see how much progress you've made in 3months (90days of use)
pjp2002;433642 said:
Wow, J1L, those are some long hours you are logging in. Great job! I haven't gone past the 1.5h in one sitting yet. I'm worried there would be gland damage or something having it cold and purple so long. What are your thoughts?

I go for about 1.5 hours per session. 6 hours is just the total for the day and it's usually consecutive with a couple of minutes to re-adjusting before going for another 1-1.5 hours. I'm unable to use it for 6 hours straight.
05/23-25/2011 - Day (70) 19

Rods: 2x Large (per side) + 2 Small
Spring: 1450-1500g+
Time: 1.5H, 3.0H, 3.0H
Position: 100% Down

It's been a while since I posted so I might be missing some days but I'm usually able to get in at least 1.5 hours a day and usually 3 hours on a decent day. As mentioned in my previous posts, I'm not longer using the locked stretch method in an attempt to determine if using it as instructed (with the spring stretching) is more effective. I've gotten in SG use several times a week and from what I can tell the spring stretching seems more effective for me. I'm getting much better morning EQ and I appear to be gaining some length? I think my length is gaining as it's getting easier to strap in to the current setup. Before I had to try a couple of times to get strapped in tightly, but now I'm able to just strap in and not feel like I have to loosen up or pre-stretch as much to make it happen.

Spring stretching is also more comfortable than locked stretches. It may be for my body using the lighter stretching with days off is helping with gains and EQ more than with locked stretches. I still think locked stretches are also effective but may require more rest to heal and stretch again. That's apparently the way the SG works. Stretch, heal with new cells, and repeat. With the locked stretches it's more extreme stretching, longer to heal and may not be a quicker way to gain. The only way to really know is by measuring but this is what I've noticed so far.
05/26/2011 - Day (70) 12

Rods: 2x Large (per side) + 2 Small
Spring: 1450-1500g+
Time: 3.0H
Position: 100% Down

Been really busy again. The last SG session I had was a week ago which I'm logging now. Another good session and still using the spring stretches. I'll try to get in more consecutive days again.
05-06/31-33/2011 - Day (70) 15

Rods: 2x Large (per side) + 2 Small/Medium
Spring: 1450-1500g+
Time: 3.0H, 5.0H, 3.0H
Position: 100% Down

As I suspected, new gains have been made! I noticed it was a lot easier to strap in the last couple of sessions where I could easily secure my penis in the current setup. I tried to add the medium rods and was able to start with them. It took a couple of tries to strap in because the transition is always a little tough to work at first when going to longer rods.

I wore the medium rods without any discomfort and continued to stretch with the spring method. It was a bit tight at first, but loosened up within the hour. I didn't adjust the thumbscrews too much and just let it go to work. The next day proved to be more of a challenge.

I had to pre-stretch with the smaller rods for an hour before using the medium rods and ended up going back to the smaller rods again. I can attribute this to different states from day to day. Not everyday will be the same.

The third day in I did the pre-stretch with the small rods again and moved up to the medium pair again. I can push the setup with the small rods to the maximum length adjustable with the thumbscrews and this tells me I've made gains as well. I could max out the current setup before, but it was a stretch. I'm now able to do this quite comfortably even though it is a locked stretch which I haven't done lately.

The funny thing is with the medium rods I feel like I'm getting a better stretch than with the smaller rods adjusted at an even longer length. Maybe it's just a mental thing. Whatever it is I'm glad that the gains are still coming and the next step up will be using every rod that came with the SG. This is very encouraging as I started with 2 large rods and that was it.

The SG has served me very very well and is by far the best Penis Enlargement tool I've ever purchased (including the Bathmate and pills a long time ago). I'm a hard gainer and never got this much out of manual exercises. I used to think it'll take me forever to use all the rods but I'm very close now after owning the SG for 6 months (but not 6 months of consecutive use).
06/05-06/2011 - Day (70) 16

Rods: 2x Large (per side) + 2 Small/Medium
Spring: 1450-1500g+
Time: 3.0H, 6.0H
Position: 100% Down

Great sessions lately and I seem to be getting a really good stretch. Doing lots of kegels while wearing the SG helps get that extra stretch and tension in. I usually have to start off with the small rods and change to the medium rods but I sometimes end up going back to the small rods. It really depends on how securely I'm strapped in. I think another week or two and I'll be past this problem.

The spring stretches really help with the intensity of the stretch more than locked stretches. I'll push it right to 1500g most of the time and keep adjusting as it loosens up. Morning EQ is great and recovery seems quicker. SG is getting better the more I learn how to use it.
I will second that, the more you use it the better it gets, I am at exactly the same level of stretch as you, hoping to have done the whole set by the end of the year. Great thread man
Garry_;435907 said:
I will second that, the more you use it the better it gets, I am at exactly the same level of stretch as you, hoping to have done the whole set by the end of the year. Great thread man

I think that's a given based on the results so far. Funny how 1/4" rod seems like a huge jump when you're actually trying it out.
06/07-08/2011 - Day (70) 18

Rods: 2x Large (per side) + 2 Small
Spring: 1450-1500g+
Time: 4.0H, 5.5H
Position: 100% Down

Had to go back to the small rods. The mediums are on a day by day. Some days I can strap in with them, some days I can't. It's strange because I can stretch far beyond the medium rod length with the thumbscrew adjustments.

