Day 12 - 08/16/2010
(Re-arranging the days as each one signified Bathmate use. It's day 12 again because I used day 10 as a rest day by accident).

Session: 20 minutes
Method: deep bath
Max: 170
Width: 4.5

Thanks for the advice! vampire2004 is correct in suggesting a slower start with the Bathmate. I have done Penis Enlargement on and off for a long time with advanced exercises and even then you'll need to ease into the Bathmate. I have reduced myself to 1 session per day. To recap, I had a rest day on Thursday from the massive FR and the weekend. The rest definitely affected my ability to reach 180 though I'm not sure what it was from. Could be that I did zero Penis Enlargement on the weekend (not even stretches) and went in the Bathmate flaccid with no warm up. Maybe it was an off day as well or maybe my penis was less pliable after 2 days of rest. Either way, a bit disappointing but it can't be a great day everyday. I will do some exercise tomorrow before using the Bathmate again.

One thing I did notice is that the pump was very strong and similar to what I felt from my very first use. Comfort was also poor and it might be time to trim the surrounding area as it may help with this.

As for DLD's comment it would be great to get a bigger Bathmate for the girth. I noticed the stats for Bathmate is a maximum girth of 4.8cms (width). That doesn't seem like a lot as I figure most people would hit this mark already or easily considering that maximum length is quite long and doesn't match the ratio for girth? If the magic number is 8x6, I'm not sure if the X-40 model will support this?
Day 13 - 08/17/2010

Session: 20 minutes
Method: deep bath
Max: 179
Width: 5.0

After Day 12's less than ideal session I decided to do some Penis Enlargement first before using the Bathmate. Standard 300 Jelqs and Erect Bends for 10-15 minutes. This definitely helped loosen up my penis for Bathmate use in addition to entering it erect. I was able to hit 170 in 5 minutes, but the pumping to 179 was more difficult. I hit 175 10 minutes in to the session but didn't get to 179 until almost 18 minutes in to the session. The pump was strong with only VERY slight FR.

The conclusion is it's ideal to do some Penis Enlargement before using the Bathmate and even better to perform supersets as with DLD slow squash jelqs and DLD Bathmate stretches.

I tried to reduce exercises over the last week and use the Bathmate more exclusively, but this has proven to be less effective and almost counter productive. If you're going to use the Bathmate you really should perform some Penis Enlargement or you won't receive the full benefits of what can be achieved.

I will note that I have some patchy discoloration from using the Bathmate. Nothing drastic or enough to make me stop considering the benefits. Trimming the surrounding area definitely helped with the comfort.
My Bathmate with Daily Updates - Delayed

Delayed - 08/21/2010

I've been swamped with work the last several days and haven't had any time to do Penis Enlargement or use the Bathmate. Haven't forgotten and will update to report the effects of 2 weeks of Bathmate use with a forced break. I'll return ASAP.
J1L;391733 said:
Day 4 - 08/06/2010

Session: 20 minutes morning / 10 + 20 minutes night
Method: Bath / Bath
Max: 176

I'm not a big fan of baths, but the effectiveness of the Bathmate in the bath vs. shower is undeniable (though maybe not for all of you). As usual I did some erect bends before using the Bathmate and went in erect. After pumping to the previous day record I wasn't able to get any further than 172 in the morning session. Hopefully it would go better at night. I thought it made sense that I couldn't get longer every time I used the Bathmate.

with no rest all days ????????????

Wrong. Evening session I did a 10 minute session first and edged past 172 at the end but barely. After adjusting the position of the Bathmate and a short break, I did another session of what I thought would be another 10 minutes. At 10 minutes in I was at 172 again and thought what the hell. 5 more minutes. As I pumped again and waited I slowly made it to a solid 176 at the end of 5 minutes! 180 seemed in sight so I let it go for another 5 minutes. It was a good/bad idea. Bad because I had massive fluid retention but good because I had broken the previous length record. Not to mention when I exited the Bathmate I was HUGE. I was watching �naked people movies� to set the mood and didn't feel regular at all, in fact I thought I looked bigger than the guy in the �naked people movies�! It was ridiculous. I decided to finish the session with some jelqing and it was amazing. My penis was so thick I could barely get the jelq grip around it. I really can't describe the feeling of seeing your own penis that large. It's very inspiring to know that those gains can be made without needing to imagine or visualize. It's right there. The Bathmate provided one other benefit that they didn't mention. Happiness. That might sound lame but it did it for me.

