Well update for everyone. I am constantly measuring 7 3/4 BPEL... I also just got my X30. I thought I would try out a quick 20 minute pump (only time I had today) and it put me at a whopping 5.75 midshaft girth. I am really excited about trying my routine tomorrow. Also, I measured today after trying the X30 and was half way between 7 3/4 and 8 inches BPEL.... I actually do think I am gaining.

I started on Cialis 5mg a day and it seems to be working a little bit. Honestly I am disappointed. I will now summarize what my routine has turned into down below.

Warmup 10-15 minutes
Stretching - 10-20 minutes (if I am lazy I just do 10)
Use length-master or the powerassist
5-10 minute pump
5-10 jelqs

5 minute pump
5-10 minute jelqs

5 minute pump
5-10 minute jeqls

I will do anywhere from 3-6 sets of pumps and jelqs. At the end I will sometimes pump for 10-15 minutes to finish off hard lol. Not sure if that is beneficial or not. Anyone is welcome to chime in on my routine!
Thought I would do another update. Today I had an erection every time I went to touch my unit so I couldn't do any stretches! If anyone knows anything I can do for length when having a 70%-100% erection please let me know! I did my pump and jelq with my X30. The X30 is good but when I use the comfort bad a ton of air always gets in. So I took it off to do my pumping. Did my 3/4 sets of pumps and jelqs, then finished with two pump sets of 10 minutes at the end. I got a little bit of a mushroom head but my midshaft girth got up to 6 inches and it felt solid, didn't feel like any fluid at all. In-fact I was a little freaked out at first thinking I had to much blood in there and it was trapped or something.

Even now I still feel kind of erect. it just sitting there at six inches round and 6 inches long and it feels extremely hard when I touch it. I could get myself 100% erect but its just sitting there at like 40% erect like that. I think as long as I am not stuck at a 100% erection I am probably fine. I guess the Cialis is working!
Thought I would just post that it did go down thank god! I am sitting at 5.5 midshaft girth. That is 1/2 inch expansion in complete flacid state then what I usually am. I am happy with this! I just need to know some exercises to do for length when 70%-100% erect, dam erection quality going through the roof here lol!
bigger7757;614998 said:
Thought I would just post that it did go down thank god! I am sitting at 5.5 midshaft girth. That is 1/2 inch expansion in complete flacid state then what I usually am. I am happy with this! I just need to know some exercises to do for length when 70%-100% erect, dam erection quality going through the roof here lol!

Excellent news Brother! Erect stretching is just as profitable as flaccid stretching, it only takes more intensity. You can also include BathMate Hardcore Stretches which are best done erect. And always remember that girth gains also produce length gains and the other way around. As the penis expands it expands in all directions.
DLD am I overdoing it with around 30-40 minutes total in the morning and evening with the bathmate (Note: I do jelqs in-between sets in morning)? I just love the feeling of expansion and measuring afterwards at a 1" increase in girth (some of this fluid but at least half has to be real expansion right?)
bigger7757;615754 said:
DLD am I overdoing it with around 30-40 minutes total in the morning and evening with the bathmate (Note: I do jelqs in-between sets in morning)? I just love the feeling of expansion and measuring afterwards at a 1" increase in girth (some of this fluid but at least half has to be real expansion right?)

If you are practicing jelqing in between sets most of the expansion will be tissue opposed to fluid. 1" gain in temporary girth will quickly translate to permanent gains. Keep up the good work Brother.
bigger7757;615754 said:
DLD am I overdoing it with around 30-40 minutes total in the morning and evening with the bathmate (Note: I do jelqs in-between sets in morning)? I just love the feeling of expansion and measuring afterwards at a 1" increase in girth (some of this fluid but at least half has to be real expansion right?)

just monitor. if your eq starts to suffer or you start to have unproductive workouts then scale it back a little. if everything is good though and you feel fine with the way you have it programmed, then by all means carry on :)
Thought I would give everyone an update on how things have been going. I have become so addicted to the Bathmate that I have neglected the foundational parts of my program. I am going back to the basics!

Warmup- 10-15 minutes with washcloth
Stretching - 10-20 minutes with Lengthmaster, mainly BTC and bundle stretches
Bathmate- Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) routine.

out of curiousity I measured before and after the routine. Before I am 7.75 BPEL and 5" midshaft girth. After my routine I am almost 8BPEL and 5 3/8 midshaft girth. I should also note that I hardly have any fluid retention so this is good. Is this good temporary gains for long-term gains?

