orlandopunk;413115 said:
1 inch in girth ? is this real life? what did u use? i just cant believe 1 inch in girth ....

im 5.75" girth and 6" at girth base .. never done Penis Enlargement .. wanna get to 6.25 girth

2.5 length gain i 6 month with that basic nwebie routine ? wutttttttttttt i call bs on this 2

I gained 2" in length and 1/2" in girth inside of six months, it is very possible.
orlandopunk;413324 said:
u gained 2 inches in 6 months with the newbie routine only? manual stretches? i dont understand ur newbie routine well .. it says 3 sets of each stretch, there are 15 stretches .. totoal would be 45 stretches of 30 secs each .. is there rest between every 30 sec stretch .. how come ur routine has more volume than the thunderplace newbie routine which only has 10 sets

I am not sure what the �other PE site� routine is, the Matters of Size Newbie Routine stretching portion is as follows:

Up to the Center 30 seconds x 3 total time : 1.5 minutes
Up to the Right 30 seconds x 3 : 1.5 minutes
Up to the Left 30 seconds x 3 : 1.5 minutes

Straight Out to the Center 30 seconds x 3 : 1.5 minutes
Straight Out to the Right 30 seconds x 3 : 1.5 minutes
Straight Out to the Left 30 seconds x 3 : 1.5 minutes

Down to the Center 30 seconds x 3 : 1.5 minutes
Down to the Right 30 seconds x 3 : 1.5 minutes
Down to the Left 30 seconds x 3 : 1.5 minutes

Rotary Cranks, 25-30 cranks x 3 sets about 3 minutes

Behind The Cheeks to the center 30 seconds x 3 : 1.5 minutes
Behind The Cheeks to the left 30 seconds x 3 : 1.5 minutes
Behind The Cheeks to the right 30 seconds x 3 : 1.5 minutes

Total time not including rest between sets: 18 minutes
I know my previous low self esteem issues came from my father abandoning me when I was young.

I had always had confidence issues because I had low self esteem.

As I started to get older and learned about �naked people movies� at the age of 12 I saw all these guys who were huge and had girls literally screaming whenever they had sex with them.

I wanted to be like that and from that point on I had always compared myself to them. I carried it with me for years and was always get down when girls would tell me how
they had bigger guys than me and I would always feel as if I wasn't enough.

I had chosen to let go of my past pain and move on the present moment. I'm fully aware of why I felt the way I did. I now feel that I'm more than enough. But I also want my penis to be
a representation of how I view myself. I will not stop until I have the length and the girth that I want.

This will be an amazing journey of growth outward and inward that I'm definitely looking forward to. I will achieve my goal of being 9 inches long and having 7 inches in girth.

I will achieve my goal. No Surrender I Shall Grow!

This will be my manifesto as of today and I will speak into existence the reality that I am creating for myself.
Hey bro. A sharp tongue and insensitive wench like this can make mincemeat of your self-esteem. Its best not to even mess with them, they call em "man eaters"....

Just keep an eye on how she acts around you and how she treats you. If she cdoesn't treat you well, try to get help. If she thinks its ok, you may need to get the hell out of there!!!
joshuaty2010;423913 said:
Even though there is no “ideal penis size” every woman has their own opinion and yes size does matter. Using a high quality male enhancement product can help revive your sex life and immediately improve your self esteem and self confidence– but you must choose the right products.

longrodten;413500 said:
"man eaters"....

Hall and Oats said this. I think Hall had the 5 incher and Oats had the 12:)
Alex78;424077 said:
Mine, money making!
I want to become better at it!

Thats easy, just pretend what you want to happen hard enough that you are actually feeling the happy feeling of having it an it has to come. Try saying: I am so happy now that I am ________________. and fill in the word that you want. If you practice this over and over you will eventually believe it and have emotions on the wavelength allowing the desire to be attracted to you.
doublelongdaddy;424107 said:
Thats easy, just pretend what you want to happen hard enough that you are actually feeling the happy feeling of having it an it has to come. Try saying: I am so happy now that I am ________________. and fill in the word that you want. If you practice this over and over you will eventually believe it and have emotions on the wavelength allowing the desire to be attracted to you.

