FemaleInfluence;373994 said:
DLD I have the answer to your prayers...I am currently working at a strip club and I bet I can get a group of women together that will be brutally honest. Interested???

That would be awesome. Maybe a slow night I could come in and get some interviews?
I think we would rather err on the side of caution and have more than less.

It's like having a plate full of food ... you don't have to finish it. You might get stuffed and not want to eat anymore.

But dammit if if you're still hungry and there isn't any food left on your plate ... you'll obviously want more.

Guys who are small, would love to be average, and guys who are average would love to be above. Guys who are above would love to be big. And even the big I guess want to be huge.

I'm reasonable, I'm above average, but, want to be large, or big, specifically in girth, as I think usable length for the majority of women lies under the 8" mark.
i agree there is not a universal size i meant to say that in my last post every single woman will be different in the cock she prefers and the cock that will actually fit so its hit and miss but like i said earlier if u go for a 8x5 8x5.5 0r 8x6 u will please 95% of women i truely think that even if to some girls its on the big side they will still love it so there is no true right answer but i think by goin for any of those sizes i listed above u are in the safe zone of pleasing women really well cause as we know some women cant take more than 8 but some can take more than 9 haha like i said every women is different shit for me im goin for 9 inchs lol most women cant take all of it but with some time they can
From most sources women prefer a 13" cock wit about 9" in girth:)
nwa;374055 said:
but like i said earlier if u go for a 8x5 8x5.5 0r 8x6 u will please 95% of women

this sounds extremely far-fetched, if not just downright inaccurate. i personally know several girls who would run away from an 8 inch cock.
From what I hear from girls, I think it helps, and girls like bigger ones, but its definitely not necessary.
Here are a few experiences that have shaped my view of penis size:
I was recently playing a drinking game (kings cup) with a my roommate, his girlfriend, and her friends.
a card denoting categories came up (meaning, a person would have to come up with a category such as "brands of condoms," each player has to think of a brand and the first one who cant has to drink)
the category that the person picked was, "guys with huge dicks" and one of my roommates girlfriend's friends said my roommate had a huge one. so basically, its something girls talk to their friends about.

also, i have a good friend who has told me about a guy she has hooked up with, and that he has an 8 inch dick. shes referred to it as "beautiful, glorious, etc." even though theyve never even had sex. shes only given him head and she still gets that dreamy look in her eye whenever talking about it.

another friend of mine recently started dating a guy who is much older, and I voiced my concerns. she told me he was actually a really nice guy, and "has a huge dick too"

Keep in mind, these girls are a little young, early 20's, so their opinions might be skewed towards liking bigger ones, but I cant help but think that its something girls definitely notice, talk about, and usually enjoy
Allot of it is just bullshit mate. Women take it from me, dont know what they want in many areas of life. I have worked with females for the past 7 years, mostly women in the fields I have worked in recently and sure they tend to focus and obsess about a certain topic and make it into a big deal, sometimes gloryfying it and not even having experience for it. They just as quickly change their minds though and especially if they 'taste' this and dont like it, even though they were convinced it was the bee's knee's a moment back.

These girls you know, well sure they might love big cocks as I'm sure many girls do love a big fat cock but that is not the NORM and is like saying all men like big boobs on a blonde, its not true. I prefer Latin looking women and one with nice hips to waist ratio with round ass to smack and kiss.

Also girls, just like boys talk absolute shit infront of peers to show off and at that age *sigh* take it with a pinch, no make that a SHOVEL of salt because I bet you if they saw someone like __________ in the flesh than they wouldnt have a fucking clue what to do what that WOMD! Its like guys bragging about women, saying they done this and done that and many times when push comes to shove they are like rabbits infront of the headights.

You also forgot to mention that women are shit at estimating size and its proven they cant judge distance (Reverse car) and check threads around here when women measure a dick ... more like from his anus.

Why dont you print a picture of my cock and leave it around so they can find it or place it in the coat pocket. They wont know its you, just act and know fuck all. See what they say and ask could you handle it and what size is it? They will talk nonscence and have no idea what the thing can do to them, infact a large penis can injure a girl if its used wrongly.

