Just want to ask you a few things. When I was using compression hangers I saw your vids on wrapping and other things and found the info very good and informative.

How much did you gain from hanging and how much weight did you up to?

I know it is a theory but I think because my girth is thinner at 5.0 MEG I can stretch it more than a thicker one. It's a fuckin pencil man! Fuck lol. Long and thin but that gives me the advantage to gain quite a bit from hanging without needing to to like 40 lbs. It looks like the LG can handle like 35 lbs to be honest. And also, my wrap is bulletproof. No blisters can happen with my wrap.

I remeber doing SSJs a long time ago and had a temp girth of 5.6. Man did that look fat! I really want that 9x6. Gonna take a bit.
I have so far gained 1.5" from hanging. Well, so far you don't have to worry about blisters. Got a hand pump with a guage on it? Very little vac at just a few pounds. It goes up exponentially the more weight you hang with a vac hanger. You can far exceed what pumpers consider safe vacuum levels. Few pumpers go past 10-12HG. I do wish you luck and I do hope you keep progress details along the way.

Vac hanging from my perspective anyway is marketed as a comfortable, 'easy' method. Hanging, like other methods though is not meant to be comfortable. It's not supposed to be painful either. I have yet to meet a big gainer who got his gains with no discomfort, just sailing along with the wind at his back. Just things to keep in mind.
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There are a few reasons as to why I don't want to go back to compression hanging.

I'm uncut and basically chose many wraps so that I can expose my glans and the hanger not slide forward. It did so every single time and felt like I was only stretching skin. So I accepted that I needed to stretch with my foreskin over my glands, it was all good.

I was getying so pissed of with the adjustments of the bottom hex nuts on how to properly adjust the device for myself but noy figure it out. I was then doing sets and a lot of little things went wrong and I pretty much payed the ultimate price of losing pretty much all sensation at the glands and upper shaft area. This went on for three months and I seriously wanted to kill myself because I essentially had a dead penis.

I am recovered now and have about 85% of my original sensitivity back.

I know that compression hangers, when done right, can yield the ultimate goals and have a much higher cieling. Just the fear of returning to a state of possibly killing my penis scares me to death. At 21 years old, I haven't lived long enough to really be content with my experiences to date.

If I hit the absolute cieling with the LG hanger and have not reached my goals, I may very well go back to compression hangers but will have to find the wrap that will absolutely prohibit any of the stuff I just mentioned.
Gotcha. I'm not going anywhere and I have guys I have to work with one on one at times.
I took a BP length shot this morning and emailed to myself which has the date and everything.

If no one has posted any picture proof then I'll be happy to post my progress. This is the last time a ruler nears my penis until 3 to 6 to maybe even 8 months down the road. Solid 7.85 inches but my pic shows 7.75 inches because my penis curves but oh well.

Really tough set today. Started with 5 lbs for 30 mins. Fatigue got greater then went down 1.25 lbs for 15 mins then went down 1.25 lbs again for the remainder of the hour. This whole fatigue idea is fucking real man especially BTC.

It's not gritting my teeth painful but it is surely not comfortable and I am not able to relax and slightly tense up when I am riding the fatigue. Advice on this? Thanks brothas.
I will but for the time being, advice on fatigue.

I'm typing this message on my phone as I hang. Hanging surely isn't comfortable.
I would like to keep this thread on track if at all possible. This thread is about how I set up for the LG hanger not the cons of vacuum hanging and why one should go with a compression hanger. At the moment I actually use both as I trust the bib hardcore for my fulcrum work and use the LG for long sets which I can tell you is a totally different pull than compression hangers and a different kind of fatigue, a good kind. I hang 75% of the time vacuum.

Okay I will try to answer your questions here, I'm sure you won't be the first one with the same questions. I started a little below 5 inches BPEL at 16. I'm almost 30 now at 7.75. I gained 0.5 inches with manual work (stretches, jelqs and Uli's). I stalled out for 2 years with no gains despite doing PE religiously. I took a decon and started Hanging with a vacuum hanger. I made a Captain Wench but couldn't get it to work right. I bought a Monkeybars and started at a weight near you. I was in an IPR experiment conducted by Babbis at �other PE site�. I started to gain and don't think I stuck in the experiment and just continued to hang. I gained 1.0 inches in 6 months! It took me 1 year to gain my first 0.5 with manuals, then stalling with no gains despite consistent hardcore effort for 2 years. Also at the time, with Monkeybars VacHanger you couldn't add extra vacuum. Slipping anywhere close to 8 lbs became a problem. I didn't know about taping and was paranoid about a blister so I held back, which was good because I never got a blister those first years. I think I might have gained more if I could add extra vacuum to prevent slipping and learned how to tape the glans... but still I made my best gains ever.