I'm taking the weekend off as I usually do to rest from Penis Enlargement. Can't WAIT to use it again and shoot for 180.
Day 14 - 08/22/2010

Session: 18 minutes
Method: deep bath
Max: 170
Width: 4.8

After 5 days of a forced break due to a heavy workload I managed to get in time with the Bathmate. To re-cap I used the Bathmate for 13 days total (with weekend rest days) before I had to break. Upon my return I've come to some conclusions which many of you may already know.

I was able to hit 170 within 5 minutes of starting my session which was good BUT I couldn't do anymore. Also had to cut the 20 minutes down to 18 as the pump was just too much. It wasn't painful but I was definitely at the threshold. After the session I was again larger but not as much as when used consecutively after a couple of days. I have red spots on the head and part of the shaft near that area (though very minor).

Could I have reached 180 again? Maybe? But I didn't want to risk injury.

Did the rest period help? That's a tough one to answer. Yes it helped because my penis obviously returned to post Bathmate state where it wasn't able to expand as easily. I'm hoping this solidified some gains. No because there's a definite regression to what my previous maximum length was but the girth was similar when fully pumped (ie. filled the gaiter).

Conclusions? I definitely think if I had a stretcher or something to hold my penis in it's post Bathmate state that the gains would be solidified more easily on my break. During my 13 days with the Bathmate, my penis was always fuller and larger when flaccid. On the rest days it seemed like my penis had gone back to it's original state before ever using the Bathmate.

So does the Bathmate help? I think so, with the right rest to solidify gains. DLD will have more knowledge about this than I would but I think proper rest is crucial. Not so much rest that your penis returns to it's original state, but enough that you can solidify gains and keep growing.

I'll do my best to use the Bathmate again tomorrow and see if I can hit the 180 mark and draw a better conclusion than on my 1 day return so far.
I think you are doing just fine. Taking your time and being careful is wise, this is new to you and making the right moves is important.
DLD do you find it better to be 100% erect when you first enter the Bathmate, because the reason I ask is that I am 8 inches nbp and 8.5 bp and when I go in flaccid I can only hit 190mm at the most for a 20 minute session? Is it easier to go past original length erect? Also had the Bathmate for about a week best investment ever.
My Bathmate with Daily Updates - Day 15

Day 14 - 08/24/2010

Session: 20 minutes
Method: deep bath
Max: 175
Width: 4.9

Had to skip a day again due to workload. Day 15 was better by a bit, but still not hitting the old maximum. This may due to the fact that I started with 2 sessions a day and am now down to 1. I probably could have hit 180 but had to re-start 1/2 way through the session as the comfort got progressively worse (testicle pinch, never a good feeling). I also hit the gym for 45 minutes before this session.

I always get some air bubbles but have found a way to eliminate most of them. SuBathmateerge the Bathmate completely under water and enter it but not all the way. Point the Bathmate so the tip is lower than the base and press the release valve a couple of times. This got rid of most of the air and resulted in a much stronger pump initially.

Today's results are good with no fluid retention at all. The conclusion so far is that twice daily sessions in the beginning resulted in a longer maximum length, though it caused slightly more fluid retention. If you're going for length, it could be better to use the Bathmate twice a day but for less time. I am still using a ROP and finding that it is very effective especially after Bathmate sessions. You can really feel it working more so than after regular Penis Enlargement.

Penis Enlargement definitely helps loosen everything up and I recommend supplementing Bathmate sessions with exercises. I'm not doing any only because of workload otherwise I would and I'm sure the results would be much better. During my time off my libido and testicle size decreased slightly but not by much.

It may be worth experimenting with 1 day on, 1 day off to have gains solidify before using the Bathmate again. I noticed before with the daily sessions that my penis was softer and spongier in general. It was always slightly engorged and always seemed larger because of this but the gains weren't permanent yet. As with anything, results are different for everyone. Just keep trying until you find what works for you.
Very cool idea with the air bubbles, I will give it a go in my session tonight.
Day 16 - 08/25/2010

Session: 17 minutes
Method: deep bath
Max: 170
Width: 5.0


Again, not a great session and not to my old max in terms of Bathmate use but I made a discovery that I'll need to test out for consistency. All I could get to was 160 as the pump pressure was too much to take for some reason. I had to cut the session short again but it was due to messing around with the Bathmate. It ended up being a discovery session and with that in mind, I hit 170 easily and decided to call it quits.


I mentioned air bubbles last session. On top of having the Bathmate fully suBathmateerged and tilting the release valve end down and pressing the button, I also SHAKE the Bathmate a bit now while my penis is inserted but not pumped. This gets rid of all the remaining air bubbles.

