goldmember said:
Any way to find out what drug she is referring to? I found this on Wikipedia:

Medication is available to help when symptoms interfere with functioning. The classes of medication with the most proven efficacy in treating tics—typical and atypical neuroleptics including risperidone (trade name Risperdal), ziprasidone (Geodon), haloperidol (Haldol), pimozide (Orap) and fluphenazine (Prolixin)—can have long-term and short-term adverse effects. The antihypertensive agents clonidine (trade name Catapres) and guanfacine (Tenex) are also used to treat tics; studies show variable efficacy, but a lower side effect profile than the neuroleptics. Stimulants and other medications may be useful in treating ADHD when it co-occurs with tic disorders. Drugs from several other classes of medications can be used when stimulant trials fail, including guanfacine (trade name Tenex), atomoxetine (Strattera) and tricyclics. Clomipramine (Anafranil), a tricyclic antidepressant, and SSRIs—a class of antidepressants including fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), and fluvoxamine (Luvox)—may be prescribed when a Tourette's patient also has symptoms of obsessive–compulsive disorder.
Sorry GM she doesn't work for them anymore and it is not the type of thing I think that she wants to be enquiring about on her husbands behalf!!!!
bigjim7 said:
Sorry GM she doesn't work for them anymore and it is not the type of thing I think that she wants to be enquiring about on her husbands behalf!!!!
This is Stagestop's experience:

Hello All,

I promised to write to the board after I returned from my trip to visit Dr. Adams, the owner of the 5159 patent. Originally, I had intended to simply write a letter about what he offered, and his thoughts on Penis Enlargement. However, after just responding to Chanceya1975, it seems that the experience levels of the members of this board is an unknown. Some, or perhaps most, are apparently not well versed in the medical side of male health issues, so I am going to write a much more basic letter than originally intended so that those who are just starting out will have more of their questions answered. To those that are well versed, I apologize for making this letter longer than necessary and for being redundant. My goal is simply to prevent the errors that have already happened to some board members from happening to others.

Before reading this letter, it would be helpful if you were to read the letter that I just sent to Chanceya1975, as this will serve as one reason for the depth and style of this letter.

As this letter may be used as "road map" for beginners, I will try to go into details that are basic to men's health, but with which I did not discuss with Dr. Adams.

Dr. Kenneth W. Adams, MD, DDS, owns and does business under the trade name MTMC (Male Therapeutic Medical Clinic) Male Therapeutics. His address is 1200 Sheppard Avenue, East, Suite 509, North York, Ontario, M2K 2S5 His phone number is 416-693-3905. His web site is

I was given a pamphlet about Dr. Adams from one of the PA's (physician assistants) there that describes Dr. Adams experience. Dr. Adams is around 50 years old. In his past history he was worked "as the medical director for one of the largest and busiest men's clinics in North America" Further, "Dr. Adams has assessed, treated, optimized the sex hormones and sexual performance in over 30,000 men" Dr. Adams is also a surgeon, but restricts his surgery to hair transplantation. Since he went into private practice, he does not do many surgeries anymore.

Dr. Adams has a fair sized clinic that is set up to be as discrete for the patient as possible. He employs three clerical people, two physician assistants and a business manager (accountant). His office is in a nice, relatively new office building just off the 41 freeway in the greater Toronto, Canada area.

In addition to the more traditional men's clinic items of specialty, which are fixing low libido, ED, hair loss, Dr. Adams also offers a penis enlargement program.

The clinic is set up for his needs. The office is clean and neat, and the staff is friendly. To give the patients the maximum amount of discretion, the office has quite a number of small rooms that I would describe as "cubicles." Each is about 5' wide about 9 feet deep. There is a comfortable chair, stool, and TV that is hooked up to cable TV. This is designed so that you will not come into contact with any other patient in the office. You are escorted to your cubicle, given the clicker to choose what you want to watch on TV and wait to see the next person who will treat you. While you are in your cubicle, others may be in the hallway, but you are not in a hallway when any other patient is. When you are in your cubicle, or in an office, the doors are always closed. Occasionally, you can hear some other patient talking, but that is quite infrequent.