(Also I will note that I've done some hardcore pumping up to 17 mmHg for only a few seconds with my cyclic pumping sets and its not comparable to when you are taped and hanging. The tape and setup will actually prevent one from the vacuum. You still need to progress slow because some level of conditioning is required. I have a new way of taping that I got from tbone at PEgym which is the most superior way I've tried and I've tried them all. Its even more superior than the way I outline here. I will post a link and update the first post to let everyone know. I'm talking no fluid buildup at all with a weight that would normally produce a little in the way I currently tape as outlined here. It does require micropore tape, cotton rounds, cotton balls and a small amount of lotion, I use the blue sheath from my old max-vac but others could use an outer wrap of coban tape. He posted pictures and a walkthrough so I will post it here as well. It will make sense once you see it. The only downside is micropore requires you to soak your dick in water for 3-5 minutes afterwards to loosen the adhesive and take off. I usually dip it in a container or just take a shower)

I hung while studying in college but I'm sure most of us know how crazy and hectic college can be. When I got out I was getting my career off the ground. I been hit or miss for years and now I finally am in a stable position with privacy to make my last push. Overall I've gained 2.75 BPEL and 1.25 MSEG. I'm over 6.0 BSEG (note I do believe some of this is due to puberty but I only estimate about 0.5 due to puberty) but I didn't measure that starting out. I can say MSEG used to be the thickest. I developed a baseball bat effect when I first started with manuals and once I started to hang my Base Girth grew.

I've since tried about every vacuum hanger out there, as well as every way to tape and apply the hanger imaginable. If its been on a board I've tried it. I have had a few blisters but they are totally preventable with the right taping and progressing slowly. They do suck but they aren't the end of the world. I've experienced numbness that lasted months after twisting in the hanger when weight was applied. I've experienced similar with the Bib Starter before getting the right settings (now exclusively hang with Bib Hardcore when it comes to compression hangers) but never twisting and numbness that persisted for months. I think it was a bruised nerve. That really sucked compared to blisters. I couldn't feel having sex for months. A blister you let heal (pinpoint) or pop with a sterilized needle (bigger than pinpoint), apply antibacterial ointment for 3-5 days and then continue slow and at reduced weight. I had were the Max-Vac II but the owner had a penis implant that got infected and the business got ran into the ground. The LG is the best one I've ever had hands down. Their customer service is top notch as well, I've had outstanding interactions with them, they even surprised me and sent me an upgrade when I was hard on cash. I recommend it and I recommend vacuum hanging
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Thanks for your feedback. I do regret you never, that I recall anyway, reached out to me for advice. Would have likely avoided the issues you had.
Some devices do seem better suited for some more than others.
Yo LongStretch, been meaning to ask you a couple questions, seeing that you gained an inch, you did something right.

I am a little concerned about hanging BTC for a straight hour. If you've ever tried it, you probably have noticed that the penis "bends" extremely so to the point that it goes 180° opposite the internal penis. If that makes any sense.

I like hanging weight for a straight hour because of convenience and possibly better gains because the deformations may creep in better due to more uninterrupted time under tension.

Revaluating my routine and may only hang SD for the time being because BTC for that angular reason seems potentially dangerous. Currently, right at 6.75 lbs so still pretty far away from the 25 lb ceiling but I was reading somewhere that Kingsnake is taking that thing up to 32 lbs. If he can do it, why can't I? I am thinking I can take it up to 35 lbs and if I haven't reached my goals, I will get a good ole quality non hanger hanger, like Bibs. Lol! I'll read up on what compression hanger people like but for the time being, LG all the way baby!

I'm over at PEGYM posting my progress with the LG and mentioned to Marlon about me having a 9 o'clock LOT. He got all touchy and posted a very elaborate philosophical rant on how it is not a reliable method and some other things. Basically info that I could not use. I do want to stretch my ligs fully and then move on to tunica if that is what is accepted amongst the hanging community. People have reported optimum success following this methodology so wtf is the problem?

Hit the tunica hard afterwards with fulcrums so stretch the fuck out of that steel cord tissue on the top of the shaft and help get that donkey dick.

