
Jul 4, 2014
Alright, so I just purchased the MOS membership and I am going to re-think my routine. I will list the time and tools that I currently have along with measurements that I just took this morning.

Current measurement
BPEL – 7-5/8 (think I gained 1/8 inch last month!)
Mid Girth – 5”
Goal 8” NBEL x 6” Girth (Would like 6.5” girth but could live with 6)


I can get up as early as I need to (I am committed) but would love to aim for hour to hour and a half. Sometimes I have time to do a quick session in evening but have to deal with privacy issues for the time being.
I have a Hercules bath mate
I have a MOS membership


L-arginine; Citrulline; and pine bark extract
Male Formula + Super ginseng (Dr. Shulzes formula which is hardcore! Makes me horny as hell but expensive)
I might change to MOS supplement to save money, but I I can afford it I will take this.

My thoughts

I want to do this right more than ever. I thought about starting on phase one from the MOS membership which consists of 3 sets of stretches (not sure if I am allowed to post the routine here) in certain directions, Jelqs (Will say if I am allowed to post the routine on this board), kegels and warm downs. What is the most effective way for me to incorporate the bathmate into this routine with the amount of time that I have?
bigger7757;605262 said:
I want to do this right more than ever. I thought about starting on phase one from the MOS membership which consists of 3 sets of stretches (not sure if I am allowed to post the routine here) in certain directions, Jelqs (Will say if I am allowed to post the routine on this board), kegels and warm downs. What is the most effective way for me to incorporate the bathmate into this routine with the amount of time that I have?

Yes, you can post it here, no problem with that. Since you have the BathMate I suggest you rework the jelqing portion of the program, instead of doing 600 jelqs daily, change this 3 sets of BathMate Pumping for 5 Minutes followed by Jelqing for 5 Minutes and repeat this 3 times. Everything else will remain the same. In the stretching portion I suggest you also include Behind the Cheeks Stretching, this will allow you to hit far angles of stretch from the back. Congratulations on your new start and I will be here the whole way inspiring and helping where I can.
Update on first workout with this plan! I ended up waking up an hour later which screwed me up! However, I was still able to get the full workout in but had some huge trouble! For the manual stretches I tried grabbing right behind the gland but could not get a good feel for any of the stretches today. I could only feel my ligaments stretching if I grabbed an inch+ from the glands (or more). My stretching routine just flat out sucked today.

The 3x3x5 pump/jelq went ok... but I didn't get as much of a pump as I would have liked. I did one extra 4 minute set in the shower and ended the session at a half inch expansion in girth with a slight mushroom behind the glands. This was nowhere nearly as bad as when I just did quick sets with the BM and quick SSQ jelqs. I put on my loose bicep bands afterwards (which I wear all day just enough pressure to make it a little more plump. I wear around the balls and unit). So now for a few questions to help me along the way!

Manual stretches - I totally suck at these. I had a reply on another thread that I made to use baby powder or latex gloves for gripping power. However, a big part of my problem is feeling all the pressure hit the glands instead of the base when stretching. Any input?

Jelqing - How much pressure do you use? I have read just enough to make your glands expand, and I have heard to squeeze fairly hard. How hard do you actually squeeze?

Half inch expansion with very little fluid retention good for post workout? Is a fourth inch even good enough to promote fast growth?

Also, I measured today and was 7 3/4 BPEL. I don't know if I was tricking myself into measuring incorrectly or if I actually grew a fourth of an inch. I have measured in the past after workouts only at 7 1/2 BPEL. I hope to god this is some length gains... Oh man I hope!
If you are unyieldingly persistent you'll grow for sure. If you don't listen to your dick you may injure yourself, and I don't want that for any MOS member.
That's the thing I don't know where that line is! Oh well I will just go every day until something happens. DLD did it and was fine, so I should probably be fine to. Also, I took a measurement this evening and was only at 7.5" BPEL =(. I thought I grew but I guess it was just temporary. I really need to get a handle on these manual stretches because I really suck at them. Actually I need to get that length-master! I was just refunded more student loan money from my pelt grant. Would I get in trouble using that to buy the lengthmaster since its only supposed to be used for school? lol
bigger7757;605614 said:
That's the thing I don't know where that line is! Oh well I will just go every day until something happens. DLD did it and was fine, so I should probably be fine to. Also, I took a measurement this evening and was only at 7.5" BPEL =(. I thought I grew but I guess it was just temporary. I really need to get a handle on these manual stretches because I really suck at them. Actually I need to get that length-master! I was just refunded more student loan money from my pelt grant. Would I get in trouble using that to buy the lengthmaster since its only supposed to be used for school? lol

The only solution to poor grip is the LengthMaster. So many guys suffer with shitty stretching due to many reasons from hand strength to slippage and everything in between but the LengthMaster solves this entire problem and will allow anyone to stretch far greater than anything possible manually and with absolutely no slippage.
Ok so I measured today again before my routine and had a 7 5/8/6/8. Maybe I am gaining! My midshaft girth was also 5 1/8". Still having trouble with the manual stretches. I don't even feel pressure at the base doing rotary cranks. I will keep practicing until I get the lengthmaster at some point.