When you first meet one of the PA's you are taken to another cubicle and the tv is turned to a channel that has a CD playing a recording of Dr. Adams talking about different subjects. One DVD deals with ED. Another deals with Hormones, and if you are there for Penis Enlargement, one deals with the basics of Penis Enlargement. This seems a nice way to educate beginners, and answer the basic questions that most guys have that come to a clinic like that for the first time.

When the DVD's finish, you are then taken to one of the PA's office for a health history. I met "Riz" (short for Riswah- and as you can guess, Riswah is of Indian heritage) who is a very nice guy. He is outgoing, easy to talk to, and knowledgeable. The PA will take down your medical history, take blood samples if needed, take your blood pressure and generally do what is needed so that when you meet Dr. Adams, your time is productive.

At this point, I am a bit different than the average patient, and so my experience was a bit different. I have ED, which was caused by a fall that damaged my pudential artery, so I already have prescriptions for Caverject, and more. I am also in an anti aging program that supplies me with Growth Hormone, as well as Testosterone. I brought all of my medicines, discussed them with Riz and shortened my time there considerably. The normal patient would have those areas explored as well, and it would serve the patient well to know what his various hormone levels are. My blood tests from my anti aging program are extensive, so all that they needed was there.

For the normal patient, blood levels may be taken if needed, although for strictly for a Penis Enlargement program that would not be needed. It may well be advantageous though for a patient to do the blood tests so that a "baseline" set of values can be obtained. This will be helpful later in life, as in the aging process our hormone levels decline.

The PA's also have teaching aids (dildo's) to teach proper injection technique, how to use an auto injector, penis measurement, etc. They will also teach how to withdraw the contents from a bottle of quad mix without ruining the bottles seal.

After the PA is finished with you, you meet Dr. Adams. He is a very nice guy. He is rather quiet, and has a quick smile. He will assess the information given, discuss your goals with you, give you an examination, and for the Penis Enlargement process, give you an injection of tri mix to begin the titration process. The process is timed, with you being taken back to a cubicle to watch more TV and keep up with the length of time that you are erect.

Should you have a priapism, Dr. Adams has another injection that will end the erection in less than 10 minutes, and has them ready to go at all time. The goal for the first step of titration is simply to obtain an initial reaction. The next day, you will be given another injection, only this time, you will give it to yourself with Dr. Adams, or one of the PA's watching to see that you do it correctly. The length of your erection is also timed, while you wait in a cubicle.

The goal time for your erection is TWO HOURS. This will probably surprise most readers after they have read the patent and all the talk of long term erections. This length of time is only for the Penis Enlargement patients, as the typical ED patient will be titrated for a one hour erection.(although certainly when you gain experience, extending that erection time is simply a trial and error method). The important part here is that everyone has a different "titration curve" or to put it another way, the amount of quad mix that you need just depends upon your own body's needs.

Ok, at this point, I am going to digress a minute and make a pitch for you, the reader to consider becoming Dr. Adams patient, or alternatively to make a check list so that you can assess what you may receive from another physician in this area.

With Dr. Adams you get:
1. Complete discretion in your medical wants. You will not see another patient while there, so for you guys who are shy, you will not be embarrassed.
2. You will get complete medical care in regards to your overall health as it relates to Penis Enlargement, can get blood work done as a check, or if you feel like your libido (desire for sex) is less than it could be, they can check that and get you fixed up at the same time.
3. Will give you the right product to give you an erection so that you will not end up as our member Chanceya1975 did by going to his physician.
4. Teach you correct injection technique, and guys, this is IMPORTANT.
5. Titrate your dosage of quad mix so that you know how much you need for future activity.
6. Since they are the only clinic that I know of with a Penis Enlargement program, you can be completely honest in your intentions with the Doctor.
7 They supply the quad mix and needles as part of the program. So you know what you are getting. You can also buy an auto injector from them to make injections easier.

All in all, it is a pretty good case for being Dr. Adams patient. Now of course, traveling to Toronto, Canada may not be feasible. If it is not, then at least you know what to look for when you assess a men's health clinic.

