
Dec 15, 2011
I been reading up wedmd and they say jelqing and penis enlargement does not work.
Tbh this online community seems like a money making tool for DLD by feeding off men's desire for a larger penis.

Can someone prove me wrong?
I only tried Bathmate and SizeGenetics and I am in Penis Enlargement world for only 4-5 months but I found that it does work.

Try Penis Enlargement for yourself and then judge.

The growth wont happen in 1 day or 1 month, but in a few years one can grow the penis to well above average no matter where he starts.
The only person that can prove you wrong is yourself with simply trying it out with an open mind, allowing the possibilities to filter through. Check the picture proof section, lots of proven stuff around. Much of this is free as well.
Yes most people here can prove you wrong! As Redzulu said go check the picture proof section! This site is free and u do not have to spend money to make your dick bigger thanks to DLD. But the equipment is a great help and i wouldn't have gained an inch in 1 year without it.
You're wrong.
Now move along.

bebop1234;467200 said:
I been reading up wedmd and they say jelqing and penis enlargement does not work.
Tbh this online community seems like a money making tool for DLD by feeding off men's desire for a larger penis.

Can someone prove me wrong?
Medical proof is hard to come by. The medical community does not consider a need for this "treatment". Therefore no one would pay for a third-party true medical study. But that doesn't mean it doesn't work. The real problem is that we don't have a 'magic bullet' technique because we all are learning by trial and error and by reading other guy's experiences.
Its impossible for the medical community to make money off of pe so they won't research it. It works to some extent...the more you put in the more you get out. Pe takes time and dedication that most people don't have that is why most say it don't work. Its simple hard work and determination is all you need. When you see the first 1/4 to 1/2 inch you will believe
I feel the same as you sometimes, this place is plastered with advertisements flashing in your face, and Bathmate Bathmate Bathmate in peoples signitures, and for those who say check out the photos, there isnt actually much proof, if any at all, but at the end of the day i guess you just have to find out for yourself.
i started 5 months ago.. all i got is a stretcher and Bathmate.. gained over a inch in every measurement... if ur soo curious why dont u dedicate to the program instead of questioning our ACTUAL RESULTS.. it doesnt even take years.. i noticed the difference in 2 months.. and i didnt believe in it either at first
As mentioned above many times, there is no proof from the medical community that Manuel Penis Enlargement works. Google Turin penis extender study, and you should find several reports on a 300 patient study that concluded that men who wore an extender for six hours a day for six months gained over thirty pct in stretched length.

As for as manuel Penis Enlargement is concerned, there is enough anecdotal evidence on here as well as other Penis Enlargement forums to clearly indicate it is probable. I would think enough to encourage any novice to put in some serious time to prove it to himself.
When I first found out about jelqing and penis enlargement exercises, this forum didn't even exist.
I found out about these exercices via WinMX, a P2P download software (that I don't even thing exists anymore).

It was just a .doc file with the basic exercises (jelqing, stretching and keggeling) and it was all free.
I tried it for a short while and I noticed an improvement in my flaccid hang.

After a few years of laziness, I came across Matters Of Size and decided to give it another try.
I used only the free stuff and advice available (which is a lot) and got back on track.

Today, I have a very simple routine, with no need of extra accessories. It's just my hands and a bottle of lube.

I have picture proof here:–-only-jelqing&p=463376#post463376 and you can also check my signature for links to video proof.

Anyway, DLD did not invent the wheel. You can check several free sources online for how to get a bigger penis (be it text, photographs or even video). So that is not what you are paying here.
What DLD did was take the basic exercises and create dozens more to help those guys who want faster gains, those who want more targeted exercises, those who wish to take their penis to the next level. So that is what you need to pay for if you really want it.
Besides, it makes sense that you do. The man has spent hours of his time to develop those exercises and he already shares lots and lots of information for free, not to mention his personal 1 on 1 advice.

Look at it like this: as long as you know how to read, you don't really need to go to university to learn what the books teach you there. You can get the books yourself, dig in, study hard, check other sources, do your own homework, and end up with the same knowledgeof a newly graduated student.
However, if you want the counseling of someone who's already been there and done that, of someone who can guide you through it without you having to bump into any obstacles, of someone who can make the process easier and faster, then YES, you do need to get into university and pay the fees.
Makes sense?

