SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender is the way to go, it is a great ADS and easy to use and wear. We also get a massive discount on them, you can order it through my link in my signature for 60% off.
is there anyone who gained using only the extender? i wanna hear real reports, not just the ads they have on the website lol
savageblue;401249 said:
I am not trying to pick on you, so don't take this the wrong way, but I find it hard to believe that you cannot find 30 minutes to spare in your daily schedulle.
Try and make a thorough analysis of how you spend your time throughout the day and maybe you will find somewhere you can manage your time more efficiently.
If, indeed, you have all of your minutes count to the second, then maybe you could get up 30 minutes earlier, or go to bed 30 minutes later, and there you'd have enough time to fit in a routine.
Sometimes, finding free time to do something is just a matter of option and commitment.

Just my two cents.


Most people dont realize that a college student always has more school work to do.
If there is not a paper to do, then there is reading you could be doing... Really There is not such thing as "free time". And using that time to yank on your dick for an hour when you could be studying for that quiz seems sili.

Unless you can strap something on your dick and study while you streach.

.... Get the fast size. There is only so much research you can do, and it seems to me the only concealable ADS that you could wear while sitting down. I tried a padlock for awhile. But that only works if your standing or walking.
zenjamin;405957 said:
Most people dont realize that a college student always has more school work to do.
If there is not a paper to do, then there is reading you could be doing... Really There is not such thing as "free time". And using that time to yank on your dick for an hour when you could be studying for that quiz seems sili.

Unless you can strap something on your dick and study while you streach.

.... Get the fast size. There is only so much research you can do, and it seems to me the only concealable ADS that you could wear while sitting down. I tried a padlock for awhile. But that only works if your standing or walking.

I don't mean to be bragging here, but I actually do have a university degree, so I know what college life is like.
Yes, there is plenty of work to do, assignments, tests, reports, etc., etc.
But unless all you do throughout the day is attending class, studying, spending time on your way to and from college, sleeping and answering all of nature's needs - and I mean having all 24 hours of your day filled with those things - unless you have that kind of hustle, you CAN find free time.
Don't you go out with friends, don't you socialize, don't you hang out?

I've been getting great results by spending only 30 minutes of my daily time on Penis Enlargement.
If dmoney really has no chance of finding a 30 minute gap in his schedulle, after couting in only the unavoidable stuff, then I trully have no suggestions or advice I can give him.
But most of the times, it all comes down to making choices and finding the best way to make your time more productive.
Well congratulations. Some people procrastinate more then others.
Or perhaps he has his own other personal reason for wanting an ADS.

Point is, the guy came into a board that is in the "Penis Enlargement with Devices" and "SizeGenetics Penis Extender ADS Forum" sections.
His thread is entitled "Concealable ADS".

It is clear what he is asking and what sort of conversations are meant to be here.
Ya. Allot of guys perfer this or that routiene. But this is not the place for that.

Coming into this ADS thread and insisting that he sould be doing something else and judging him for how he spends his time is clearly thread hijacking. And could even eventually move into the zone of unintentional trolling.

If you want to send him a PM about this or that routine, great. If you want to make a note about what he actually talked about, but saying at the end something like "Just so you know, the best gains really do come with a manual routiene. You should look at the Routines and Progress" board", great.

But lets all give this guy the respect he deserves and not automatically assume that every one knows how he should be spending his personal time better then he does.
zenjamin;405973 said:
Point is, the guy came into a board that is in the "Penis Enlargement with Devices" and "SizeGenetics Penis Extender ADS Forum" sections.
His thread is entitled "Concealable ADS".

Damn! I didn't even bother to look at the name of the section. ?:(
In that case, you are absolutely right, and I withdraw all of my comments about the manual routines.
I do, however, maintain all my comments about time management, although I realize they are off the point for this thread.

So, my bad, and my apologies for not reading everything clearly before speaking my mind. :)

That being said, I'm affraid I can't really be of any assitance, since don't use any kind of device in my Penis Enlargement.
So, thus endeth the discussion on my part. :)

Peace and growth ;)
I do think, answer the question, the concealable ADS device would the be SizeGenetics device. With all the tight fit jeans that men are wearing and most designer companies are hedgeing towards, it looks like you could be packing or are concealing some weird mechanical device in your pants. Instead of the comfort strip that comes with the device, try the velcro strap while still using the ACE bandage wrap that is shown in the sticky tutorial within this subsection. The remaining portion of the comfort strip can be annoying and the velcro allows for some nice support and concealment. I use a wool sock over the whole device to prevent any hard edges from the rods, the noose mechanism that holds your glans etc, from showing through, plus it helps keep your package warm and makes you look like you have a lot of things in your pockets. Try to get a pair of pants a size bigger than you fit, that way when you cynch up your belt, you will naturally have room in your crotch area. I found this out once I started loosing weight and that's why nobody can tell that I'm wearing the device.
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