ok quick update hanging 11 pounds now or a 5 kg plate. quite a milestone for me. still very comfortable the only thing I would like to add is that if you hang you need an ADS. Hanging without and ADS is just like going to the gym and working out, but then not having a good meal after or a good sleep, i.e. gains are harder to make. Getting the ESL40 has push me pa ssed a plateau I had and i am now pushing just over 7 BPenis EnlargementL! i'm super happy about that by the way
another update here, hanging 13 pounds currently, I had some problems with seperation and got to a point where no matter what I did I couldnt hold any amount of weight for extended periods, so I made a couple changes, first I used a new sleeve, the old one I had used 3 months + so I think it wasnt sealing very well anymore, its very pliable but not torn. then I used teflon tape on the valve thread to increase the circumference to help prevent any suction loss and made a few other tweaks (adding a small square of toilet paper to absorb any fluid from urethra) now have zero separation and hanging 13 pounds with ease.

Just a note, poor technique with hanging (bib or vac) will only get you so far, you have to adjust your technique, and improve in order to keep going up in weight and hang longer sets more often. Bad technique will only get you so far, before you have to improve, or drop down in weight / set duration. Unfortunately though you only reaslise the things you could do better when you get to these higher weights, when they cause problems.
I had to increase the amount of vacuum as I got into higher weights. I always pumped up to 10 hg, but I eventually reached a weight that caused pullback from the end of the dome. Currently, I pump up to 15.5 hg and it holds my starting weight (more than 19 lbs) just fine.

I use teflon tape too, but I don't think my hanger actually needed it; seemed to seal fine before.
8incyclops;576628 said:

OK update time, so I have taken a break from hanging, it was putting a bit of stress on my relationship as it is a time commitment, I don't think i'm going to do anything more than light pe while i'm in a relationship. the main reason however was that just after the last update I posted, after I had a hard time holding weight I went straight back into it with about 6 kg, and after about an hour set I took the hanger off and had blood on the inside of my wrap from my urethra, I peed after that and it was clear, no more signs of blood, so the next day I hung again and it was uncomfortable, usually this is never the case with the LG in my experience, but my glans were painful. So I stopped hanging and decided to let it heal, on top of that it was around christmas time that this happened so I was busy with family stuff, and I honestly haven't a spare minute since.

all in all my Hanging time took me from a BPenis EnlargementL of 6.75 to 7.125-7.25 (everything after the 7 though was uncemented and lost), i'm now at 7 BPenis EnlargementL. One thing to note I think you are pissing in the wind if you dont hang and use some kind of ADS frequently, my gains sped up pretty dramatically using my ESL40 although I dont beleive it to be the best ADS.
coogi;576631 said:
OK update time, so I have taken a break from hanging, it was putting a bit of stress on my relationship as it is a time commitment, I don't think i'm going to do anything more than light pe while i'm in a relationship. the main reason however was that just after the last update I posted, after I had a hard time holding weight I went straight back into it with about 6 kg, and after about an hour set I took the hanger off and had blood on the inside of my wrap from my urethra, I peed after that and it was clear, no more signs of blood, so the next day I hung again and it was uncomfortable, usually this is never the case with the LG in my experience, but my glans were painful. So I stopped hanging and decided to let it heal, on top of that it was around christmas time that this happened so I was busy with family stuff, and I honestly haven't a spare minute since.

all in all my Hanging time took me from a BPenis EnlargementL of 6.75 to 7.125-7.25 (everything after the 7 though was uncemented and lost), i'm now at 7 BPenis EnlargementL. One thing to note I think you are pissing in the wind if you dont hang and use some kind of ADS frequently, my gains sped up pretty dramatically using my ESL40 although I dont beleive it to be the best ADS.

The lg hanger sounds interesting I'll check it out.

On a different note referring back to your DMSO/PABA thread. You mentioned getting a perfect mixture. Did you ever obtain that again?
Coogi was that hanging btc or straight out?
8incyclops;576652 said:
Coogi was that hanging btc or straight out?

all of my sets were BTC, I have a pretty sweet setup where I can lay on the edge of my bed and hang. BTC kind of sucks in that you cant move around like SD but if you have solid means of entertainment that can make time fly, its easy. I really cant stress enough though how important it is to try and make time fly while hanging BTC, because of that i'm not reluctant at all to return to hanging at some time.

