
Dec 27, 2003
Hello, to all christain
I had an Idea to start a thread where we could all descuse questions,ansewers and, our walk with God and help eachother out and maybe even make some friends. While if there is anyone that wants to join me and fellowship with me please join even if your not a christain or relgious person.

thank u for reading this and may God bless u.

Forgiven :bouncesqu
forgiven said:
Hello, to all christain
I had an Idea to start a thread where we could all descuse questions,ansewers and, our walk with God and help eachother out and maybe even make some friends. While if there is anyone that wants to join me and fellowship with me please join even if your not a christain or relgious person.

thank u for reading this and may God bless u.

Forgiven :bouncesqu
Hi Forgiven, Be glad to join with you on some discussion and fellowship. Have a lot of history in Penis Enlargement. Been a Christian for a long time. Hope to encourage anyone who wants to talk about the things of the Lord. GS
I just cant figure out if this is spiritualy right with God. I look at �naked people movies�, not for lust, for turn on for girth work. Is that wrong?
Supra said:
I just cant figure out if this is spiritualy right with God. I look at �naked people movies�, not for lust, for turn on for girth work. Is that wrong?
�naked people movies� is what I consider one of my biggest weaknesses (one sin is just as bad as another to Him, though). I do believe it is wrong, however, for no other reason than it encourages others to fall by perpetuating the industry. I also find it near impossible to view it and not imagine myself as the man engaged in a sex act with the woman. I don't parse any difference between getting turned on for girth work, or for sexual release. In either instance, I'm still thinking of having sex with someone not my wife.

Even if there were no written admonitions in the Scripture regarding the subject, if you believe God does not want you to do something, it is a sin for you if you do it. There's a passage in the epistles that spells that out more clearly, but I can't seem to find it at the moment.
I'm in. Great idea.

Supra, what it boils down to is this: if Christ were in the room with you, would you feel ashamed looking at �naked people movies� or would you feel comfortable with it? I've had a big problem with �naked people movies� addiction in th past and I can't even go near the stuff now. I think it is wrong but you have to decide that for yourself.

9cyclops9 said:
I've had a big problem with �naked people movies� addiction in th past and I can't even go near the stuff now.


If you don't mind me asking, how'd you break the cycle, and how do you manage to get and stay erect for girth work?
wants9 said:
If you don't mind me asking, how'd you break the cycle, and how do you manage to get and stay erect for girth work?
That's what I'd like to know.

Oh and BTW, count me in as well!
wants9, I just decided one day to stop. I don't really know how to explain it other than that. Sure I still slip up every once in a while, but I try my hardest not to. Another thing is my girlfriend. She knows I struggled with it in the past, and she expects me to stay accountable to her about �naked people movies�. If I slip up, I tell her. She chews me out, but that's a lot of incentive not to do in as far as I'm concerned. She has also threatened not to marry me if I can't kick the habit haha.

As far as staying erect for girth work, I'm 18, so that probably has something to do with it. Another thing is, I just massage it back to erection in between each exercise. I do about 20-30 minutes of ulis, horse squeezes, dry jelqs, and uli horses and I just wait until it gets erect again before I start the next thing I do. So it may be easier to have some visual stimulation, but I prefer to stay away from that and put in the little extra amount of work it takes to stay erect.

Yeah, I imagine having a woman to answer to on the subject does help. Unfortunately, I'm without one of my own right now. It does really makes me understand the frequency of early marriage up until recently, aside from the lower lifespans.

I might try some generic viagra to help stay erect without visual stimulus. I've almost bought some in the past, but never quite got around to it.
im in.
its so funny how whenever christian guys get around each other the question of masturbation always comes up. for my entire life its the only thing ive gone back and forth on. its the one thing in my christian life that ive struggled with, not swearing, lying, stealing, cheating, and killing is easy to avoid, but we dont have hormones that specifically make us do any of those things.
i definitely consider �naked people movies� or nudity to be wrong to look at, i cant help but think of sex. honestly, i really dont even like it, its probably just my conscience, but part of me just thinks it gross (not that sex is gross or the naked female body is gross, i dont know it gives me a sick feeling to look at it)
nonnude pictures of women is what i usually go at it with, but i still dont know if its wrong. i mean i never think about having sex with the girl i just get arroused by simply looking at her and not trying to see more than whats there is how i do it, its more of an attraction than a fantasy, but i dont know its a tough question man
I think masturbation is ok, but no �naked people movies� or lusting. You should all go and buy this book Wild at Heart. This book will explain all male christain issues and it is really a good personal growth helper. Also u should read Purpose Driven Life, this is the book that changed my life and it is a 40 day proccess that is awesome. check them out!!!
i mean i never think about having sex with the girl i just get arroused by simply looking at her
That is an interesting question. Does anyone have the original Greek/Aramaic of that passage in Matthew I linked to above? Knowing exactly what word(s) were translated as "lust" would probably help figure out if He meant active carnal desire, or also just a physical reaction.

Thanks for the book suggestions, forgiven. I'll be ordering some things from Amazon in a few weeks. I'll make a note to put those in the order.
wants9, 'lust' in the King James version of that verse is the Greek word, epithumeo, word number 1937 in the Strong's Concordance. This is the definition of epithumeo:

to set the heart upon, i.e. long for (rightfully or otherwise)

You can see and search the entire concordance here: http://www.eliyah.com/lexicon.html

Hope that helped some.

forgiven said:
Hello, to all christain
I had an Idea to start a thread where we could all descuse questions,ansewers and, our walk with God and help eachother out and maybe even make some friends. While if there is anyone that wants to join me and fellowship with me please join even if your not a christain or relgious person.

thank u for reading this and may God bless u.

Forgiven :bouncesqu

hi forgiven,

re: fellowship

do you have the program paltalk? its a chat program. many use it now as a way to communicate being we are in that time the bible calls great tribulation, of false christs with signs and wonders. being that God has finished using the churchs like he did with the temples of Jesus's day. a room in the meet new friends section is ebible fellowship. rooms in the christianity section are the bible only, goodmessage.org, and micah the morashite.

Is the Church Dead? DOES GOD LOVE YOU?
corkscrew said:
...being we are in that time the bible calls great tribulation...
Whooo hooooo! A pre/mid/post trib debate! 'Scuse me for a sec while I grab some popcorn and jujubes.

First, it's good to have you on-board with the fellowship.

Secondly, and to throw out the first volley, why do you think we're mid-tribulation when there are still prophecies to come to pass heralding it's beginning, such as the last Temple in Jerusalem, the return of all Israel to it's God-given home (the shores of the Med to the Tigris river), the formulation of a new Roman empire, and the Anti-Christ coming out of that empire?
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