Aug 7, 2010
I'll detail my experience with the SizeGenetics (SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender) Extender here similar to my Bathmate thread. Let's start with ordering

Ordering was easy after following the link from MOS for the awesome discount. Shipping by UPS (which turns out they use DHL) and paid $185.25USD. Shipping is from the UK.

My full address didn't appear correctly on the invoice I received and when I emailed customer service, they did have it on record as correct. Still wouldn't hurt to double check and send them an email just in case.

"Your billed credit card statement will show: SizeGenetics." I thought this was supposed to be discreet? I'll post again when I see what actually shows up.

I would like an entry form for the order to enter additional information for the courier if needed.
The ordering is satisfactory but could use some improvements.
Sounds good so far. I know the SizeGenetics comes without any identifying marks so you will be good with that.
The package came in 3 days during the holidays. Much faster than expected. I had to call the courier to give them additional information for delivery since I don't live in a house. There was $29 of brokerage and import taxes.

The package came inside of a DHL plastic courier bag with a box of 90 Male Extra supplements, and a PenisHealth DVD.

The Male Extra box was a bit crushed but the capsules are fine. Contents of the SizeGenetics (which is the JesExtender) were shuffled around from transportation but otherwise okay. There's a strong rubber/plastic smell when you open the box.

The following items came in the box:

- Lock key
- Base (Bagged)
- End piece (Bagged)
- Memory Foam (Bagged)
- Comfort Strap (Bagged)
- Extension rods (4 large, 2 medium, 2 small)
- Adjustment keys x 2 (one of the keys has the silver/grey metal coating flaking off already)
- Instructional DVD
- Silica Gel

I haven't opened up the PenisHealth DVD yet but I assume it's similar to what's on the website which you also get access to when you order a SG (immediately). It details exercises with full videos and is a good starter guide.

I've never owned any other devices of this kind. The build quality from what I can tell is okay. Doesn't seem cheap but the comfort strap looks like it may tear after more use. My first though is to get some velcro straps from the dollar store and make my own comfort strap. It will probably be easier to fasten on and off as well.

The only flimsy looking part of the SG is the base rods with the adjustment thumb screws on it. Looks like these could snap/bend over time and be easily broken with some pressure.
01/01/2011 - Day 1

Rods: Large x 2 (1 on each side)
Spring: 900g
Time: planned 4.5 hours
Supplements: ROP
Length: approximately 6.5" from base to tip with SG on and pointing downwards
(SG isn't that long because the comfort strap goes behind the head a bit)
(I won't be providing measurements daily - 2 week or 1 month intervals)

In the last post I forgot to mention the SG box wasn't wrapped or in any other packaging when it arrived inside the DHL bag. It's just the padded box with the Jes logo on top.

I watched the DVD and DLDs video for how to wear the extender first. They recommend using 900g for the first several weeks, then moving to 1200g and finally 1500g for no more than 4-5 hours a days to start.

I tried wrapping and other methods first just to see if it would help but in the end, the included memory foam and comfort strap is the best way to go. It took some messing around with the correct extension sizes and thumb screws and slippage of the attachment to the penis, but eventually I got it worked out. Had some problems keeping flaccid here and there while messing around with the attachments. It's very comfortable to wear so far without any of the stories I've read about pain or slipping. I do notice that the head is cold, but I can still feel it if touched so it doesn't appear to be too tight though the blood flow is obviously less than if you don't wear the SG.

I can feel that my penis is being stretched lightly, but nowhere near the strength of manual stretching. It's a different type of stretch though. Manual stretching is like doing a set of 10 arm curls with 30+lb barbells. The SG is like doing curls with 5-10lb barbells non stop for as long as you wear it. It's an interesting feeling and a different kind of Penis Enlargement.

I could see that larger guys could find the fit of this device very snug. They may have a larger girth base piece (the X4 does) and this may be something larger guys will need (6.5"+ girth?). I could also see someone with a larger girth having a snug fit in between the extension rods as well.

So far so good and it'll be very interesting to see how this works with Penis Enlargement and the Bathmate.
J1L;410296 said:
01/01/2011 - Day 1

Rods: Large x 2 (1 on each side)
Spring: 900g
Time: planned 4.5 hours

Only managed 2.5 hours as I felt a burning sensation in the shaft after a while. It might have been from the memory foam and wrap as it was sore and super sensitive when I took it off. After taking 30 minutes I can probably wear it for another 2 hours but I'll call it a day.

The included DVD said that the SG can parallel activities such as jelqing which I thought was a bit of a stretch. I used the Bathmate for 10 minutes afterwards to get the blood flowing and the pump and feeling was similar to my first use! The pump pressure was very strong and my penis felt very worn out similar to a great jelq session.

Guess is does what it claims to.
J1L;410315 said:
Only managed 2.5 hours as I felt a burning sensation in the shaft after a while. It might have been from the memory foam and wrap as it was sore and super sensitive when I took it off. After taking 30 minutes I can probably wear it for another 2 hours but I'll call it a day.

