
Aug 5, 2006
Today I was looking at a thread where basically �other PE site� were slagging off DLD again and generally trying to discredit him, it occurred to me that all this does is muddy the water for everyone else. It is hard enough for people who are new to this to try and find the truth amongst so many scams and people to who are just out to make a quick buck. MOS and �other PE site� Place despite there differences share a common goal which is why so many of us are members of both. Good advice can be found on both but this sometimes is obscured by the mud slinging that Thunder and others on his forum throw at DLD. There main beef seems to be with DLD's discrepancies over the size he claims to be. He is reported to have said he was 12 inches before but now only claims to be 10.5. It would beneficial for all of us if this was resolved. If DLD could be the bigger man and tell thunder to come round to his place and he can get a measurement for himself there could be no more disputing it, then maybe they could go for a drink afterwards and just agree to differ on some points. It was strange to me that SWM wrote that story about the night with DLD (starbucks coffee, pissing in a car, eating his own shit) now he has apologised for his behaviour, does that mean he admits that the story is untrue. I am posting this because some clarification is needed as to what the fuck is going on because the only thing that is clear is someone is talking shit. I hope that this is not taken the wrong way I just think these things could be sorted then we could all move forward quicker and more efficiently to reaching our goals, rather than reading about something then it been thrown in to doubt because someone says it is BS. Ultimately we all have to find our own way as a we can not live vicariously as other peoples experiences are just that and will differ greatly sometimes to what we find ourselves. So maybe no one is right or wrong but what can not be disputed is the negative effect this has on the Penis Enlargement community when perhaps the real enemy is medical profession who claim that you can not enlarge your penis and the con artists trying to make a quick buck. If we channel our energy in to fighting them and resolve our internal differences without completely trying to discredit someone who has a difference in opinion then I believe we can make some giant leaps forward. It truly is a case of united we stand divided we fall. As I said before this is meant to be constructive not start an argument, I believe until we resolve this the Holy Grail of Penis Enlargement will continue to illude us.

Peace my brothers
bigjim7 said:
It was strange to me that SWM wrote that story about the night with DLD (starbucks coffee, pissing in a car, eating his own shit) now he has apologised for his behaviour, does that mean he admits that the story is untrue.
Peace my brothers

No, that story I posted was a 100% true account. DLD really is a nut when he's off his medication. He himself will tell you that. I appologised for attempting to make DLD look bad, and MOS look bad.

The way I have come to see things is basically this. It really doesnt matter to me who is telling the truth about their penis size. This stuff (Penis Enlargement) works when the methods are applied with a deliberate, and consistant amount of effort. Even if the messenger (the person bringing you whatever exercise) is blowin' smoke up your ass about their size, or doesnt matter if the product, or exercises work. BIB is one of my favorite examples. His hanger is one of the best products for gaining length out there. He claimed to make over 4" in erect length gain in about 2 years time. Not everyone believed him, but again....who cares? His product, and hanging work when used consistently.

The "fueding" between the forums really is childish when you look at the big picture.
stillwantmore2 said:
No, that story I posted was a 100% true account. DLD really is a nut when he's off his medication. He himself will tell you that. I appologised for attempting to make DLD look bad, and MOS look bad.

The way I have come to see things is basically this. It really doesnt matter to me who is telling the truth about their penis size. This stuff (Penis Enlargement) works when the methods are applied with a deliberate, and consistant amount of effort. Even if the messenger (the person bringing you whatever exercise) is blowin' smoke up your ass about their size, or doesnt matter if the product, or exercises work. BIB is one of my favorite examples. His hanger is one of the best products for gaining length out there. He claimed to make over 4" in erect length gain in about 2 years time. Not everyone believed him, but again....who cares? His product, and hanging work when used consistently.

The "fueding" between the forums really is childish when you look at the big picture.