Thoughts? I just want to get a really big fucking cock. Sliding on the floor and tying in knots and shit. Jk, 9 in. bpel is the goal and then clamp like a mofucka to get that 6 in. girth.
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Still: By that point I was pretty proficient with both hangers and tried many different settings. After resting from the injury I hypothesized it was due to the bottom teeth of the hanger being a flat platform, since even with same wrap and similar bottom hex nut settings I was still getting uncontrollable twisting. It kind of turned me off of the compression hanging for a long while. I tried again with the hanger 2 but could never get that one to grip anything. The Bib Starter always felt like there wasn't enough room and after tweaking the Hardcore its just the most comfortable compression hanger for me in my opinion.

Haha no problem CDB.

I have tried BTC and even hung for months at a time with it but I was never a huge fan. It was such a pain in the ass... literally. I had to make sure the weights weren't resting on the spokes of the chair or that the hanger wasn't resting on the seat. It invariably always led to back pain that persisted for a few days afterwards. With the Bib and others you will notice a much bigger skin stretch and what can feel like more of a "lig" stretch. I made most of my gains while studying in college so I prefered to simply stand and do SD or sit and do SO. To me that extra little bit of stretch with BTC isn't worth it and could be easily substituted with manual BTC, Mother or Lig Stretches or Sumo Squat Stretches.

Bib has many great things for the community and continues to help out. I'm not 100% sold on his LOT theory, but it does seem to me that lig gains are quicker to gain and once released into gains one can attack the tunica and force it to grow.

Basically I recommend slowly progressing weight and time, time being slightly favorable, changing angles every so often and taking scheduled decon breaks, especially when you stall out. A month or 2 off can be just as hard for some of us as grinding away for hours a day, but when you come back you have a deconditioned dick ready to grow.
Yo longstretch.

Hey brotha so just went over to pegym and read that thread all the way on the method incorporating micropore, cotton, lotion, and that mysterious sheath. Looks very promising without a doubt.

Wanted to ask you the same question I asked tbone over on pegym. I am just gonna copy and paste my post over from pegym. Cool here it is.

Just a couple of questions. Do you prefer cotton rounds or cotton balls? And how much of each one do you use?

When taping my penis with the Micropore tape, does that tape expand like the microfoam tape? I have a bunch of microfoam tape but if you claim that micropore gives you almost zero chance for blistering I will try it out. I force blood into my glans but tape down pretty firmly along the urethra to, in my opinion, avoid any stress on the meatus so I see myself applying the same method here.

And where can we get those sheaths? They seem thinner than the sheaths we get for the LG and look like they allow more expansion for our cocks.

So double layer of micropore tape over our glans and with the sheath covering only 30% of our glans and then a dab of lotion with a cotton round or two in the dome. Right? I assume that the lotion will seep through the tape allowing the penis to form better uniformly in the dome.

Do you believe you can go up to 35 lbs with this setup? Damn, that would be legit.
I use a cotton round at the end of the dome and then 2-3 cotton rounds. Even tried the cotton that comes from my vitamin bottles and like that better as its solid. Sadly the sheaths come from an older vacuum hanger that is no longer in business. You could try to contact dan Salas to buy more but I have one that I've been using for 10+ years and it works fine for me as an outer wrap. I suppose you could use tender tape or coban wrap in its place. I don't know about 35 lbs, I would say with the right conditioning its possible. I got up to 20 lbs with it before taking a decon break. In my experience there is no need to always try to push weight when you can hang for longer sets with the vacuum. 10-15 lbs seems to be the magic number for most anyway. Changing angles and employing fulcrums helps too.

The micropore doesn't expand and you will need to soak your penis for 3-5 minutes in water afterwards to get it off. This set up is working for me, I don't use the LengthMaster to grip the dome like he does but I follow everything else. I will do one more compression cycle in a few weeks and then might start back hanging in the fall.
longstretch;736131 said:
I use a cotton round at the end of the dome and then 2-3 cotton rounds. Even tried the cotton that comes from my vitamin bottles and like that better as its solid. Sadly the sheaths come from an older vacuum hanger that is no longer in business. You could try to contact dan Salas to buy more but I have one that I've been using for 10+ years and it works fine for me as an outer wrap. I suppose you could use tender tape or coban wrap in its place. I don't know about 35 lbs, I would say with the right conditioning its possible. I got up to 20 lbs with it before taking a decon break. In my experience there is no need to always try to push weight when you can hang for longer sets with the vacuum. 10-15 lbs seems to be the magic number for most anyway. Changing angles and employing fulcrums helps too.

