stillwantmore2 said:
I think a lot of the other posting goes on in the feminized forums...the non Penis Enlargement talk forums....where they discuss girly fantasy stuff, homo erotica, and other non Penis Enlargement related talk. Their actual Penis Enlargement forum however, is not very busy most of the time.

:D That is fucking funny...I bet Thunder has a vagina:D
doublelongdaddy said:
:D That is fucking funny...I bet Thunder has a vagina:D
Now, now DLD I know he slags you off all the time but do you need to lower yourself to his level:O But seriously I just wanted to let you know that although the waters are muddy and it is hard to know who is telling the truth and who is not eventually you have to go with your gut instinct. After our discusssions on the "More than just Penis Enlargement?" thread it has become obvious to me that you are a man of great intelligence and I do not believe a man who speaks so eloquently on the subject matters that we have previously discussed would be guilty of the deceitful crimes he has been accused of at Thundersplace. You have so much to offer us in the Penis Enlargement community it is such a shame that people try and tarnish your image I implore you to try and do everything to disprove these allegations they make against you. The one I would like to see you resolve is the allegation of the photoshopped images of your penis as this argument is so damaging to the Penis Enlargement community as a whole.
bigjim7 said:
Now, now DLD I know he slags you off all the time but do you need to lower yourself to his level:O But seriously I just wanted to let you know that although the waters are muddy and it is hard to know who is telling the truth and who is not eventually you have to go with your gut instinct. After our discusssions on the "More than just Penis Enlargement?" thread it has become obvious to me that you are a man of great intelligence and I do not believe a man who speaks so eloquently on the subject matters that we have previously discussed would be guilty of the deceitful crimes he has been accused of at Thundersplace. You have so much to offer us in the Penis Enlargement community it is such a shame that people try and tarnish your image I implore you to try and do everything to disprove these allegations they make against you. The one I would like to see you resolve is the allegation of the photoshopped images of your penis as this argument is so damaging to the Penis Enlargement community as a whole.

In any efforts to disprove the banter of my advisories implications I would be lowering myself to a standard consistent with guilt. I need not prove anything to these people, their accusations are not based on my validity but on their own dubiosity and turpitude. My penis size has absolutely nothing to do with their motives and I will never recognize it as such. I have paid those dues, I have not only made pictures and video available for testimonial value but I have been scrutinized by the press. My time of validation is no longer a priority to me. If my contributions to Penis Enlargement and the men who have gained from this benefaction are not enough for my antagonist disbelievers then be it. I challenge any of these pessimist's to debate the effectiveness of my exercises...if they show that they have not benefitted this movement I will close this site and take a job at McDonald's.
I hear what your saying Bro I would just love to see them shut the fuck up, how many people have they sent down the wrong path because they called you a fraud.
There a quite a few general types of people on Penis Enlargement forums, but just to name a few . . .

Penis Enlargement Politicos - Guys with nothing better do than get invloved in forum flaming contests and endlessly bitch over strict forum rules . . . these guys mostly reside at �other PE site�. I believe they're mostly bored married men or lonely and sad fucks. Likely to lie about their gains and complain about unverified minutia of Penis Enlargement techniques in between stints of adjusting auto insurance and �naked people movies� surfing. 50ish, obsessed with girth and weird �naked people movies�, praying their kids aren't smart enough to check their browser trails, and so, so sad . . .

Novice Posters - This field includes all the underage kids and teenagers that get on the forums and either post bullshit or really naive comments. Easy to identify, basically harmless, except when the injure their dicks and give the weBathmateasters legal implication heart attacks . . . nothing worse than mom and dad q. public with a lawyer and a web address.

Sincere and Normal Dudes That Want To Give Penis Enlargement A Shot At Enlarging Their Dicks For Various Personal Reasons - mmm, 10% ? I'd like to say more, but reading the forums doesn't bolster belief in a larger figure. That's actually pretty decent considering the amount of traffic these sites generate as well as the actual number of normal posters.

Crazy Foreigners (Ferriners!) - We all know these guys: "hey Dld, my penis is being at least 10-5 cms uncut, so what is the fastest length for gaining and my girlfriend says she likes it but i think i can do more, plus good work on all the gains. these pics are not erect to show my gain. thanks and i would liek to know of some gaining by yours." You know, like Borat, but real.

