Sunday 10/1/06 Woke up at 10 today. Slept really shitty as I am in the new apartment but not unpacked and I slept on a bean bag. Woke up and my back was killing. Had to run home to get some more stuff had a bowl of soup at about 11:00 it was a chicken, veggies, barley in a broth. Got back to the apartment and started unpacking stuff. Didn't go to the gym again today as I was beat and just didn't have time with all the unpacking to do. Had basically a eggmc muffin with a hashbrown just from a local place for lunch. Went to work and had a slice of pizza, and a BLT sandwhich throughout the night. Definitely another shitty day of eating but once I am settled in I should be good to go again. Kind of got there I took all my pills today and had a serving of syntha 6 with 5g glutamine and creatine before bed. I think what I am going to do is skip my normal routine on wednesday lifting as well and just go to Friday and do what I would have done last friday. I'm going to do some light lifting on wednesday and some cardio instead of the normal. So my weigh in I'm at 190. So I've lost 3 pounds over the last 4 weeks. I'm pretty sure I've packed on some muscle to though as I am considerably stronger, so I would imagine I've lost more then 3 pounds of fat. Back to the start with my diet again starting tomorrow.
Monday 10/2/06 Woke up this morning and felt pretty tired. Got up at 7:45. I had a bowl of quaker instant oatmeal, and took my pills with a vitamin water. I'm going grocery shopping tonight so I actually have food. Work as was slow, at 11 I had 5oz of turkey, at 1 I had a slice of cheese pizza, and at 3 I had a small garden salad with some turkey and balsamic vinegar dressing. I took two hyrdoxy cuts after work. Went to jiu jitsu and I felt really good. I drank a ton of water today and I really noticed the difference in energy levels. I also had a red bull at work, as the red bull people came in and were giving them out. I only stayed at jiu jitsu for an hour as I wanted to get my shopping done and get home at a reasonable hour. Went grocery shopping and bought a bunch of really healthy food, and lots of all natural stuff. I got home and just had a small snack for dinner. I had some sushi which I bought at the grocery store, it an eel and avacoda roll, and I had some blue corn tortilla chips with some cream cheese salsa. High carb dinner but I just wanted something small and quick. Took a serving of Syntha 6 with 5g of glutamine and creatine about 1.5 hours before bed. Overall good day, and I am pumped to get back into things after taking a half a week off.
Tuesday 10/3/06 Woke up this morning had breakfast around 10. I had a bowl of oats with raisins, almonds and skim milk and took my pills with a vitamin water. Went to class. At 1 I had a serving of Syntha 6. At 2:30 I had a turkey sandwhich with lettuce, tomato, cheddar, wheat bread, and garlic mayo. 3:45 I had a nature valley all natural granola bar. I left class early because I was exhausted. Came home passed out for about 45 minutes. Went to boxing, on the way I had a serving of pretzels, about 25g of carbs. Did boxing for and then a no-gee jiu jitsu class, was there for about 2.25 hours. Was absolutely exhausted afterward and my body was very sore. Came home had some mixed veggies with garlic sauce sauteed in a pan with a can of tuna. Really healthy dinner, barely any fat or carbs. Afterward I watched some TV and had some blue corn torilla chips with salsa cream cheese. Before bed I took a serving of Syntha 6 with 5g of glutamine and creatine. Overall really good day and I felt very fit and healthy before going to bed.
Wednesday 10/4/06 Woke up this morning had a bowl of oats, raisins, almonds with skim milk. Had an green apple also. Decided to go the gym and go easy today so I don't go back in on Friday and kill myself. Below are my stats for the day. I felt okay lifting just did one excercies per body part. Had a great set of dead lifts. Everything else seemed a little weak though. Not sure if I was just low on energy or was a little weak from taking time off. After lifting I had a serving of Anator and 25g of whey with 5g glutamine and creatine. For lunch I had a half a bag of lean cuisine stir fry type stuff. Some noodles, veggies, chicken, pretty healthy overall. I happened to have the day off from work today to so I went to Jiu Jitsu tonight for an hour. Had some pretzels before Jiu Jitsu. Class was good, I was going to stay for two but was definitely a bit tired. Came home had some veggies in a garlic herb sauce, really low fat. I was really hungry, and I ended up plowing through a bunch of blue corn tortilla chips with cream cheese salsa. Also had about 12oz of chocolate soy milk. Before bed I had a serving of Syntha 6 and 5g of glutamine. Took my pills in the morning but not at night. Took two hyrdoxy cuts before lifting.

