DLD newbie routine results

What length have you reached thus far?

me? 4 inches length, 2 inches girth. Took me 15 years. Made my first 2 inch gain in six months and during that time I also put on 1/2 of an inch of girth.
What do you mean you worked three times a day?

He means that whatever exercises he did, he repeated the routine, exactly two or three times daily.

Imagine he did 1 hr jelqs, well repeat that 3 times per day. If he bundled stretched 30 min, then repeat that 3 times, and so on and so forth...

And what about the rest period?

You don't need to take long breaks, when you are not extending, your penis tries to turtle back, and that's when your penis is healing.

(You want to heal in extended state in order to gain permanent size, due to collagen fibers reorganization, hyperplasia and so on...)

He stated once, "If I took 1 day off it will be days/weeks or even longer times without me exercising/working out (P.E)"

So that's pretty much why he trained every day, "without" rests.

The more the better

Whoever says that less time under tension is more, is wrong. You can't do P.E and expect to make decent gains with 4 hours per day, and take 1/2 days off, combined with maybe 1 exercise. "All your work" will be for nothing.

Many people think that if they commit for 1 year and make 1 inch(?), is permanent, wrong. Before you take breaks, you have to cement your progress first.

  • Why do think people wear ADS, anti turtling sleeves while sleeping? Because you heal when you are not extending.

I am not taking the BS that say in other forums that if you extend today for 12h, tomorrow you have to extend for 10h because of conditioning.

That's not how stretching works. Collagen fibers doesn't understand: "Oh yesterday I was stretched and re organized for 12h, tomorrow I'll need less hours"

or this one:
"Once you hit 1.75 inches you can't make more gains" (cwl) (cwl) (cwl) (like)


Everyone has to admit that @DLD is the only one that has demonstrated commitment for over 20+ years, and his exercises/methods works.

For instance, SRT, how many people made gains/are making gains using that routine? The more you do the better outcome will result

See my point?
What do you mean you worked three times a day? And what about the rest period

i’ve never rested, my entire program was seven days on no days off. And what I mean by doing the newbie routine three times is I did the newbie routine three times every day. After some time I added in the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging and PowerAssist and eventually pumping and ads. I was very hard core and I wanted what I wanted when I wanted it. And what I wanted was to gain as quickly as possible. I threw all caution to the wind and became a living guinea pig for the PE movement
2 inches in a year and a few months on the newbie routine..just now starting into bundles, expressive and ssj..twice a day for me on the noob. Length in the morning, girth in the evening..
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2 inches in a year and a few months on the newbie routine..just now starting into bundles, expressive and ssj..twice a day for me on the noob. Length in the morning, girth in the evening..

The newbie routine is the best workout without equipment. I’m so proud of you for putting on so much size so quickly and I look forward to you adding to that, inspiring and motivating us to reach for more.
The newbie routine is the best workout without equipment. I’m so proud of you for putting on so much size so quickly and I look forward to you adding to that, inspiring and motivating us to reach for more.

Thank you! It was really insane going from...Man...I don't see crap happening here..to..OMG..a half inch? Real motivation right there..My advise?? Even if you don't see much early on. Keep pulling! It WILL come.. That first 3 months, I was so new, I was just learning the very basics. Simple pulls, basic jelqs. It was a good way to get the mind body connect. Once I got into the noobie routine hardcore, the length came fast.
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What length have you reached thus far?
Now i am 16 cm in girth and 22 cm in length. This means 6.3 girth and 8.7 in BPEL. Now im just trying to lose weight so my NBEL will show up greater and doing PE just for health benefits. 1 big THANK YOU to the community and DLD
Thank you! It was really insane going from...Man...I don't see crap happening here..to..OMG..a half inch? Real motivation right there..My advise?? Even if you don't see much early on. Keep pulling! It WILL come.. That first 3 months, I was so new, I was just learning the very basics. Simple pulls, basic jelqs. It was a good way to get the mind body connect. Once I got into the noobie routine hardcore, the length came fast.

Every time that I get myself In a plateau I go back to basics and I actually reset everything and usually come out with a gain. I write extremely intense routines for brothers and even in these cases when they reach a plateau I always say back to basics to reset everything before starting a new journey.
I've been using it for the last month (and now with a bit of modification) and gained 1/4 inch in both lenght and girth ! Not much but I think it's a great gain for one month of PE !
Bro can you tell me what you modified
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