@truant In the end what I did was stop mixing DMSO PABA and just used 70/30 DMSO on my dick, and I took oral PABA. I never really hit that absorption sweet spot when I was mixing, but I think just adding a lttle bit of PABA to the DMSO would be fine i.e. before saturation. Also something that annoyed me was that becasue it was liquid it was harder to apply than a DMSO cream, but the only creams they sell are in plastic jars, which is a big no no. I'm thinking now that buying a 100% DMSO gel, then adding PABA, and diluting it a bit with something natural or beneficial to pe, that also has thick consistency, would make a DMSO cream/gel that would be easy to apply, not be 100% concentrated and burn your dick, and also absorb well.

and yeah the LG is solid, the fact that you cant vary the size like you can with a bib is a downside, and the price is a downside, but you dont have to take breaks every 20 mins, and its way more comfortable, less time with wrapping etc
People still use the dmso from plastic bottles on other parts of their bodies It shouldn't hurt that much really I mean we eat and drink out of plastic containers everyday.
8incyclops;576681 said:
People still use the dmso from plastic bottles on other parts of their bodies It shouldn't hurt that much really I mean we eat and drink out of plastic containers everyday.

The important thing is, we're putting this compound onto our dicks, and it's best to cover your ass by purchasing laboratory grade DMSO. The stuff you buy in the plastic bottles, and even some glass products aren't always certified 99% DMSO. With stuff like this, always go with the best quality and do research, don't want to take risks with your health.
coogi;576655 said:
all of my sets were BTC, I have a pretty sweet setup where I can lay on the edge of my bed and hang. BTC kind of sucks in that you cant move around like SD but if you have solid means of entertainment that can make time fly, its easy. I really cant stress enough though how important it is to try and make time fly while hanging BTC, because of that i'm not reluctant at all to return to hanging at some time.

@truant In the end what I did was stop mixing DMSO PABA and just used 70/30 DMSO on my dick, and I took oral PABA. I never really hit that absorption sweet spot when I was mixing, but I think just adding a lttle bit of PABA to the DMSO would be fine i.e. before saturation. Also something that annoyed me was that becasue it was liquid it was harder to apply than a DMSO cream, but the only creams they sell are in plastic jars, which is a big no no. I'm thinking now that buying a 100% DMSO gel, then adding PABA, and diluting it a bit with something natural or beneficial to pe, that also has thick consistency, would make a DMSO cream/gel that would be easy to apply, not be 100% concentrated and burn your dick, and also absorb well.

and yeah the LG is solid, the fact that you cant vary the size like you can with a bib is a downside, and the price is a downside, but you dont have to take breaks every 20 mins, and its way more comfortable, less time with wrapping etc

I just got off the phone with the guy at the lab that sells the DMSO. I origionally ordered the 70% solution in the glass bottle.

I asked if the gel would be better or if the strongerr ones like the 90 or 99 would be better for saturation rate. He said the gel really doesn't do anything and that the 70% is really the best they have and you don't need to dilute it any further it's safe to put on the skin. What you did coogi so I guess your onto somthing.

He didn't really know much about mixing PABA but he said the 70 solution is ok to put directly on the skin cause they dilute it already.

I already ordered the PABA and it shipped (250g) so I might return it if I find out I don't even need to mix it and I might just get oral PABA.

What do you guys think should I return the power to pure bulk and just get oral PABA? Also what's a good brand? Thanks

Oh your comparing the lg to the bib ok. What do you think about hanging with the LM? Is it worth it to get the bib or lg if you had a choice?
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@cyclops the thing that is important to note is that DMSO is a powerful solvent, and will break down the plastic container, so its a bit different from food or water in plastic (I try to only drink out of glass but im not really anal about it) on top of that DMSO will carry whatever is inside it through your skin and body into the bloodstream, tissues etc

@truant the LG is great in its own right, so is the bib, they are just the two hangers I would get out of all of the other ones, so I like to compare them. I think if you're going to buy either, you're going to gain. LM (LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging?) i'm not sure, but I think the LM has less surface area that it uses to clamps too the penis compared to the bib starter, which I would imagine would be less comfy than a bib. I wasn't really able to see pics of it though, can you link it to me?
coogi;576714 said:
@cyclops the thing that is important to note is that DMSO is a powerful solvent, and will break down the plastic container, so its a bit different from food or water in plastic (I try to only drink out of glass but im not really anal about it) on top of that DMSO will carry whatever is inside it through your skin and body into the bloodstream, tissues etc

@truant the LG is great in its own right, so is the bib, they are just the two hangers I would get out of all of the other ones, so I like to compare them. I think if you're going to buy either, you're going to gain. LM (LengthMaster?) i'm not sure, but I think the LM has less surface area that it uses to clamps too the penis compared to the bib starter, which I would imagine would be less comfy than a bib. I wasn't really able to see pics of it though, can you link it to me?

Yeah your right the LM is more simple and yes it works exactly how you say just with 2 big screws and wingnuts clamped on.

I had to put more padding on it but its great and works well with the silicone sleeves.

I'm going to be using the chamber and the PA for light stretching with my PABA/DMSO treatments.

The LM is good mostly for stretching cause theres nothing like it when it comes to that but its basic on the hanging side like coogi says just ''clamps to the penis''.