Either way, as most of the guys said, there will be no better proof for you than you doing it and finding out for yourself.
Can you find if sex is really that pleasurable just be hearsay? No, you have to do it yourself.
Penis Enlargement is the same.

It is all up to you and whether or not you really want it. :)
I'm getting sick of random guys bashing on Penis Enlargement and DLD!!!
If you want to do Penis Enlargement, inform yourself well and just do it.
If not, than move along.
makemebig;467261 said:
you should find several reports on a 300 patient study that concluded that men who wore an extender for six hours a day for six months gained over thirty pct in stretched length.
It's very likely that "report" was faked. Who would bother doing it and paying for it? There's no mystery that pulling on a body part long enough will cause it to stretch.
If this is your belief then you will find proof to back it up.

If you want a bigger cock then you will have to take a leap of faith and do something about it.
Choice is yours.Nobody here needs to prove anything to you.
bebop1234;467200 said:
I been reading up wedmd and they say jelqing and penis enlargement does not work.
Tbh this online community seems like a money making tool for DLD by feeding off men's desire for a larger penis.

Can someone prove me wrong?
bebop1234;467200 said:
I been reading up wedmd and they say jelqing and penis enlargement does not work.
Tbh this online community seems like a money making tool for DLD by feeding off men's desire for a larger penis.

Can someone prove me wrong?
I can only prove that I came here because of getting Peyronie's Disease and not some "men's" desire for a larger penis . And I can only prove that using some of DLD's methods and some equipment has indeed got me over an inch in gains since Sept. 20 2011. But what I can't prove is that you will try it out and be a believer too. Only you can prove that.
Wow, you are correct! DLD is an evil genius who has created 100,000 accounts and documented gains and found pictures from the internet to kid us all into thinking this is real!

Or just maybe DLD has actually has a life and is infact telling us the truth and all the posters claiming gains are infact not DLD in multiple forms.

I believe that Penis Enlargement works.

Either take a leap of faith and try it or delete your account as you are wasting your time.
KingCobra;467309 said:
I'm getting sick of random guys bashing on Penis Enlargement and DLD!!!
If you want to do Penis Enlargement, inform yourself well and just do it.
If not, than move along.

This guy has all the right to question this site. When your told all of your life there's no way to enlarge your penis, and there millions of gimmicks on the internet , why would u trust a site that literally goes hand in hand with what it advertises. It honestly seems like a huge gimmick. A smart person would question that openly, a dumb person wouldn't.
I love how so many people think they know who I am an what my motives are, it makes me laugh because so many of you are so blind that you can only do one thing, see the wants and needs you have an blame me for your emptiness. I make a lot of money, more money than I could ever spend and everyday I make more an more, as a MATTER or fact, the SIZE of my wealth has little to do with Matters of Size, it has everything to do with me giving every bit of my wealth away to those who need it. You think you know me? You judge me? You make assertions and assumptions based on your own insecurities and you have come up, again, wrong.

The facts of the MATTER are as such. I INVENTED penis enlargement as it is today. It was me, my staff at MOS and the help of our followers who took the Jelq and the Basic Stretch and made it into 100s of exercises which we have chosen to give to you for FREE, no charge, we will help you with whatever the fuck you need help with for FREE. Whether it is you dick size, your small mind, your insecurities, your fears, your self hate and every other disfunction that is haunting you into calling me a fraud. I am whatever you say I am, it makes no difference to me, call me a liar, call me a fake, say that I am full of shit, say whatever you need to say to make yourself feel better because my only goal in life, my complete vocation of my person is to helping men (and the world) learn the truth and use it. I am so wealthy because I give so much away.

Now, if you want to attack me, in my house, where my family lives (my members, my affiliates Agust, James, Armand, Ron and Darren or my staff) I have no issue burning you and eliminating you from my house. Respect what we are doing here, stop with the implications an start to see the gift or show yourself the door!
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