
Dec 17, 2007
Most of you probably know that I have a VacuTech electric pump, and that I've been using it for a few months now.

Everything is going great and I couldn't be happier except for one annoying problem......I keep ejaculating when I'm pumping! >:(

This "problem" has just recently cropped up, and I suspect it's because my glans has become so large that it's touching against the sides of the tube causing me to feel erotic sensations.

Also, I think pumping just increases penile sensitivity period. No wonder why many doctors prescribe pumps to men that have E.D.

But I don't have E.D, and I'm pissed because I had to stop my last two sessions halfway before completion due to spontaneous ejaculation! >:(

Once I've ejaculated, my blood flow is compromised which is why I have to start again.

I know that there is no solid proof or evidence that cumming before or after Penis Enlargementing affects your gains, but I don't want to take the risk.

To be fair, the problem only occurs when I'm milking the tube, and those of you that pump will know that this action strongly mimics masturbation in a way.

However, I don't want to stop this technique, because it's extremely effective if done right.

Milking the tube sends alot of blood into the shaft, which greatly aids in expansion of the tissues.

So anyone else have this "problem" or know how I can deal with it?

~Demolition Man
Hell yes. However, when I have ejaculation problems while pumping is when I've taken a few days (or longer) off. I notice that my penis-sensation tolerance goes way down, and I'll usually blow my load the first or second pumping set when getting back into things. This will take up to a week or more sometimes of consistent pumping to "get over."

I don't pack the tube at the top by any means, but I have an upward curve so my glans are always being rubbed back and forth due to me milking the tube. Perhaps the feeling of your glans being stimulated all around is that much stronger? I'd say just keep blowing your load and after two weeks max your penis will become much more tolerant to that pleasure. This will have the added benefit of helping you last longer during real sex.

Don't stop pumping! It might be a week or two where you're not at your "prime," but you'll be going strong afterwards if you can survive the over-stimulation that pumping can give (which you should adapt to). I've always described the feeling of water pumping as getting a continuous deep-throat. It does feel amazing. However, after time you'll be able to both INCREASE sensation and INCREASE lasting time at the same time.

Pumping is awesome.

By the way, how are your gains going? I stayed up until 4 AM last night getting my sets in. I'm in a mode of utter dedication. And I am liking the results so far.
10inchadvantage;298057 said:
Hell yes. However, when I have ejaculation problems while pumping is when I've taken a few days (or longer) off. I notice that my penis-sensation tolerance goes way down, and I'll usually blow my load the first or second pumping set when getting back into things. This will take up to a week or more sometimes of consistent pumping to "get over."

I don't pack the tube at the top by any means, but I have an upward curve so my glans are always being rubbed back and forth due to me milking the tube. Perhaps the feeling of your glans being stimulated all around is that much stronger? I'd say just keep blowing your load and after two weeks max your penis will become much more tolerant to that pleasure. This will have the added benefit of helping you last longer during real sex.

Don't stop pumping! It might be a week or two where you're not at your "prime," but you'll be going strong afterwards if you can survive the over-stimulation that pumping can give (which you should adapt to). I've always described the feeling of water pumping as getting a continuous deep-throat. It does feel amazing. However, after time you'll be able to both INCREASE sensation and INCREASE lasting time at the same time.

Pumping is awesome.

Cool 10inch! :) I thought I was the only one who was having this "problem" LOL! LMAO

Yeah, you perfectly described what is happening. I have an upward curve aswell, and the top of my glans is rubbing against the tube causing me to spontaneously ejaculate.

It wasn't a problem in the past, but since my glans has become larger, there's more friction than before..

Thanks for the advice though man...

By the way, how are your gains going? I stayed up until 4 AM last night getting my sets in. I'm in a mode of utter dedication. And I am liking the results so far.

Great going dude. Mine is coming along nicely aswell. It seems that I've added a bit of girth over the past few days, especially in the glans, which is why I think I've developed the ejaculation issue..

One thing I've found when milking the tube though, is if you push the tube down hard against your pubic bone on the down motion, you can get a nice surge of blood into the penis which helps tremendously with expansion.

And by pushing down hard, I mean hard. Actually, you probably need both hands to do this right.

To further expand on what I mean, try using just your index and middle finger and place each on both sides of your penis, then push down. You'll see that your penis will momentarily lunge forward as a surge of blood is introduced into your shaft.

It's the same thing with the cylinder, but even more pronounced because the cylinder is circular and takes up more area.

