BoredLoser said:
i really dont think looking at family members' penises is nessecary at all :D

lol I'm with you.. I still don't really understand why painful has seen everyone in his familys' boner.... and has seemingly watched them grow over the years :D
More Meat said:
lol I'm with you.. I still don't really understand why painful has seen everyone in his familys' boner.... and has seemingly watched them grow over the years :D

I was wondering the same thing. Maybe his family is very "close".
redpubes said:
I was wondering the same thing. Maybe his family is very "close".

Well he is the one always starting those incest threads.. seems to be into it... guehhh, my skin just crawled.
Painful Pleasur = View attachment 16422
You have a very negative attitude towards P.E., its validity and you're very condescending towards others.

You started numerous threads asking how to P.E. properly and asking for help. Only to disagree with people's advice including DLD, telling 'em to Fuck-Off and even discredit someone pics. You even threaten to quit P.E. all together.
Is this is a good plan?
I need serious help. 19 years old
Need help. 19 years old. Please dont ban me.
My Tiny Penis = Problem
Masturbation = form of Penis Enlargement?
What is a good penis pump? what should i buy?
anyone use a rubber band?
What's the proper way to use a pump?
Xtreme pumping
65 Days of Penis Enlargement = nothing
i wanna call bullcrap on this thread
I want to tell my friends I'm bisexual
why is my penis white?
Circumcizing self
Does Sex/Masturbation Inhibit Gains?
urethra penetration? vagina has 2 holes?

You had Polls on Incest, masturbartion, under age sex
Taboo Poll
Should Age of consent be lower?
Age of Consent: What do you think?
Which you bang your sister or cousin? if she was hot?
Most you ever masturbated in 1 day?

You claim to be a Body-Builder, by making that statement of your self you should know about mental attitude, supplements, nutrition and it's not an over-night attempt to reaching your goals. The same holds true with P.E.

10inchadvantage said it correctly "Quit feeling sorry for yourself and start Penis Enlargementing. No one can help you truly grow your penis except you. "
You should really practice your number 5 of Listen closely towards 10inchadvantage "keep your thoughts to yourself if you aren't going to participate properly"


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Threak -

bravo my good man. that was a smart post, encapsulated the boy nicely.

keep pushing
Threak said:
Painful Pleasur = View attachment 16422
You have a very negative attitude towards P.E., its validity and you're very condescending towards others.

You started numerous threads asking how to P.E. properly and asking for help. Only to disagree with people's advice including DLD, telling 'em to Fuck-Off and even discredit someone pics. You even threaten to quit P.E. all together.
Is this is a good plan?
I need serious help. 19 years old
Need help. 19 years old. Please dont ban me.
My Tiny Penis = Problem
Masturbation = form of Penis Enlargement?
What is a good penis pump? what should i buy?
anyone use a rubber band?
What's the proper way to use a pump?
Xtreme pumping
65 Days of Penis Enlargement = nothing
i wanna call bullcrap on this thread
I want to tell my friends I'm bisexual
why is my penis white?
Circumcizing self
Does Sex/Masturbation Inhibit Gains?
urethra penetration? vagina has 2 holes?

You had Polls on Incest, masturbartion, under age sex
Taboo Poll
Should Age of consent be lower?
Age of Consent: What do you think?
Which you bang your sister or cousin? if she was hot?
Most you ever masturbated in 1 day?

You claim to be a Body-Builder, by making that statement of your self you should know about mental attitude, supplements, nutrition and it's not an over-night attempt to reaching your goals. The same holds true with P.E.

10inchadvantage said it correctly "Quit feeling sorry for yourself and start Penis Enlargementing. No one can help you truly grow your penis except you. "
You should really practice your number 5 of Listen closely towards 10inchadvantage "keep your thoughts to yourself if you aren't going to participate properly"

:clap: you right on point. That kid got some serious issues man.
wow do you all feel masculine now?
1. everything you've said is pretty much wrong.
2. you can't tell me you've never seen someone's dick in ur family
3. there is no incest in my family
4. i do not have a poor attitude
5. i can make w/e thread i want, dont like it, leave
6. people gave me advice when i wasn't fucking asking for it.
7. if i asked for advice i did not blow it off.
8. i discredited someone's pics because they were lying even DLD knows that
9. i do not feel sorry for myself. there is nothing to be sorry for.

if i ask a god damn question about somethign i dont want someone going on about something totally different. if i'm asking about a theory on late blooming i dont want some cock sucker telling me to go Penis Enlargement. go fuck yourself if you can't talk about the topic at hand. the incest threads are for fun, lighten the fuck up you douche bags.
Painful Pleasur said:
wow do you all feel masculine now?
1. everything you've said is pretty much wrong.
2. you can't tell me you've never seen someone's dick in ur family
3. there is no incest in my family
4. i do not have a poor attitude
5. i can make w/e thread i want, dont like it, leave
6. people gave me advice when i wasn't fucking asking for it.
7. if i asked for advice i did not blow it off.
8. i discredited someone's pics because they were lying even DLD knows that
9. i do not feel sorry for myself. there is nothing to be sorry for.

if i ask a god damn question about somethign i dont want someone going on about something totally different. if i'm asking about a theory on late blooming i dont want some cock sucker telling me to go Penis Enlargement. go fuck yourself if you can't talk about the topic at hand. the incest threads are for fun, lighten the fuck up you douche bags.

