I mainly use the LengthMaster and my Bathmate, NEWBIE DJ, but I do use my old PowerJelq device to jelq. I use my LengthMaster for my Length routine along with some length based quick jelqs (about 30-60% erect) and I use my Bathmate, Edge, and some girth based jelqs(about 60%-90% erect) as my girth routine. All my jelqs are gone with my old PowerJelq device, which is easy to use and provides a great jelq workout with less effort. It's funny you asked that question because I was about to update this thread yesterday, but the computer I was on froze up. As a matter of fact, let me switch computers right now and do that lol.
Ok guys, I'm back!! Yesterday I used my LengthMaster in way way that SUPRA used with a slight twist. I already have an old TLC tugger, but I stopped using it because it developed a tear right under the handlebar area, that prevents it from staying on. Since this method is based on the fact that I is secured by the pressure of the LengthMaster being clamped onto your penis, than I figured that The tear would not effect the way that I wanted to use it. I looked thru some old boxes and found my TLC tugger, washed it good, and prepared for my LengthMaster routine. It only took me 3 tries to get the TLC tugger on the way that I wanted, but once it was on, it stayed on. Instead of the door insulation, I used used some Thera band. Once I clamped the LengthMaster onto my penis I could feel the pressure from the head of my penis pressing against the tugger cone, securing it's grip even further. Now SUPRA told me that this method would work the ligs out and boy was he telling the truth. I did my first tug and I was thrown off guard a little because I intensity of the lig pull can really be felt. I did my routine and had to take some pics since no one was around. All I can say is that this method was insane. After my LengthMaster workout, I pulling out my PowerJelq device and did over 300 Jelqs(don't count anymore, I just do what feels good, but I did count up to 300 lol). I even took some pics, including a girth measurement pic( I couldn't find a ruler for my length measurement, so I'll leave it as a surprise for myself now lol). All I can say is that the method that SUPRA suggested is the best thing for ligs stretches. Not only did it do everything SUPRA said that is would, but it even resulted in my penis feeling fatigued and hanging longer all day. To do my jelqs with the PowerJelq device, I use two pieces of VACADS sleeve to really focus on my penis and to prevent scrotum skin from getting pulled. That are what those two blue things are, plus they aid in maintaining an erection. here are the pics and if ya have any questions or comments, feel free to post.
LengthMaster Routine








Results After LengthMaster Routine



During And After PowerJelq Routine








Thanks to DLD for creating Penis Enlargement and creating an amazing forum for others to share their experiences and ideas and thanks SUPRA for all that you have contributed to Penis Enlargement. Happy Penis Enlargementing guys!!
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cool thanks for the quick update man, and you getting some really good gains with that routine? if you dont mind me asking how much have you gained?

One of my main reasons for asking what you use for pe is because my chcik doesn't like it too much when i'm always wearing my SG (SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender), she makes a comment oh he's in that thing again .....

Second reason is part of the first reason, so i wanted to know if i could still get good fast gains by using the LengthMaster and Bathmate. Also this will cut down my time with Penis Enlargement alot and i can have more time playing around with my chick ha ha
don't get me wrong i know it takes time but if i can cut down the amount of time for Penis Enlargement and still have a hardcore workout and gain alot then it works for me.
Awesome Update!!!!!!
Thanks DLD!!! My only regret is that my camera is so shitty. My pics don't come out very clear and not very bright. I have been keeping up with my routine and using Supra's method for the past 3 days. I have already noticed increased circulation, increased sensation, and increased healing on the head of my penis. Since using the TLC tugger method, the head of my penis has a more red color now and the dry skin is actually peeling off exposing more sensitive new skin in it's place. I'm really excited to see the results of using this method for a month. Later on today I'm going to buy the rubber foam weatherstripping that SUPRA suggested. I had and used some of the weatherstripping before(earlier in this thread), but I cannot find any of it now. I'm keep you guys posted on any changes or updates.
Hey KingD nice picks my dude hard work pays off every time keep them gains coming
Lats night I went to Lowe's and got some more foam insulation padding and used it during my LengthMaster routine today. It was very comfortable and the padding created a secure grip. I took some pics of my session. Feel free to post question and comments.

LengthMaster Routine






Very excellent work. I will suggest this thread to men having issues.
would you say you get good gains from using the LengthMaster and Bathmate as aposed to only using the size genetics??

I'm finding it hard to use the sizegenetics purely cause i don't have time always, i travel alot for work.
It's the 1st of October here, and i'm leaving tomorrow for Europe. DLD, you haven't given me any news on when it was shipped, you didn't give me the tracking number as i sent you an extra 40USD specifically for that purpose. Now i don't know where it is, whether it was sent, nothing.