Is this The Secret talk or do you make money daily like this Mikey?
I have read all of this but its not as easy as it seems!
Why dont these guys who write this make money like this?
Because selling hope is what makes money! Tapes,lectures,Books...etc...
You need more than just a repeating thought....
Alex78;424134 said:
Is this The Secret talk or do you make money daily like this Mikey?
I have read all of this but its not as easy as it seems!
Why dont these guys who write this make money like this?
Because selling hope is what makes money! Tapes,lectures,Books...etc...
You need more than just a repeating thought....

It all starts with the thought, no matter what it is, the thought begins the process. AFter the thought is dwelled on long enough the corresponding feelings will start to happen, the more and more you feel about this the closer you are to what you want. It really is that easy. I could make it complicated but it does not need to be. And yes I have watched the Secret, good surface information but to truly learn what this is all about one should study Kabbalah, this is where the most important knowledge is.
My insecurities started when i was about 15 i think. I wasn't small. I stopped growing at about 14 and was about 6 inches. I'd always wanted a big dick though and i used to watch a lot of �naked people movies� so i felt a lot smaller and as if i couldn't sleep with a girl as hot as the �naked person� i was watching because of my dick size... even though it was above average. I also think a girlfriend around said 'It's not exactly big?' after i asked 'Do you think it's big?', which just made me want to get a bigger penis. At 15 is scoured the internet and found penis enlargement. Not through this site, but just random web pages. So i started that and i gained really quickly because i'd spend so long just stretching my dick out, so i was around about 8 inches when i was 16-17. However, with the many holes in the web pages information, i lost my ability to get hard and adapt to my increase in size (the website said nothing about kegels). I then looked into L-Arginine and supplements to help me get hard, which did work, but finding a page DLD wrote about kegels was probably what was key.

I then laid low, away from the girls until i was 18 and i started getting more intimate again and using my penis more and it was about then when i found MOS and joined up in 2008. From there i'm back on the road, going for my 9x6. So yeah, it was a young start for me but i've always had a mature head on my shoulders and P.E. was something i decided to uptake from an early age because i knew if i left it, it would really eat at me.

Everything about my insecurities is in my own head. I've been called huge and big and bottomed out on girls recently but still i'm insecure. These insecurities will carry on until i see 9x6 roll in on the ruler, but hey, i'm fine with that. It's something that i'll be so happy with and something i'll take great pride in doing, so it's not a problem for me. I'm just a guy who thinks, 'If there's a possibility to better myself, why would i refuse it?'. In my eyes, penis enlargement is bettering myself. It's curing my insecurities and at the same time making me very happy and increasing my confidence.
I understand what you are saying but it is so important to feel happy now, with what you have. Yes, your ultimate goal is 9 x 6, and the fastest way to get there is by being happy with where you are.
I am fairly content with what i have now. It does make me smile hearing i'm 'big' etc. But I think when P.E. starts, it is with girls in mind. Yet after a while it is more a journey within yourself.

I'm on a journey for myself now. Although girls opinions are important to me, i still feel that this is more for me than them.
robjeremy;406411 said:
I wanted to start a thread so we could share the moment or events that led up to us becoming insecure about our penis and the need for a bigger penis.

I was alway middle average and I knew that was not good but I slept with a few women and they never complained and they got off really well. I thought to myself that it all must be in my head. Then I met my my soon to be wife. She has been with close to 20 men. In the beginning we had great sex but doggy style was a little hard because she has a very big booty kind of like Nina Hartley and she is a bbw. I started doing some training on my penis and I grew about an inch in length. I never told her what I was doing at the time.

One day she noticed and said "your penis is getting bigger!" for one instant I was the happiest man in the world then the next words out of her mouth crushed my soul and my man hood. "Thank God"..... she said to me "your penis is getting bigger thank God" Well I called her out on it and said are saying that I was or still inadequate? she new she screwed up and tried to say something about no that it was good because her butt was so big. The old "it's not you it's me" routine but we all know what that means.