And should you decide to visit a typical men's health clinic, do tell them that you have performance anxiety rather than ED. The reason is that (hopefully) they will realize that you do not have a problem in GETTING an erection, so the dosage to KEEP the erection is much lower. One of our members did to to a men's clinic, but the doctor did not put a lot of thought into the dosage amount, and started him with a dosage for a person with ED. As a result, he got a priapism, and that is not good.

There is one more thought about this that is worth considering. We men tend to be a bit stoic at times. When something happens to our health, we tend to want to just hope that things get better and wait as long as possible before seeking professional medical help. When it is our penis that is the problem, a whole lot of us are modest, or perhaps afraid to risk our ego to have anyone know what we are really doing. These are bad traits when it comes to medical problems that involve our penis, as you most certainly can be hurt by injection incorrectly. Well, with Dr. Adams, there is no need to have modesty, or ego enter into the equation. You and the Dr. both know exactly what you are doing, and the only question is your health in achieving your goals. I suBathmateit that this is the best care standard that is out there, and one that for the average guy, works the best.

Ok, back to my experience with Dr. Adams. In my discussions with the Dr. we discussed the basic idea behind the Penis Enlargement method. The term that is used is "tissue remodeling." The tunica is made up mainly of collagen. Collagen is like fibers. They start out laying next to each other but quickly become "cross linked" which makes them stronger, but still pliable. By unlinking the collagen (partially) and stretching the penis, it is like opening the weave in cloth. Only in this case, the collagen goes back together with some space in it that is soon filled with more collagen.

For the basic program, the most active chemical is PGE-1 which not only gives an erection, but also "unlinks" a portion of collagen, allowing for the stretching that follows to slowly expand the tissue length of the penis. So the basic program is simply the two hour erection that is induced with quad mix, and 30 minutes a day of stretching.

At first, I had a hard time accepting that, because I have used caverject for12 years and have not gained any length, and in fact, have lost length. Well, the reason was that I was not stretching during that time, as to the reason that I did not gain, and the reason that I lost length was due to poor blood flow (caused by the accident I had which damaged my pudential artery). Certainly as I pondered that I guess that I have accepted it, and it certainly makes Penis Enlargement easy. Results that are anticipated are 3/8" per month on average. So the basic program is to use the quad mix four times a week to obtain a two hour erection, with stretching exercises every day for 30 minutes a day. In the stretching exercises Dr. Adams suggests that the whole hand be used to grasp the penis, that the penis be "milked" at first to get some blood into the head of the penis, and that 70% of all stretching be pulling down, with the rest being equally divided between left, right, up and out directions.

I did not mention the fact that I had a copy of his patent with me as I did not want to bring up anything that may have any degree of controversy with it. But in our conversation about "accelerating" the results we did discuss:

1. Growth hormone. In my case, I already take GH as part of my anti aging program. Normally, I inject into the fat on the side of my waist. I asked him about using GH in the program. He said that in Canada, GH is very difficult to get and must be used only for cases of dwarfism. So basically, GH is not available in Canada for prescription. This would also apply to growth factors such as IGF-1 or 2, so I did not bring those up. Since I was already on GH he suggested that I inject above the central tendon (at the 12 o'clock position) so that the injection is sub cutaneous, but not in the tendon. He also warned me about my not wanting to inject deeply as I would hit the artery, and that would take a lot of effort to stop the bleeding there. So a "tenting" of the skin was suggested. I have done one shot that way, and it requires a bit of manual dexterity, but all in all, it is easy enough..

2. We discussed the use of the hormone Relaxin as a tissue remodeler. For humans, Relaxin is GREAT tissue remodeler, and is used in the birthing process. It is what opens the vagina so that a baby can come down the vagina during birth. So, its role in opening collagen is well documented. The sad thing about Relaxin is that human recombinant Relaxin has not been manufactured since 2002. It was manufactured as a potential aid for Scleroderma patients, but it did not help much, so the manufacturing of it stopped. And this means that it is not available. I mentioned to Dr. Adams that I have porcine relaxin and he was surprised to hear that. I am sending him a bottle for him to take a look at and to see if it is beneficial to a Penis Enlargement effort.