It's important though only to do this momentarily, like 1/2 a second or so, because if you push the base of the cylinder down against your pubic bone for too long, you'll cut off the blood flow.

I think this is the reason why my glans has become so big. Because that surge of blood goes straight up the shaft and to the glans, making it get HUGE LMAO

~Demolition Man
longstretch;298034 said:
Damn that is funny. What is milking the tube?

Like 10inch said, it's basically jacking off with the cylinder :)

But to be more precise, it's just slightly moving the cylinder up and down your shaft while pumping.

By slightly, I mean 1/2 an inch to an inch up, and then back down again.

This causes more blood to enter the shaft, aiding expansion and speeding up results.

~Demolition Man
demolition_man;298060 said:
Cool 10inch! :) I thought I was the only one who was having this "problem" LOL! LMAO

Yeah, you perfectly described what is happening. I have an upward curve aswell, and the top of my glans is rubbing against the tube causing me to spontaneously ejaculate.

It wasn't a problem in the past, but since my glans has become larger, there's more friction than before..

Thanks for the advice though man...

Great going dude. Mine is coming along nicely aswell. It seems that I've added a bit of girth over the past few days, especially in the glans, which is why I think I've developed the ejaculation issue..

One thing I've found when milking the tube though, is if you push the tube down hard against your pubic bone on the down motion, you can get a nice surge of blood into the penis which helps tremendously with expansion.

And by pushing down hard, I mean hard. Actually, you probably need both hands to do this right.

To further expand on what I mean, try using just your index and middle finger and place each on both sides of your penis, then push down. You'll see that your penis will momentarily lunge forward as a surge of blood is introduced into your shaft.

It's the same thing with the cylinder, but even more pronounced because the cylinder is circular and takes up more area.

It's important though only to do this momentarily, like 1/2 a second or so, because if you push the base of the cylinder down against your pubic bone for too long, you'll cut off the blood flow.

I think this is the reason why my glans has become so big. Because that surge of blood goes straight up the shaft and to the glans, making it get HUGE LMAO

~Demolition Man

Yeah I know what you mean on the "push down" part. I love doing that every 30 seconds to a minute. I also like letting it dangle when sitting, putting both index fingers on either side of the flared cylinder, and "rocking" it side to side. For some reason that motion really helps it expand. Also, I like doing this when holding the tube at a sub-parallel (towards the ground) angle while sitting on the edge of the seat, which really seems to give a great surge of blood flow. I'm always changing up how I'm swinging and pulling on the cylinder. It really works the penis out well.
I have a kaplan. I don't know if I could do that. It seems if I tried that I would just lose suction. But I'll give it a shot my next pumping day. Also 10inch what kind of water pump do you have because I've done it once with a cheap pump and I know how good that can feel.
10inchadvantage;298063 said:
I also like letting it dangle when sitting, putting both index fingers on either side of the flared cylinder, and "rocking" it side to side. For some reason that motion really helps it expand.

Interesting. I might have to try that one out one day.

Anyway, I just finished a pumping session and I didn't ejaculate this time LMAO

I found that if I use ALOT of lube, it really cuts down on the sensation and helps to prevent me from cumming.

After each 10 minute set, I re-lube again but instead of doing my entire dick, I just put the lube (pure petroleum jelly) around my glans and the dorsal part of my shaft.

It's messy as hell, but it serves.

I still have to stop occassionally when I feel like I'm climaxing, but for the most part, it's easily controllable.

~Demolition Man
longstretch;298083 said:
I have a kaplan. I don't know if I could do that. It seems if I tried that I would just lose suction. But I'll give it a shot my next pumping day. Also 10inch what kind of water pump do you have because I've done it once with a cheap pump and I know how good that can feel.

I use a MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System 4000.
demolition_man;298117 said:
It's messy as hell, but it serves.

~Demolition Man

Gotta clean the tube with some good hot water and good soap every session after lubing the tube like that.

To Longstretch to said he had a Kaplen,

I have one too and never had a problem keeping a seal as long as I used the right amount of lube. I've milked my tube, bounced it up and down, swung it side to side, what is being said can be done with a Kaplen pump. No problem there bro.

Also when you guys have mentioned pressing the tube into the pubic bone, I recomend this as well. Especially when you push into your pubic bone and do a Kegel at the same time, you will get a good swell from this alone.
myself ive never had this problem,as pumping has desensitized my unit.After 16 not known as the 90minuteman for no reason!LMAO
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