Trying again since I have some free time. This time I managed to add on 2 medium extension rods and it was a bit trickier to get the end piece on over the extension bars. I find if you can get one side on, you can twist the bars slightly to get the other side on though it's a bit of a stretch.

I wrapped closer to the head this time to prevent the soreness that I got from the last go (where I wrapped behind the head by a couple of cms. I'm guessing it'll take a while (days? weeks?) to really figure out how to best use the SG.
01/02/2011 - Day 2

Rods: Large x 2, Med x2
Spring: 900g
Time: 4 hours
Supplements: ROP

I followed the video on how to use the Vimax extender on MOS to put on the SG today and it was much more comfortable than the previous day. I used the Bathmate to warm up for 10min and to loosen things up. This worked better than without any kind of warm up.

I managed to wear the SG for around 2 hours before needing to re-adjust. The area below the glands is compressed whenever I remove the comfort strap. Hopefully this isn't affecting gains in that area.

After re-adjusting I wore the SG up instead of down and that seemed comfortable as well but resulted in some slippage. The second time using the comfort strap wasn't as good as the first time and led to mild discomfort 1.5hours in.

One thing I noticed was when I removed the SG, my penis looked huge. Not pumped looking from when you use the Bathmate or jelq, but a large flaccid hang even in width. One benefit so far is incredible EQ from just the first use. It was so intense I woke up in the middle of the night and it felt like being a teenager again. Very positive so far.
01/03/2011 - Day 3

Rods: Large x 2, Med x2
Spring: 900g
Time: 2.5 hours
Supplements: ROP

I wasn't able to use the SG until late at night allowing for only 2.5 hour session. I had to re-adjust 2 hours in and went for another 30 minutes before having discomfort and getting sleepy. I wasn't able to use the Bathmate or do any Penis Enlargement afterwards which I usually do. I thought this might make wearing the SG less effective.

To my surprise I had multiple rock hard erections all night. I'm not sure if this is from 3 days of use or that I didn't use the Bathmate afterwards but the SG is incredible. I never thought of myself as having ED, but when I took an ED quiz I found a while ago, it said I had a mild case being at 4 (with level 1 being the worst case and level 5 being NONE). Level 5 is having rock hard erections. I thought this might be from age or what not and another reason I started Penis Enlargement. With the SG, my EQ has returned to better that when I was younger. I can literally feel a bit of pain from so much blood being forced into the shaft that it feels like it could burst.

This is awesome and better than any supplement I've taken. I tried Penis Enlargement pills a long time ago, pills to boost testosterone with Tribulus when I was working out 5 days a week at high intensity, and the Secret Potency Report. NONE of those compares to the results from using the SG and I wish I had known about this YEARS ago. For the results I've personally had, if I could only choose one Penis Enlargement device to purchase first, I would choose the SG over the Bathmate. Don't get me wrong, the Bathmate is awesome and a life changer and I couldn't live without it, but for the results I'm getting for how my body personally responds, the SG is it.

It's deceptive because you don't feel anything close to manual stretching in pull strength, but it obviously works very very well with immediate results. If it can actually lengthen the penis on top of giving you over the top EQ, it's worth its weight in gold.

I haven't used the MaleExtra pills that came with the SG yet because the blood seems to be flowing well by itself and the multiple erections during sleep are enough. If the MaleExtra pills really boost this effect further, I'll need to have 3 girlfriends.

I'm a very skeptical person. When I was looking to order the Bathmate I read reviews, did research and went to the order site many times thinking if I should buy it or not. More than a week passed and I was still evaluating and reading up on the product because I was doubtful. I figured I could spend $120 on something worse and finally convinced myself to get it. What a great purchase. With the SizeGenetics, I was even MORE skeptical and the reviews were even harder to find. I couldn't find too much information on it and the only comment I could trust was DLDs saying "I wouldn't sell it if it didn't work". Even then I was careful about spending the money. After looking at X4 and other extenders and trying to find every review I could that seemed legitimate I still wasn't really sure. The MOS of discount was still pricey but the SG did offer more than competing packages for a similar price. If it was $120 I would get it with less hesitation, but after shipping and tax and customs it would be almost $200+. Manual Penis Enlargement was also not enough. I have read stories about how people gain and have really good EQ, feel really pumped, etc. but it wasn't happening on quite that level for myself. I figured why not get the SG and take my Penis Enlargement routine to the next level. At worst case I lose $200 and never have to wear the device again (which would definitely save time and convenience). After 3 days of using it and if I knew the results would be this quick and noticeable, I would have gotten it without ANY hesitation.

I don't talk to my close friends or anyone about Penis Enlargement. I may have mentioned it to my best friend once but not that I actually did it but I'm thinking about telling him about the SG because it works that well. My last couple of GFs know that I Penis Enlargement but even then I don't go into specifics. I can't guarantee that it'll have the same effect for everyone else wanting one, but I'm happier than a pig in shit now.