Barbell Bench Press 45x10 95x10 135x10 140x10 140x8
Deadlifts 135x5 185x5 195x10 200x10 205x10
Barbell Rows 95x10 105x10 105x10
Barbell Curls 75x10 75x10 75x10
Low Pulley Rear Deltiod Raises 30x10 30x10 30x10
Overhead Tricep Curl 45x10 45x10 45x10

This was the first time I did Barbell Rows and I really liked them. Definitely going to try and add them in once a week. By the end of the night my lats were really feeling a little sore from them.
Thursday 9/5/06 Woke up this morning at 8:30 had a bowl of oats with raisins, almonds, and skim milk. Actually felt exhausted and just went back to bed for another 1.5 hours after I ate. Got up at about 10:30 had a yogurt. I didn't go to my early class today. Chilled at the apartment. Had lunch around 12:30 it was the other half a bag of my lean cusine dinner. Noodles, chicken, veggies, etc. Had some whole wheat/grain bread with that to. At about 3 I had a granola bar and a biscuit. Went to class. After class came home I had some blue corn chips with some salsa cream cheese, and I made myself a small steak for dinner 3/4 of a pound. Took my pills in the morning but forgot to take them at night. Watched a movie and drank a couple of beers at night. Didn't take any protein or anything before bed. I feel the difference in the morning. Nice to have a day off, after 3 hard days of training.
Friday 10/6/08 So I've decided to not right my entire diet into these posts as it just gets annoying. But I am going to continue with my new eating plan. Went to the gym today before work. Took two Hyrdoxy cuts before. Had a pretty good session. Still feeling a little weak, but definitely better then Wednesday and definitely starting to get back into the swing of things. Below are my stats for the day.

Routine #3 5 Reps
77.5x5 80x5 80x5
145x5 145x5 145x5
80x5 85x5 90x5
80x5 85x5 90x4
55x5 55x5 55x5
90x5 180x5 270x5 280x5 285x5
60x5 60x5 60x5
45x5 135x5 150x5 155x5 160x4
70x5 75x5 75x5
45x5 70x5 70x5
115x5 120x5 125x5 130x5
10 10 10
15 15 15
10 10 10

Also did 20 minutes of hard cardio on the recumbent bike at the end, which is also when I took my serving of anator p70
Saturday 10/7/06 Drank last night, and was a bit hung over this morning. Still got up and went to Jiu Jitsu though. Class was really good, worked some good stand up. Our school is hosting a tournament in a month which I think I am going to compete in. My weight class would be 187. So I'm hoping by then I can drop another 5-6 pounds of fat and add another few pounds of muscle. I'd like to cut, but next weight class down is 174 and that would be a lot from my current 189. I rolled with a guy for one really good round at the end of class we went for about 12-15 minutes, I finally got him with a reverse rear naked choke from the mount. Was pretty beat afterward. After Jiu Jitsu I chilled for a couple of hours and then went and helped my dad for 2 hours on some yard work. Mostly tractor work, but I was also lifting some big rocks and planting trees, so got a little lifting activity there as well.
Sunday 10/8/06 Went to the gym today. Was a little tired at first, but by the end I felt like I could go forever. I felt so good, and had an awesome round of deads. Had 25g whey with 5g glutamine and creatine before workout, took a serving of anator p70 after workout.