Thanks for replying SWM I was worried that you might take this as a personal attack which is not what I intended. I just want to get to the bottom of some of the ludicrous claims that are made to try and discredit DLD. Obviously there are the issues surrounding the discrepancies of his size claims but people just get sili when they start saying it is possible he has never even Penis Enlargement'd and talks total shit. My point is if DLD has a theory the more people that experiment with it the better the feedback the quicker that theory evolves. However if the slur campaign against DLD works and he is discredited then less people believe what he is saying and the process slows down so everyone is the loser. The forums are all working for the same goal but some times we can be our own worst enemy. It just saddens me when I read the shit at �other PE site� about DLD and I'd be lying if I said it didn't cast any doubts in my mind. Thats why there is no benefit to anyone in muddying the water.
Your point about the messenger is an excellent one this stuff really works which makes it even worse that some people make it look like a con with the feuding that goes on. I notice that BIB never seems to get involved in this and maintains a dignified silence (at least to my knowledge) that is why I can't wait to get my BIB hanger.
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(this will sound egotistic but it is not, it is fact) Thundersplace is a complete and absolute community about DLD. They have always been about me and after I left continued to keep the format about me. When I first got involved with Penis Enlargement I made advances that no one had ever witnessed before my coming. I was a member at Big Al's site, I spent a year at Big Al's forum during which time I continued to develop new and more powerful exercises. Also, during this period, I invented what is now called Mental Penis Enlargement, a psychological means to the minds growth in confidence as the penis grows. My advances in exercise, theory and my own gains quickly became the talk of a new forum, Thundersplace. Upon my very first posting, literally, I was asked to be a moderator. Something at the time I knew was Thunder using me to bring my already large following to his forum. I continued to post at both forums, T's and Peforums. Every moderator, every member at Thundersplace embraced and used my exercises. Check any of my old threads there, particularly the DLD Blaster Thread which if it were not locked by Thunder would still be the largest thread they have ever had. I continued to do my part for the Penis Enlargement communities and eventually found myself taking on way to many one on one members that I could not both do my job and the Penis Enlargement charity work. At this point I decided to open my own site, which was held in high regard by EVERY member of the forums, including Thunder. As I worked on putting together my site and posted about my progress my following grew in very large bounds. I think Thunder believed I would fail but when he saw that I would not fail and quite possibly take a large portion of his business he decided to de-mod me and start a anti-DLD campaign. I had a friend in the mod forum, Twat teaser, who sent me all mod activity. I read �other PE site� plans on trying to discredit me and he rallied the support of his moderator. Upon my acknowledgment of their plan I decided to leave �other PE site� and start my own forum, something I had no plans of doing (my site was only the MOS paysite). I made my final thread at �other PE site� (DLD says a sad fair-well to �other PE site�). The thread became massive and in a small amount of time every posting member of �other PE site� with the exception of his DLD-hit Squad, gave me unbelievable support. I never made another post there and the rest is history.

My penis size became the easiest place for �other PE site� to attack as it directly effected my credibility. These attempts were futile but even today they try these same tired tactics. My size is well documented by an un-biad outside source, GQ Magazine. When the penis enlargement article was being created by Peter Ruben (then the staff writer for GQ) I was to be the main focus of the story. This required a personal interview where a requirement was a measurement by Peter Ruben (read the story on He witnessed and recorded my size (then I believe it was 10") In addition to this documentation I have had plenty of other outside sources witness my measurement including BangBros. Many of my personal clients have also asked to come to my house for personal instruction where most asked out of curiosity for a measurement. In every instance it was consistent with my claims.

At this point in my career I have decided I will no longer do pics, video or any other nude work. My concentration is on ALPHA BLADE and the advancement of MOS penis exercise.

