
Apr 18, 2004
Due to an increasing amount of hostility directed toward me, I hereby revoke my mod status and resign from MOS. DLD, please remove any nude photos of me from this site, if possible, as I do not feel comfortable having them posted here if I am not going to continue my membership.

It is my sincere hope that I have helped enlighten some of you on the possible consequences of circumcision and helped educate you on ways that you may be able to lessen the trauma of a botched circumcision.

I know that I have experienced a definite improvement to my sexual health as a result of Penis Enlargement and Foreskin Restoration, and hope that if there are any circumcised men out there who would like to explore the possibility of improving their sex life, that they give FR a moment of consideration.

Penis enlargement does work, and having a larger penis does provide a man with a sense of pride and sexual power. However, most men Penis Enlargement as a way to be "better in bed"...that's why I always thought that FR belonged here. FR can also make a man more pleasing to his mate. It's not all about how big it is, boys. Unfortunately, there are some here who seem to feel that any talk of FR is disparaging to their own manhoods. Therefore, the negativity begins-- a defense mechanism, surely.

Whatever...I just feel like I'm spinning my wheels here, trying to get the message about FR across while constantly defending myself. The negativity and the skepticism is just too stifling. Bear in mind that people "don't believe in" Penis Enlargement either! The point is, MOS just isn't fun to hang out at anymore. And that's what sex is really about: enjoyment.

Why should I contribute to a forum where I have to constantly monitor my every thought and word to keep from being lambasted?

I plan to check in a little bit more today. Say some goodbyes, if anyone cares to...

If you would like to know more about the benefits of Foreskin Restoration and contribute to a forum that is more open to the idea, log into:


I will be working on it full time from now on and plan to have a lot of interesting articles, FUN discussions and good wholesome �naked people movies�! See ya there!

Your friend,

"aka Kong1971"
Sorry to hear that you are leaving. We are loosing good MODS by the day. I don't frequent the FR section as I am uncut but I do remember reading a couple threads where you were defending yourself.

I will miss ya and hope that you will come back to shine your light on us.
Kong, Things become hard in forums, you got to learn to ignore and let shit go. People have been attacking me for ions and I just ignore them. You are a great mod, great guy and the most knowledgeable foreskin guy we have, I beg you to reconsider your decision and take the high road on this one. If your message only helps a few, it is worth it.
You're defending yourself against a minority....remember that. What does the majority think? I've always found many of your posts informative, eventhough I'm not into FR. So you can let what 'escalated' in the last few days to get to you, or chose to do what you want to do, and the hell with what a few people think. Just don't read their posts.

But your choice. GL. :)
esteban said:
You're defending yourself against a minority....remember that. What does the majority think? I've always found many of your posts informative, eventhough I'm not into FR. So you can let what 'escalated' in the last few days to get to you, or chose to do what you want to do, and the hell with what a few people think. Just don't read their posts.

But your choice. GL. :)

^^^ Thats it!
kong i think you're a great mod with alot of usefull advice to offer.i think you should reconsider your approach.dont let a few jabs knock down the heavyweight.
kong, I find your FR threads HIGHLY informative. I hope you'll reconsider.
just wanna let you know that I loved reading your posts and that they were a great help. It's sad you're leaving but I understand. Hope we'll have you back soon!
Reconsider. Dont let the BS get you. I look forward to your humor. Enough said.
All I can say is stay. I think the reason you get the backlack is the same way that one guy who asked "how to de-enlarge your penis" got backlash. For some men it is just seen as unnatractive and you cant change there mind on that. It is like trying to change a man's taste in women in what is and not attractive.

When they hear it, they imagine it, and dont want it to be done to them so they backlash, even though you obviously arent forcing it on them. Its just the way people work man. Just ignore it and stay. Bye.
Kong... man, you can't let a few naysayers run you off. I understand that you don't have to put up with the crap if you don't want to, and if you don't want to, that's absolutely within your rights, but I think the "core" of MOS wants to keep you around... not just wants to keep you around, but has accepted you as our NPenis Enlargement brother. Everybody has their "niche" in Penis Enlargement, and some appreciate it more than others. I'd say mine is penis size as it relates to self-image, and I am sure some people would think I'm retarded to let my self-image be so wrapped up in my penis, but we are who we are. You have helped a lot of people here, whether it's directly related to FR or, in my case, just commenting on someone's insecurities.