Routine #1 10 Reps
135x5 165x10 170x10 175x10
135x5 200x10 205x10 210x10
75x10 75x10 75x10
75x10 75x10 75x10
30x10 30x10 30x10
45x10 45x10 45x10
85x10 85x10 85x10
450x10 450x10 450x10
45x10 45x10 50x10
60x10 60x10 60x10
50x10 50x10 55x10
Didn't do standing rows as I was getting sholder pain.
10 10 10
15 15 15
10 10 10
Monday 10/9/06 Had a good day today. Got out of work early, took a little nap, for like 45 minutes to rejuvinate myself. I went to Jiu Jitsu, took to hyrdoxycuts before hand. While in class I consumed a bottle of vitamin water rescue, which is like a green tea loaded with B vitamins. I felt extremely energized throughout the classes. Not sure if it was a coincidence, or a combination of things I ate, drank, rested but I felt great. Did 2 classes, and rolled afterward, so I was there for about 2.5 hours. I rolled with another white belt who is going to be competing next month and is about the same weight as I am. He was 184 I'm 189. We went twice both were pretty quick, I took his back once, and sunk a rear naked choke. Second time, I caught him in an arm bar from the guard and tapped him out. Overall a great workout session, and I felt really healthy afterward.
Tuesday 10/10/06 Had a good day today. Ate healthy throughout the day. Went to boxing and no-gee jiu jitsu tonight. Took two hyrdoxy cuts before hand and ate some pretzels. Felt great through the 2.5 hours I was there. I was ****ing exhausted at the end though. I would ventre to say that I sweated 4-5 pounds. I consumed about 50oz of water while there. I got home and just started feeding. My body felt completely depleted. Tomorrow is going to be a very hard day. If I'm able to complete the entire day that I want to tomorrow I will be pumped.
Wednesday 10/11/06 Woke up this morning and went to the gym. Didn't feel to great I'm getting a bit sick and have been feeling shitty. Not sure if I'm just getting sick or my body is over trained and not able to recover. This is way more training then I've ever done before so it could be that, but hopefully not because I want to keep up at the rate I'm going out. Lifting was pretty good I had some good sets. My arnold presses felt goodm I'm definitely making progress there, and I had another awesome round of dead lifts. My last set was pretty heavy, at least for me, and I was so pumped when I finished my last set. After lifting I felt absolutely awful. My nose was running a lot, and my head was killing. Went home, tried to sleep for a while but couldn't despite feeling exhausted. I ended up going to Jiu Jitsu tonight as well, but just for one class. I was reluctant to go because of how I was feeling but I wanted to go and figured it might help. I took it easy and in fact I felt a little better after wards, maybe I sweated out some of the bad. Went to bed early so that I could get a good nights sleep as I really think my body needed it. Below are my lifting stats for the day.

