It's OK to deviate from a diet every now and then but you should try not to go thru a day without eating. This can cause you body to go into starvation mode and store more fat.

So far, sounds like you're making good progress... keep it up bro.
sikdogg said:
but you should try not to go thru a day without eating. This can cause you body to go into starvation mode and store more fat. .

Yeah, I know. I was more concerned/aware of that than anything else.
Hey there,
just checking up on your progress. How's it coming along?
Shafty said:
Hey there,
just checking up on your progress. How's it coming along?

Pretty much the same. the last week or so I have upped my calories and Im pretty much maintaining at 204,which is still on pace or faster than my timeframe goals. I wanted to make sure I was losing too fast and also not losing too much lean. All seems well as my size and strength is about the same while my waist is much smaller. My pants went from tight as hell ( perhaps the main reason I started as I really couldnt see buying all new pants and going up another waist size) to falling off and a couple notches up on the belt. Also my face looks better. I plan to get back on schedule monday and stay pretty strict at least calorie wise.
DLD has inspired meto get back on track.

Heres what has happened:

I started drinking when I never had before too much. So that definitely hurt. It was mostly due to loneliness and depression. I also lived in an environment where all my friends were always partying and outgoing and I felt i needed to drink myself numb to be around them.

Then I got a girlfriend who likes to drink a lot of soda,eat pizza ,etc and she has a young son and she "doesnt want to deny him" sugary snacks, sweets, fastfood,etc. So basically we endup eating together.

Right now I am almost as bad as where I started but I feel I have a better grip and ability to shed some fast. My set point is around 215 now. My highest and lowest weight range since I stopped grwing is about 230-161. Optimal weight for my fatpad, clothes fitting, facefat,etc is probably around 185. So I really only have 30 pounds of fat to go to be very happy.

First thing I am doing is try to cutout all drinks other than water and green tea. I might have skim milk depending on my nutrient evaluation, but i have found despite studies that say otherwise- even with fat free dairy it tends to make me retain water.gain weight.

So my goal for this week is just not to drink any cokes or eatout at all( saves money too). I will update in a week with how I did

Do you plan to keep a log of your food plan? I know you mentioned it at the start of this thread. I can't stay on any kind of food plan for very long if I don't keep a log. I'll start grabbing whatever is handy, whether it's good for me or not.

When I weigh and measure and keep track of the number of meals I eat each day, I do much better. I eat many small meals throughout the day. That way, I don't overeat.

Good luck, pal.
goinfor11x7 said:

Do you plan to keep a log of your food plan? I know you mentioned it at the start of this thread. I can't stay on any kind of food plan for very long if I don't keep a log. I'll start grabbing whatever is handy, whether it's good for me or not.

When I weigh and measure and keep track of the number of meals I eat each day, I do much better. I eat many small meals throughout the day. That way, I don't overeat.

Good luck, pal.

Thanks for reminding me. i was going over my previous food diaries and realized how well i ate and how easy it was when I kept track, and even reading about the food sounds delicious.

I'm going for the lose 30 lbs= gain an inch plan myself.
Big, I've got something that will help you. I was 220 not too long ago, size 40 waist. I'm 170 now and size 32 and I don't diet. I do about 30 minutes of exercize about 3-4 times a week. My approach is a bit unconventional and most think it's bullshit. But it has worked for me and a few friends of mine. Where most people miss the boat, is the fact that there is no such thing as a diet really, it's a life, not a diet.

Now, when anyone has exhausted all the ideas in their current box of convention, it's time to step outside that box into the zone of unfamiliarity. Whenever there is discomfort involved (dieting) the subconscious tries to predict an outcome so it can keep you safe. It keeps you safe by tricking you into eating so it can predict the outcome, which is the chemicals released from the brain that bind to the recptor sites on the cells that produce the emotion of comfort from eating the garbage we eat. So everybody wins, except you. Since the sc is married to your body and the cells, you've already got a couple strikes against you. What I do is override the sc and implant a new idea in it, which is a monumental task. If anybody wants to hear more about this, PM me. I don't want to go into too much detail about it as most people are ready to accept this information. However in the very near future this science is going to revolutionize the way people handle all types of addictions and change. This is not core belief engineering or cognitive behavior therapy. It's easier than any of those things and it's free.

However, it takes work. Not hours, but at least a 1/2 hour a day. Mostly when you lie in bed and when you wake, in bed. Have you ever wondered, what if? What if I was how I wanted to be? Have you ever felt and imagined what it could be like? It can.

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