
you obviously have a poor attitude towards Penis Enlargement. If you believe you will gain from Penis Enlargement then you WILL gain from Penis Enlargement. You sound like you over did it during your exercises. Take some time off and try again. Maybe try some hot towel wraps or something in the mean time. But to say Penis Enlargement is dangerous and doesnt work is crazy. There are so many guys on here including myself who have made gains from these exercises. I have only been at it for a little over 5 weeks and I've gained .5" length and .25" in girth. There's no disputing the evidence my friend.
exodus1984;358857 said:
Jan 1, 1980 - BPenis EnlargementL 7.75" Girth - Didn't measure
May 15, 1993 - BPenis EnlargementL 8.07" Girth - 5.7" Mid Shaft
Nov 3, 2004 - BPenis EnlargementL 8.75" Girth - 5.7" - After using tips from MOS -
Mar 8, 2005 - BPenis EnlargementL 8.8" Girth - 5.9" - mostly Jelqing
Apr 24, 2005 - BPenis EnlargementL 8.8" Girth - 6.1" -
May 5, 2007 - BPenis EnlargementL 8.8" Girth - 6.3"

this is proof of what i say. 1 inch for 3 years.. maybe it is also proof of my injury.. also it is another thing that if a 8 inches one gets 1 inch in 3 years 5 will very hardly get it..

1 inch gain is a freaking miracle, how can you say it doe not work?
Exodus...lighten up bro! Your situation is a bummer and I feel for your broken member. If you did your home work before starting Penis Enlargement you probably saw all the road signs along the way stating to be cautious and take it slow. Yes you can over do it or misinterpret technique. So you knew, and accepted the consequences for your actions. Take accountability for yourself and move on to your next failure. Their is always one in the bunch to discredit the winners for being a fake /fraud to make sense of their own misfortunes. I've come to expect these individuals and this mentality in all aspects of life. It's a flaw in character and thank god it runs in small numbers. These negative blurps of emotional distress offer a soothing contrast to what contributes to someone's success rather than their failure.

Positivity and a open mind count for allot in every thing you do. Have you ever caught yourself worrying about spilling or dropping something of great importance. The mental picture that is created in your head, fearing for the worst, seams so real that it actually is manifested in the physical. Hence the object of great importance crashes to the ground in the manner in which you invisioned it happening. My underlining point is "like attracts like". Worry, disbelief, negativity, and nay saying will only bring this reality to manifest in one's life. It's hard to wrap your head around I know...but if you look back at one's own life's experiences you will find this to be profoundly true.

Speaking for myself I have gained just about 40% in total volume over a seven monthes. I'm 1 1/4" longer and 5/8" fatter. Yes I was curious at first but not skeptical of Penis Enlargement actually working. After the first signs of growth my mind could wrap itself around whatever potential I desired. So...exodus you need to continue your own life's journey until you turn the corner and allow yourself to succeed. Until then though try to refrain from making yourself look like such a predictable ass. If you haven't noticed.. this is a prolific forum in which individual's positivitley share technique and compassion. Many here have had the successes they knew could be achieved. That in itself speaks volumes.
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I can't believe this guy said that Penis Enlargement isn't real when the man made a 1 inch gain. A whole inch is a big difference my man. There is a visual and functional difference between a 7 inch dick and an 8 inch dick. I hope you didn' expect to make like 5 inches in a year. Not everybody is going to gain as rapidly as DLD or RED did. It takes time bro.
Well maybe we can help this guy with his issues, that is what MOS is best with.
I want to help this dude, he is in some trouble with his unit and a bit bitter because of it.

I say let's help him all we possibly can because this is just misdirected frustration.

He got injured, probably too much Penis Enlargement and too soon ( unadequate recovery phases ).

First thing out of my mouth in order to help is... Urologist trip, ask for ultrasound and/or doppler exam to evaluate chambers ( corpora cavernosum ) and any possible venous leaks you might have sustained. If all checks good then time for chemically induced erection to further evaluate erection quality.

Just my recomendation, i must say to you ( the OP ) that i was here for 3 years BEFORE becoming a MOD at MOS. I started with a 6.5x6.5 penis and am now around 8BPenis EnlargementL X 7+MSEG. This is about 1,5" in lenght and .5" in girth in all the time i am here. I think you gained more than i did and in less time. I believe the LESS is MORE theory and that has kept me pretty safe with ZERO injuries. Also, i MOD for free as do all the others here so this is hard work and NOT AN AGENDA.

Good luck and count on me and the others to help you.

Mike helping,

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Hey Mike (8inch),
I hear ya....but I don't think he will. We can transmit all we want, if he ain't set on receive, well then, we're just pissin' into a tornado. Short of pullin' his dick for him, not much we can do for someone who rejects help. I'll save my energy for an enthusiastic gainer anytime.
Hello Dashdeming,

Your heavy hanging results sound impressive, congratulations. I wanted to ask you, before you started doing the heavy 1 set per day workouts, did you take the traditional approach that Bib recommends at first? Slowly working up in weights and sets until you are doing about 6 sets per day? Just curious if you had and then maybe got frustrated and decided to go your own way to cut down on time?