3. Testosterone and DHT. In my case, I also take Testosterone in a creme form for my anti aging program. Dr. Adams suggested that I apply some of my creme to my penis and testicles as that will convert it to DHT and that it would be helpful. As to adding it to his Penis Enlargement program he does not do that very much. DHT is also supervised in Canada, as it is in the US. He did say that it would be helpful to use in if I had it.

4. I did not ask about DMSO since it is so cheap, and easy to get, Anyone wanting to try it out should have little problems in getting it, and since it is included as being helpful in the patent, it did not seem worth the effort to discuss.

I had a lot of other thoughts as I was there, but they were mostly my curiosity about how the patent was put together, who magnumforce was, etc. but as they are not relevant to a Penis Enlargement effort, I did not go there.

I hope that I have been helpful to the members of the board.

Best regards,

BTW, you need a passport to fly to Canada, nowadays. Just FYI. It takes a few months for the application.
damn lack of money!
also damn the fact that i live in the uk lol
any mention on how much this costs?
EVO said:
damn lack of money!
also damn the fact that i live in the uk lol
any mention on how much this costs?

i believe the price the OP posted was 1500. not 100% sure tho. if it works, ill fork it over.
large1 gained some girth (.75") and no length from PGE-1 injections.

The few over at �other PE site� with progress reports are using quadmix, I don't know what % of that mix is PGE-1 which is apparently needed for the unlinking of collagen.
Stagestop did gain length and girth from the first 4 weeks, interesting to see if they continue or were newbie gains.

In the patent application the results varied but didn't someone work out the average gain to be 1/4" a month?

Drs4men are telling their patients to stretch 30 minutes during the day and inject EOD, no girth exercises.

I don't see how stretching prior to injection leads to length gains especially as injections are only 3 times a week but it does seem to.

I am watching the results over at �other PE site� and if good will go to BathmateG to get some quadmix.
gold member thanks a million for posting that story , and try not to get banned from �other PE site� lol

On some real shit tho, im really confused by alot of his story , when i called them they said "they" meaning the doctor gives you a shot every 2 weeks , and you have to go see the doctor every 2 weeks for an injection

from reading his story , it sounds like you pay for the drug and you shoot yourself up every day for a 6 month span?? cause he did say YOU have to do a 6 month treatment

the biggest part that i dont get is ONCE you get the shot , you stay erect for 2to 3 hours?? so basically you cant be working for 6 months right>?. shit i paint homes for a living , i cant be walking around with a raging hard on while im in someones house:blush:
You shoot up every other day during the evening when you're off work. You visit them every 2 weeks because allegedly your response to the drug changes. It's somewhat dangerous stuff, so he would want you to check in. It's his responsibility of any problems arrive.
spinner2 said:
You shoot up every other day during the evening when you're off work. You visit them every 2 weeks because allegedly your response to the drug changes. It's somewhat dangerous stuff, so he would want you to check in. It's his responsibility of any problems arrive.

thanks by the way are you on this treatment? i need to search your name and see what your up tooLMAO

like i said , i will have some money to blow , cause im selling alot of my real estate , i will go there and do a massive thread , if i could gain an inch in 6 months , or any where close to an inch , its worth the money . ill keep you guys updated:)
im going to check this place out, i live in toronto. im new to Penis Enlargement, so maybe this will be a good thing to try. If all seems sound when I visit, i will start a log to track progess...try to keep it detailed and ill post starting pics too.
This stuff sounds amazing, like Science Fiction. My first reaction to reading this was, SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT. Mainly because of the time I have put into manual Penis Enlargement. My second reaction was, I don't want to put any sort of puncturing thing around my penis. My third reaction was, how do we know the long term effects of this stuff? I wouldn't want fucked up babies or not be able to get hard naturally some day.

