No, a skeptic would question openly.
A smart person, with integrity, would put the premise to an unprejudiced test; to either prove or disprove the contentions.

Given that the actions dictated by Penis Enlargement are now, and always have been absolutely free , then the skeptic would have nothing whatsoever to lose and penis size to gain.

H0cus_p0kus;467344 said:
This guy has all the right to question this site. When your told all of your life there's no way to enlarge your penis, and there millions of gimmicks on the internet , why would u trust a site that literally goes hand in hand with what it advertises. It honestly seems like a huge gimmick. A smart person would question that openly, a dumb person wouldn't.
MoreGains123;467320 said:
It's very likely that "report" was faked. Who would bother doing it and paying for it? There's no mystery that pulling on a body part long enough will cause it to stretch.

The study was not faked only I misstated the number of participants. The study conducted under the supervision of a medical clinic at the University of Turin included 19 motivated volunteers. All measurements were made by trained medical personnel. It is widely accepted as a responsible medical study.
makemebig;467430 said:
The study was not faked only I misstated the number of participants. The study conducted under the supervision of a medical clinic at the University of Turin included 19 motivated volunteers. All measurements were made by trained medical personnel. It is widely accepted as a responsible medical study.
I've never heard of it. Please post a link to it.
MoreGains123;467467 said:
I've never heard of it. Please post a link to it.
Sorry. I have not figured out how to Copy and paste with my new I-pad, but if you google."Turin extender study" you will get several results which summarize the study. I did access the actual report a while back. If I find it I will go to my PC and post the link.
Being a skeptic is to loosing as being a believer is to gaining.
doublelongdaddy;467699 said:
Being a skeptic is to loosing as being a believer is to gaining.

I dissagree some people arent skeptical but just reasoning and asking questions, a good leadership quality is being able to question something if it calls too
skep·tic   /ˈskɛptɪk/ Show Spelled[skep-tik] Show IPA
1. a person who questions the validity or authenticity of something purporting to be factual.
2. a person who maintains a doubting attitude, as toward values, plans, statements, or the character of others.
3. a person who doubts the truth of a religion, especially Christianity, or of important elements of it.
4. ( initial capital letter ) Philosophy .
a. a member of a philosophical school of ancient Greece, the earliest group of which consisted of Pyrrho and his followers, who maintained that real knowledge of things is impossible.
b. any later thinker who doubts or questions the possibility of real knowledge of any kind.

You'll notice that none of these definitions involve truth, proof, verification, exposition, solution, refinement or revelation in any way, just doubt.
People who question the validity of Penis Enlargement arent being skeptics; they're being lazy. The proof is all over this site. Do you really think that we're all in cahoots with DLD and are faking our gains. Are we all using a master CGI or photoshopper to mislead you with altered photos in the proof section of this site?

Hats off to DLD for building and leading such a great community. This site has a ton of insightful,intelligent and open minded members. I don't think you would fit in anyway (to be frank with you)
H0cus_p0kus;467757 said:
I dissagree some people arent skeptical but just reasoning and asking questions, a good leadership quality is being able to question something if it calls too

Not at all, a good leader can understand that the question contains the answer and the one questioning already knows the answer, it is up to the leader to direct them an it is up to them to do the work. Beleif is essential, if one does not believe one will never gain...better yet, whatever you want and ask for you will definitely get, good or bad. So being skeptical of Penis Enlargement is someone who does not completely believe in Penis Enlargement, to become a believer one needs to do the research and exercises so they can gain and become a believer OR they can just ask me (or any other gainer on MOS) if it works, I can say YES and if they have faith they will gain.
magiksock;467803 said:
People who question the validity of Penis Enlargement arent being skeptics; they're being lazy. The proof is all over this site. Do you really think that we're all in cahoots with DLD and are faking our gains. Are we all using a master CGI or photoshopper to mislead you with altered photos in the proof section of this site?

Hats off to DLD for building and leading such a great community. This site has a ton of insightful,intelligent and open minded members. I don't think you would fit in anyway (to be frank with you)

I disagree, I don't think there is proof all over this site, there is actually virtually none, there's claims of 2,3" gains in people's sigs, but I haven't seen any picture proof of gains of that magnitude, however that doesn't mean I think Penis Enlargement doesn't work
Can anyone here (considering they don't have any medical condition) do the exercises correctly and as indicated in the videos/posts and prove that Penis Enlargement doesn't work? :)
Rooster4889;468813 said:
I disagree, I don't think there is proof all over this site, there is actually virtually none, there's claims of 2,3" gains in people's sigs, but I haven't seen any picture proof of gains of that magnitude, however that doesn't mean I think Penis Enlargement doesn't work

There's a whole forum devoted to pics.

And if you can believe some of those pics, its not hard to believe the signatures of members.
magiksock;468846 said:
There's a whole forum devoted to pics.

And if you can believe some of those pics, its not hard to believe the signatures of members.

yes there are pics, but no pics of proof of documented large gains, maybe one or two at most with inconsistent measuring(ruler pushed further into fat pad etc.) but I still believe Penis Enlargement works, I just wished there was more proof.
There are pictures, I doubt DLD is the only person who has made a large gain. But he's been doing it a LOT longer. If you see a one inch gain, it may not seem huge to you, but it's huge when the person realizes it happened. One inch.. fifteen. Either way there was an increase. Increase=enlargement. It's one thing to question, it's another to accuse.

This may be totally out of the realm. But I dabbled in eye lightening some while ago, and though this seems like a hopeless and scary endeavor, it's just the same as Penis Enlargement in that it takes forever. But there are pictures to prove it, and it's entirely safe and natural. Not that I'm trying to coax people into doing it, I just don't want hate comments on this analogy haha.

Think of it as penis college. The first year is fresHydromaxan year when you don't really know much and after 4 years of doing it, you'll be big and smart and know everything you need. That's all I'll say I guess haha.
makemebig;467669 said:
The link is still only a summary, but it does state that stretched length asso increased, 1.7cm (.7") on average.

Yes, but I thought the article gave a link to the research published in the 'British Journal of Urology International' half way through it?

(Delayed response as I lost the thread!)
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