Stillwantmores mostly fictitious story was more than likely based on his embarrassment of me bitch smacking him for grabbing me. I do not like to be touched and when he did so I had to put him down. I am more ghetto than project steps due to my life experience. My mental status is well documented by the press and myself. I am Bi-Polar and off my medication I am a mess. But ask yourself, if I did not have these mental disabilities would Penis Enlargement be where it is today?
Well who hasnt pissed in a car, ate their own shit and then went out for some starbucks?
doublelongdaddy said:
(this will sound egotistic but it is not, it is fact) Thundersplace is a complete and absolute community about DLD. They have always been about me and after I left continued to keep the format about me. When I first got involved with Penis Enlargement I made advances that no one had ever witnessed before my coming. I was a member at Big Al's site, I spent a year at Big Al's forum during which time I continued to develop new and more powerful exercises. Also, during this period, I invented what is now called Mental Penis Enlargement, a psychological means to the minds growth in confidence as the penis grows. My advances in exercise, theory and my own gains quickly became the talk of a new forum, Thundersplace. Upon my very first posting, literally, I was asked to be a moderator. Something at the time I knew was Thunder using me to bring my already large following to his forum. I continued to post at both forums, T's and Peforums. Every moderator, every member at Thundersplace embraced and used my exercises. Check any of my old threads there, particularly the DLD Blaster Thread which if it were not locked by Thunder would still be the largest thread they have ever had. I continued to do my part for the Penis Enlargement communities and eventually found myself taking on way to many one on one members that I could not both do my job and the Penis Enlargement charity work. At this point I decided to open my own site, which was held in high regard by EVERY member of the forums, including Thunder. As I worked on putting together my site and posted about my progress my following grew in very large bounds. I think Thunder believed I would fail but when he saw that I would not fail and quite possibly take a large portion of his business he decided to de-mod me and start a anti-DLD campaign. I had a friend in the mod forum, Twat teaser, who sent me all mod activity. I read �other PE site� plans on trying to discredit me and he rallied the support of his moderator. Upon my acknowledgment of their plan I decided to leave �other PE site� and start my own forum, something I had no plans of doing (my site was only the MOS paysite). I made my final thread at �other PE site� (DLD says a sad fair-well to �other PE site�). The thread became massive and in a small amount of time every posting member of �other PE site� with the exception of his DLD-hit Squad, gave me unbelievable support. I never made another post there and the rest is history.

My penis size became the easiest place for �other PE site� to attack as it directly effected my credibility. These attempts were futile but even today they try these same tired tactics. My size is well documented by an un-biad outside source, GQ Magazine. When the penis enlargement article was being created by Peter Ruben (then the staff writer for GQ) I was to be the main focus of the story. This required a personal interview where a requirement was a measurement by Peter Ruben (read the story on He witnessed and recorded my size (then I believe it was 10") In addition to this documentation I have had plenty of other outside sources witness my measurement including BangBros. Many of my personal clients have also asked to come to my house for personal instruction where most asked out of curiosity for a measurement. In every instance it was consistent with my claims.

At this point in my career I have decided I will no longer do pics, video or any other nude work. My concentration is on ALPHA BLADE and the advancement of MOS penis exercise.

Stillwantmores mostly fictitious story was more than likely based on his embarrassment of me bitch smacking him for grabbing me. I do not like to be touched and when he did so I had to put him down. I am more ghetto than project steps due to my life experience. My mental status is well documented by the press and myself. I am Bi-Polar and off my medication I am a mess. But ask yourself, if I did not have these mental disabilities would Penis Enlargement be where it is today?

At this point in my car

Thanks for the recap on your past history with T's, this was before my time so it was interesting to read. The magazine article is all the proof I needed about your true size. The only disrepancy I have found is on your paysite in Jens lunchbox section she claims to have measured you at 12inches but hey guess your right about women not being good judges of size. Thanks again for replying and keep up the good work.

P.S. Can you please tell me what Alpha Blade is or give me a link to it as all I know about it is what they said at �other PE site� about the release date.
bigjim7 said:
Thanks for the recap on your past history with T's, this was before my time so it was interesting to read. The magazine article is all the proof I needed about your true size. The only disrepancy I have found is on your paysite in Jens lunchbox section she claims to have measured you at 12inches but hey guess your right about women not being good judges of size. Thanks again for replying and keep up the good work.

P.S. Can you please tell me what Alpha Blade is or give me a link to it as all I know about it is what they said at �other PE site� about the release date.

Jaz, my partner and weBathmateaster, made a few errors on the tour pages of the pay-site. I am not sure if they have all been corrected but I am not 12"...I don't think anyone is.