All in all I don't think I'd ever do anything like that because our body makes the chemicals that we need naturally, and in messing with nature we can really screw stuff up. It's like injecting someone with growth hormone. Yes, it can make somebody start growing in whatever part of their body, but it has been noted to have negative side effects. I'd be very weary of allowing any chemical into my penis.
10inchadvantage said:
This stuff sounds amazing, like Science Fiction. My first reaction to reading this was, SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT. Mainly because of the time I have put into manual Penis Enlargement. My second reaction was, I don't want to put any sort of puncturing thing around my penis. My third reaction was, how do we know the long term effects of this stuff? I wouldn't want fucked up babies or not be able to get hard naturally some day.

All in all I don't think I'd ever do anything like that because our body makes the chemicals that we need naturally, and in messing with nature we can really screw stuff up. It's like injecting someone with growth hormone. Yes, it can make somebody start growing in whatever part of their body, but it has been noted to have negative side effects. I'd be very weary of allowing any chemical into my penis.
The main ingredient is PGE-1 which has been used (same method, by injection) for over 10 years in medical practice for treatment of ED. Check out the literature on the drug and you'll most likely find no signs of long-term side effects.
aim2grow said:
im going to check this place out, i live in toronto. im new to Penis Enlargement, so maybe this will be a good thing to try. If all seems sound when I visit, i will start a log to track progess...try to keep it detailed and ill post starting pics too.

I'm pretty new to Penis Enlargement too. I've known about this stuff for 3 years but I'm 7.5 BPenis EnlargementL (7 NBP) and 5.25 EG and usually very busy so I've never really dedicated myself to a consistant Penis Enlargement workout.

That being said, as still a "newbie" of sorts, I won't be using any of the chemical Penis Enlargement like this or the links I provided earlier in this thread until after I do at least 6 months of natural and consistant Penis Enlargement on my own or until I feel like I'm having trouble gaining with natural Penis Enlargement and I'll encourage people to do the same.

I think people can gain quite quickly just from stretchers alone if they wear them long enough, like this guy who gained about 1.2 BPenis EnlargementL inches in only a month and a half by wearing a stretcher 8 hours per day with little to no jelquing : .

If you're really busy or lazy, I'd at least try a stretcher at 8+ hours per day until gains seemed to peak and then I'd add the chemical Penis Enlargement.

On that note, JKISINEFFECT would probably be a good candidate since he has been Penis Enlargementing for a long time and gained like an inch and a half already.

But, I also want to learn more about this place so if a local would at least check it out whether or not they actually want to pay for the services or not then that would be great. Looks like they'd give some free samples too if you really wanted them.
^^^ good post guys . yea man ive been pe'n off and on for years , and i cant complain about the results of natural pe

but im tempted to try this place out , i will at least visit them and ask them a million questions THEN see if i want to do the 6 month treatment

my main concern is after the treatment will i have problems getting wood on my own?? cause i do not have any problrms getting it up

Also i am single and i do want kids some dayLMAO I say make a list of questions , and i will write them down and ask the doctor when i meet up with him:)
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^^^ good post guys . yea man ive been pe'n off and on for years , and i cant complain about the results of natural pe

but im tempted to try this place out , i will at least visit them and ask them a million questions THEN see if i want to do the 6 month treatment

my main concern is after the treatment will i have problems getting wood on my own?? cause i do not have any problrms getting it up

Also i am single and i do want kids some dayLMAO I say make a list of questions , and i will write them down and ask the doctor when i meet up with him:)

HAHA! Mini JKISINEFFECTs would be AWESOME! I remember you from back in the day and I've seen some pics and stories. Oh man, mini JKs .... HA .... HA, ROTFLMAO!

Yeah, not sure about the effects on natural erections. But if they are treating for ED as well then I assume, hopefully not incorrectly due to it's prematurity, that everyone will be fine. ;)

I look forward to what you or anyone else learns from these people. I'll make sure to keep an eye on the other individual chemical Penis Enlargementers on this forum as well.
Wouldn't edging two hours everyday do the same thing? I mean, I'm 19, my hormones are being produced at the peak, so couldn't I, just in theory, do that?
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