Hero Worshippers - Hate to come down on them, but guys that foam at the mouth at the revelation of all this, and their subsequently adoring posts that will tolerate no criticism of any Penis Enlargement wisdom or anything deriding the god-like status of prominent figures in the Penis Enlargement world. No need to provide proof or substantiated explanations for these fellows, they'll tug their dicks right off to show their dedication to some strangers on the internet who claim to have figured out how to enlarge their penises. Treat them tender fellas . . . they need all the help they can get. In fact, advise them to get into an after school program, learn a vocation, and spend less time on the internet. We're all better off for it.

Complusive Bullshitters/Obsessives - Tend to be bright but brief flames on the forums. Often disruptive in nature, they start out with unbridled enthusiasm and positively annoying levels of posting (usually replying to any and every topic imaginable with the same painfully limited vocabulary and tone, often identified by the much reviled 'font smiley' icon set). Eventually they will revolt and/or start out on their own, proclaiming to have mastered Penis Enlargement on their own steam and rejecting the establisHydromaxent that they once claimed was a godsend and a bright beacon in a cold html world. The forum breathes a collective sigh of relief when these weird assholes finally depart to more ADD tolerant pastures. Anime and myspace fixations may be early warning signs.

Schemers/$$$ - The guys that learn the ways of the forums and are additionally smart enough to pick up on the desperate and naive nature of many of the people that end up on Penis Enlargement sites. This is not to speak of their own desperate, naive, and fundamentally exploitative natures. They'll sell products, self-made items, advice, whatever, the only common denomenator is that they see the money making potential of sites like this and want a piece of those fat Penis Enlargement revenues for themselves. Frankly, I see this practice as being somewhat akin to the crack-dealing street soldier that risks his life on the corner peddling rocks for a scarce profit, while the their distributorship and higher-ups collect serious money from their pandering, but I don't doubt that the occasional huckster can turn around a few grand selling their wonder gadgets and quick-fix inventions on somebody else's webspace. I say more power to 'em, it's a market economy, nobody can make money without suckers. For one bit of good - you can make as many Penis Enlargement gains as is likely possible with some lube and your right hand - but don't take my word for it, and please do buy my new and improved 'mega-rings of super (supra) power' - guranteed 2' length, 1' girth, just wear it for 15 minutes a day and watch some made up scientific principle change your life forever. Also you'll get fucking jacked from all the additional testosterone.

Guys That bust Their Asses, Take The Forums With A Grain Of Salt, Don't Politic, Bitch, Sell Shit, and Most Importantly: Gain - Word up to SikkDog, Crazyed, Brian Rex, Goldmember, Penguinsfan, and many others that I can't recall off hand, you know how you are.

Gay Cruisers - They're around, it is a site about cocks after all. I know I check in with all the natural tit-enlargement sites . . . haha (barely). I'm not a homophope, at least I don't think, but anybody that spends time on any of these forums will have noticed that there is a percentage of guys on here that are lonely/disconnected gay men that seem to just enjoy the frank discussions of male sexuality. There's also a repressed group that can't quite come to grips with their own feelings but love all the shaft and balls talk nonetheless. These are the guys that used to to kind of freak you out during pledge semester for your frat. They ain't hurtin' nobody . . . but they are making the picture proof section even harder to deal with . . .

Bored Stoners That Probably Don't Penis Enlargement A lot - These guys are alright, they give the forums much needed shots of character and humor. Plus they always have cool graphics and links, and othe shit. What?

Aspiring Penis Enlargement Gurus That Sadly Struggle For Recognition In A Little Internet Niche- Not many of these guys around these days, but they often fall into the schemer/$$$, desperately unhappy middle-aged married guy, and unlisted pscho category. Often demand credit for "inventing" Penis Enlargement stuff, claim pioneer status, demand moditorial repsect, was philosophical about their Penis Enlargement journeys, and commit legendary assaults on english grammar. Despite such, they're kind of the driving engine behind Penis Enlargement and usually the most entertaining posters, so give them they anonymous applause that they crave.

Cynical Assholes That Infrequently Post, Believe There Is Some Merit To Penis Enlargement, But Have Always Been Too Lazy To Really See Any Real Gains - Uhhhhhhh . . . Ahem.

The People That Pay For These Sites - I don't know what I think about DLD or his gains, or methods, but homeboy pays for the site that everybody here likes posting on. If you think he's a liar, jackass, imposter, profiteer, whatever, then go stick it up your ass. He deserves credit just for letting people say as much all the time. Even if he's banking on this site and Penis Enlargement isn't worth a shit, then it's a sucker's fault for buying in without looking hard first. The guy isn't selling the grand answers to life or even a sure thing - and you have to admit that most of the important Penis Enlargement knowledge is free on his hosted forum. On some level the dude buys into this stuff (how else could anybody commit so much time and energy? Unless they're batshit crazy, which DLD admits to, so I may be arguing in circles, but I digress), and it seems to help some people, so why hate? He's probably helped out more people than you, and if you think he's not legit, guess who cares? Some other bitter asshole like you? Well, yeah, that's probably the only other person.
stridge said:
There a quite a few general types of people on Penis Enlargement forums, but just to name a few . . .