Routine #2 5 Reps
135x5 180x5 195x5 200x5
135x5 225x5 235x5 240x5
95x5 95x5 95x5
130x5 130x5 130x5
130x5 145x5 145x5
40x5 40x5 40x5
35x5 35x5 40x5
90x5 130x5 140x5 145x5 150x5 At Level 5 Decline
95x5 95x5 95x5
60x5 65x5 65x5
Thursday 10/12/06 Had a nice easy going day today. Had class for 6 hours today so I didn't go to the gym. I was going to originally try and do some sort of thursday session but 7 days a week is just to much. So I am going to keep it at 6 days a week which I think is really good. I'm getting about 15 hours of training a week. Ate pretty well throughout the day, although I had a late and large dinner. Not great but I was craving something other then veggies and chicken/tuna. My schedule got switched around a bit for Friday, and I am no working 10-8 so it is going to be a struggle for me to get up and lift for 2 hours tomorrow before week. Hopefully I can make it happen. I'm going to bed now so that I can still get a reasonable amount of sleep. It'd be great to hear some replies from people or thoughts. I posted this journal to get some encouragement but I'm not getting any replies at all really.
Friday 9/13/06 Got up at 6:30 this morning to try and got to the gym before work, but couldn't get myself to do it. Still felt a bit sick, so I went back to sleep. Worked from 10-8 and was completely beat. I wanted to lift after work, but when I got home I really just didn't have it in me. Ended up drinking heavily tonight which also was a bad idea. Food was OK today nothing awful but nothing great either.
Saturday 10/14/06 Woke up to go to Jiu Jitsu but was way to hung over. Spent the day pretty much just recovering. Ate a bunch of greasy food and really didn't do anything. Definitely a bit pissed at myself for the last couple of days. I really need to get my act together. I am competing in 3 weeks, so I really want to try and get myself in good shape. Going to stop any heavy drinking, at least for the next few weeks until after the competition. Went to bed early tonight so that I feel rested and ready to lift tomorrow.
Sunday 10/5/06 Woke up this morning and felt really good. Went to the gym to lift before work. It was really suprising my energy level wasn't really there today but I was still lifting really well. I was uping my weights from three weeks ago and felt like I really could have pushed it had I been a little energized. I've been starting out with chest and shoulder presses lately so that I get good set and my arms aren't beat. Since Incline dumbbells presses were my first excerices I did 5 sets to get my body warmed up. 3 weeks ago when I did this routine at these reps my good set was 55x5. Today on my 4th set I did 60x5 without to much trouble. I figured I would give the 65's a shot seeing as I though I could get them up. Went to do the 65's and my problem was just getting them into the air to start I just couldn't do it. I tried once and couldn't waited a little while and tried again, still couldn't. So I figured I would go back to the 60's. Tried and couldn't put them up, I think my chest and arms were just burnt out from trying so hard to get the 65's up to began with, so I didn't do a 5th set. I was really pumped though doing dead lifts. My last set I pulled (I think that is the term for doing deadlifts) 250 5 times. My back is getting real strong same with my legs. I did my last set on the leg press at 770 for 5 reps. Anyway overall it was a good day below are my stats for the day.

Routine #1 5 reps
135x5 190x5 200x5 205x5
185x5 230x5 240x5 250x5
100x5 100x5 100x5
95x5 95x5 95x5
35x5 30x5 30x5
60x5 60x5 60x5
100x5 115x5 115x5
590x5 680x5 720x5 770x5
40x5 50x5 55x5 60x5
60x5 70x5 75x5 75x5 75x5
70x5 70x5 70x5
Didn't do the upright smith rows again as I was getting shoulder pain again.
10 10 10
15 15 15
10 10 10
Monday 10/16/06 Woke up this morning was absolutely exhausted. Went to work. After work came home slept for about an hour, then went to Jiu Jitsu. Class was really good. Stayed for both and rolled afterward so I was there for a little over 2.5 hours. Was absolutely beat. Probably lost 4-5 pounds in sweat. Rolled for a while afterwards which went pretty well, rolled with some more advanced people which was good. Was really beat when I got home, but I actually had a lot of trouble sleeping. I think I was so dehydrated that I couldn't sleep. Between the start of Jiu Jitsu and before going to bed, I probably consumed about 80oz of liquid, but I couldn't fall asleep until I drank some more liquid, it was definitely a bit wierd. Overall a good day though and I feel healthy.
Tuesday 10/17/06 Took another day off today. My grandparents are up from Pennyslvania so we went out to dinner. I had class until 5:30 so no real time to get into the gym. Ate a little heavy at dinner tonight, but damn it has been a long time since I ate out. Tomorrow is the end of my week, but I missed 3 days this week. I'm going to try and get in a good workout tomorrow.
Wednesday 10/18/06 Had an awesome day today. I don't work on Wednesday's anymore so it allows me some more flexability with my lifting. Lifted at the gym today, did high reps. I've decided that when I do routine 1 or 2 at high reps I'm not going to do that hang power cleans. After doing stiff legs and normal dead lifts for three sets at high reps my legs are toast. Also not sure if I am doing what most people think when I say hang power cleans. I'm doing the ones that were in the October issue of muscle and fitness. I'm starting from the floor, doing a partial row, into a shrug, and then dropping down into a front squat, squating up and then setting the weight down and repeating. I just can't take the extra squats in the hang power cleans. Came home after lifting and was beat. Fueld up and then rest for a while. Went to Jiu Jitsu but just for one class. I felt awesome though. Had a ton of energy, and felt really good all around. Being healthy makes a huge difference. Last wednesday I was a bit sick and felt awful at the gym and even worse at Jiu Jitsu. I definitely could have stuck around for the advanced class but I have a lot of school work that I need to do. Highlight of the day for me was my last set of dead lifts. Did 170lbs at 15 reps. I am starting to dread doing these things but they are just so damn good. I thought that I was going to puke everywhere afterward. Also I realized I haven't been doing my barbell curls properly. I haven't been coming down far enough, meaning I'm skipping the easiest part of the lift. So today I did them same weight that I had last time I was one this routine and rep range and did them properly. My third set I had to cheat a few but they felt so much better, I thought that my arms were going to explode. Below are my lifting stats for the day.