The Bathmate gave more length and girth and now the SG is giving me higher sexual confidence and making those gains even better with the EQ.
J1L;410609 said:
I'm happier than a pig in shit now.

as you should be!
01/04/2011 - Day 4

Rods: Large x 2, Med x2
Spring: 900g
Time: 4 hours
Supplements: ROP + Multi Vitamins

I had better success wearing the SG today than the last couple of days and it's getting easier to put on. Still takes a bit of time but not as much messing with it. I usually have to wait a bit after putting on the foam padding as I'm partially erect and that makes it more difficult to put on the SG. I used the Bathmate as a warm up but I don't like how the SG squeezes the penis behind the glands. It probably isn't good for gains and is better left for after using the SG.

EQ just keeps getting stronger and better. I'm not sure if it's the SG or the Multi Vitamins I've been taking or both, but I've been able to produce much larger loads and more intense orgasms. Word of advice, take Zinc supplements (and Magnesium to help absorb it). I was thinking about taking the Male Extra pills that came with the SG before but now I think it might be overkill because the results so far are already great without them.
glad to hear you are getting the hang of things...after a while you will be putting on the extender in about 2 minutes or less...good luck..keep up with the routine
01/06/2011 - Day 5

Rods: Large x 2, Med x2
Spring: 1000g
Time: 4 hours
Supplements: ROP + Multi Vitamins

I'm noticing at 2 hours in, I start to get some discomfort and need to take off and re-adjust the SG. This is consistent day over day. I usually take a break of more than an hour and use the SG again later but today I re-adjusted and attached almost immediately. I had discomfort 1.5 hours in but waited it out.

Overall the SG is a great device and the build quality so far is good. I get some tiny squeaking noises when adjusting the thumb screws, but other than that it seems okay. I purchased velcro strips from the dollar store to make another attachment if the comfort strap gives way. I was looking to buy it from the Jes site, but it's just too expensive.
01/07/2011 - Day 6

Rods: Large x 2, Med x2
Spring: 1000g
Time: 2+2 hours
Supplements: Multi Vitamins

Much better today for comfort. Did the DLD Newbie Stretch routine before using the SG for some warm up. Discomfort after 2 hours on the first session and no discomfort on the second session. My glands were cold at the end of the second session but not purple and I was able to feel contact. 2 hour break in between with 10 minutes of Bathmate for warm down after another break.

I'm noticing that an hour or so into the session I need to adjust the thumb screws to increase the spring tension. Not sure if it's from some slippage or just that I've gotten use to the stretch and can stretch some more.

Using the SG is getting easier but I feel that the comfort strap isn't the fastest way to secure the glands. I took a break from using the ROP and am still getting great EQ at night when sleeping. This is better than other Penis Enlargement methods where when you try something new you get great EQ for a day or two but as your body adjusts, the effectiveness of a new routine or exercise wears down. With the SG it's great EQ so far day after day. Only time will tell if there are length/girth gains to be made.
J1L;411037 said:
I'm noticing that an hour or so into the session I need to adjust the thumb screws to increase the spring tension. Not sure if it's from some slippage or just that I've gotten use to the stretch and can stretch some more.

It's GROWTH gosh darnit!
01/08/2011 - Day 7

Rods: Large x 2, Med x2, Small x2
Spring: 1000g
Time: 2+2 hours
Supplements: Multi Vitamins

The first 2 hours was good today. Easy on and comfortable. I did notice that I was using the thumbscrews to adjust the stretch and was seeing the threads near the base of the device at 900g. I didn't think I was long enough to use the smaller rods but tried it out anyway since I was near the extent of the previous large and med rods.

Securing the SG with the additional smaller rods was trickier but I got it working. It was literally a stretch and I noticed later in the session my head was slipping out of the comfort strap. After readjusting near the end of the last hour my head went cold and there was little feeling. I immediately removed the SG and got the blood flow going again. I think I need 1/2 size small rods since I'm in a middle state of growth.

I'll try the 2 configurations again tomorrow and see what works best. Maxing out the previous config, or really stretching to work with the + smaller rods. The latter is not as comfortable or as easy to secure. Maybe another week at max with the previous config will do it. Either way I'm still very happy with the SG and am still getting great EQ. Once I get the Bathmate X-40 to supplement the new girth from the SG it'll be a complete routine with manual Penis Enlargement for good measure.

I can already see and feel the difference in girth gained, not so much in length which will hopefully happen over more time.
The SG would be great if it had some spring rods with more travel.
toucHydromaxyjunk;411226 said:
The SG would be great if it had some spring rods with more travel.

Too much would not give very good stretch.
Good thread man, i enjoyed reading that. I look forward to more posts from you and seeing how you grow. Good job.
twins172_up;410914 said:
glad to hear you are getting the hang of things...after a while you will be putting on the extender in about 2 minutes or less...good luck..keep up with the routine

Thanks for the positive words twins172_up!
Medicating;411326 said:
Good thread man, i enjoyed reading that. I look forward to more posts from you and seeing how you grow. Good job.

It's surprising how effective the SG is. I really had my doubts because "if it sounds too good to be true..."
So far it's met my expectations at the least.
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