8InchMIKE said:
Dld dude, ma brotha, it's incredible the way things are turning out as since the very begining i was puzzled, to say the least, about this fucked up feud betwin you and �other PE site�. When i found MOS i found �other PE site�. I wondered there for 2 or 3 days and i posted. Man was that a mistake ! I just posted on the spanish forum cause they were all crazy and shit about those insane cock brothas and how it wasn't fake and shit... Man, being the upholder of the truth i just lost my cherry there and made my first post with my own opinion on how those were fake, i provided proof and was imediately put on HOLD status and got flamed like you wouldn't believe. Especialy by this paybol guy. Well i just left there, and i will NOT GO THERE AGAIN. Somehow i feel at home here, you are MIKE and i am MIKE, you love physics, i love physics, you love string and M-theory and all things related as do i so needless to say there is a lot in comon. Beside Interest in bettering ourselves that is.

Mike, I feel you, the commiserable exclusivity of their forum leaves me at a loss. Penis Enlargement is such a delicate practice with such a critical outside view that any animosity will destroy an onlookers hopes. If a lurker views an unstable community the chances of them starting this practice become very slim. I invite debate, even criticism (including myself) this is healthy and necessary apparatus to establish what we do as a proven science. If a forum ignores this important component the hopefuls will never realize their dreams. The quick, unfounded banning of a inquisitive member sets the stage for doubt on many levels. I do realize that there is a point that an asshole needs to be eliminated but this is when his obvious intentions are malicious. This is such a rarity at MOS and even the members that have been banned are usually AKA's of the original member. Fact has never been established without debate.

I have read Jokeisineffect's thread about you and i damn near hated reading it, it casted soubt and shadows in my mind but could see through it and came to my own conclusions about it. I dismissed it as another bach-dld thread on �other forum�, which i might add has a very cool forum with lots of good stuff but is borderline nazim in many ways, shapes and forms. It is very cool to see OLD SCHOOL MOS dudes coming back and realizing what is what and who is who. I am very happy about that.

Without sounding egocentric (and I am not, I lack confidence in a big way), I am the main figurehead in natural penis enlargement. I was the one who was willing to make my name, personality and image public. My advancements in Penis Enlargement came second to my willingness to stand up for a long discredited practice. This position, which some would think is idealistic, is most of the time a constant battle for integrity and validity. Haters, what are they? This is sometime elusive but if people really focus on my record they will see that people who have initially rejected and tried to destroy my image ultimately come back to my forums. It has happened with too many to count. My accomplishments do appear, at first glance, to be incredible, unbelievable, dishonest but on hindsight these same people realize I am what I am. My past, my prodigious claims, etc. do seem outlandish but eventually men realize that maybe I am what I say. The alternative, sadly, is a dictatorship. [�other PE site�]

All things aside, thanks again man i'm in debt to you and to all this MOS comunity that helps me go through life with hope and a smile on my face everyday, every post and thread. Made good pals here so far and would like to increase this number even more.

I trust you my friend, i don't doubt you and it is not my place to do so anyway.

Keep on going strong and you shall prevail ( SP? ) in all things you set your mind to do.

You have my full support as you already know and i'm here for whatever is needed.

Peace Brotha


Thank you for that, it feels so good.

People really need to ask themselves this question, what are my motives? Money? Well JKINEFFECT, JAZ, STILLWANTMORE, NICO, GQ and many others can confirm that I am very poor. I live in the ghetto, I have very little. Perhaps it is my ego? But, who the fuck could have an ego when they had the life I had. Filled with failures and abandonment? With a close inspection of who I am, something available to anyone with an internet connection, a google search will give anyone a full description of exactly who I am...there is nothing hidden, no surprises. I ask you, who the fuck is Thunder?

bigjim7 said:
Yeah big thanks from me too DLD, to express ones self honestly and freely with out fear of rebuke and without bias is a very hard thing to do. Here I can do this and it is you that has created this enviroment and that is something that you should be very proud of. I joined your paysite a few months ago and it has been the best 50 dollars I have ever spent. I have found like minded people that I can discuss things that i couldn't even dream of doing with my circle of friends. Keep up the good work and I am sure that together we will all make huge strides forward.

Peace my MOS brothers

This is exactly the environment I knew would be necessary, not only for member comfort but for a symposium of intelligence, advancements, ideas and freedom. I am so proud to say that we have a membership among greatness. True pioneers of Penis Enlargement. Stillwantmore and his contribution to Penis Enlargement, unmatched by most. Redzulu, the inventor of clamping a new and growing branch of Penis Enlargement. German Stallion, the single most influential man in the correction of Peyronies and this list goes on. MOS is like a cradle of cosmic stars.

j123 said:
DLD is a legend, i just hope i grow more LMAO

In my own mind:) The only thing I am legendary for is the record visits to the 5th floor.:D

THANKS for understanding , i will say this again , i did not know pokey or btc at the time we met , and i did not come over to start shit , you met me, i consider myself one boring ass motherfucker , but thats just me

thanks for the name change , and when AB is finally dropped , i will make you proud , I have had so much guilt about the whole thing , alright man thanks for understanding , and im not playing with a full deck of cards either:D

THANKS for understanding , i will say this again , i did not know pokey or btc at the time we met , and i did not come over to start shit

umm, why would I be in the same sentence with an MOS unsupporter, slanderer?

A friend of MOS is a friend of mine! Please clarify. And hell yes DLD, you've given me advice and motivation on so many different levels, and I thank you!

well for some reoson , in my fucked up head , i think that dld MIGHT think that i talked all this shit , when in fact i didn't , just to start or support a new forum

i searched my user name on here and dld mentions , that i caused drama cause i was starting a new pe forum ?:( ive met both of you and i love both of you . for the record i dont own any pe products or forums

AND i did not go over to dld's house to start shit , btc sorry for mentioning your name , dld got me into Penis Enlargement and btc got me into hanging , and i love you both for that:) :)

its hard to believe im over 6 inches erect , i feel massive compared to what i was . im off to hang a set .... i support both forums :)
The BTC Killer said:
A friend of MOS is a friend of mine!

For me it's more like, A Friend With Weed Is A Friend Indeed:D
doublelongdaddy said:
For me it's more like, A Friend With Weed Is A Friend Indeed:D

lol .... i was driving home last night and heard the song detchable penis , off topic but that song fucken rules LMAO
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