
Jun 28, 2010
I smiled and glanced outside the window. The sun was luminating the park right below where I live. The marijuana in my mind, LengthMaster attached, I couldn't help but think....

Michael Salvini is a genius.

After having educated myself on the proper use of the LM, I had my first proper session with it just now. I started with the A and 7 stretches. These felt great, and I was sure they would benefit in losening my tight, taught tuncia but the best is yet to come. I did them several times and at high intensity, they....felt...... glorious!

Naturally, I decided to try the A and Y stretches........ bundled! Needless to say, these too felt incredible but the best is yet to come..... I varied the insensity. I stretched directly against my curve. I attacked it from all angles.

The best though, was when I came to see how many twists I could get each side.

As some of you may remember, I suggested that doing bundles (loosening the tunica) could help in reducing and removing unwanted curves. DLD agreed and said it would help get rid of plaque build up often associated with pyrnonies.

Inspired to put this theory to the test,i decided I would see how many bundles I could do on each side. I curve to the left.
This is where is get's really exciting and ground-breaking.

Bundling in my curves direction, I managed to twist 4 times. JUST.
Bundling against my curve, I managed to twist only two times. JUST.

With all this new evidence, we can thus deduce that the LM and bundles will now go on and be the staple excercise in reducing curves, over taking all extender devices in the process. The LM offers instant gains, it's scary the things it can do.

Something tells me doing bundles against my curve will give me a straight penis
I already use the SG! I like it, it hs given me some slight improvements in curve after 3 months but nothing major. I know it takes time. It has stretched my dick so hard my shorter left side now has a long stretch mark on it. I think the LM is on a different level, I can only imagine what results will be like when I use my SG with the LM !
That's good to hear man! I can only imagine how much it must suck to have a curve, I'm so happy that I have a straight dick with a nice upwards erection angle.

But if you have a curve, your on the right board to change it :)

I knew you would love the LengthMaster and I also knew you would take it to the maximum in creation and you are proving me right. Your review is definitely 5 stars and I am so proud to be a part of this with you. You make me proud with every accomplishment! God bless you my Brother!
Thanks bro. Your kind words really to provide me with hope that I'll end up being successful in my p.e goals.

The thing i love most is that using the LM is fun! You're so creative to come up with the design. You've delivered an amazing product. Mind blowing.I'm so thankful for all you have done for mos and for the monthly give aways!
Bundles with the LengthMaster will give you massive gains. I gained half inch in length within 3months of using my LengthMaster for 1 hour daily doing downward bundled stretches.
MoS-Newbie;670652 said:
I'm so happy that I have a straight dick with a nice upwards erection angle.
Doesn't everybody have an upward angle? I always say an upward curve would be nice to have but I have it straight as well. I know I could curve if I wanted, but nah fuck it I'll just work on total volume :p
Angle can vary. Maybe stronger pc muscle can help increase angle. As for the curve you guys are lucky, i can't wait to have a straight dick. Would help in sex and inwould feel better about myself
youknowme123321;670835 said:
The lengthmaster is awesome. It will lead you to any PE goals you have.

Thanks bro! You seem to love it in the videos! Hilarious when you put the t shirts on your face, you look like you've been kidnapped and forced to reveal P.E Info by your captors! :))
huge-girth;670713 said:
Bundles with the LengthMaster will give you massive gains. I gained half inch in length within 3months of using my LengthMaster for 1 hour daily doing downward bundled stretches.

You gained that much with just bundled downward stretches? That sounds awesome man!
Simyan;670841 said:
Thanks bro! You seem to love it in the videos! Hilarious when you put the t shirts on your face, you look like you've been kidnapped and forced to reveal P.E Info by your captors! :))

LOL He just needs to let them know about MOS!!! ?:(
Just used it again.

Today got my weak side on 3 twists. Bye bye unwanted curve :)
Simyan;670841 said:
Thanks bro! You seem to love it in the videos! Hilarious when you put the t shirts on your face, you look like you've been kidnapped and forced to reveal P.E Info by your captors! :)) figured out the reason behind the shirts!! It's one of the best hangers out there.
Haha jokes aside thanks for the videos, very useful! I'm loving the lm so far!
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