Well I might have been able to get over that but some time latter she felt the need to tell me about how her ex was hitting on one of her friends and that he was telling her friend how "hung" he was. Why would she need to tell me this in the first place and why did she have to use that word? I'm pretty sure it was some kind of dig at me. Once again I called her out on it and she said that "well just because he says he is hung does not mean he is hung" I asked her well is he? she would not say.

This woman, my wife I Love her but she has destroyed my self esteem. I don't know if I'll ever feel good about my penis again. Especially since I've hit a wall in my Peing I'm about 6.8" bone pressed by 5.125 girth on a really good day. I just can't get past that point.

She talked me out of a great bachelor party before we got married so I just had a few drinks with a friend because she said that we should not be doing anything naughty like going to a strip club. She was supposed to come home and make love to me at 2 am that night. She did not get home till sunrise and I latter found at that she went to a strip club and was getting wasted and spanked by naked male strippers!

What the fuck have I gotten my self into? I'm not sure if I can ever be happy again with her, I have not even began to tell you about her borderline personality disorder and all her counselling sessions.

I can't seem to live with out her either. She's a lot like that chick Nancy Spungen in the Sid vicious movie "Sid and Nancy"

sorry for the rant, please share your stories and maybe we can all help each other a little.

You just need to get with a girl who's the right size for you. There's this old urban myth that all womens can stretch to 9 inches without feeling discomfort, this simply isn't true. Womens vagina sizes vary, the same way male penis sizes vary.

I've been told I was the biggest they'd ever had by some women, and got them to orgasm easily, likewise i've had women that I wasn't big enough for, and couldn't fully satisfy. It's all realtive, right dick size + right pussy size = perfect satisfaction
Mdoc;433468 said:
You just need to get with a girl who's the right size for you. There's this old urban myth that all womens can stretch to 9 inches without feeling discomfort, this simply isn't true. Womens vagina sizes vary, the same way male penis sizes vary.

I've been told I was the biggest they'd ever had by some women, and got them to orgasm easily, likewise i've had women that I wasn't big enough for, and couldn't fully satisfy. It's all realtive, right dick size + right pussy size = perfect satisfaction

There is a perfect hole for every pole!
Not *the* reason I want to grow, but still somewhat contributed. A few months back my grandfather (who lives overseas) past away... according to the family his final words were something along the lines of "don't spend money on my operation, spend it fixing (one of my cousins name, not sure who) tiny doodle". Guess I know which side I inherited from lol. (At least we can fix what genetics did not provide.)

Personally I was never a confident person and I suppose being small made me less confident, and when you are less confident you view yourself as small, cyclical mind screw.
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Zalc;434029 said:
Not *the* reason I want to grow, but still somewhat contributed. A few months back my grandfather (who lives overseas) past away... according to the family his final words were something along the lines of "don't spend money on my operation, spend it fixing (one of my cousins name, not sure who) tiny doodle". Guess I know which side I inherited from lol. (At least we can fix what genetics did not provide.)

Personally I was never a confident person and I suppose being small made me less confident, and when you are less confident you view yourself as small, cyclical mind screw.

Did he get his doodle done? :)
No idea...I could always ask when I am over there for a family reunion next year.

"Hey man, so I hear tatay's last wish was to fix your small dick! How did that go?"


"Hey mum remember how you were telling me about tatay's last dying wish...err....did it come true? Not that I am interested or anything. Oh yeah that reminds me...any packages sent to me...don't open. The packages and the question have nothing to do with each other btw...DON'T JUDGE ME"
I sympathize with all the guys who have been made to feel insecure about their penis size and commend them on taking the initiative to do something about it. You should be proud of yourselves. I do want to add something to this thread, though, and maybe it's just part of the natural evolution of Penis Enlargement, but I didn't start Penis Enlargement because I was insecure. I've always liked my dick. I've always received compliments on the size and shape of my dick. I guess I'm just greedy and wanted more! lol
Shion;406461 said:
instead I discovered a whole HUGE GENRE of stories of women who get off on making fun of men for having smaller penises. I thought it was the most barbaric thing in the world.
I've seen stuff like that around the place. The kind of thing that makes me empathize with random spree killers.
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