Routine #2 15 Reps
145x15 150x15 155x15
160x15 165x15 170x15
No Cleans Legs Were To Tired
80x15 85x15 90x15
70x15 85x15 100x15
25x15 30x14 25x15
25x15 25x15 25x15
90x15 100x15 105x15 110x15 Level 5 Decline
65x15 65x15 65x15
50x15 50x15 50x15
10 10 10
15 15 15
10 10 10
Thursday 10/19/06 Had a nice day off today. Definitely took advantage and relaxed all day. Unfortunaley when I got home from class the roommates had two handles of Captain Mo's and we proceeded to get hammered. Drank far more then I had in a long time and went to bed late. At least I didn't miss any training today but hopefully it doesn't affect my training tomorrow.
Friday 10/20/06 Woke up this morning so hung over. I thought I was going to die. Went to work from 10-4, pumped the beverages while at work, but still felt fucking awful when I was done. Came home after feeling exhausted all day and figured I would take a nap. Some how though I layed in bed for 2 hours and and couldn't fall asleep. Went to the gym with my room mate. All my room mates go to the University of Vermont, so I went and lifted with one of them at the gym. Only thing I did different in my routine was over head dumbbell presses instead of smith machine military presses, as there weren't really any benches around the smith machines. Starting off I felt really tired, because of drinking last night, but by the end of the night I felt good. Had some good sets, and was definitely happy with my stats today. Most everything went up. I got a retarted pump from my barbell curls, and barbell tricep curls. I did one armed rows after and could barely do them because my arms were so pumped I could hardly hold onto the dumbbell. So I was happy even after drinking heavily last night, to get a good day in the gym. I'm now half way through my 3 month cycle. I'm doing a total of 6 months of hard lifting, and if I continue like I am I think I will reach my goals. Below are my stats for the day.

Routine #3 10 Reps
65x10 70x10 70x10
120x10 130x10 130x10
75x10 75x10 75x10
75x10 75x10 75x10
45x10 45x10 Didn't do a third set of these as I was doing them with my rows, and my arms were to pumped to hang onto the dumbbells for an extended period of time.
90x10 230x10 250x10 270x10
30x10 35x10 40x10 Over head presses instead of smith machine military presses.
115x10 135x10 140x10 145x10
65x10 65x10 65x10
50x10 50x10 50x10
90x10 110x10 120x10 Hugh improvement here. 3 weeks ago my last set was at 95lbs
25x10/60x10 30x10/65x10 30x10/65x10
Didn't do back extensions
15 15 15
10 10 10
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