CuriousMate;660850 said:
Googled and found a few threads on this topic, not much in the way of solutions, though the cause is obvious. I'm Jelqing now from 20 to 40 minutes a day, split into two. Also using my X30 for about an hour, split up with a break each night. I break from everything on Sunday's. Also use the PF as much as I can but not in the last couple days.

So because I replaced the valve on my X30 I'm able to get that much more pressure within as well, so I'm really at my max. So again, it's obvious why this is happening.

This happened before within the last couple months and I just popped em, let em heal, and then back to normal. But it was this similar routine then as well that cause these blisters to appear at the base of my penis.

Anyway, there's the update with my routine and the main issue I'm having at the moment. So what do y'all think, anyway to make them go away quicker and or avoid them to begin with? As always thanks in advance!

How long are you staying in the BathMate for?
CuriousMate;661275 said:
The max I'd say about an hour split up, the minimum about forty minutes, again split up. And this is after using the PF during the day, it's been around 6 to 8 hours a day, and Jelqing for about fifty minutes now

The issue may be coming from over pumping, 40 minutes can cause not only blisters but discoloration. I suggest you practice the SRT BathMate routine, this will more than likely solve the problem. I think the Phallosan is just a coincidence as far as the blister is concerned.
ChilDsh;661429 said:
Yeah DLD is right,40 min of pumping is a lot....5x5x3 is the best program for pumping,go for it.

It is a big reason we started the 5x5x3 because it reduces all risks of over pumping but it also brings so much faster gains using SRT's 5x5x3. Sometimes in PE it is a case of less is more in pumping this was never so true. SRT was created to give men the fastest methods of gaining size and it is so important for every Brother here to read through the entire SRT thread...the knowledge is priceless and will correct anyones workout that is not gainful.
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CuriousMate;662130 said:
And yes DLD and @ChilDsh – It’s time I really look into, at the very frickin least, adopt the 5x5x3 realizing that yes, sometimes less is sooooo much more!

Everyone gets there eventually:)
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CuriousMate;662650 said:
Okay DLD, great stuff, though a few questions as always! First, as I type this, I'm in the tub with my X30 on, having attempted and stopped with the SSJ 553 routine. I did a good amount of research on it but surprisingly there aren't that many videos on how to SSJ. Tried to access the SSJ on the MOS pro section but it didn't take my forum UN N PW... Although I did buy the X30 through the official site and a Pro membership was included, I just never received any info.

So first can a moderator PM me and let me know how to get onto the pro page? Second, if I understand the SSJ correctly... You get as hard as possible, go an inch up from the base of the shaft and clamp with your one hand. With the other one, you push down and or bend the rest of the shaft for a certain amount of time... If I have it correct?!

Thirdly, to do this with the BM obviously you have to be in the tub, and maybe it's just me and lets be honest, it probably is knowing my luck, but I have a hard time getting that hard in the tub. So I suppose the way to do the 553 routine is to get in and out of the tub? (And you guys thought I was kidding when I talked about hand holding, or, well, you probably knew I was serious!:)

SlowSquashJelq Video on Pro Site
SlowSquashVideo on YouTube

With the BathMate what I do is get some sexy �naked people movies� going and that keeps me up for the workout. I usually train in front of my computer with a bucket below me to catch the water. You could always sit on the side of the tub and let your phone or computer play in the background when you do your session.
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CuriousMate;662981 said:
Hey, yes I'm trying to get setup with the MOS Pro as we speak. And yeah the bucket idea may be best as I have a hard time getting and staying hard in bath water, even warm and especially hot.

Also, just so I have the technique down before I get to the video, starting as hard as you can get, you clamp your shaft about an inch up from the base with one hand, and with the other you push down or bend \ twist \ turn the shaft around for five minutes?

I would go as deep into the base as possible with the lower hand and the other hand simply uses an OK grip just below the head. From here you can push down or bend \ twist \ turn at will. I particularly believe the accordion compression is the best to use with the SSJ.
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CuriousMate;663764 said:
Great @DLD, I'll have to attempt to follow what you suggested and not hurt myself! Still hoping to get the information from the MOS mods about my pro account so I can watch more of the videos.

Just PM'd it to you:)
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CuriousMate;663984 said:
@DLD - Thanks man, already know those videos will be a big help! Tell me this though, how vital is it to stay one hundred percent hard?

In what respect?
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EQ should start at 100% but the penis will drop to about 90% as you start to exercise. You want to be at least 80% erect but no more than 95%. If you are too erect compression and manipulation become difficult. Below 80% you will not have enough blood in the penis to cause good expansion.
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