monet;376504 said:
Can guys post pictures of the Static Stretcher in action here? I'm surprised there aren't any pictures.
I'm sure there are some on their website.
ownd;376501 said:
ok i wont use them at first as per your suggestion! what poundage are the tiny ones, the less compressed longer ones, and then the thicker ones.
The littlest ones are 2 pounds (each), the two springs which are the same length but different wire thickness are 3 and 5 pounds (each). The thicker wire is the 5 pounder. They are the only ones I ever use.

ownd;376501 said:
And how do i know how far to compress each spring, this is the only issue im having.
They say they are precision compression springs so fully compressed is 100% weight, uncompressed is 0% and anything between those two lengths is a percentage directly related to the length. For example: let's say a spring is 4/8" long fully resting, and 2/8" long fully compressed. That means 3/8" is 50% compressed and therefore half the rated weight.
ownd;376516 said:
OK so this thing is pretty cool BUT im having some problems first. Any suggestions on this moregians?
Use a dab of Vaseline on the plug hole. It holds it in place (keeps it off your finger) and helps keep a tight seal.
MoreGains123;376538 said:
Use a dab of Vaseline on the plug hole. It holds it in place (keeps it off your finger) and helps keep a tight seal.

So i put vaseline first on the hole and then insert the black stopper?

Also you said the smallest ones are 2 pounds each so obviously if i use those 2 springs fully compressed its at 4 pounds?
wow i did my first real session moregains, i didnt use springs like you said and the vaseline did the trick. i did about 2 hours straight with no problems what so ever i was laying down and had it pointing straight down the whole time. i didnt feel any lig pulls but just felt the shaft itself stretching nice.

when i took it off after 2 hours i was so scared to see my dick mangled and all liquid filled like past vac things. NOT 1 TINY bit not 1 percent of fluid build up, no discoloration, no purpleness!!! im ecstatic this thing is amazing, going to start using the small springs for 4 pounds of max compression for 2 hours a day at first straight down, does that sound good?

Also i tried to use the medium duty, but no luck so far it kept slipping off :-/

i also use the light duty sleeve things as anti turtling device while i sleep and at the office it works well for that but not really a stretcher.
did about an hour or so at 5 pounds, def had some fluid build up and light bruising at tip which went away after 20 mins when i removed it.

I tried out the medium duty, the plastic black wrap when i woudl wrap around my dick and strap it, it just slides off the minute i give it a pull. any help on that?

When you wrap, include some of the head, try to wrap a little past the ridge, and you'll have to wrap a little tighter than you think. It still cannot handle too much stretch, use the lightest springs and try to get them to compress halfway, that's about the extent of force I've been able to handle before slippage problems start. The good thing is, once you get it set, you can leave it on a lot longer than any other device, as long as you want really. I've gone to sleep with it on a few times, although it's not recommended, but I've worn it during the day for 6 to 8 hours in a row without circulation issues.

Right on im going to give it another shot, then and master how to not slip. Have you ever tried using the medium duty ends with wrap but using the heavy duty base?
I have not tried that combo, I am not able to put enough force with the medium set up to require the use of the heavy base, although the medium base can become uncomfortable after a long time. You could get threaded rods and nuts that fit into the Fastsize base and use the medium wrap if you prefer a solid base (I don't think the threads are the same on the FS and SS, but you can get threaded rods of all sizes at the hardware store).

thanks for the help, i ditched the medium base because i dont know what i did wrong but i could not get my dick to point down, it keps pointing straight out! so what im using is the medium base but just dont have my balls through it just resting it on the base, and i have it angled down my leg. the wrap and the head base is working perfect now for the medium base it did not slip and i dont feel any loss of circulation so im pretty happy i def can see myself wearing this all day! just gotta figure a way to cut the rods, i tried a wire cutter but it kept bending the tips which is bad because then i cant screw them into the base again.