The micropore doesn't expand and you will need to soak your penis for 3-5 minutes in water afterwards to get it off. This set up is working for me, I don't use the LengthMaster to grip the dome like he does but I follow everything else. I will do one more compression cycle in a few weeks and then might start back hanging in the fall.

wow, Long we have been Brothers now for 12 years! The is simply amazing! Much love for all you have accomplished and how much you have helped out!
Yeah dude I wasnt sold on attatching that grip master thing to the dome. I was like "Dude, WTF is this guy thinking?!?!" Lol.

Other than that yeah, I see promise in this setup. Right now just doing lower weights to get that tissue maturity. Ive gotten blisters because I would try to rush it. I would feel the weight being too easy and move up in 3 or 4 days. Not doing that again.

Using the alternate taping method for now since I have a shitload of micrfoam tape. But as soon as I run out Ill get this setup.

Ive read that the co creator Dr. Ric recommends not to pump with the Bathmate while LG'ing. What was your routine when you were Vac hanging?

Had to refit my dome because I was not fitting it anymore after a hiatus. Wierd but now getting more glans expansion which is awesome. Aight peace brotha.
Umm i believe he says you can pump and hang this way but just be smart about it if you are getting fluid buildup you might want to skip that days pumping. I learned the hardway to about moving up slow. I will usually move up no more than a pound and reduce the time on my sets to like 30 min and then increase the time of the sets by 5 minutes per day or as tolerated, i don't like to have more than 60 min sets.

Did he charge to refit it? What was the process like?
Yeah I messaged Marlon that I could not fit in my dome without squeezing my glands. He sent me two emails. One was a paypal email prompting me to pay $25 for the refitting and shipping and handling when sending it back which in all was like $33. Gave me his address and sent it there. Got it back in like 5 days.

So fluid buildup is when you take off the dome and your glands are mainly like a white color right? Starting at a lower intensity my glands are basically the normal reddish pink color.

I guess that was my main problem before. Would always get white glands due to training at an intensity I was not ready for yet. Never thought anything of it and then boom. Blister.

My meatus still gets red though and the slightest amount of fluid does escape from that area. No pain or itching though while I am hanging.

Also, one more thing. Obviously once you got to like 10 pounds, you werent doing 10 pounds at the beginning of a set right? You scaled up the weight slowly so your penis gets acclimated to the stress and limit your chance of blistering.
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Right on what I call fluid build-up or getting a "donut" effect on the skin right below the head puffing out like a donut around your dick.

I typically achieve erection, tape and attach everything (erection level usually at 40-60% by that time...chub but not hard) and pump up 5 mmHg and let it sit there for about 5 min. Then I will make sure its still at 5 mmHg and add 5 lbs and use a shoe string to tie around the sleeve that's over the shaft to prevent air from escaping and thus losing vacuum during the set. I think marlon has some suggestions on vacuum levels for different poundages used. I typically use 1 mmHg per pound up to 10 lbs and after that its just enough to keep my head seated to the end of the dome. If it starts pulling back I need more vaccuum. Lets say I was going to hang 15 lbs. I would take the 5 lbs off, pump up to 10 mmHg and attach 10 lbs for a few minutes. Then I might pump up to 12 mmHg and leave it there and add weight in 2.5 lb increments till I got to 15 lbs and would attempt to hang that for the rest of the set.

On to blisters, a tell tale sign that one is close to forming is if you feel itching on the head. I usually will end a set depending on feel short if I think a blister is starting to form and start over. Since taking things slower, setting up to weight and time slower and ending any sets that feel off I've yet to get another blister. Also if you do get one make sure you set aside adequate time for it to heal as the skin will be weakened and more likely to get future blisters for the time being right after getting a blister
I now have been using a single strip of microfoam tape down the urethra line. This strip is about 2.5-3 inches long and covers above the urethra, the urethra and the frenulum. These areas are the most sensitive to getting fluid buildup or blisters. Then I wear a glans protection cap. I currently use the one from LG as it's longer than silicap and covers past the glans.

With therapeutic heat (The Long Game: Learning with Longstretch, Key Principles to Make Sustained Growth - Matters of Size | Penis Enlargement, Body Modifications & Peyronies Forums) I'm gaining with weights below 10 lbs and is working nicely. It allows the glans to expand and fill out the chamber.
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