Have not tried these. Will resume my PE routine with these implemented starting thursday.

I recently got a job and have been really busy with school and a job so I have put off PE for now. I'll be making a come back though because finals are almost over. Here I come!
GirthGains;678741 said:
Anybody try these stretches feeling a good stretch deep with in the penis?

Well you know I have and I love them. Every Brother should give every new exercise a go, many times the most powerful exercises go unseen only to be buried deep in the archives. When someone has worked hard to create a new advancement in PE it is our obligation to support him.
doublelongdaddy;678764 said:
Well you know I have and I love them. Every Brother should give every new exercise a go, many times the most powerful exercises go unseen only to be buried deep in the archives. When someone has worked hard to create a new advancement in PE it is our obligation to support him.

Thanks DLD, this means a lot what you said here. I'm pretty passionate to PE and this is my favorite PE site to come to. It just feels like home. I just found out this stretch works even better bundled, you should grip a couple inches or more behind the glans making sure to have a tight grip so you don't slip pass the glans. Keep the opinions and thoughts on this stretch going brothers!
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GirthGains;678770 said:
Thanks DLD, this means a lot what you said here. I'm pretty passionate to PE and this is my favorite PE site to come to. It just feels like home. I just found out this stretch works even better bundled, you should grip a couple inches or more behind the glans making sure to have a tight grip so you don't slip pass the glans. Keep the opinions and thoughts on this stretch going brothers!

No problem. You HAVE to be assertive and push the exercise until men get it. I have created many 100's of exercises and if I want them to be used I have to make sure I promote them by bumping and getting users to use!
Stretching and hanging weights from the penis. Both have existed for millenia, but it's fun to pretend they are new ideas!
Mike is actually the ill incarnate spiritual lyrical miracle of ancient Egypt glyphs (he translated them into modern sketches that have tan skin, and red dicks for enlightenment of mortals)
stillwantmore2;679102 said:
Stretching and hanging weights from the penis. Both have existed for millenia, but it's fun to pretend they are new ideas!

Yup, ever since man noticed his penis he has been trying to make it bigger. We have come along way from the stone age :)
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