Future question. I plan on buying the size-genetics in the future but I have a problem. I currently work in an office setting so I have dress pants. I was thinking of buying really loose dress pants and wearing some type of long-johns or tight underwear to hold the extender to one side or the other. I was thinking of getting in 10 hours a day after my routine. I did some research on my own and found that people who gained insanely fast are people who had a solid routine and the dam extender. Any thoughts on how I could wear this discreetly?

Also, I subscribed to the MOS lifetime membership, why am I not labeled as having life-time support? =)
bigger7757;617209 said:
out of curiousity I measured before and after the routine. Before I am 7.75 BPEL and 5" midshaft girth. After my routine I am almost 8BPEL and 5 3/8 midshaft girth. I should also note that I hardly have any fluid retention so this is good. Is this good temporary gains for long-term gains?
Temp so far, but it sets the precedent for what you're probably going to see in the future if you keep that routine up.
Do you have any EQ problems?

bigger7757;617209 said:
Future question. I plan on buying the size-genetics in the future but I have a problem. I currently work in an office setting so I have dress pants. I was thinking of buying really loose dress pants and wearing some type of long-johns or tight underwear to hold the extender to one side or the other. I was thinking of getting in 10 hours a day after my routine. I did some research on my own and found that people who gained insanely fast are people who had a solid routine and the dam extender. Any thoughts on how I could wear this discreetly?
It should work fine. Especially if you're going to be wearing something tight to keep it more stationary, rather than having it bounce around like a cats tail.
Are you constantly moving about @ work?

bigger7757;617209 said:
Also, I subscribed to the MOS lifetime membership, why am I not labeled as having life-time support? =)
:p Would PM DLD or LIGHTNING about that.
bigger7757;614998 said:
Thought I would just post that it did go down thank god! I am sitting at 5.5 midshaft girth. That is 1/2 inch expansion in complete flacid state then what I usually am. I am happy with this! I just need to know some exercises to do for length when 70%-100% erect, dam erection quality going through the roof here lol!

yeah i get the same sometimes. if i start to get hard during stretching its usually at the beginning, so i just do some reverse kegelling, and do something else to take my mind off of it. if i give it a few minutes of doing this it usually goes down and can stretch. once ive got a few flaccid stretches done i dont usually have a problem with getting hard again for the session, but if i do i just repeat the process
bigger7757;617209 said:
Also, I subscribed to the MOS lifetime membership, why am I not labeled as having life-time support? =)

Send a message to Supportmos@gmail.com with a list of your products you purchased through us and LIGHTNING will update your logos.
Just thought I would do another update on my measurements

9-14-14- Flacid Bone press 7 6/8 BPEL 7.5 Girth mid 5"

11-24-14 FL BP - 8" BPEL 7 3/4 Girth Mid 5" Base 5.5" Front Girth (behind glands) 5 1/4

In a previous post on this thread I said that I wasn't measuring 7 3/4 consistently, well I am now! The only negative thought I have is if its just because my glans are swelled up more then usual or if its actually a solid gain? Looks like I gained 1/4 of an inch. If I can gain 1/4 every 2 months then in one year I will be around 9" BPEL. I hope I can keep this up. Once I get 9 BPEL I will do 100% girth. However, I am still having trouble on my stretches. I just do not feel like I get a good quality workout, even with the lengthmaster.

Question: DLD can I make great length gains just hitting the tunica? I tried the SRT lengthmaster routine but once again I just don't feel like I get a good stretch. I just feel a lot of pressure built up where I grab behind the glands and hardly anything on the base. I went back to the phase 1 DLD routine you had. I was just getting negative PI's from the bath-mate. Its almost like my dick doesn't like it anymore so I am going back to the basics. Thanks!
bigger7757;622154 said:
Just thought I would do another update on my measurements

9-14-14- Flacid Bone press 7 6/8 BPEL 7.5 Girth mid 5"

11-24-14 FL BP - 8" BPEL 7 3/4 Girth Mid 5" Base 5.5" Front Girth (behind glands) 5 1/4

In a previous post on this thread I said that I wasn't measuring 7 3/4 consistently, well I am now! The only negative thought I have is if its just because my glans are swelled up more then usual or if its actually a solid gain? Looks like I gained 1/4 of an inch. If I can gain 1/4 every 2 months then in one year I will be around 9" BPEL. I hope I can keep this up. Once I get 9 BPEL I will do 100% girth. However, I am still having trouble on my stretches. I just do not feel like I get a good quality workout, even with the lengthmaster.