I'm kind of in a dilemma, it seems no matter what I do, I always have this reoccuring problem with my skin near the base of my penis acting up, but it usually seems okay the first 1 or 2 sets, but after that it gets progressivly worse throughout the night. I use a lot of vaseline throughout the night and next day, which helps a ton in healing, but once I go to hang again the next night I end up aggraviting it again. It's not horrible right now, but it never really goes away.

Anyway, I'm working 5 sets right now, and only at 8.5 pounds BTC, working on skin stretch. Been hanging since 9/15/09. I started thinking, well maybe if I just hang 1 or 2sets a night this should help any skin issues. And then I'll just basically bump 1 pound per week slowly building to some heavy hanging. I would throw in jelqing too, post-hang like you have done since it has worked well for you.

I'm just a little afraid of abandoning Bib's approach too early since it's worked so well for a lot of folks, but I think if I didn't do so many sets my skin wouldn't be continually in rough shape. And I don't really want to devote about 3 hours a night to Penis Enlargement, that is a lot of time! I figure doing your routine could really benefit me not only in time, but most importantly gains, and in with my sensitive skin (too many sets seem to keep it sore).

Thanks for taking the time to look at this if you get a chance,

Here is the most fundamental truth about penis enlargement; if you believe you are going to make gains you probably will and if you believe you won't gain you probably wont. Basically, you right either way but being right with a bigger penis is best.
exodus1984;358857 said:
Jan 1, 1980 - BPenis EnlargementL 7.75" Girth - Didn't measure
May 15, 1993 - BPenis EnlargementL 8.07" Girth - 5.7" Mid Shaft
Nov 3, 2004 - BPenis EnlargementL 8.75" Girth - 5.7" - After using tips from MOS -
Mar 8, 2005 - BPenis EnlargementL 8.8" Girth - 5.9" - mostly Jelqing
Apr 24, 2005 - BPenis EnlargementL 8.8" Girth - 6.1" -
May 5, 2007 - BPenis EnlargementL 8.8" Girth - 6.3"

this is proof of what i say. 1 inch for 3 years.. maybe it is also proof of my injury.. also it is another thing that if a 8 inches one gets 1 inch in 3 years 5 will very hardly get it..

What The Fuck?

If these are your stats you gained a hell of a lot. Gaining over an inch of length is huge. The difference between 5.7 and 6.3 in girth is huge.

A 8.8 x 6.3 penis is somewhere in the upper part of the top 1% of all men. Of course you had a great starting size, but I dont see how anyone can complain about going from 7.75x5something to 8.8 x 6.3.

Sure it can take years but anything does.

To me this is like someone going to on a bodybuilding forum and saying
" Man, lifting weights does not work. I've been working out for years and I've only gained 40 pounds of muscle, 4 inches on my chest and 2 inches on each arm. And one time I tried to lift too much weight and even got an injury! You would think after working out for so long I would be 400lbs with 2% bodyfat and 28" arms. But no, this shit sucks and will just get you hurt!"

BTW, I had a bad thrombosis a few years back, but it was my own fucking fault for too much experimenting and overdoing certain things.
bigbutnottoo;359440 said:
What The Fuck?

If these are your stats you gained a hell of a lot. Gaining over an inch of length is huge. The difference between 5.7 and 6.3 in girth is huge.

A 8.8 x 6.3 penis is somewhere in the upper part of the top 1% of all men. Of course you had a great starting size, but I dont see how anyone can complain about going from 7.75x5something to 8.8 x 6.3.

Sure it can take years but anything does.

To me this is like someone going to on a bodybuilding forum and saying
" Man, lifting weights does not work. I've been working out for years and I've only gained 40 pounds of muscle, 4 inches on my chest and 2 inches on each arm. And one time I tried to lift too much weight and even got an injury! You would think after working out for so long I would be 400lbs with 2% bodyfat and 28" arms. But no, this shit sucks and will just get you hurt!"

BTW, I had a bad thrombosis a few years back, but it was my own fucking fault for too much experimenting and overdoing certain things.

I remember when I first posted my gains at �other PE site�. I was depressed that I only made a 2 inch gain and I was reaching out for help for the reason I did not gain 4"....I got landslided.
they are not my stats.. i took from someones signature. and for me 3 years for 1 inches.. seems not sufficient and yes risky. i think i dnt have thrombosed vein but a varicosed vein which never heals.. i will go to my own country after some weeks and we ll see what doctors will give me. probably surgery and loosing 1 vein there. which i was supposed to improve more blood going there and have a bigger.

also most of the guys here dont know about penis anatomy.. as far as i learnt there is 1 or 2 main vein that support blood to penis and all the other ones in surface are the one collecting blood back to heart. so actually when u make jelqing u force their vessels backwards. put pressure on them. and then u break-injure them. this is the same description about what vacuum pumps do. but in none of the forums or articles i read this can cause that. i only taught i will have skin problems..

u can add soemthings but believe me in long term it wont be so useful for u. this is not ur nose or leg or ear. this is ur penis full of nerves, veins and lympathic veins. so better dont play with it.

i think i will write u my final treatment to u.