What kind of gains have you gotten from the medium / heavy combo if any at all?
Haha, the medium base is not meant to go over the balls too! That's why it pointed straight out instead of down. I have not been able to master the use of the Heavy, so I have not logged any consistent time with it. I do use the heavy base with a LengthMaster inspired home-made contraption (pics of it are in the hanging forum under "wrapping for the LengthMaster" and in Redzulu's signature). I have worn the medium for several hours in a row and I was able to get the shaft burn that I think is critical to get when wearing an extender, it means the tunica is stretching. I move around way too much with my job to wear any device during the day, other than the SS light or something similar, and I think they only serve as an anti-turtle device. To anyone who has a job where they don't move around too much, the medium is great because you can put it on and forget it. Other extenders are too high maintenance even if a person is stationary most of the day (taking breaks every hour, slippage, etc.). I think time is the most critical factor with extenders, assuming you have a decent stretch going.

i wore it for about an hour yesterday or 2 and i felt some burning in my head but not a good burning as in loss of circulation so i still need to master it, but over all its a great set up. i logged 2 hours yesterday with the heavy duty, 2 hours with medium and about 6 hours with light and you are def correct its pretty much a anti turtle device, well i woudl say a TINY bit more then that because it actually keeps the penis in a longer then natural non erect straight at least fo rme.
Two hours of the heavy is great, if you can keep that up, you'll be growing in no time. Do you do any manuals? If you did some heavy manual work for even 20 mins. or so before putting the heavy on for a couple hours that would be great, then use the medium for as long as possible afterwards. The only downfall of the wraps is that when they are removed after a couple hours or more, your unit looks like you've been in the bath tub for hours:) I don't think it poses any danger though. All in all, I think the SS package is worthwhile, there was a lot of thought and dedication put into creating it, and you can tell the guy who did was an experienced Penis Enlargement'er.

hell yea i love this stretcher!

i actually did 2 hours yesterday in the heavy and i had NOO fluid build up first time ever so im super happy. Only thing is i dont exactly feel any lig pull like some people report i just see the actual penis itself being stretched out beyond its normal BPFSL and i feel that base really digging into my pubic bone lol it leaves a red ring after but what ev, sometimes my nuts burn a lil but i guess its a lil natural of 3 hours of 4 pounds of pressure. I also put the medium duty on for about 1 to 2 hours per day because i feel my head burns sometimes due to loss of circulation but mabie im tighting the straps to to tight im still working on it.

I try also to wear the light duty while at work for at least 6 hours, its more of a anti turtling as we dicussed but its got to help with flacid hang for sure because after all it is keeping the penis in a longer state then normal for hours upon hours.

I am not doing any manual stretching but i think im going to start, i will do prlly do a good 5-10 minuts of pure manuals before i strap on the heavy duty then and see what happens, ive been stuck with no gains for years so hopefully i get some! im not going to expect gains the first month but im pretying for some in 2 months.
That sounds like a plan ownd, I think the manuals will help. I don't think it matters if you are feeling it more in the ligs or the shaft, they are both getting a good stretch at the amount of weight for that amount of time. I like to wear the light when I job, it gives a nice swingin' bulge:) I think Moregains can attest to the fact that it will certainly help your flaccid hang. I know I have become less and less a grower the more time I Penis Enlargement. Keep us posted.

ownd;377241 said:
thanks for the help, i ditched the medium base because i dont know what i did wrong but i could not get my dick to point down, it keps pointing straight out!
Sounds like too much tension. I went through this with mine. They said to just keep your dick extended to just above EL but not under a bunch of tension. (You can use the heavy base with the medium device but that might also indicate you're trying to use too much tension with the medium.)
ownd;377241 said:
i tried a wire cutter but it kept bending the tips which is bad because then i cant screw them into the base again.
The sandpaper is for sanding off the bad end.
dickfordays;377451 said:
I think Moregains can attest to the fact that it will certainly help your flaccid hang.
Without a doubt the single most significant factor. I know because after a couple of months of wearing it I never turtled ever again. My smallest flaccid length is 4 or 5 inches in the winter after a shower.
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i did a solid 3 hours yesterday with the heavy duty at 4 pounds full compressed springs, i cut the rods on the heavy duty a little and managed to be able to wear big baggy shorts and just point it down and sligthly to the left so i can sit down at my comp and work for 3 hours and even have my dad next to me without noticing so its GREAT after 3 hours the only tiny thing was a bit of fluid build up around the urethra and frenulum got swollen but thats about it i can live with that! my flacid hang has been improving after only a week so i cant imagine a few months!

i hope my erect length increases though , becasue as good as the heavy duty is i dont really feel any lig pull or any of that i just feel the shaft itself being stretched and its kept at a beyond erect length for that period of time.
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