Penis Enlargement Politicos - Guys with nothing better do than get invloved in forum flaming contests and endlessly bitch over strict forum rules . . . these guys mostly reside at �other PE site�. I believe they're mostly bored married men or lonely and sad fucks. Likely to lie about their gains and complain about unverified minutia of Penis Enlargement techniques in between stints of adjusting auto insurance and �naked people movies� surfing. 50ish, obsessed with girth and weird �naked people movies�, praying their kids aren't smart enough to check their browser trails, and so, so sad . . .

Novice Posters - This field includes all the underage kids and teenagers that get on the forums and either post bullshit or really naive comments. Easy to identify, basically harmless, except when the injure their dicks and give the weBathmateasters legal implication heart attacks . . . nothing worse than mom and dad q. public with a lawyer and a web address.

Sincere and Normal Dudes That Want To Give Penis Enlargement A Shot At Enlarging Their Dicks For Various Personal Reasons - mmm, 10% ? I'd like to say more, but reading the forums doesn't bolster belief in a larger figure. That's actually pretty decent considering the amount of traffic these sites generate as well as the actual number of normal posters.

Crazy Foreigners (Ferriners!) - We all know these guys: "hey Dld, my penis is being at least 10-5 cms uncut, so what is the fastest length for gaining and my girlfriend says she likes it but i think i can do more, plus good work on all the gains. these pics are not erect to show my gain. thanks and i would liek to know of some gaining by yours." You know, like Borat, but real.

Hero Worshippers - Hate to come down on them, but guys that foam at the mouth at the revelation of all this, and their subsequently adoring posts that will tolerate no criticism of any Penis Enlargement wisdom or anything deriding the god-like status of prominent figures in the Penis Enlargement world. No need to provide proof or substantiated explanations for these fellows, they'll tug their dicks right off to show their dedication to some strangers on the internet who claim to have figured out how to enlarge their penises. Treat them tender fellas . . . they need all the help they can get. In fact, advise them to get into an after school program, learn a vocation, and spend less time on the internet. We're all better off for it.

Complusive Bullshitters/Obsessives - Tend to be bright but brief flames on the forums. Often disruptive in nature, they start out with unbridled enthusiasm and positively annoying levels of posting (usually replying to any and every topic imaginable with the same painfully limited vocabulary and tone, often identified by the much reviled 'font smiley' icon set). Eventually they will revolt and/or start out on their own, proclaiming to have mastered Penis Enlargement on their own steam and rejecting the establisHydromaxent that they once claimed was a godsend and a bright beacon in a cold html world. The forum breathes a collective sigh of relief when these weird assholes finally depart to more ADD tolerant pastures. Anime and myspace fixations may be early warning signs.

Schemers/$$$ - The guys that learn the ways of the forums and are additionally smart enough to pick up on the desperate and naive nature of many of the people that end up on Penis Enlargement sites. This is not to speak of their own desperate, naive, and fundamentally exploitative natures. They'll sell products, self-made items, advice, whatever, the only common denomenator is that they see the money making potential of sites like this and want a piece of those fat Penis Enlargement revenues for themselves. Frankly, I see this practice as being somewhat akin to the crack-dealing street soldier that risks his life on the corner peddling rocks for a scarce profit, while the their distributorship and higher-ups collect serious money from their pandering, but I don't doubt that the occasional huckster can turn around a few grand selling their wonder gadgets and quick-fix inventions on somebody else's webspace. I say more power to 'em, it's a market economy, nobody can make money without suckers. For one bit of good - you can make as many Penis Enlargement gains as is likely possible with some lube and your right hand - but don't take my word for it, and please do buy my new and improved 'mega-rings of super (supra) power' - guranteed 2' length, 1' girth, just wear it for 15 minutes a day and watch some made up scientific principle change your life forever. Also you'll get fucking jacked from all the additional testosterone.

Guys That bust Their Asses, Take The Forums With A Grain Of Salt, Don't Politic, Bitch, Sell Shit, and Most Importantly: Gain - Word up to SikkDog, Crazyed, Brian Rex, Goldmember, Penguinsfan, and many others that I can't recall off hand, you know how you are.