ALPHA BLADE, is easy to find out about, there are many threads if you search. The release date was wrong and I completely overstepped my confidence on when my work would be complete. I am still working on the project but I will not release it until I feel it is worthy of public critique. That is just the way I am, a perfectionist. ALPHA BLADE is my life's work and it encompasses many of my theories and theorems in many areas of science and meta-science and how these apply to Penis Enlargement, exercise, psychology, physics, philosophy, etc. I understand the anticipation and peoples frustration with my delays but I need to be 100% before I can open the site in good conscious. The site will be free and open to the public so any talk of monetary gains are unfounded and another way to degrade my image.
More Meat said:
Well who hasnt pissed in a car, ate their own shit and then went out for some starbucks?

:D I do it everyday. Sometimes I save the shit for after a venti double mocha.
Thinking more on this topic. Does Thundersplace need me to stay open? I mean they have been talking about me so much that the site should be called Mike's Place. I have not been on the forum for more than 3 years and I bet that the most searched phrase is something to do with me. It really confuses me, don't they realize how pathetic and obviously jealous they appear? Sad.
Mike, never stop being the open and intuitive person that you are. I have seen people bash you on this site before, but your confidence shines when you are steadfast in how many times you have backed up your claims.

If Thunder had went through the same things as you, and someone even mentioned anything about his gains being fake, it'd be an immediate ban.

You have a much stronger character than him, in that you are able to take criticism without it affecting you, which again leads back to confidence.

I have an account at �other PE site� using a different name, but I have never posted there and probably never will because of the pre-packaged BS community there. It seems that anybody who challenges the status quo over there is immediately shunned and banned. If anyone goes against what the all might Thunder thinks then it's an automatic ban for you. I have seen numerous times when Thunder has threatened to ban long-time members with over 2000 posts. Who in the hell would ban someone with 2k+ posts at the drop of a hat anyway?

Thunder seems to me like one of those fascist dictators who likes to control how people act and think. I can definitely see him plotting to discredit you, while pretending to be your friend all the while. He's just one of those people who would make a "great" politician.

You have contributed WAY more to the community than Thunder has. All Thunder has to really say he has contributed to the Penis Enlargement community as a whole has been that he started a site in which there are tens of thousands of members(closed membership, too).

YOU on the other hand have what he has, a product and DVD line out of it, TV interviews, 100s of exercises, etc.

Really, when I first started people bashing and using whatever to prove that your gains were fake, I thought about how I should view this site and you. I thought, "well, it doesn't matter if DLD is 3" long, he made a ton of great exercises, a huge community, and also contributes his personal life and his mistakes so that we can all learn from him, physically, mentally, and spiritually."

Don't feel bad about being yourself, Mike. Without your influence the game would have been a lot different, and for the worse.
10inchadvantage said:
Mike, never stop being the open and intuitive person that you are. I have seen people bash you on this site before, but your confidence shines when you are steadfast in how many times you have backed up your claims.

If Thunder had went through the same things as you, and someone even mentioned anything about his gains being fake, it'd be an immediate ban.

You have a much stronger character than him, in that you are able to take criticism without it affecting you, which again leads back to confidence.

I have an account at �other PE site� using a different name, but I have never posted there and probably never will because of the pre-packaged BS community there. It seems that anybody who challenges the status quo over there is immediately shunned and banned. If anyone goes against what the all might Thunder thinks then it's an automatic ban for you. I have seen numerous times when Thunder has threatened to ban long-time members with over 2000 posts. Who in the hell would ban someone with 2k+ posts at the drop of a hat anyway?

Thunder seems to me like one of those fascist dictators who likes to control how people act and think. I can definitely see him plotting to discredit you, while pretending to be your friend all the while. He's just one of those people who would make a "great" politician.

You have contributed WAY more to the community than Thunder has. All Thunder has to really say he has contributed to the Penis Enlargement community as a whole has been that he started a site in which there are tens of thousands of members(closed membership, too).

YOU on the other hand have what he has, a product and DVD line out of it, TV interviews, 100s of exercises, etc.

Really, when I first started people bashing and using whatever to prove that your gains were fake, I thought about how I should view this site and you. I thought, "well, it doesn't matter if DLD is 3" long, he made a ton of great exercises, a huge community, and also contributes his personal life and his mistakes so that we can all learn from him, physically, mentally, and spiritually."

Don't feel bad about being yourself, Mike. Without your influence the game would have been a lot different, and for the worse.

Thank you so much for that post, it made me smile and realize I still am doing the right thing.