Question: DLD can I make great length gains just hitting the tunica? I tried the SRT lengthmaster routine but once again I just don't feel like I get a good stretch. I just feel a lot of pressure built up where I grab behind the glands and hardly anything on the base. I went back to the phase 1 DLD routine you had. I was just getting negative PI's from the bath-mate. Its almost like my dick doesn't like it anymore so I am going back to the basics. Thanks!

I would say don't pay attention too much to how it feels since you have seen that you are gaining. 1/4" is a great gain for the time period no matter how it feels when you are training.

So last night I did a 20 minute bathmate session before I went to bed because of time issues. Woke up this morning and had a few red bumps when I went to Jelq. I thought I would take it easy and do a 10 minute session before work and afterwards there is tons of small red bumps on the top. I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing though. After my 20 minute session last night I was 6" post girth which never happened before in 20 minutes. I think I am able to expand now more then I was previously able. Any insights on what these small red bumps are on the more back portion (on top) of the shaft? Thanks guys!
Update! I measured fresh this morning at between 7 3/4 and 8" NBEL. I was stretching hard and felt a pop at the base on the top. There was no pain and no problems getting an erection so I am fine with that. However, there is a small hard bump on the top left part of my shaft (towards the middle). No pain but it is there... I thought it was on top of the big vein but its not. Should I keep working through this or stop until it heals? What do you think DLD?
bigger7757;623111 said:
Update! I measured fresh this morning at between 7 3/4 and 8" NBEL. I was stretching hard and felt a pop at the base on the top. There was no pain and no problems getting an erection so I am fine with that. However, there is a small hard bump on the top left part of my shaft (towards the middle). No pain but it is there... I thought it was on top of the big vein but its not. Should I keep working through this or stop until it heals? What do you think DLD?

Well the pop was a ligament going back into place so no worries there. With this bump, is it hard or is it soft?
Its hard although there is no pain at all
Well I took two days off and the thing was still there so I just said screw it and started doing my routine again. I took another measurement today and I am nearing 8 NBPEL. However, I noticed that every time I measured I tilted my pelvis in. So I took another measurement standing straight up and came in at 7.5" BPEL (maybe little over). Either way I am still gaining and can't seem to stop myself from resting until that stupid bump leaves. there is a very slight pain during workout and randomly but its barely enough for me to notice. My plan is to keep working out until Christmas hits then I will probably use that opportunity to take 4-5 days off and see what happens.

Now I perceived during my workouts that the top part of my penis is a lot longer then the bottom. What tunica stretches are best for making the bottom longer? I think if I can add some good tunica stretches that target the bottom part of my unit I can get some quick gains. Is this pretty much just the V stretch? Anyone?
bigger7757;626191 said:
Now I perceived during my workouts that the top part of my penis is a lot longer then the bottom. What tunica stretches are best for making the bottom longer? I think if I can add some good tunica stretches that target the bottom part of my unit I can get some quick gains. Is this pretty much just the V stretch? Anyone?

Congratulations on the 8" measurement, that is quite a milestone. I would not go and second guess yourself by changing body position. Measure the same way every time.

As far as Tunica stretching goes I suggest bundled stretching. This is the fastest way to break down the Tunica. You could even do a bundled V-stretch if you want to target lower on your shaft.
bigger7757;626191 said:
Well I took two days off and the thing was still there so I just said screw it and started doing my routine again. I took another measurement today and I am nearing 8 NBPEL. However, I noticed that every time I measured I tilted my pelvis in. So I took another measurement standing straight up and came in at 7.5" BPEL (maybe little over). Either way I am still gaining and can't seem to stop myself from resting until that stupid bump leaves. there is a very slight pain during workout and randomly but its barely enough for me to notice. My plan is to keep working out until Christmas hits then I will probably use that opportunity to take 4-5 days off and see what happens.

Now I perceived during my workouts that the top part of my penis is a lot longer then the bottom. What tunica stretches are best for making the bottom longer? I think if I can add some good tunica stretches that target the bottom part of my unit I can get some quick gains. Is this pretty much just the V stretch? Anyone?

8 NBPEL is pretty monstrous, good job! The thing to remember with measuring is it really doesn't matter (for the purposes of gains) how you measure, so long as you measure the same exact way every time. That means if you were sitting at first and measuring from the top, do the same exact thing.

I am not sure what you mean by the top being longer than the bottom, but that is how it naturally should be considering you have balls on the bottom part.
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