It could also be possible these freoinds are just shallow sluts who see a man mostly for his manhood as the times change and women get more low morals like sewer rats and think its GIRL POWER and all that trash, like they can match men on what we do and saying I'd shag that booty hahaha men talk like that and its meant DIFFERENTLY but women, well they dont know what they mean by it deep down and are emotional creatures which is why they are best in emergencies and men are best at thinking things through, because we have LOGIC.
haha idk how far-fetched that would be cause im 7 an extra inch isnt really a huge change in my penis it is but it isnt now and inch and a half i would deff agree with ya
Personally i believe 80% of women want their partners to have a huge penis, it;s not so much the physical pleasure of one but the psychological excitement that comes from it......
I think its mostly psychological too, which can affect phyiscal pleasure, but I dont think thats as important as intimacy or technique, romance, etc.
this girl who has endless praise for this guy's 8 incher also used to date a guy who was practically half that size but she still got off like crazy
But yeah, I think girls just THINK they want a bigger one, for whatever reason.
but even them thinking they want a bigger one will make them biased towards big ones, even if they dont realize that size doesnt matter as much as they think.
it can still put pressure on us guys, though.
I was just watching the Howard Stern 'Tiger Woods Mistress Beauty Pageant'.. several of the girls admitted that Tiger was huge and probably around 9". However the last girl interviewed stated that Tiger wore regular size condoms as opposed to 'Magnum' size. And what size do regular condoms accommodate up to? Around 7.25" or 7.50" based on my research. That is a pretty significant difference in my opinion. Moral of the story? Girls are borderline retarded when it comes to assessing size (sorry ladies). And this is just one of many examples I've heard regarding female cluelessness and penis size. So if a girl in her early 20s claims a huge one, it could easily mean a 6x6 or something similar. Since the girth is above average, it looks 'huge' or even 'fat' with a full boner. Is it record-setting? Absolutely not. It is simply above average, but 'huge' to a girl who may be comparing it to the average skinny dildo of the same length.

Don't listen to girls talk about penis size, especially younger ones.
I think some of you are also really insecure about the whole subject and once you stabilise than your whole view will change and you'll see it more outside the box. When your pretty much insecure about it than you will read more into it and the mind will tell you more of the negatives to believe, like it or not. Remember I started 6.6x5.4 and now I'm 8.3x7 so I'm in a privalaged position to give feedback on women s reactions to such changes in size.
jetsetter439;374153 said:
I was just watching the Howard Stern 'Tiger Woods Mistress Beauty Pageant'.. several of the girls admitted that Tiger was huge and probably around 9". However the last girl interviewed stated that Tiger wore regular size condoms as opposed to 'Magnum' size. And what size do regular condoms accommodate up to? Around 7.25" or 7.50" based on my research. That is a pretty significant difference in my opinion. Moral of the story? Girls are borderline retarded when it comes to assessing size (sorry ladies). And this is just one of many examples I've heard regarding female cluelessness and penis size. So if a girl in her early 20s claims a huge one, it could easily mean a 6x6 or something similar. Since the girth is above average, it looks 'huge' or even 'fat' with a full boner. Is it record-setting? Absolutely not. It is simply above average, but 'huge' to a girl who may be comparing it to the average skinny dildo of the same length.

Don't listen to girls talk about penis size, especially younger ones.

Hahaha how sad that is, they make a show talking about Tiger's cock size.
Ok, gotta throw my two cents in here. I have anecdotal evidence to share. It paints a picture, I think. Warning: highly sexual content follows:

First, stats. I'm 7.5" BPenis EnlargementL, with an average EG of 5.4". When I started Penis Enlargement (4 months ago) I was 7.25" BPenis EnlargementL with an average EG of 5.3".

One girl I've dated (I'll call her AAA) could take exactly 8" of a dildo once aroused. She could handle 4 of my fingers once aroused. However, some days, she was so tight her vagina felt like a glove, not just at the entrance, but all the way in. Like, I could feel it clinging to me when I pulled out.