Question for DLD!

Does the MOS supplement increase your libido and erection frequency? I didn't see any threads with reviews on it. What have people said about it?
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bigger7757;606031 said:
Does the MOS supplement increase your libido and erection frequency? I didn't see any threads with reviews on it. What have people said about it?

Definitely increases erections and much better flaccid hang but libido, no. I am not sure of anything that can effect libido.
Letdown! Measured today and was 7.5" BPEL Length and 5" girth =(. Weird thing is last night before I went to bed I was like 5.25" girth. Maybe it varies from day to day. However, I am making a new rule for myself. I am not going to measure more then once a month. Also, I am going to try not to look at �naked people movies� while doing my routine, I just don't think its healthy to stimulate myself like that every day. Yesterday in the bathmate I crossed the line on the top by 1/8 of an inch, today I only hit the line.

On another note I think I am going to purchase the lengthmaster with bill me later. I am not getting anything out of the manual stretches and I know I will gain if I do the exercises correctly and consistently. So I am going to have to break down and get the lengthmaster.
bigger7757;606528 said:
On another note I think I am going to purchase the lengthmaster with bill me later. I am not getting anything out of the manual stretches and I know I will gain if I do the exercises correctly and consistently. So I am going to have to break down and get the lengthmaster.

This is what it was made for! I wish you tyne best and I hope you really use this new powerful equipment to gain big!
doublelongdaddy;606603 said:
This is what it was made for! I wish you tyne best and I hope you really use this new powerful equipment to gain big!

DLD..... I am trying to buy the LengthMaster using bill me later through my pay-pal account (or even put it on my credit card linked to it if I have to). Unfortunately when I click the link it just sends me to an overview of my pay-pal account. I see no option in buying the LengthMaster. Help?
Never mind I found the link. You have to use the one through the forum and not the one where the MOS membership is.
bigger7757;606615 said:
Never mind I found the link. You have to use the one through the forum and not the one where the MOS membership is.

Good! Glad you found it.
Guess what everyone! Just measured this morning at a whopping 7 3/4 BPEL! If I flexed it was even little past that! I couldn't believe my eyes! I got the lengthmaster and what I did different was really push myself in the stretching. I really pulled hard on the BTC. I am trying to find the middle ground between hurting myself and not pulling enough. I think I may have just touched upon it. I also made jelqing a priority with every workout.

I haven't kept to the routine 100% but I have been consistent with getting up and doing it. I just have another inch and a quarter to go to hit my length goal. Girth is still the same.... stupid 5 inches...... But I will deal with that after I hit length! =)
Monster! So how does that gray area feel like? I've been doin base stretching and really feel the soreness so I know i just need to throw in the size blaster to really explode outwards with length/and of course girth 😁
bigger7757;609462 said:
Guess what everyone! Just measured this morning at a whopping 7 3/4 BPEL! If I flexed it was even little past that! I couldn't believe my eyes! I got the lengthmaster and what I did different was really push myself in the stretching. I really pulled hard on the BTC. I am trying to find the middle ground between hurting myself and not pulling enough. I think I may have just touched upon it. I also made jelqing a priority with every workout.

I haven't kept to the routine 100% but I have been consistent with getting up and doing it. I just have another inch and a quarter to go to hit my length goal. Girth is still the same.... stupid 5 inches...... But I will deal with that after I hit length! =)

Congratulations and you made your LengthMaster very proud!
I have some bad news.... I measured a few more times and I was in-between 7 1/2 and 7 3/4.... I think it might be due to how engorged my glans are which means I didn't gain at all -Sighs-. I need a new attack plan. DLD tell me everything that you know about stretching the tunica for gains! I am not getting jack from doing the ligs. Could you give me a sample routine for tunica stretches with/without the Length-master? Also, you can get massive length gains just from tunica stretching can't you?
bigger7757;611912 said:
I have some bad news.... I measured a few more times and I was in-between 7 1/2 and 7 3/4.... I think it might be due to how engorged my glans are which means I didn't gain at all -Sighs-. I need a new attack plan. DLD tell me everything that you know about stretching the tunica for gains! I am not getting jack from doing the ligs. Could you give me a sample routine for tunica stretches with/without the Length-master? Also, you can get massive length gains just from tunica stretching can't you?

After only 10 days I would not expect massive gains. Have you measure flaccid stretched bone-pressed? This would be the only place you would see gains after such a short period. I can give you an awesome plan of attack using the LengthMaster. Check out this routine: SRT LengthMaster Routine, this will definitely bring the gains but try not to measure after such a short time, it will only discourage you. The only measurements that should be taken regularly are girth (directly after workout to make sure expansion has occurred) and Bone-Pressed Flaccid Stretch maybe once per week, this will be a way to check if you are gaining length. Official measurements for erect length and girth should be done no more than once per month.
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