Honestly, i'm a bit pissed off
sevenup;455392 said:
It's the 1st of October here, and i'm leaving tomorrow for Europe. DLD, you haven't given me any news on when it was shipped, you didn't give me the tracking number as i sent you an extra 40USD specifically for that purpose. Now i don't know where it is, whether it was sent, nothing.

Honestly, i'm a bit pissed off

You should have had in hand by now for sure, it was sent on Monday! Wow, I don't know what to say. If it does not come today then I will reship to Europe for you. I am very sorry!
Hey NEWBIE DJ!! The LengthMaster and Bathmate can give you good gains if you use them in a routine, to use the Sizegenetics extender is not required, but would supplement your routine even more by keeping your penis extended for a longer period of time. You would see faster results, if you were to use all 3, so the key for you is to realize how much time you have to do Penis Enlargement and try to narrow down your choices to what would suit your lifestyle the best. I have been keeping up with my LengthMaster and Bathmate routine and am noticing some great results. I will do another post to update everyone on my LengthMaster routine again.
KingD;455972 said:
Hey NEWBIE DJ!! The LengthMaster and Bathmate can give you good gains if you use them in a routine, to use the Sizegenetics extender is not required, but would supplement your routine even more by keeping your penis extended for a longer period of time. You would see faster results, if you were to use all 3, so the key for you is to realize how much time you have to do Penis Enlargement and try to narrow down your choices to what would suit your lifestyle the best. I have been keeping up with my LengthMaster and Bathmate routine and am noticing some great results. I will do another post to update everyone on my LengthMaster routine again.

Excellent post!

My girl just mailed me saying i quote "There was the strangest parcel for you, some wooden thing with a string. Is that yours?". I told her it's a wrist strengthening device, appropriate for many reasons but this is not the point.

The parcel was sent in NZ not the address i requested. And i sent 40 extra USD for it to be sent in express to Aisa where i was travelling.

Good thing the LM has arrived, but what are we to do with the extra cash i sent?

sevenup;456970 said:

My girl just mailed me saying i quote "There was the strangest parcel for you, some wooden thing with a string. Is that yours?". I told her it's a wrist strengthening device, appropriate for many reasons but this is not the point.

The parcel was sent in NZ not the address i requested. And i sent 40 extra USD for it to be sent in express to Aisa where i was travelling.

Good thing the LM has arrived, but what are we to do with the extra cash i sent?


Send me a PM with your Paypal and I will refund:) Glad you have a quick mind...wrist strengthening:)
Now that ya problem is getting resolved, can you please stop jackin my thread SEVENUP! No disrespect, but you can easily get the same result by starting your own thread. Thankx
Hi KingD, Please where can i gey the silicone sleeves? I have been using the door insulator but I would prefer to get the silicone sleeve since it is more comfortable.
You can buy the silicone sleeves at autoextender.com,SUNK. It's been awhile since I got back into using my LengthMatsre since my VLC tugger cone broke( DLD is supposed to help me out with this issue), but I have decided to press on until the problem is resolved. I wrap my penis with foam weatherstripping and a piece of THERABAND to keep it all in place. As you can see from my pics during my LenghtMaster session that I get a very good stretch during my sessions.








Just a quick update on my routine and progress. I hope this thread informs and inspires members to keep Penis Enlargementing. If you need any help or advice, don't be afraid to ask.
Awesome work KingD! Thanks for sharing the pictures. You are always a HUGE inspiration!


KingD;469160 said:
You can buy the silicone sleeves at autoextender.com,SUNK. It's been awhile since I got back into using my LengthMatsre since my VLC tugger cone broke( DLD is supposed to help me out with this issue), but I have decided to press on until the problem is resolved. I wrap my penis with foam weatherstripping and a piece of Theraband to keep it all in place. As you can see from my pics during my LenghtMaster session that I get a very good stretch during my sessions.








Just a quick update on my routine and progress. I hope this thread informs and inspires members to keep Penis Enlargementing. If you need any help or advice, don't be afraid to ask.
Thanks Dan_Clizer! I know that pics are a great motivator for people in Penis Enlargement and they help give other members a better understanding of what a member is talking about when it comes to the technique or routine that they use during their Penis Enlargement sessions. I just hope that I inspire and motivate other members to keep Penis Enlargementing and to become inventive with their techniques. Penis Enlargement is only limited by comfort, imagination, and dedication.
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