DLD Triangle Pyramid Hanging

Not yet my brother has this routine is rather new. We will have a video in our next video shoot. What part of this are you having a problem with understanding?
I thought it was a technique , but after rereading it, I see it's a routine.(please correct me if I am wrong, thank you)
You can check my thread for an example of bundling. I incorporate bundled hanging in my routine. Just click on the link in my sig, and check the last couple pages.

Blessings. ....
I thought it was a technique , but after rereading it, I see it's a routine.(please correct me if I am wrong, thank you)
It’s a solid length workout but it does not include girth work. You will have to incorporate something in there like for 5×5×3 in SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory, which I think is the best girth work out.
DLD Triangle Pyramid Hanging
As with all routines start with 5 minutes of Bundled Stretches to prestretch the Tunica. 20 pounds is an arbitrary number which can be replaced by 10 pounds or 5 pounds depending on your experience. So using the reps at below adjust those numbers to lower numbers for beginners use. Also for time sake’s if eight sets are too much you can reduce the sets by reducing the time to 15 minutes per set or eliminate a set or two.

30 Minute Sets
Set one: 5 pounds
Set two: 10 pounds
Set three: 15 pounds
Set four: 20 pound
Set five: 15 pounds
Set six: 10 pounds
Set seven: 5 pounds
Set eight : 2 pounds

By the time you hit full fatigue at set 4 from there you’ll start to reverse the process going lighter with each set to ride the fatigue even longer! So first we increase weight taking full advantage of the increased fatigue by increasing weight and then riding the fatigue to the lightest set.

After you are finished put your SiliStretcher back on and where in a moderate to light setting for the remainder of the day.

Equipment list:

hey dld I think I’ll try this, can you help me implement it into the manual routine you made for me, also can you help with implementing clamping into the routine as I only have an hour window for all of this
hey dld I think I’ll try this, can you help me implement it into the manual routine you made for me, also can you help with implementing clamping into the routine as I only have an hour window for all of this

This will take the place of all of your stretching aside from bundle stretches and erect stretches. I have never used a clamp so I do not have specific advice on that. But you could ask Red who has a lot of experience. In my opinion you should continue on with the SlowSquashJelq. Only thing that makes the SSJ better is using a pump in conjunction following the SRT 5×5×3
what angles are you mostly hanging with the pyramid hanging? straight down standing up? or elevated legs BTL?
Straight down I think is the most effective way to hang.
are you standing?

I’m very lazy so I sat the whole time. If you’re going to set you need to make sure that your entire pelvic bone is over the end of the chair so your penis is not being held back. What standing is what most people do
Is it possible to hang or an hour straight?
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