Another girl (BBB) I dated could take exactly 6" of a dildo once aroused, 5" otherwise. Believe me, I tried to fit more in! :) :) She could handle 3 of my fingers comfortably once aroused, 2 otherwise. After a clitoral orgasm, she could barely take 2 fingers. Depending on the day, or if we had sex right after I ate her out, she would range from tight to loose.

Also, when I was fully inserted, for example with her sitting on me, contact with her back wall compressed the head of my penis, and there was a lot of pressure. Pressure that wasn't entirely comfortable for either of us. On some days, I felt her cervix on every stroke, and I would have to angle past it to avoid hurting her. Sometimes though, after we'd been having sex for a while, I couldn't even feel her cervix. Also, on one occasion, right after we'd had sex, she could barely feel it when I had two fingers in, because she was so relaxed. She had to ask if I had one or two fingers in... which surprised me.

I've also had sex with girls so deep I never felt bottom, and girls that were so loose I couldn't come, and one girl (a virgin when we started dating) who was so tight it was almost painful for me.

I also dated a girl who had tried being lesbian for a while, and she had been fisted by her ex. She had multiple vaginal orgasms when we had sex. In other words, the vagina can stretch to handle a wide variety of penises, and still be pleased by a smaller penis... within reason.

Also, regular sex with a bigger partner will loosen a girl up. When I didn't have sex with AAA for a couple of weeks, she would be noticeably tighter. So, is there such a thing as too thick? Maybe, but more on that later.

Clearly, it varies tremendously from girl to girl, and it even varies with the same girl from day to day. However, take this into consideration:

This girl (BBB) who could barely take 6" length of a dildo (5.75" EG) had by far the biggest orgasms ever I've witnessed from using that dildo on herself, although she sometimes said the thickness hurt a little. She also had noticeably bigger orgasms when I used Viagra.

Side note: If you haven't tried it, Viagra is fun even if you don't need it, because it maxes your erection. For me, my max erection adds a half inch of length and maybe 1/3" girth over my average erection. And I don't get max erections every day. Which is why Viagra is fun. You can have max erections whenever you want, even right after you come. Plus, you can have all-day sex marathons... but I digress. :)

BBB liked the dildo fully inserted, and would use 1"-2" strokes ending in full insertion so that she would feel the contact against her back wall. In other words, length AND width matters for her. However, she pointed out that the reason she comes so hard that way is because she was controlling the strokes. That allowed her to time the strokes to her muscular contractions and build the orgasm... as I'm sure any guy who's masturbated a lot can identify with: The best orgasms are the ones you work yourself up to, am I right? :) Still, if I was holding it, and wasn't deep enough, she would say, "Deeper"... :)

So clearly, thickness matters for vaginal orgasms. However, a LOT (66%) of women don't have them. Also, length matters for girls who like that pressure against the uterus/back wall. But, if they haven't been with a guy who knows how to work that length without hurting her, they might not like it. Or maybe they have a sensitive cervix.

One final set of anecdotes. When I told BBB that there was a stretching device that increases length, she was visibly excited and turned on before eventually catching herself and saying, "But you're perfect for me the way you are!"

... Right. ;)

When I told her it increased girth as well, she was even more excited. Now this might seem odd given that she can barely take 6". Why would she want me to be bigger when I'm already as big as she can handle?

My theory: Simply because it's exciting. Girls like to see a big, thick cock. They like to brag about their man. A big, thick penis is masculine, and at some instinctive level, tells them that their man is an alpha male. It turns them on. They can moan things like "Fill me with your big cock" when you're having sex.

Also, since women stretch to accommodate a thicker partner (as long as they're having sex 3+ times a week) then it's pretty hard to be too thick. Case in point, and my final anecdote:

BBB had an ex-boyfriend who we talked about at length, because a) i'm incredibly curious, and b) it turns me on, and c) she didn't mind. Side note: Can a straight guy be a size queen? I'm not gay, but small dick �naked people movies� doesn't get me off... weird?

Anyway, this ex, who I'll call CCC, was quite simply huge. Rumors flew around about his size among his friend group. How big? Well, I asked her to compare, and she said at least 2" longer than me. So, I had her compare against a 9" dildo I held bone-pressed against my pubes, and she said maybe a little bigger.