Im not guna comment on the above because im sure you felt tangled in the ropes briefly. what i will say is that you gota bear in mind that we're all guys so you may well get the occasional dig, but its naturally in jest or to spur you on.
i myself am new here and what i've found is a host of men that will bend over backwards to help and aid your plight because they've all been sitting on the same seat in the same boat. to say this community is phenomenally crucial is by no means an overstatment. now, i've read some of your threads, and posts thereafter, and i think you set yourself up for the fall purely because you jump the gun like its a hobby.
if you want a bigger dick and this ISN'T the source to guide you, then i bid you good luck. use the advice and try fucking hard, thats all you can do. and try to be as positive toward the process as you possibly can, PMA isn't merely a quackpot redundant theory.

take it easy.

keep pushing
Painful Pleasur said:
Listen closely:

1. I do not feel sorry for myself
2. I was just asking about the topic at hand
3. i do meditate, been doing it since i was 11 thank you very much
4. do you think you're the only one who knows about Siddartha Gautama?
5. keep your thoughts to yourself if you aren't going to participate properly

Dude, you're always trying to find some excuse to try and make up for the fact that you were BORN WITH A SMALL Penis EnlargementNIS. Sorry to say it so bluntly, but some people are just born to have small penises, so stop complaining or trying to find a reason why you don't have an average size. Get to work and start Penis Enlargementing, only you can grow your penis. Sometimes you just end up getting the short end of the stick, but the good thing is, you can work on it.
BoredLoser said:
is Painful Pleasur a troll?

You were ganna post something that made sense, but then you got high (da da da dum dum dum) LMAO
BoredLoser said:

10inchadvantage said:
Dude, you're always trying to find some excuse to try and make up for the fact that you were BORN WITH A SMALL Penis EnlargementNIS. Sorry to say it so bluntly, but some people are just born to have small penises, so stop complaining or trying to find a reason why you don't have an average size. .
wow strong douche bag.

i have no concern with average size what so ever. i do not feel sorry for myself at all. I was asking if anyone had any ideas or stories about being a late bloomer. get the fuck off my thread if you just want to waste my god damn time you piece of shit. if you're going to do nothing but put people down then you should be banned. i can't even start a thread without you or some other prick insulting me when i'm asking valid fucking questions.
Painful Pleasur said:
wow strong douche bag.

i have no concern with average size what so ever. i do not feel sorry for myself at all. I was asking if anyone had any ideas or stories about being a late bloomer. get the fuck off my thread if you just want to waste my god damn time you piece of shit. if you're going to do nothing but put people down then you should be banned. i can't even start a thread without you or some other prick insulting me when i'm asking valid fucking questions.

Y'all don't need to be calling names like a school yard. Lets do this like the men we are.

Painful Pleasur, I have to say that you do spend a great deal of time in the negative portion of Penis Enlargement. I would love to see you change your outlook and attitude and start to make gains, gains that are waiting for you. I know it is hard to deal with a size complex, even at my size I still feel fucked up sometimes. But, I have proven, along with thousands of other men that this is possible no matter what size you are. There have been some guys that have started sub 4" and made insane gains, gains that put them into the "above average" range.

Keep your head up and start feeling better about yourself. I have told you before to spend some time in the mental penis enlargement section. I did not spend the past 6 years creating these papers on mental penis enlargement for nothing, they were made for men like yourself and myself and millions of others.

Painful Pleasur said:
wow strong douche bag.

i have no concern with average size what so ever. i do not feel sorry for myself at all. I was asking if anyone had any ideas or stories about being a late bloomer. get the fuck off my thread if you just want to waste my god damn time you piece of shit. if you're going to do nothing but put people down then you should be banned. i can't even start a thread without you or some other prick insulting me when i'm asking valid fucking questions.

Ya, since I love to go into people's threads and say "hey you should be Penis Enlargementing" because I have an attention whore complex. I'm tired of you bringing such negativity here, insulting people when they gain, etc.

Painful Pleasur said:
maybe there is something to late blooming? or my genetics are so shitty i might as well chop it off.

Yes, you are implying that maybe you are just a "really late bloomer." If you want a bigger cock, you can't just sit around hoping your "shitty genetics" makes it bigger for you.

I have never, EVER put anyone down on this site, including you. I am simply telling you to stop bitching about how slow you gain or how small your penis is(which you have done, don't deny it) and start doing a consistent Penis Enlargement routine. I wish nothing but the best for you and everyone else. If you had a positive attitude I'm sure you'd gain. Once again I wish you the best of luck.
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