Gay Cruisers - They're around, it is a site about cocks after all. I know I check in with all the natural tit-enlargement sites . . . haha (barely). I'm not a homophope, at least I don't think, but anybody that spends time on any of these forums will have noticed that there is a percentage of guys on here that are lonely/disconnected gay men that seem to just enjoy the frank discussions of male sexuality. There's also a repressed group that can't quite come to grips with their own feelings but love all the shaft and balls talk nonetheless. These are the guys that used to to kind of freak you out during pledge semester for your frat. They ain't hurtin' nobody . . . but they are making the picture proof section even harder to deal with . . .

Bored Stoners That Probably Don't Penis Enlargement A lot - These guys are alright, they give the forums much needed shots of character and humor. Plus they always have cool graphics and links, and othe shit. What?

Aspiring Penis Enlargement Gurus That Sadly Struggle For Recognition In A Little Internet Niche- Not many of these guys around these days, but they often fall into the schemer/$$$, desperately unhappy middle-aged married guy, and unlisted pscho category. Often demand credit for "inventing" Penis Enlargement stuff, claim pioneer status, demand moditorial repsect, was philosophical about their Penis Enlargement journeys, and commit legendary assaults on english grammar. Despite such, they're kind of the driving engine behind Penis Enlargement and usually the most entertaining posters, so give them they anonymous applause that they crave.

Cynical Assholes That Infrequently Post, Believe There Is Some Merit To Penis Enlargement, But Have Always Been Too Lazy To Really See Any Real Gains - Uhhhhhhh . . . Ahem.

The People That Pay For These Sites - I don't know what I think about DLD or his gains, or methods, but homeboy pays for the site that everybody here likes posting on. If you think he's a liar, jackass, imposter, profiteer, whatever, then go stick it up your ass. He deserves credit just for letting people say as much all the time. Even if he's banking on this site and Penis Enlargement isn't worth a shit, then it's a sucker's fault for buying in without looking hard first. The guy isn't selling the grand answers to life or even a sure thing - and you have to admit that most of the important Penis Enlargement knowledge is free on his hosted forum. On some level the dude buys into this stuff (how else could anybody commit so much time and energy? Unless they're batshit crazy, which DLD admits to, so I may be arguing in circles, but I digress), and it seems to help some people, so why hate? He's probably helped out more people than you, and if you think he's not legit, guess who cares? Some other bitter asshole like you? Well, yeah, that's probably the only other person.

Great post just trying to workout what category I fit in to. It really highlights my point though about trying to see clearly what is real and what is fake.
u guys ever watch old kung fu movies cuz this shit is like shoalin and wu tang swordsmen man.

the shaolin temple is like those old fashioned dudes who dont wanna advance and shit and they standin around with their hands together sayin "buddha bless you" but they're gettin bitch smacked the fuck up. so the wu tang started their own shit and theyre the badass motherfuckers who got the craziest styles n smackin up those whack ass monks slicin n dicin em up wit swords n shit cuz their style is way better.
This thread gets better all the time:D
bigjim7 said:
Great post just trying to workout what category I fit in to. It really highlights my point though about trying to see clearly what is real and what is fake.

Me too!! Man, he really covered the gamut!!! :)
More Meat said:
Well who hasnt pissed in a car, ate their own shit and then went out for some starbucks?

I do it!! But not in that order!! Starbucks ALWAYS comes first!!!! ;)
goinfor11x7 said:
Just ask Hobby, Mike. StillWantMore will fill you in on that.


What happened with Hobby?
goinfor11x7 said:
Do you think the great P.E. god in the sky will punish me for gossiping?


Nah, your cool. I just spoke with him and he told me gossiping was his favorite pass time....but then again, the Penis Enlargement God is Thunder, isn't it? :D Quite the Paradox.
Yeah, he's over there on "Mount Olympus" manipulating the shit out of all comers, old and new!!
10inchadvantage said:
All I know is that my penis is getting bigger. Ever onward, comrads!

Indeed! The best way to win a battle of words is in the actions that prove your position.
10inchadvantage said:
All I know is that my penis is getting bigger. Ever onward, comrads!

Mine too, 10 inch!! Whoohoooo!! I can't keep that sucker in my pants anymore!!

Long live DLD's "expressive stretching!" Shit!! My dick's "expressing itself" all over the place.

Lol, lol!!!
goinfor11x7 said:
Mine too, 10 inch!! Whoohoooo!! I can't keep that sucker in my pants anymore!!

Long live DLD's "expressive stretching!" Shit!! My dick's "expressing itself" all over the place.

Lol, lol!!!

Express Yourself
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