I asked her to compare against a 6.25" EG dildo, and she said maybe a little thicker. I don't have anything bigger, so my guess is he was close to 10" BPenis EnlargementL and 6.5" avg EG. That's fucking huge.

When she had first mentioned he was big, I asked "What, was he really long?" and she said "Well, yeah, he was, but mainly he was really thick. It was almost painful sometimes."

Also, when I said, "Wow, more than 9 inches? So he couldn't fit all the way in?", she said, "Well, sometimes he could."

Fascinating, right? "Almost painful"? A full inch more girth than me and it was only almost painful? Also, "sometimes" he couldn't get all the way in? How much was she stretching to accommodate the extra two inches? They weren't dating, they were just fuck buddies. She had sex with him for 9 months before they broke up. So, clearly, she was enjoying it, and kept coming back for more.

Even if I didn't trust her measurements, I know he was at least 9"+, because when we first started dating, she tried to give me a blowjob on her knees by jerking me with both hands and sucking on the head. She eventually gave up and switched to jerking me with only one hand. She didn't know it, but I died a little inside that day. I knew what it meant... When I asked her later, she confirmed that she could keep the whole head in her mouth while jacking him off with both hands, one on top of the other.

And yet, she repeatedly said she'd never had sex as good as with me. The most orgasms she ever had in one vaginal intercourse session before she met me was 3. With me she averaged 5, and had as many as 10.

She clearly preferred my cock, but I often wonder if it's just because I'm better at using it. ;) Or is it because he was just a little too big?

I say the bottom line is this:

Size matters. But skill matters more. If you're skilled, you can please her with any reasonably-sized penis. But if you're big AND skilled, you can rock her fucking world... if you're big you can go deep without slamming it into her. You can have sex in crazy positions that otherwise wouldn't work.

Which is why I do Penis Enlargement. I want to be 9" BPenis EnlargementL by 6" avg EG, not because my penis isn't big enough, but because a skilled lover can use that extra size to great effect. And the idea of having a huge cock, with a bulge that women can't help but notice, that sounds pretty awesome too. Am I right?

If all women loved huge fat cocks, than the human race would die out. Come on lets get our heads from out of that pile of fresh shit and get real.
dude we should put a like button like on facebook lol red u crack me up
REDZULU2003;374237 said:
If all women loved huge fat cocks, than the human race would die out. Come on lets get our heads from out of that pile of fresh shit and get real.

lol, I agree with the sentiment. Like I said, it varies tremendously from person to person. But, technically speaking, if all women loved huge fat cocks, the human race would not die out. Small dicks would die out though... natural selection and all. ;)

Still, that is proof that penis size is not a very high priority in natural selection. If it were, the average penis size would increase significantly over time. Someone will have to dig up some pharaohs and measure the mummified remains of their penis. :)

At least we'll know for sure that measurement is "bone-pressed"... ;)

On a side note, I read a book by an evolutionary biologist (Sperm Wars, Robin Baker) who believes that there's a natural selection reason for black men having larger penises. His theory is that (for whatever reason) women in ancient Africa were having sex with multiple partners each day. (Perhaps tribal custom?) Anyway, his theory is that a big penis forcibly removes from the vagina any leftover semen from the previous lover. They verified these tests by measuring the amount of "semen displacement" caused by a small penis vs a big penis. (I want to work in that lab, lol!)

In fact, the ridge behind the head of the penis is believed by some to be for the very purpose of scooping out "enemy" semen. Anyway, my personal theory is that there is a social evolution reason for it. For example, in a tribe with ritual body manipulation (piercing, lip expansion, neck stretching, etc.) and in a climate where people walk around with their penis uncovered, it's not inconceivable that it became a status thing to have a big penis, and so those guys were more likely to conceive. It also might explain where some of these very Penis Enlargement exercises came from. Who would be more motivated to do them than someone in a tribe where a big penis was prized for mating?

Who knows. :) Fascinating read though. Word of warning: Don't take his book too seriously or it'll make you paranoid and convince you that your girl is going to cheat on you. :)
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