Originally posted by anon23
Noone in this thead is 3% bf. You got measured wrong.
I got to 6.5% bf last spring after dieting. I still had a bit of abdominal fat even then. But then again, I'm 50 years old. 3% isn't out of the question for a real skinny guy, especially a young skinny guy.
Here's a pic I just took of myself. No editing/color changing/anything. I need to work on those chest muscles, lol. Any guesses?

Here are my stats:
5'8", 135 pounds, 27" waist, 6.5" wrists, 13.5" biceps, 41" chest, 33" hips

I'm guessing that the caliper test was fairly close. Maybe I'm more around 5% body fat.


  • body1.jpg
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Spektrum, not to take anything away from you; you are very lean. However, if you look at bodybuilders in the 3-5% range they are very shredded . They look like they have no skin.

I am about 200 lbs at 6'1. I think I am about 18%. Maybe more, I dont know. I have a good deal of bodyfat, but it is evenly distributed. I dont have a gut or any fat bulges. With clothes on I look probably 20 lbs less.I got down to about 9% at 161 lbs when I was 18 and about 5'11(I was way too small and flat for my frame). I grew about 2 inches in height and 1" x0.5" in penis naturally during early adulthood between ages19-22.

My fatpad ranges 0.5-0.75" if you subtract top nbp from top bp.
Hi Spektrum!
I was just about to ask you which type of measuring gave you such a low BF%, but you beat me to it and corrected yourself. :)
The lowest ever accurately measured bodyfat percentage on a human was about 4-5%, and going below that would be nearly impossible, so you scared the hell outta me with your 3% BF :p !

It is possible to get a measurement of,say 3-4%, but in those cases the measuring was done incorrectly. Even competing bodybuilders rarely go below 5-6%.

My dream is to someday be at around 200 lbs with a BF of 8-10%. Right now I'm about 185-190 lbs of mass that is for the most part muscle (BF around 14%, abs still somewhat visible, although not shredded to the bone), and I'm 5'11'' tall. I'm an aspiring young bodybuilder, currently doing HST and hoping to hit my goal in the next couple of years! ;) Oh yeah, and my dick is 6.6'' and 5''.

Spektrum, What kind of a diet did you follow to get so shredded, BTW?
Originally posted by Shafty
Spektrum, What kind of a diet did you follow to get so shredded, BTW?

The great diet of genetics, lol

I'm currently on a high protein diet. I eat lightly about 6 times a day. I mainly eat tuna and chicken and only drink 1% milk and water. I take a multi-vitamin to get the other vitamins I need. If you decide to get on a high protein diet, be sure to read up on it and drink plenty of water.

It helps that I started really skinny. I was about the same height and about 105 pounds a few years ago when I started. I looked like a skeleton.
Originally posted by Spektrum
Here's a pic I just took of myself. No editing/color changing/anything. I need to work on those chest muscles, lol. Any guesses?

Here are my stats:
5'8", 135 pounds, 27" waist, 6.5" wrists, 13.5" biceps, 41" chest, 33" hips

I'm guessing that the caliper test was fairly close. Maybe I'm more around 5% body fat.

Dude, you're 8%+ bodyfat. Easy. No offence, but you don't even have a visible 6-pack. Calipers are not even close to being an accurate measurement.

Something like this is like 4-5% bf..

http://www.nuclearnutrition.com/gfx/2001 olympia pics/ronnie 2.jpg

Sorry to troll, I just get wound up easily by stuff like this ;P
Actually, calipers are one of the most accurate methods of monitoring bf%. The inaccurate part is the formulas used to calculate the actual number. Besides the bf% is just a number, it means nothing - as fat distribution is vastly different from person to person (and gender). You use calipers to monitor changes in bodyfat, i.e. if the sum of 7 sites goes down from week to week even with little change in bodyweight - you are on the right track.
i wouldnt worry about the fat pad too much. I think it actually builds base girth. lemme explain

When you gain length, at least when i did, the skin at the base moves up and onto the shaft. Thats why a lot of us have hair growing up the base of our shafts. This "new" skin on the shaft appears to me to have a small layer of fat underneath it. When im completely erect, the upper parts of my shaft are rock hard, the base is squishy layer around it.

anyone experience the same effect?
Originally posted by anon23
Dude, you're 8%+ bodyfat. Easy. No offence, but you don't even have a visible 6-pack. Calipers are not even close to being an accurate measurement.

Something like this is like 4-5% bf..

http://www.nuclearnutrition.com/gfx/2001 olympia pics/ronnie 2.jpg

Sorry to troll, I just get wound up easily by stuff like this ;P

The flash killed my definition in that picture. It really filled in the shadows. I have a very visible six pack, trust me. Look at the pic in the Picture proof section that I have, it shows it clearly and I'm not even tensing it up.

Or you can click here: Spektrum's Progress

Look at the way bottom picture.
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I agree with you spektrum, the flash is awful at close range. I recently sent Bib some pics trying to desperately get the settings right for his hanger. The color of my glans was as purple or maybe a little more so than the border on this site. He humiliated me in the hangers forum saying that there was almost NO color change and argued that my settings were not what I claimed again the flash blurred the image.
Didn't mean to get off in left field just saying that flash changes images terribly bad at close range.
Originally posted by Spektrum
The flash killed my definition in that picture. It really filled in the shadows. I have a very visible six pack, trust me. Look at the pic in the Picture proof section that I have, it shows it clearly and I'm not even tensing it up.

Or you can click here: Spektrum's Progress

Look at the way bottom picture.

8% :)
For you skinny guys out there, what is the difference between your BP and NBP?? and how much bodyfat do you have (estimate)??
Ive gained alot of weight in the last little while and fat pad is about 1", id really like to get that down to 1/2" by cutting up.. do you think thats possible?
whats the thinnest you can get your fat pad?
Everything is possible. The fat pad can easily be removed/reduced with 20:4 diet and exercise (also reduction of carbohydrates). When you have a thin fat pad, you will not care about NBP measurements, they are not even accurate. The only type of measurements that are accurate are Bone Pressed Measurments.

You can't estimate your body fat. You need a device like, InBody270 in order to get a true value for your Body Fat Mass. You can't see the fat inside your body, butvthis machine will.
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