have a nice day.
Yes it may be dangerous, but most of us here know it works because we have seen the results ourselves. I think a lot of us don't stick to our guns as much as we like. We get sick, busy at work, don't have private time, etc. Those can really effect our gains, but we know if we stick to it we will gain. I am trying to get back into it and hope to see gains once again.
All penises are ( relatively) small. Adding 1 inch is, IMHO, HUGE progress. Adding even a fraction of an inch in girth can make a big difference. As I said, saying Penis Enlargement is a failure based off gains of over 15% in each direction is like saying it's a waste of time to lift weights if you can't get bigger than Ronnie Coleman naturally. It's a product of what you want to put into it and your patience, etc. And yes you have other factors like genetics- Just like EVERYTHING else in life. But you don't let that stop you from being the best you can be.
exodus1984;359595 said:
...also most of the guys here dont know about penis anatomy..

You would be mistaken in assuming that there's no one here that knows about penile anatomy.

exodus1984;359595 said:
as far as i learnt there is 1 or 2 main vein that support blood to penis and all the other ones in surface are the one collecting blood back to heart. so actually when u make jelqing u force their vessels backwards. put pressure on them. and then u break-injure them. this is the same description about what vacuum pumps do.

Pumps are often prescribed by medical professionals for impotence- likely the same medical professionals you'll be getting your supposed treatment from.

exodus1984;359595 said:
u can add soemthings but believe me in long term it wont be so useful for u. this is not ur nose or leg or ear. this is ur penis full of nerves, veins and lympathic veins. so better dont play with it.

Save your doomsaying and your attempts at "saving" us from ourselves- it's insulting to anyone with a degree of intelligence. Just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean that those of us that do Penis Enlargement sensibly will. There are men here that have been Penis Enlargementing for years and have only positive things to say about it.

exodus1984;359595 said:
i think i will write u my final treatment to u.

Something tells me that it won't be the last we'll hear from you. I'm sure you'll pop up again- perhaps under another username.
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penis pumps in healthy people causes harm to blood vessels. also jelqing does it. pump just hold blood in penis to achieve erection. not cure impotence.

i wont pop up in other name. i am clear with what i say..

i cud curse all people and watch them have injuries. but i just want to warn them. that is what i aim here
bigbutnottoo;359640 said:
All penises are ( relatively) small. Adding 1 inch is, IMHO, HUGE progress. Adding even a fraction of an inch in girth can make a big difference. As I said, saying Penis Enlargement is a failure based off gains of over 15% in each direction is like saying it's a waste of time to lift weights if you can't get bigger than Ronnie Coleman naturally. It's a product of what you want to put into it and your patience, etc. And yes you have other factors like genetics- Just like EVERYTHING else in life. But you don't let that stop you from being the best you can be.

Great post :)

To show just how huge a relatively "small" gain is, let's consider volume. A man starting with a 6x5 inch penis has about 157 cc of volume. Once he hits 7x5.5 inches, he now has a volume of 224 cc. That's a 43% gain in volume! These guys complaining about "only" a one inch gain don't realize that there's few fully functional bodyparts that you can alter to such a radical degree as you can the penis.

You can easily see for yourself what your volume gains are by either doing the math or using an app like "Mr. Average's Sizer".
exodus1984;359697 said:
penis pumps in healthy people causes harm to blood vessels. also jelqing does it. pump just hold blood in penis to achieve erection. not cure impotence.

i wont pop up in other name. i am clear with what i say..

So penis pumping doesn't damage the valves of men with impotence? It selectively chooses only healthy men- is that what you're stating?

Here's the definition of impotence: Impotence, often called erectile dysfunction, refers to the male's inability to achieve or maintain an erection long enough to engage in sexual intercourse.

Seeing as how penis pumps do create an artificial erection capable of engaging in sexual intercourse, your statement doesn't hold water.

exodus1984;359697 said:
i cud curse all people and watch them have injuries. but i just want to warn them. that is what i aim here

Again, it's intellectually insulting to those of us that have done Penis Enlargement and related activities for years with only positive results.

To elaborate a bit on this- you seem to claim that all Penis Enlargement will cause damage. You do know that there's such a thing as overdoing it, and that also applies to Penis Enlargement, correct? Yes, it is possible to destroy the valves, blood vessels, ligaments, etc. of your penis doing Penis Enlargement but only if you abuse Penis Enlargement or have some preexisting condition. What you state doesn't make sense to those of us that have done Penis Enlargement on a more conservative level and have only improved our level of functioning. That's the reason why your post isn't very well taken here- you're making blanket statements without seemingly having much of a knowledge base yourself. Perhaps if you let that sink in a bit you'll rethink the way you word things and your posts will have a better chance of getting positive feedback.

Instead of coming here to "save us from the dangers of Penis Enlargement", why don't you do a little reading and read what other members have to say instead of blindly posting your opinions. You seem bent on getting your message across without caring about what others have to say, so either you're [no offense intended] ignorant or you're a troll.
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are u a doctor??

have u ever read a doctor recommending penis enlargement with pumps?? and have u ever seen a one says it is not dangerous??
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