At this point in my life my size has nothing to do with my present and future plans and contributions to Penis Enlargement. Dealing with the physical portions of penis enlargement I have always approached it with a deducible mentality. Being a scientist at heart I have always looked at physical-pe in a purely logical manner. Each exercise was and is an expression in mathematics. I did my research, created experiments and disclosed my findings. I was not willing to accept the findings of my predecessors, I respected their findings and, of course, built my own ideas around what existed but I never was willing to leave well enough alone. I have never accepted what was considered fact and I will never stop being curious and obsessed with creating a better model. My own gains and exercises that made them possible, regardless of the validity that some question, have been a staple in even my adversaries routines. �other PE site�, sly in their ways, have taken many of my exercises and theories, renamed them and re-posted them...I guess this somehow justifies their need to use what I have created with a false sense of security that no one will know. I have never, nor will I ever, expect comeuppance from anyone using my exercises, whether the name is DLD Bends or Sad-Sak Slinkies. I do view their meretricious disregard to give credit where credit is due as sad and embarrassing but if my contributions, even in disguise, helps men gain then my objectives are satisfied.

On a more meta-physical level as it is only realized in an intuitive affectation, my work in psychological Penis Enlargement began as my own desire to conquer demons that plagued my own life. Wearing my heart on my sleeve, which was selfish in many ways as I hoped for the help and attention of my comrades, grew into a new branch of Penis Enlargement. With everything I have done in my years in Penis Enlargement I hold the mental Penis Enlargement in the highest regard. The fact that many men see themselves in a skewed semblance and my modest contributions to this area of disorder help them correct their self-view gives me more contentment than the actual exercises that make their penis larger.

Thunder lost me in his need to slay his own pathetic frailty and somehow save face in the wake of my revocation [to bigger and better things] and still to this day he could emerge as a better man to just admit the errors of his ways but this, as many things in life, will probably never happen.

I could care less what is happening at Thundersplace, it has absolutely no impact on MOS (accept the constant promotion of my/MOS's name). Since the beginning of MOS it climbed a steady and consistent path of success. Success does not come from dishonesty as no one can wear a face of deceit before he is exposed as the liar he is. I have no secrets, everyone who wants to know anything about me, ANYTHING, can easily find it in the public domain. Whether it be my mental disabilities, past indiscretions, failed relationships, whatever, it is there for anyone to view. People make their decisions to be a part of MOS for their own reasons but I have always felt that them knowing me before they make this commitment creates the type of community I want. A community that is open to discuss, explore and create with freedom of expression. I am not, nor will I ever be a dictator. I am a servant to the following MOS has created.

"Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized." AE
doublelongdaddy said:
Only when you have corn the night before:D

Haha.. that actually made me lol ... uhhh im stoned, ill read the rest of the posts later
doublelongdaddy said:
Thank you so much for that post, it made me smile and realize I still am doing the right thing.

At this point in my life my size has nothing to do with my present and future plans and contributions to Penis Enlargement. Dealing with the physical portions of penis enlargement I have always approached it with a deducible mentality. Being a scientist at heart I have always looked at physical-pe in a purely logical manner. Each exercise was and is an expression in mathematics. I did my research, created experiments and disclosed my findings. I was not willing to accept the findings of my predecessors, I respected their findings and, of course, built my own ideas around what existed but I never was willing to leave well enough alone. I have never accepted what was considered fact and I will never stop being curious and obsessed with creating a better model. My own gains and exercises that made them possible, regardless of the validity that some question, have been a staple in even my adversaries routines. �other PE site�, sly in their ways, have taken many of my exercises and theories, renamed them and re-posted them...I guess this somehow justifies their need to use what I have created with a false sense of security that no one will know. I have never, nor will I ever, expect comeuppance from anyone using my exercises, whether the name is DLD Bends or Sad-Sak Slinkies. I do view their meretricious disregard to give credit where credit is due as sad and embarrassing but if my contributions, even in disguise, helps men gain then my objectives are satisfied.