I'm actually interested in length and hanging can be one of the big factors so

I'm also considering buying a product like the LG or BIB instead of blowing it on something else so this may be a good investment.

Coogi can you point me in the right direction? The BIB or the LG?

Also what do you think about using gause to apply the DMSO and adding a douse of PABA to the soaked gause? You can anwer it in mikes thread I asked the question I believe. Thanks
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Got my answer on the dmso I'm just going to rub it on the clean skin cause the 70% is already diluted and safe. The PABA idk if I should ingest or not or just return.
Coogi would a normal pump used for penis pumps fit the lg hanger? Or do you have to buy there's?
@ truant it depends for the bib or LG, but in a word I would say the LG, with that being said however, if you could only afford the LG and nothing else, then I might recommend the bib and a good ADS like the C-flex sleeve from the gripsystem, with a few contact sleeves, and one leg pulley system. Or the LG with cheap ADS like the ESL40 or ABsilicone sleeve, etc.

@cyclops i'm not sure man, the one they gave me was just from a brake bleeder kit, with a clear hose, and a fitting on the end that fits into the LG dome valve. I guess the only important part would be that fitting, your best bet is to email dr ric howard, he'll be able to tell you more specifically
Tx I've got a pump and it's a pretty popular attachment
Update. my current circumstances allow for some pe for a while, so i'm back in it. As talked about before, i stopped hanging partly because it christmas and I didn't have time, and mainly because i injured myself somehow. I just hung like normal but took the wrap off and got blood coming from my urethra. After that injury it was difficult to hang, and was very uncomfortable, so i took time off for it too heal.

I started back up now, my routine is way different, I want to experiment and see what works for me. And i'm glad I did decide to experiment, as I have some interesting results so far.

My routine is 1 x 20 mins downward tunica fulcrum hanging set at no less than 5kg (before I would hang 1-3 hours a day, i'll say later why i'm only doing 20 mins), more if i can handle it. I have a 1/2 inch diameter pvc pipe a metre long wrapped in a towel as the fulcrum, i wanted it that long so it could rest comfortably on top of my thighs, I can hang sitting down like this. I also use a hot water bottle during my set.

What i've noticed so far from this interestingly is increased girth and width, as well as length. Usually hanging btc I found that my girth was quite thin, now its the opposite. because of the fulcrum my dick gets flattened out, so fulcrum hanging could help with width, it has from my experience so far.

Additionally i'm wearing the ESL40 for 90-95% of the day every day at a lowish tension, that includes while i'm sleeping. I figure that if my penis never retracts, then i dont really need hours and hours of hanging, just one set at high weight, and the ads for healing. Even wearing the ESL40 for such long periods, once 10 hours without taking it off, I get minimal swelling, and havent had a blister. i'm average height and inseam, so low tension for those who have and esl40 would be fastening the leg strap right below the knee, not on the calf. my eq is also great. i'm not really to worried with measurements this time around, if it looks huge, i'll measure, but visually i'm very happy after just 1-2 weeks of this protocol.
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coogi;578523 said:
Update. my current circumstances allow for some pe for a while, so i'm back in it. As talked about before, i stopped hanging partly because it christmas and I didn't have time, and mainly because i injured myself somehow. I just hung like normal but took the wrap off and got blood coming from my urethra. After that injury it was difficult to hang, and was very uncomfortable, so i took time off for it too heal.

I started back up now, my routine is way different, I want to experiment and see what works for me. And i'm glad I did decide to experiment, as I have some interesting results so far.

My routine is 1 x 20 mins downward tunica fulcrum hanging set at no less than 5kg (before I would hang 1-3 hours a day, i'll say later why i'm only doing 20 mins), more if i can handle it. I have a 1/2 inch diameter pvc pipe a metre long wrapped in a towel as the fulcrum, i wanted it that long so it could rest comfortably on top of my thighs, I can hang sitting down like this. I also use a hot water bottle during my set.

What i've noticed so far from this interestingly is increased girth and width, as well as length. Usually hanging btc I found that my girth was quite thin, now its the opposite. because of the fulcrum my dick gets flattened out, so fulcrum hanging could help with width, it has from my experience so far.

Additionally i'm wearing the ESL40 for 90-95% of the day every day at a lowish tension, that includes while i'm sleeping. I figure that if my penis never retracts, then i dont really need hours and hours of hanging, just one set at high weight, and the ads for healing. Even wearing the ESL40 for such long periods, once 10 hours without taking it off, I get minimal swelling, and havent had a blister. i'm average height and inseam, so low tension for those who have and esl40 would be fastening the leg strap right below the knee, not on the calf. my eq is also great. i'm not really to worried with measurements this time around, if it looks huge, i'll measure, but visually i'm very happy after just 1-2 weeks of this protocol.

So just one 20 min fulcrum set and heal in the ads no straight out or other angles?
thats right, just one fulcrum set a day, no other angles.
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