huge-girth;722050 said:
With constant daily practice, I believe everyone will be able to use the LengthMaster, the penis just need to get conditioned

Yup, the conditioning takes about a week or two but once mastered it is understood why it is called master :)
JB007;720379 said:
I have been having some trouble with the lengthmaster lately. First of all, I find it difficult to get a good comfortable session in. It seems to only happen about half the time. And I have to use a good amount of wrap and sleeve just so it doesn't feel like my dick's in a bear trap. That gets kind of expensive after a while.

But recently my hanging chamber clamps broke and Lightning and Dld were very cool about sending me a replacement set but it seems like something's off with them. They keep getting stuck! I don't know if the holes were drilled at a weird angle or maybe I'm using too much wrap but I always used this same amount of wrap with my first chamber and they never had this issue. But for whatever reason the clamps keep getting stuck. The wingnuts and power assist come off fine but the clamps won't budge until I finally yank them apart after trying for a few minutes. I have injured the web of my hand twice now by getting it pinched in the hole with the bolt while trying to pry the clamps apart.

Tonight though I literally had to saw my way out of the lengthmaster. I tried and tried to pry the clamps apart but they wouldn't budge so I sawed one of the bolts in half and was able to get out. I'm gonna try the longest set of bolts tomorrow and see if that helps. I really hope it does.

I don't mean to sound like I'm trashing it. Maybe it's all user error or I'm just having bad luck or something. The lengthmaster can be a great tool. I've used it on and off for 2 years and lately almost every day. I'm up to 18 lbs. for 30-45 minutes plus another 10 or so of manually stretching with it afterwards. I know it's the ultimate tool for gaining length but it's such a pain in the ass to achieve a comfortable session for me. It would be really cool to see some improvements in the not too distant future. I don't know what those improvements should be exactly. I don't have a mind for engineering. But I know there has to be a better way to gain length comfortably with a device.

Got it sorted out yet?
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