So another question for you guys, especially 7 wants 10 and DLD.

What is your opinion on erection level while jelqing?

I always hear that you should jelq at 60-80% erection, so that is what I ended up doing the past two days. I've noticed that my flaccid hang has gotten terrible since doing this.

If you all are saying jelqing is primarily a girth exercise and a beginner one at that, would it be good or better for me to jelq closer to 100% erect?

I have done 100% erect jelqing in the past and I really really prefer it to lower erection levels.

Thoughts on this?

Keep in mind, now I have included manual stretching for 10 minutes a day and with time I intend to bump this as high as 30 minutes and add as much intensity as I can. That should cover length right, so I don't need to worry about gaining length from jelqing?
I don't know if I could put a percentage on it, but there is definitely a "sweet spot" somewhere between 50% and 100%. If I start jelqing at 100%, my penis will tend to naturally go down until it hits the sweet spot.

If you're too hard, you can't effectively manipulate the tissue. If you're too soft, then there isn't enough blood to cause the expansion needed.
seven_wants_ten;736583 said:
I don't know if I could put a percentage on it, but there is definitely a "sweet spot" somewhere between 50% and 100%. If I start jelqing at 100%, my penis will tend to naturally go down until it hits the sweet spot.

If you're too hard, you can't effectively manipulate the tissue. If you're too soft, then there isn't enough blood to cause the expansion needed.

I agree with Seven_Wants_Ten, I start ALL girth exercise at 100% erect and I quickly reduce to my perfect place. For something like SSJ I will start at 100% and subside to about 90%, which, for me, is the sweet spot. The same applies to the BathMate, go in100% and you will subside to the perfect erection quality.
Question for you guys.

I am currently doing 15 minutes of manual stretching daily. Do you think it would be better is I:

1. Bumped it up to 30 minutes a day and just kept doing that for years or until I plateau for a few months


2. Continue 15 minutes a day and add 3-4 minutes every time I record .25 inches gained


Advice would be greatly appreciated as to the best overall strategy, but especially which one will get me length gains faster. I guess what I am also asking is, does spending double the time stretching as intensely as possible usual translate into more gains over a given period of time? Like is it more likely I will gain .25 inches in 3 months if I do 30 minutes instead of 15? Or is the difference not that big of a deal until I start to plateau?

Also, does doing lots of girth work slow down length gains?
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My opinion is that when it comes to stretching, more is better as long as you avoid injury.

I can't put a time limit on it or tell you how many minutes per day you should be stretching, because there are other variables.

If we want to simplify we could express it as: (Intensity) X (Duration) + (Recovery) = Weapons-Grade Horse Cock

The amount of recovery you need is "enough to not be injured" and no more than that. You can tell by feel, and you'll know if something hurts.

As for the other 2 factors...

The more you have of one, the less you "need" of the other.

I sway to the side of intensity, and it's probably exceptionally rare the days that I would spend as much as 30 minutes stretching. Despite that, I gain length like a meth addict gains cavities: FAST!

The other side of the coin would be traction devices like the SizeGenetics. Relatively low intensity but extreme duration. That method also works.

Just keep at it and figure out what works for you. There's really no other way to do it.
seven_wants_ten;736860 said:
My opinion is that when it comes to stretching, more is better as long as you avoid injury.

I can't put a time limit on it or tell you how many minutes per day you should be stretching, because there are other variables.

If we want to simplify we could express it as: (Intensity) X (Duration) + (Recovery) = Weapons-Grade Horse Cock

The amount of recovery you need is "enough to not be injured" and no more than that. You can tell by feel, and you'll know if something hurts.

As for the other 2 factors...

The more you have of one, the less you "need" of the other.

I sway to the side of intensity, and it's probably exceptionally rare the days that I would spend as much as 30 minutes stretching. Despite that, I gain length like a meth addict gains cavities: FAST!

The other side of the coin would be traction devices like the SizeGenetics. Relatively low intensity but extreme duration. That method also works.

Just keep at it and figure out what works for you. There's really no other way to do it.

Thanks again for the solid advice 7wants10.

With what you have said, I will begin stretching 30 minutes a day starting today and bump it up 3-4 minutes for every .25 inches gained.

My long term goal is something like your screenname. I am 7.5 and I want to be around 10. As far as my short term goal, however, I am hoping to gain an inch within 8 months of August 1st if possible.

I plan to do PE indefinitely, but if pre-workout I can get to 8.5 BPEL x 6 EG by the end of March 2018 I will be so happy.

I am currently 7.5 BPEL x 5 and 10/16 EG pre workout.

Do you think this is possible by March/April 2018?

I am not obsessed with getting huge for the same reasons I had in the past. In the past when I was doing PE I wasn't having sex, now I am. Sending girls a dick pic, especially if your cock is really big, sometimes can help make them jump into bed with me.
Three inches is very doable to a dedicated Brother.
Hey DLD, thanks as always for the great advice. As I am getting older and more experienced with women I am finding one thing is incredibly important that I left out in my OP but you addressed yourself, girth.

If I end up doing 40-45 minutes a day of jelqing in a few years time as well as other more intense girth exercises like manual clamping and ULIs for about 5-7 minutes how much girth do you think it is possible to add in say 3 years? After I've done my jelqing and done more intense girth exercises I am currently a fraction below 5.5 at my thickest point. Would it be possible in 3 years of doing what I just said to add say 1 inch in girth?

Also I will start doing manual stretching like you recommended. I will start with 10 minutes and then add 2-3 minutes for every .25 inches in length I gain. Can you give me some examples of the more intense manual stretching exercises that I will begin to incorporate in a year or two?

Thanks so much DLD!

If I were in your shoes, I will get myself a MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System pump. I can't imagine myself training to gain 1 inch of girth in 3 years, that's like forever. Do you mind telling me what the reason is?
If I were in your shoes, I will get myself a mityvac pump. I can't imagine myself training to gain 1 inch of girth in 3 years, that's like forever. Do you mind telling me what the reason is?
This would speed the process big time
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