Complete beginner, any help will be highly appreciated

There is no better deal than the SRT package. It saves you so much money than if you bought separately and you get EVERYTHING.

Yeah after looking through the shop multiple times I figured out it’s the best deal. Will buy it as soon as I can. Thanks for all the help.
If I would redo my investments at MoS Shop I would definitely get the S.R.T. package. Such an amazing deal. The best equipment for PE in one package.
Yeah I have decided to go with the SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory package, I just need to save enough money. Should I get the version with or without the weights? Do people use the weights a lot and is it an effective method? My concern is that even though I have known about jelqing and stretches for years now, I have never actually attempted them with my hands so I am wondering if jumping straight into using the devices would be safe? Also would there even be a point in doing hand stretches if I have the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging? Another question I have is if I make gains in flaccid length by doing the stretches would those gains also apply to erect size or are there different methods/techniques for increasing erect length specifically?
Yeah I have decided to go with the SRT package, I just need to save enough money. Should I get the version with or without the weights? Do people use the weights a lot and is it an effective method? My concern is that even though I have known about jelqing and stretches for years now, I have never actually attempted them with my hands so I am wondering if jumping straight into using the devices would be safe? Also would there even be a point in doing hand stretches if I have the Lengthmaster? Another question I have is if I make gains in flaccid length by doing the stretches would those gains also apply to erect size or are there different methods/techniques for increasing erect length specifically?

I never did PE withy bare hands. Get the LengthMaster if you need length gains. If you want to go full time commando with length work, buy both the LengthMaster and Silistrecher. If you like hanging, you can buy the weight plates. Flaccid gains will in time transform to erect gains.
I never did PE withy bare hands. Get the LengthMaster if you need length gains. If you want to go full time commando with length work, buy both the LengthMaster and Silistrecher. If you like hanging, you can buy the weight plates. Flaccid gains will in time transform to erect gains.
This is the fastersr way
1. Should I be using any devices when I am just beginning (and if so which ones) or is it a better idea to just stick with manual stretches? After how many weeks/months of manual stretching should I consider buying a device? Are sleeves a must even for a beginner?

Best routine to start with is SRT. there is a link in the stickys in main forum. Equipment includes the Lengthmaster, Mityvac and SiliStretcher. These all work together to give you the fastest gains.

2.What are the best and most effective exercises for beginners and how many sets/reps do you have to do them?

Check out SRT it explains everything very clearly and there are corresponding video for all exercises. Simply go to main forum and click on sticky on video instructions

3. What’s the total amount of time that I should be doing these exercises in a day?

SRT takes about an hour to complete. More if you want to add

4. How many days in a week should I do PE? Do people take rest days? When going to the gym, rest days are essential to making progress so I am wondering if the same concept also applies to PE?

I always went 7 days a week but it is ok to go 5 on 2 off if it is too much. Remember the more you train the faster you will gain.

5. I am uncircumcised so I am wondering if that will be a negative or positive thing when it comes to enlargement? Or does it not matter?

It makes no difference

6. In the future when I have understood the basics and have done the manual stretches for some time, I am going to get devices as well, so I would like to know which device is the best for length and which device is the best for girth?

With no budget you ideally want the Lengthmaster, a must! The Mityvac a must and the SiliStretcher is incredible with cementing length. Lastly the MOSRED if you are concerned with good warm ups and downs plus staving away discoloration.

7. I am not 100% sure but I think I have Peyronie’s (bends to the left and up). How can I cure it and should I attempt the manual stretches or devices before fixing it? Or are the manual stretches and devices the cure?

Doing erect bends against the curve plus wearing the SiliStretcher will correct a bend.

I would highly appreciate everyone who will answer any of these questions and guide me through my journey. I am 18 and my dream size is 9x7. Do you think it’s possible for me to achieve it in a few years when I am 21-23? I am currently 5.5 inches erect length (maybe 6 if I didn’t have Peyronie’s) and I am not too sure about my girth but I would say it’s about 5 inches erect

You are starting about where I was. I increased by 2 inches in length and one half inch in girth in first 6 months. Today, thanks to SRT I am over 11 inches in length and 7 inches in girth.

View attachment 1833396View attachment 1833396
Have you heard of the wrecking ball?
Have you heard of the wrecking ball?
Not sure. The band? The one that swings from a crain?
Get the lengthmaster and MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System as your first priority. Have just decided myself on buying the lengthmaster this month and got a MityVac on the way.

The lengthmaster will save you so much time compared to doing just regular,hand-held, stretches and the pump is a must for both length and girth, though needs to be combined with SSJ(slow squash jelqs).

And yes, DLD most definitely, now, after hard work possesses a weapon of mass destruction. But let’s be very glad he possesses it as it’s pure inspiration coming from the leader himself.

Anyway I have tried extenders, hanging, manual stretches and jelqs though I now firmly believe that the Lengthmaster and a good pump, as in the MityVac, is all you need. Just my two cents on the subject.
Get the lengthmaster and MityVac as your first priority. Have just decided myself on buying the lengthmaster this month and got a MityVac on the way.

The lengthmaster will save you so much time compared to doing just regular,hand-held, stretches and the pump is a must for both length and girth, though needs to be combined with SSJ(slow squash jelqs).

And yes, DLD most definitely, now, after hard work possesses a weapon of mass destruction. But let’s be very glad he possesses it as it’s pure inspiration coming from the leader himself.

Anyway I have tried extenders, hanging, manual stretches and jelqs though I now firmly believe that the Lengthmaster and a good pump, as in the MityVac, is all you need. Just my two cents on the subject.
2 of the best products for major growth
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