I noticed with this method, I wasn't able to get very far in terms of max length, but in terms of pump strength and girth it was through the roof! The less air you have in the Bathmate, the stronger the pump. Again I need to test more to verify this but it was consistent for the session.

I then tried pumping with the Bathmate only 1/3 - 1/2 full and was immediately able to hit 170 when 160 seemed trying seconds before. My conclusion so far is that the less air you have (doing both the release valve and shake to eliminate as much air as possible) the stronger the pump. Perhaps this will work well for girth routines.

For length, having some air seemed to ease the pressure of the pump but promote a better length maximum vs. no air. I'll try this again and post the results.
Day 17 - 08/26/2010

Session: 15 minutes / 20 minutes
Method: shower/deep bath
Max: 170/179
Width: 4.6/5.0


My goal today was to hit 180 during my night session. The morning Bathmate was only to loosen up and prepare for the night session. I hit 165 and felt a medium pump and left it there so as to not cause any fluid retention or over pump. I did some light bends and 300 jelqs before the session.

179 at night! Finally! Back to my near old max! I had �naked people movies� on and that definitely helps. Mindset is very important. I did some light stretches and as stated in the Day 16 post, I didn't eliminate all the air bubbles to reduce pump pressure to reach my max length and it worked! I'm very happy with the results today. Not sure if it's the pump pressure, exercises in the morning with the Bathmate, or using it consistently 2 days in a row or a combination of all things, but hitting my near old max felt great.

Comfort was NOT an issue tonight. I only had to do the session once and it lasted for the whole 20 minutes.


My next goal is to break 180 at the end of next week since I usually rest on the weekends.
qjordan;393698 said:
DLD do you find it better to be 100% erect when you first enter the Bathmate, because the reason I ask is that I am 8 inches nbp and 8.5 bp and when I go in flaccid I can only hit 190mm at the most for a 20 minute session? Is it easier to go past original length erect? Also had the Bathmate for about a week best investment ever.

I used to go in 100% erect but a new thing I like Im trying is edging as long as I can until Im at the EDGE, let my erection subside some, apply the Bathmate. I feel a difference in pull.

doublelongdaddy;393794 said:
Very cool idea with the air bubbles, I will give it a go in my session tonight.

Do you think there is a chemical that would be able to go In the water say of the Bathmate. Something that will absorb into the penis. I was thinking L-arginine but that might hurt the skin- so is there any other materials you could soak while pumping??
Turnover;394014 said:
IDo you think there is a chemical that would be able to go In the water say of the Bathmate. Something that will absorb into the penis. I was thinking L-arginine but that might hurt the skin- so is there any other materials you could soak while pumping??

Sounds brilliant, not sure what you can add but it could be a great thing.
My Bathmate with Daily Updates - Day 18
Day 18 - 08/28/2010

Session: 15 minutes
Method: deep bath
Max: 179
Width: 5.0

I remember the numbers but not a lot of detail for this session as it was several week ago and I didn't post. As for putting something in the water with the Bathmate, couldn't you use those creams that give you an erection or a viagra?

Alternatively you could use Nitric Oxide that weightlifters use to increase blood flow as well.
Day 19 - 09/14/2010

Session: 20 minutes
Method: deep bath
Max: 181
Width: 5.5

I was too busy to do Penis Enlargement or use the Bathmate over the last 3 weeks and have just gotten back into it. As my post states I used the Bathmate for 18 days (just over 3.5 weeks not including rest days) before stopping completely. Near the end, I stopped doing Penis Enlargement using just the Bathmate.

Some observations during my 3 weeks off:
- flaccid state got smaller and seemed to return to my pre-Bathmate size
- flaccid state less "full"
- less stamina in bed (- 20-25%)
- girth seemed smaller

I would compare using the Bathmate regularly keeps your penis "pumped". Similar to when you work out frequently at the gym. Healthier and larger.

I had done 300 jelqs in the morning before using the Bathmate at night. To my surprise, I hit 181! Based on my perception during the time off I thought I had gotten smaller or lost some gains but the rest seemed to do some good. The patches on my skin from Bathmate use had cleared up a bit and my skin felt less elastic and soft. I was already at 160 semi-erect and hit 170 within 5 minutes. There was no pain and no adjusting. The 20 minute session went without a hitch hitting 181 at 10 minutes in. Also watched �naked people movies� which I hadn't seen for the last 3 weeks. Psychological factor? When finished I put on the ROP after a heavy cleaning as usual. Didn't feel it working as much as regular though.

The rest period seemed to help and I didn't lose any length though I did lose out on the other benefits.
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