
Oct 1, 2014
My erection angle is too high. Makes sex positions difficult and makes my penis look shorter. I am doing newbie workout, will this lower the angle. In fact, I wouldn't care if my angle stayed the exact same, I just want to be able to pull my dick down without pain like I have now.
See my comment on your other thread. I lowered my angle on accident, without wanting to. It's subtle but noticeable to me. So if it "worked" for me it probably will for you too. Or, if you have $5,000 lying around and don't mind the inherent risks associated with surgery you could have your suspensory ligament cut. This is what doctors do to lenghthen the penis but one of the biggest risks aside from the general risks most surgeries have is that it usually lowers erection angle significantly. I would try everything I could before even considering that though.
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Do hanging and downward stretching, eventually you will have more of a "hangdown" as my wife calls it lol
Does she like it though? Or was a higher angle more usefull
dmoney101;609914 said:
Was there really a need to make two threads about the same thing?

This issue is now spammed all over the forum lol
I thought everybody was having this "problem", come to find out its the same guy
mza;609922 said:
This issue is now spammed all over the forum lol
I thought everybody was having this "problem", come to find out its the same guy

Well..... That's not annoying at all

Consistent downward jelqing against the erection angle will eventually reduce the angle. It will also bring more girth in the process and through the downward strokes the ligaments will be effected that should bring length too.
doublelongdaddy;609997 said:
Consistent downward jelqing against the erection angle will eventually reduce the angle. It will also bring more girth in the process and through the downward strokes the ligaments will be effected that should bring length too.

Interesting. Could you raise your erection angle by doing upward jelqing?
pdevil;610088 said:
Interesting. Could you raise your erection angle by doing upward jelqing?

i dont think so. changing the erection angle to up would be much more difficult if not impossible
I made two threads because I didn't think the first one posted... I'm not spamming the forum with this topic
DLD is it ok for me to be doing erect downward jelqing even if I am a newb? Do u mean full erection?
youknowme123321;610120 said:
i dont think so. changing the erection angle to up would be much more difficult if not impossible

It could happen from doing kegels and increasing eq, but if your eq is already maxed out, I think it'd take the shortening of your ligs to accomplish it.
mangocock25;609830 said:
My erection angle is too high. Makes sex positions difficult and makes my penis look shorter. I am doing newbie workout, will this lower the angle. In fact, I wouldn't care if my angle stayed the exact same, I just want to be able to pull my dick down without pain like I have now.

BTC stretches the lowest angle,anyform of stretching really,having a high erection angle often means potential for more inner penis.
dmoney101;610143 said:
It could happen from doing kegels and increasing eq, but if your eq is already maxed out, I think it'd take the shortening of your ligs to accomplish it.
to have a downward pointing penis that is from base at the ligs (assuming that is what you're talking about b/c that is the type of downward angle i was talking about correcting) and not a curve of the shaft downward i dont think improving EQ can help that. that penis is going to point down soft or very hard. kegels might make it bounce up a lil bit but they in no way hit the upper inner penis enough to go from an erection that points down to one that points up.

i'd deff agree it would take shortening the ligs. i wonder if they even do that surgery. probably i guess since they do all types of surgeries
My erection angle is too high. Makes sex positions difficult and makes my penis look shorter. I am doing newbie workout, will this lower the angle. In fact, I wouldn't care if my angle stayed the exact same, I just want to be able to pull my dick down without pain like I have now.

I think you have to do your length workouts against the angle. If for example you have a sharp upward curve, focus heavily on downward bundled stretches with the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging and also venture into hanging.
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