On a more meta-physical level as it is only realized in an intuitive affectation, my work in psychological Penis Enlargement began as my own desire to conquer demons that plagued my own life. Wearing my heart on my sleeve, which was selfish in many ways as I hoped for the help and attention of my comrades, grew into a new branch of Penis Enlargement. With everything I have done in my years in Penis Enlargement I hold the mental Penis Enlargement in the highest regard. The fact that many men see themselves in a skewed semblance and my modest contributions to this area of disorder help them correct their self-view gives me more contentment than the actual exercises that make their penis larger.

Thunder lost me in his need to slay his own pathetic frailty and somehow save face in the wake of my revocation [to bigger and better things] and still to this day he could emerge as a better man to just admit the errors of his ways but this, as many things in life, will probably never happen.

I could care less what is happening at Thundersplace, it has absolutely no impact on MOS (accept the constant promotion of my/MOS's name). Since the beginning of MOS it climbed a steady and consistent path of success. Success does not come from dishonesty as no one can wear a face of deceit before he is exposed as the liar he is. I have no secrets, everyone who wants to know anything about me, ANYTHING, can easily find it in the public domain. Whether it be my mental disabilities, past indiscretions, failed relationships, whatever, it is there for anyone to view. People make their decisions to be a part of MOS for their own reasons but I have always felt that them knowing me before they make this commitment creates the type of community I want. A community that is open to discuss, explore and create with freedom of expression. I am not, nor will I ever be a dictator. I am a servant to the following MOS has created.

"Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized." AE
The proof of the pudding is definitely in the eating, for all the DLD knockers that are out there they still can't take away the fact that your routines and exercises really work. You offer a unique insight in to the mental side of Penis Enlargement and beyond that. Where as there is some good advice at �other PE site� they seem to be suffering from a bad case of tunnel vision in only viewing Penis Enlargement as exercises. There is not enough focus on the mental side and your interest in science, philosophy and religion I think gives you a broader perspective and framework to approach the subject matter with and infinitely more options. I look forward to the eventual release of Alpha Blade and hope that the continued mud slinging directed at you from �other PE site� does not hinder our journeys forward togehter.

More Meat said:
Well who hasnt pissed in a car, ate their own shit and then went out for some starbucks?
Hell, i think i've done that once or twice and i'm not bi-polar... ;)
sikdogg said:
Hell, i think i've done that once or twice and i'm not bi-polar... ;)

Really, who hasn't? Stillwantmore should really try it, it may help his gains:D
Another confusion I have with Thundersplace is the amount of users they supposedly have on their board. For instance, today I looked at their main forum and there was only 5 posts for the day. With 60,000 members and an average of 700 online at a time doesn't that sound peculiar? MOS's post count is consistent with our traffic to the forum, we average 200 posts per day. I become very suspicious of a discrepancy that huge. I know that there are programs that boast member count, add fake users, etc. this is the only explanation for this gap, unless their mod forum is pumping out a couple hundred posts a day. Their total member count, since we passed them last year seems to be questionable also. Their member count is always ahead of ours at this point, I see that we are ahead at times and like clock-work, a week later their count is boosted and I mean by alot. If this is the case it is very pathetic.
I have wondered why there are so few new threads as I check every day and its usually the same old banal stuff. I really don't know the answer to that however unlike here you can just view threads without registering so maybe there are a lot of lurkers.
doublelongdaddy said:
Another confusion I have with Thundersplace is the amount of users they supposedly have on their board. For instance, today I looked at their main forum and there was only 5 posts for the day. With 60,000 members and an average of 700 online at a time doesn't that sound peculiar? MOS's post count is consistent with our traffic to the forum, we average 200 posts per day. I become very suspicious of a discrepancy that huge. I know that there are programs that boast member count, add fake users, etc. this is the only explanation for this gap, unless their mod forum is pumping out a couple hundred posts a day. Their total member count, since we passed them last year seems to be questionable also. Their member count is always ahead of ours at this point, I see that we are ahead at times and like clock-work, a week later their count is boosted and I mean by alot. If this is the case it is very pathetic.

I think a lot of the other posting goes on in the feminized forums...the non Penis Enlargement talk forums....where they discuss girly fantasy stuff, homo erotica, and other non Penis Enlargement related talk. Their actual Penis Enlargement forum however, is not very busy most of the time.
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