I hope you'll reconsider, but if your mind is made up then I wish you the best in all your endeavors.
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A side note... I t-taped last night for the 1st time after reading the "hostile" banter. You have effected more people positively then you know.
Kong, I don't post much about my own FR (Penis Enlargement is my main objective right now), but I find your posts VERY informative. I hope you'll reconsider.
Whoa Whoa Whoa, slow down here.

Kong is directly responding to an argument that I alone carried on with him last night about circumcision and foreskin restoration. I encourage anybody to take a look at the threads (please read the whole things before you pass judgement, they're long) and see if it was a case of naked hostility by me or not.

It was certainly not my intention to run Kong off, and I think I made it clear during the threads that it was absolutely nothing personal. I frequently reminded that we ought to keep in mind that it was just a debate on an internet forum as well. I think he reacted so drastically in part because we have argued about this before in another thread, whose name escapes me, but is about five pages long and also concerns the merits of foreskin restoration and the detrimental effects of circumcision. I encourage anyone interested to have a look at this thread as well.

I think Kong is a positive presence around MOS and certainly contributes more than I do on a variety of topics. If some members or mods go over there and read the threads in which Kong and I have been bickering and feel that I am way out of line, please allow me to volunteer to not post here anymore if that will please Kong. I like this forum an awful lot, but I certainly am not an integral part of it.

So, some members please have a look at the threads and offer some feedback, and anybody that is friendly with Kong extend some feelers and see if he might be willing to stick around. This is all rather sili and very out of hand. It was only my intention to have a factual debate about what some of the commonly expressed beliefs regarding FR and circumcision damage are in that forum, not to make Kong completely discouraged and quit posting.

The threads are near the top of the FR forum, please have a look.
I can't believe it. Kong I have read many of your posts and have always found you to be interesting and kind. Although we haven't spoken much I have always seen you as playing an important role here at MOS. I'd personally like you to stay but good luck in whatever you choose to do.
Hey Kong
I'm a moderator on another forum, and sometimes you just have to accept argument. I bounce over to MOS because I like to read what people are saying. Some of the posts here are a waste of my time, others are very informative, I would be lying if I didn't say that I have learned a few things on this forum that have helped me understand the whole process. Your posts have been some of the ones that I thought were intelligent and contained good information. Kong your a good mod, stick with it and don't let the bull get you down. Sometimes thick skin is a very useful thing, also I think that you would miss trying to help people. I, for one, have always enjoyed reading your posts.
No Kong! You are a cornerstone to this website, don't leave! I wasn't even beginning to think about foreskin restoration until I read your input on it, and now I'm trying to put together a little FR routine for myself. Plus your input on everything else here is second to none! This site will not be the same without you!
Well, your a good mod and I like you.
Sad to see you go, your makeing a sili choice and childish one IMHO.
Dont let small people beat you, they aint worth it. Plus I think your takeing this to serious, its just a forum at the end of the day man.....forget it. I dont see why it has done what it has done to you to make you feel like this. I'm sad, I really like you but if your gunna be so childish and demand de-modding and your pix removed than holla.
This is why I am so frustrated!

Here is an example of a debate between swank and myself.

I make a statement on my beliefs.

Swank asks for proof.

I provide proof.

Swank labels my proof misleading or poorly researched.

I provide more proof.

Swank says my additional proof is misleading or poorly researched and asks for even more proof.

I provide more proof.

Swank discounts that and says that I haven't proven my case.

I get pissed and start cussing him.

Swank starts quoting ancient chinese war generals and acts like he didn't needle me. "Gee, I don't know why he's so upset!" Oh, then he rubs it in that HE has a fully intact frenelum, because he knows that it upsets me, and calls restorers whiney babies for complaining about losing that little flap of useless skin.

I freak out completely.

Swanks posts and asks everyone to go see how skillfully he needled me and got me to lose it.

This is the last time I am posting in response to anything swank says or does on MOS.

I know I wear my heart on my sleeve. I know I am passionate and a little bit kooky. I appreciate all the support you guys have shown me and I am thinking very hard right now about what I plan to do from this point. I think if he wanted to post threads about how women like cut cock or whatever, then he should have done it in the deep thoughts or sexuality forum. The foreskin restoration forum is about foreskin restoration. It's not about how great circumcision is. You wanna talk penile mutilation and baby torture, take that shit somewhere else! I won't even say a peep. Just keep it out of my section, which is dedicated to reclaiming and fixing the damage caused by botched circumcisions and celebrating the beauty of intact manhood (a minority viewpoint here in the US)!
To Anybody Actually Following This: please read the actual threads before you evaluate that statement and pass judgement.
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