Citizen I think those are some awesome insights, and the fact that you say english is not your mothertongue makes that even more impressive. Much of what you say seems to make a lot of sense.
doublelongdaddy said:
Actually, the statement makes very much sense on many levels whether it were me or another, fellow, CONTRIBUTING man. Not only on this level but lets look at MY history in Penis Enlargement:

INVENTS the Power Assist.
INVENTS over two hundred penis enlargement exercises.
CREATES the world's ONLY DVD on Penis Enlargement.
FOUNDER of Matters of Size.
CREATES the Reverse Kegel which changed stretching FOREVER
Too Much to type

First lets return to the statement in question:
"one of the founders of Penis Enlargement"

Now, I'm assuming the word in question is: FOUNDER

Lets check out the definition of this word:

Main Entry: found·er
Function: noun
: one that founds or establishes: as a : one that establishes a foundation b : FOUNDING FATHER

Have I lost you? If so return to top and read again.:)

Power assist i'll give you.
More like 20 exercises in the paysite just different angles.
I'll give ya the dvd even if it ain't that great.
Matters of size is a fun forum but seems like it's going down.
As for reverse kegel you didn't invent that you were just first person to write about it.
jkisineffect said:
Power assist i'll give you.
More like 20 exercises in the paysite just different angles.
I'll give ya the dvd even if it ain't that great.
Matters of size is a fun forum but seems like it's going down.
As for reverse kegel you didn't invent that you were just first person to write about it.

Why are you even here ? to debate everything and anything about dld. are you capable of anything positive? you are a broken record :zzboner: :banghead:
I say positive things all the time look through my recent post. I have many positive things to say about the site but I dunno me and DLD don't get along like we used to.
jkisineffect said:
I say positive things all the time look through my recent post. I have many positive things to say about the site but I dunno me and DLD don't get along like we used to.

whats your agenda buddy? whats your issue with double ld?
double ld? No agenda get of my back pepe your really not as smart as you think.
jkisineffect said:
double ld? No agenda get of my back pepe your really not as smart as you think.

:blahblah: on your back lol . you mean your all over double ld's cock. oh and i forgot more then you'll ever know.
lol your an idiot man anytime anybody makes a post against dld you post there pretending to know everything about double ld? even though you've created a nickname that makes him sound gay.
jkisineffect said:
lol your an idiot man anytime anybody makes a post against dld you post there pretending to know everything about double ld? even though you've created a nickname that makes him sound gay.

what do i pretend to know ? you look like a fool challenging the man since you are posting on HIS site. you know what sounds gay is you saying you dont get along with double ld like you used to lol.

I'm so proud of you! You have done so much for so many people! Selflessness Mike! You are a real man. I enjoyed reading the interview very much! You are the same Mike I spoke to a few times!

I'm thinking about you and your successes, Mike your extremely smart, I know this by your words. Keep up the progress, you are making an impact on how America sees a males sexuality. It all makes sense!

Much Love Brother!
jkisineffect said:
Power assist i'll give you.
More like 20 exercises in the paysite just different angles.
I'll give ya the dvd even if it ain't that great.
Matters of size is a fun forum but seems like it's going down.
As for reverse kegel you didn't invent that you were just first person to write about it.

Dude he never said he invented the reverse kegek, he created it for Penis Enlargement use, and better stretches man.

If you and DLD don't get along like you did at one time, then I'm sorry for that. DLD means well, he just goes through some issues from time to time.
I must say this conversation was quite attainable to understanding the purpose of Pe and deriving are current Ballance of life(ying/yang) into a more fullfeeling of awareness and a better balance. I think this is what Pe does for us not just as humans, but as souls. Pe helps us find balance in ourselves, but it can also blinds us if we dont change certain thinking patterns.

Im suprised DLD relinguished on the comments of the fellow that laughed about DLD being a "Founder". Despite the fact he isnt the "original founder" he as done more for Pe than ANYONE. This fact is beyond subjected thinking or thinking I am biased towards this. The fact is, he has created over 200 exercises, he created MOS which is more successful than in forum in existence. He created the powerassist and the famous DLD Blasters and alot of the 100percent errection exercises, that is the practice of 110 engoragement to break up tissue to encourage growth. More than importantly he has applied the mind/body connection to Pe, who has ever done that in this so called art. He has helped thousands of me who suffered from having small penises into man that have more confidence and more in there pants. He has diffently inspired me, if it wasnt for him i dont think i would have ever gained anything.

Pe is fairly new isnt it. Im not talking about jelqing or hanging. What i mean is Manuel stretching is fairly new as far as we currently know. Maybe manuel stretching was taught in some tribe along time and kept secret. But even if it was taught, it probably didnt have as many exercises as what it has now, thanks to DLD. It probably wasnt as advanced and as successful. The arabs supposedly taught there sons how to jelq and some of the african tribes hang. But DLD nevertheless, has revolutionized Pe, especially Manuel stretching. And he is still revolutionizing Penis Enlargement and it is a matter of looking at what all he has done to see that he has done more for Pe than anyone.

Hopefully my point has been takin into more deeper understanding.
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jkisineffect said:
pepepe get a life seriously stop responding to my post.

how can i stop responding to your posts when you are talking to me ?:( lol.
you' re not very bright in more than one aspect. isn' t it bed time for you ?
crazyed27 said:

I'm so proud of you! You have done so much for so many people! Selflessness Mike! You are a real man. I enjoyed reading the interview very much! You are the same Mike I spoke to a few times!

I'm thinking about you and your successes, Mike your extremely smart, I know this by your words. Keep up the progress, you are making an impact on how America sees a males sexuality. It all makes sense!

Much Love Brother!

:) Thanks Ed, you know how much love I got for you.
pepepe said:
how can i stop responding to your posts when you are talking to me ?:( lol.
you' re not very bright in more than one aspect. isn' t it bed time for you ?
isn't it time for you to get back to mowing my lawn? That's about all your intelligence qualifies you to do retard. This is between me and dld not you so ed eh? They say that's a popular name for mentally challenged people.
jkisineffect said:
isn't it time for you to get back to mowing my lawn? That's about all your intelligence qualifies you to do retard. This is between me and dld not you so ed eh? They say that's a popular name for mentally challenged people.

they say you shouldn't argue with an idiot, that applies here. i hope your really not 83. some people never grow up and will always remain jealous. (of dld) :banghead: :banghead: :hammering :hammering
lol not 83 troll your the one who wants to argue so just grow up and fuck off.
jkisineffect said:
lol not 83 troll your the one who wants to argue so just grow up and fuck off.

hey dummy, and i do mean dummy your age says 83 in your profile. now beat it. :grab:
stop posting jesus christ I don't wanna talk to you your like my idiot cousin who wants to win every argument so instead of thinking out logical intelligent arguments he just keeps talking and i'm actually in my 30's I just didn't feel like putting the right age. pepepe just mow my lawn and stay out of my face and we won't have a problem cause your trying so hard to start a flame war and I know how much you'd love that but I wouldn't so just go away and learn to argue a lil better. Kapish?
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