I'm not sure if it's the spring stretches but the SG feels far more effective and intense on a regular basis. Getting consistent, high intensity stretches. Just need to get in more time/more days.
Hey bro, a few Qs for you. I'm fairly new to the SG and would like to know what spring means. Also i never found out what the round discs were for with crowns on them. Are they the locking mechanisms? What are they used for and do I need them? You seem like an SG veteran, so if I have questions about the SG I'll ask you here. Thanks
J1L;436429 said:
06/07-08/2011 - Day (70) 18

Rods: 2x Large (per side) + 2 Small
Spring: 1450-1500g+
Time: 4.0H, 5.5H

I have found it easier to put on lying down then wait 10 mins before standing let the penis become acostmed to the stretch also seams to go on easier in the morning, seam to get more head swell
Position: 100% Down

Had to go back to the small rods. The mediums are on a day by day. Some days I can strap in with them, some days I can't. It's strange because I can stretch far beyond the medium rod length with the thumbscrew adjustments.

I'm not sure if it's the spring stretches but the SG feels far more effective and intense on a regular basis. Getting consistent, high intensity stretches. Just need to get in more time/more days.
truant;436436 said:
Hey bro, a few Qs for you. I'm fairly new to the SG and would like to know what spring means. Also i never found out what the round discs were for with crowns on them. Are they the locking mechanisms? What are they used for and do I need them? You seem like an SG veteran, so if I have questions about the SG I'll ask you here. Thanks

The springs are located at the base of the extender, inside the lower bars. The Circle discs are mini-wrenches for the hex, tightening screws.
06/09/2011 - Day (70) 19

Rods: 2x Large (per side) + 2 Small
Spring: 1450-1500g+
Time: 3H, 30min V Bridge, 30 min A Bridge, 30 min bundled CW, 30 min bundled CCW
Position: 100% Down

Decided to try out some new stretches today and had great results with them. I stretched regularly for the first 3H with Kegels. Afterwards I used a piece of thick cardboard for V and A bridge stretches. These are amazing. After doing the stretches my penis is 1cm or so longer than usual and I can really feel a different type of intensity in the stretch. After the bridge stretches, I tried bundled stretches and has some minor pinching. I had to shorten the SG to 1 large, 1 medium per side and use the thumbscrews to stretch out.

I prefer the bridge stretches and will focus on these first. I'll also look for more suitable bridge pieces.

Link to the Bridge and Bundled stretch explanations with pics:
06/10-11/2011 - Day (70) 21

Rods: 2x Large (per side) + 2 Small
Spring: 1450-1500g+
Time: 5H, 1.0H
Position: 50% Down, 50% Up

First off, wearing the extender up wasn't a good idea for me. It took a while to regain feeling in the glands when I took off the SG after an hour. Never had this problem wearing it down and probably won't try up again.

I continued with the wide A and V bridge stretches using 2 bridges pieces instead of one. The stretching was very intense and also worked the girth (which I logged in my Bathmate thread). This produced the best girth results I've seen from using these devices and provide a lot of motivation to keep going with a full SG/Bathmate routine.

I did a test wearing no bridge pieces and then later wearing the bridge pieces on separate days. I was able to reach a high length quicker with the bridge pieces than without.
Whens ur next measurement? I would like to know if you've made permanent length gains
afewmoreinches;436871 said:
Whens ur next measurement? I would like to know if you've made permanent length gains

Hi afewmoreinches. I'll measure in the next couple of days.
06/12-13/2011 - Day (70) 23

Rods: 2x Large (per side) + 2 Small
Spring: 1450-1500g+
Time: 3H, 3H
Position: 100% down
Stretches: Regular, A and V Bridge

I've committed to regular A and V bridge stretches because of the stretch gains and intensity I'm getting from them. I really notice the difference in how effective this stretch is. It really helps loosen up the tissue and provide a high intensity stretch that I can wear longer without the glands going cold. It's only been several days so I'll keep going with these and report back. Stretching regularly just isn't the same anymore and doesn't feel as effective.
Hi J1L!

Hey, I just wanted to Thank you for the wonderful logs you've kept not only here for the SG, but also for the Bathmate. They have been a huge help to so many people. You've convinced me to give the SG a go! It will be fun to combine it with my Bathmate and see where I can go....

Dan_Clizer;437537 said:
Hi J1L!

Hey, I just wanted to Thank you for the wonderful logs you've kept not only here for the SG, but also for the Bathmate. They have been a huge help to so many people. You've convinced me to give the SG a go! It will be fun to combine it with my Bathmate and see where I can go....


Thanks and good luck with your SG. It's hard to use at first, but if you modify the strap and stick with it it's amazing. Best Penis Enlargement equipment I ever bought.
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